What No One Is Telling You About Our Talks With Iran

May 30th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

iranian sailor coffee

Watching the pundits discuss our historic meeting with Iran, you would have mostly heard despair at the notion that we have no leverage in these talks, and so therefor why would Iran give on anything? Why would they stop waging war against us in iraq if they have nothing to fear? To all the experts in the media, the whole thing seemed like some grand puzzlement. Was it just an attempt to appease the administration’s domestic critics who have been chiding it for not engaging in diplomacy ( a vaguery if there ever was one ) with the world’s top terrorist? No one you heard from could really quite grasp what was going on.

For some reason, no one told you that just 5 days before Monday’s talks, an entire floating army, with nearly 20,000 men, comprising the world’s largest naval strike force, led by the USS Nimitz and the USS Stennis, and also comprising the largest U.S. Naval armada in the Persian Gulf since 2003, came floating up unnanounced through the Straight of Hormuz, and rested right on Iran’s back doorstep, guns pointed at them. The demonstration of leverage was clear. And it also came on the exact date of the expiration of the 60 day grace period the U.N. had granted Iran.

And it came just a few weeks after Vice President Dick Cheney had swept through the region and delivered a very clear and pointed message to the Saudi King Abdullah and others: George Bush has unequivocally decided to attack Iran’s nuclear, military and economic infrastructure if they do not abandon their drive for military nuclear capability. Plain and simple. Iran heard the message as well, and although a lack of leverage may seem clear to America’s retired military tv talking heads, it is not so clear to the government in Tehran.

The message to both Iran and Syria is that if the talks in Baghdad fail, the military option is ready to go.

The administration is almost freakishly confident, in marked contrast to media reports like the one featuring Newt Gingrich’s attack on the President below. The U.S. is in the midst of another dipolomatic surge through the region to bolster allies for the final showdown with Iran. Moqtada Al Sadr has sent signals he may be ready to break with Iran. And, frankly, the military turnaround in Al Anbar province is of greater strategic significance than the increase in U.S. casualties this month. In addition, the surge is still not entirely deployed, and whole key neighborhoods of Baghdad have yet to be entered. While John McCain was being mocked for having to wear a flak jacket in a Baghdad market, the bigger story was that his son, a Marine newly deployed to the Al Anbar province, and a frontline grunt at that, was more likely than not to never see a shot fired in an area that until just weeks ago was called “the most dangerous place on earth”.

Oh, and preparations are under way for the construction of new U.S. airbases in Kurdistan, so we are not, under any circumstances, giving up a firmbase posture throughout Iraq.

And special props to VP Cheney who had nearly been ordered by his doctors to not even make the first trip. A compromise was had and he flew with a physician. He is preparing for a trip to Iran’s various northern neighbors like Uzbekistan and Khazekstan to shore up our position for offensives from the north.

We want to have them entirely surrounded.

Video Of Iran’s Surprise Guests:

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70 Responses

  1. John Cunningham

    Patrick, you’ll have to excuse us older broken down vets, but, Sunday I was having flashbacks of the Paris Peace Talks of the ’70’s triggered by the ‘chat’ with Tehran. An involuntary reflex if you will. Just as we found out that the communists couldn’t be belived I hope that the President realizes that the islamofacists can’t be believed. Go for it Mr. President.

  2. History Repeats

    “Speak softly and carry a big stick, you will go far”

    —-Theodore Roosevelt

  3. Bill

    We must have the islamofacists worried because the USA traitor, Adam Gadahn, is back with words of puke. By the way, is there a Marine in California who can find and bitch slap this weenie?

  4. Randy Anderson, GySgt


    What a clown that Adam guy is, if this is what AlQueda has been reduced to, we should be proud of the progress we are making! As for the Armada of ships in the Persian Gulf there is no doubt this was a show of force designed to jolt the Iranian regime….bet we didn’t blink first either!!

  5. radgy

    antbody seen the story on micheal savage about finding our troops?……http://www.savage-productions.com/ (warning on the pix)

  6. TWarrior

    It’s time to see if they can put their money where their mouths are.


  7. S. Daily Warren

    Call me a freak, but I’m physically aroused by this video of U.S. naval power. Far better than that video of pre-shaved Britney Spears smooching pre-jail Paris Hilton!

  8. Dan

    I second the comment about “Paris Peace Talks”. However, I can’t help but wondering if some Iranian asshole commander isn’t wiping away the doo-doo marks from his pants right about now.

  9. RENO

    I just wonder what the final pretext will be for the strike. I really hope iran keeps f’n around and gives it to us. I am getting a little tired of their support of the iraqi insurgency.

    Strike first, strike hard, no mercy, sir! :twisted:

  10. A. S. Wise

    The only vessels that fleet is lacking are 2-4 Iowa class battleships! I’d frankly like to see them make another demonstration of their firepower in the Gulf; this time to the East. Mr. Dollard, let them know over there that the majority of Americans are still backing the troops AND their mission. If they troops need anything sent to help make their lives easier, please post. I know I can speak for this community when I say, we will gladly oblige. On that topic, this is a site worth visiting: http://projectboresnake.org/. Give ‘em hell, stay safe, and keep spreading the word!

  11. Dan

    radgy, I think you got something there. I wonder if any DNA tests have been done yet on the bodies. If indeed it has been done, then I wonder why the military hasn’t said anything yet?

  12. drillanwr


    G-d damn them! G-d damn them to Hell!!!

    Nuke the f-ing bastards… :evil:

    Can you imagine the MSM frenzy all over this story if it were our guys who had done this to [them]??!!!

    Nuke the Liberal Fascist MSM too!

    BTW, don’t you just love the “DO OVER” mentality these last few days in Hugo Chavezland by the people?? I mean, what the fuck did these people think Communism was??? Haven’t they had enough examples of this over the last century? Yeah, every new Commie dick-tater thinks they can do it better … I hope these folks get good and pissed and storm Jabba Chavez’s home and … well, I’ll leave it to them …

  13. Steve in Montana

    Nothing like sending a Hallmark greeting:

    “Life, Liberty, And Pursuit Of All Who Threaten It”

  14. TGuy

    I suggest we nuke ‘em 1st…. and they show up in DC to accept terms.

  15. Future0311

    That video is beautiful.

  16. Tanicacid

    I followed a bit of the Iran talks from what C Span had. I wonder if the question of authority came up in the talks. something like, “well, if you aren’t sending insurgents and arms into Iraq, maybe we should be talking to the people that are. ”

    Also, after the Iranians kinda of snubbed Condi where the Syrians didn’t, the Navy Task Force at least got them to answer the door bell.

  17. radgy

    if them are the troops we been lookin for(even if they are not,they are some other troops!!!!!)why arent we being told about this!!!!!!!!!pat have YOU seen/heard anything about that?we need to make the civilian iraqi’s MORE afraid of not giveing up the terrorists,than they are afraid of the terrorists for telling us.the troops are better men than me,if i seen my buddies like that,i would go on the biggest killing spree the world has ever seen.we need to get our guys out,level the place…they ARE NOT worth our people.

  18. everydayjoe

    It would be a shameful waste, to have sent all of those resources to the gulf only to have not used it.

    …the time for talk is quickly approaching its end.

  19. Kathy Ozanne

    radguy, I did see the article on Savage’s site. Nowhere else, though. Is it possible like was said earlier that DNA testing has to be done and families notified?

    Saw the pics too. No words for that. Anger, devastation, heartbreak, those are things I feel. Sometimes all at the same time.

  20. radgy

    Kathy Ozanne

    radguy, I did see the article on Savage’s site. Nowhere else, though. Is it possible like was said earlier that DNA testing has to be done and families notified?
    very true cathy

  21. Tim Roesch

    Randy Anderson writes-What a clown that Adam guy is, if this is what AlQueda has been reduced to, we should be proud of the progress we are making!

    I suggest prudence. Calling him a clown might cause less wise persons to discount such a one. I take people like Gudahn very, very seriously.

    I remember seeing a police training video for when and when not to shoot. In this training film, the police officer, armed with a dye shooting pistol, faces a screen with an unfolding situation. In this situation a very young kid (nine?) is holding a pistol, pointing at the ground. The officer demands the child drop the psitol which he doesn’t. Eventually he brings it up and shoots.

    I believe the number was 9 out of ten police officers didn’t shoot the kid but were, themselves, shot.

    Be very, very careful what you put into that head of yours because You will NEVER get it out again. Cardinal Woolsey.

    Tim Rosech
    Command Private Major

  22. House 6

    Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, gets me more excited than the show of military force by our country to others entertaining the thought of taking us on. I have a picture of my husband in Iraq donning full combat regalia, and with that 9mm holstered on his leg, you’d think I was looking at porn!

    I really miss the days of Reagan when we said what we meant and meant what we said. Hey, after we turn Iran into a giant glass parking lot, anybody up for some salvos off the coast of Venezuela?

  23. Suze

    Speak softly and carry a big stick, indeed.

    Its nice to know America still has some balls, I was beginning to wonder.

    God bless those boys!

  24. winston

    Great Post! Regime change is the only solution to Iranian problem :beer:

  25. AG in Houston

    But surely the Jews are benefiting somehow, therefore, giving you proof the exercise was mastermindeded by the Zionist Neocon Cabal of Evil.

    I’m totally serial.

  26. USMC_Dad

    Due to OPSEC and myself really not knowing anything ,I will only say that it did my heart good to see the third strike force show up along with the USS Nimitz and the USS Stennis…My son and the other Marines of BLT 3/1 “Fighting Thirtenth” were in “TOWN” :beer:

    Oorahh !!!

  27. Martin

    Let’s see Iran’s Revolutionary Guard naval corps, patrol boats, get tough with the U.S. fleet… like they did a few months back when they captured the Brits… :lol:

  28. CPTK

    Bet that peckerhead Ahmadoinjihad is wondering about our military being “stretched too thin”. Looks pretty capable to me.

  29. kend727

    You can more with a kind word and a gun than you can with just a kind word.
    -somebody other than me

  30. USBeast

    What amazes me is that this is totally off the MSM radar and that Iran isn’t screaming bloody murder about it.

    I can’t help thinking that there’s more things true than tellable going on here and the best thing we can do is keep our big mouths shut.

    Loose lips sink…”the proverb is something musty”.

    Those are beautiful shots of that flotilla…wherever they might be. God bless them all

  31. dick

    They need to stop screwing around with these punks. Lay waste to their infastructure and government, send the nation into chaos, and walk away, smiling.

  32. Dogstar

    Great post, Pat. It’s a shame the MSM isn’t giving more face time to guys like you and Michael Yon. I’m so sick of listening to idiots like Michael Ware.

  33. Eric

    It’s a damn shame that we may have to bomb the reactors in Iran, and that Ahmadjgfhjvbsdf won’t be reasonable and end the nuclear weapons program. What kind of nuclear fallout is there when these things get bombed, anybody know? How many generations will be affected by this just because of a couple a-holes are trying to rediscover the glory days of Iran, the wrong way?

  34. A. S. Wise

    “AG in Houston

    But surely the Jews are benefiting somehow, therefore, giving you proof the exercise was mastermindeded by the Zionist Neocon Cabal of Evil.

    I’m totally serial.”

    Oh Jesus on ice skates, AG! I don’t think that’s very pc. I’m super-duper serial, EXCELSIOR!!!!! Lol, manbearpig! Classic.

  35. Renée

    Great video, thank you!! Thank you for the article.

  36. Patty

    Even though I live in California, I post on a right-of-center blog originating in Northern Ireland called:

    and I linked to this article. Heads up vis-a-vis some possible left-of-center commenters.

  37. ProfessorJim

    What, no “sailors detained” for violating Iraninan waters?
    Oh — I get it –it looks like we’d fight back.
    I. too, miss the sight of an Iowa-class.

  38. wil keepers

    I appreciate this. I was wondering why we would possibly break precedent and negotiate with an enemy that has been at war with us for 28 years. I have linked this to my blog.

  39. Darren

    Nice video…I hope and pray we take out Iran soon. Too bad we don’t have such a show of force on our southern border or at least a razor laden 2000+ fence with landminds at its base and sniper positions.

  40. carol

    I had read that there was a build up of ships in the waters near Iran. I always have faith in this President, Vice President and Military. I don’t trust the press anymore so it is places like this that I find the truth. God Bless all of our great men fighting this fight. And if Syria and Iran don’t cooperate, then bombs away. :twisted:

    Also, I read today that Turkey has a build up of tanks and troops on their border with Iraq. Does this have anything to do with the talks with Iran?

  41. Carolyn

    How did I miss your reports? Finally, a real report
    with hard knowledge! Al Anbar is very important, and
    now ,I hope, we can keep it. I just wish they would let our troops do what they know how to do, and cease with these ludicrous rules of engagement. No war has ever been won with such restrictions.
    We are fighting barbarians, and I am NOT merely throwing this out there. In interviews with people, who were born and grew up under Saddam, and with documentary producers, I heard accounts of what Saddam and his police did to their own people. It is beyond a civilized imagination. These atrocities lurch one into another dimension,propelling your mind with indeterminate G forces
    into a realm even Dante of the Middle Ages couldn’t conger
    to depict. It is impossible to remain the same.Video evidence abounded since so much was taped as it transpired.So that the trouble the Coalition has had in
    hiring Iraqi police and troops is unquestionably understandable. Many must be brought to justice, not solicited into the paramilitary and military. I assume, we had to bring the thinking of those we employed into the civilized, enlightened realm of the 21st century of law and behaviour toward prisoners and civilians for whom they
    have been made responsible.(See “Weapon of Mass Destruction- The Murderous Reign of Saddam Hussein.” I think, you can still access www.iraqitruthproject.com)
    It is, also, my understanding that Al Sadr is viewed
    as having minimal intelligence unlike his father who was a true scholar and respected by the Iraqis, in general.
    The son barely has an education let alone scholarship in Islam.He’s a nothing. In an interview with Charlie Rose, John Burns explained what had happened with Sistani’s return and Al Sadr, and, apparently, the British undermined and foiled our plans.If you can still get the
    show online, it would be interesting to get your opinion on Burns’ assessment.
    I, also, read that Cheney told the Saudis that we would sell them airplanes, and that the Saudis were to be in charge of security against Iran.(checbka.com)So
    reading what you relate Cheney relayed is much more encouraging. I cannot fathom entrusting the Saudis with anything of substance.
    I, also, want to call your attention to the Centerforsecuritypolicy.org. Cliff Kincaid has a piece on
    the last vestiges of sovereignty(I can’t remember, exactly, the title)about the President’s push for the Senate to ratify the UN Treaty of the Sea. It’s of enormous importance.The Center is headed by Frank Gaffney.
    See, also, Set America Free, and Divest from Terror sections on the website.
    Thank you so very much for this report.I am going to alert others to patdollard.com.
    Please, be so kind as to tell everyone we continue to support and pray for all of you, and our numbers certainly outnumber those in what, increasingly, is being viewed as the Congressional psyche ward.Please, know how very, very grateful we are to all of you and your families.What devastates me, continually, is the complete lack of understanding and regard people, such as Reid and Pelosi and Boxer, Murtha, Graham, Schumer, Finegold,Obama, the Clintons and Carter,and others like Soros and the media
    who parrot propaganda, have for the effect of what they say on the children and especially, the children of those serving overseas. Shame on them.
    God Bless.

  42. Mike's America

    I wish I could more fully share the optimism in your report.

    Granted we’ve put on a good show of force in the Gulf and are building a diplomatic front to counter Iran.

    But I worry that President Bush has been so neutered by Democrats in this country that he will be unable to follow through on the threat if all other options fail.

    And I worry that the Iranians, witnessing Nancy Pelosi in Syria know this too.

    Interesting that Sadr popped up again this week in Iraq and is just as foul as ever.

    On the whole, I think we’ve been far too lenient with Iran since naming them a member of the Axis of Evil. If the report leaked to ABC News is true that we are only now starting to take covert steps to undermine the mullahs we’ve wasted five years.

  43. Janica

    Call me silly optimist but just maybe the MSM and dems are softening up the targets…making em think we’re too divided and civilized to take em on….while the forces slowly surround and quietly prepare…

    one can hope.

    thanks so much… Janica

  44. TJ

    Blow up the reactors and Irans one oil refinery and leave . no ground forces necessary. If dumbasscrats complain ask them what clinton would have done? Answer: the same thing. Afterall, the main problem we have is their nuclear reactors. the oil refinery will get the people more pissed off at their government. If they desire they can attack us in iraq, which they are already doing covertly.


  45. Phil

    I’d be surprised if this show of force affects the Iranians in the least. They know that our Democratic Congress will never allow us to go “unilateral” on Iran. They also know that the MSM would go ballistic on Bush if he tried.

  46. MikeP

    That video is way past inspirational–unless, of course, if you are an Iranian terrorist.
    Great stuff. Thanks, Pat.

  47. Proud Eagle In Texas

    I was already expecting this turn of events not because I’m so smart (I ain’t) but because this pretty young woman IS. She predicted this back in Jan. when everyone was in a dither about the surge. I first heard her as a guest on a conservtive Houston radio show, and the two (male) hosts poopoohed her prediction. Shmucks.

    PS. I’m proud to say she’s a founding Eagle.

  48. Bobby

    My boy serves aboard Stennis. I search the wires daily for news. The transit of the straight was made in day light. Normal operations call for transits at night and in small numbers. Nimitz was a last second addition to the force. I’ve found no explination for the late addition of Nimitz or why she wasn’t initally in the force. My guess is the mad mullas and the military comanders had to clean their drawers after viewing this fine sight in the light of day.

  49. Future0311

    Yeah, sorry to say, but the lefties aren’t going to let this go down without a whole lot of bitching. They’re so intent on pushing their own agenda they don’t see the big picture, and never will, no matter how many times you bang their heads into it. They’re just THAT dense. I doubt they’re even aware that if we fought this like a real war is supposed to be fought (total war, not this bullshit ‘limited war’ crap. Since when did war become limited…?) this would’ve been over a long time ago, with a lot less deaths at that… because the asswipe islamic extremists would be all dead.

    With that said, this was a long time coming. Give those fuckers hell.

  50. Lone Wolf


    As long as the reactor hasn’t operated the fuel is about as radioactive as dirt. It’s the fission products that cause the fuel rods to be hot.

  51. FTL

    “The administration is almost freakishly confident, in marked contrast to media reports like the one featuring Newt Gingrich’s attack on the President below.”

    That’s an understatement… holy moly.

    The brass balls are comin’ out… leftists & terrorists like it or not. I have wood.

    Also, re: the Iranian/Ame. spies that were busted… weren’t they part of Soros’ org.? Wonder what’s going on there…. hmmmm….

    GREAT VID too… for some reason made me think of DR. STRANGELOVE.

  52. bd

    So much of late I’ve been hearing ‘…we need a Reagan.’ Why? Because he was near fearless and that’s what the majority (I think anyway) want. And that’s exactly what we need to project: fearless, pitiless, and even unconcerned behemoth-like power. The kind of power that says ‘Pray to heaven, because hell is coming’. But every show of power brings the little girls out squeeling little platitudes of how evil we are. I’d like to see our Air Force and Naval planes do many fly-overs of iranian airspace in broad day-light. That would accomplish 2 things: a blatant and brazen F-off to Ahmadasldfjlksdjf (henceforth Ahmad cuz it’s just too ridiculous, this guy’s name) and the girls in charge (Democrats, media, etc.) So I say bring on the B-52 overflights and repair the old ones and send them out. Have Marine’s perform ‘landing exercises’. That’ll make’em spill there hummis. But you know what would be REAL good? Pick and island close to shore and have ‘Airborne drop exercises’. Now THAT’S a display of force.

  53. Tim Roesch


    So, after we do far more than rattle a carrier (sabers are so passe’) how are going to stop the MSM from accusing people of intimidating poor, peaceful Iran?

    When you’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t, I say do what’s right and tap dance.

    Tim Roesch
    Command Private Major

  54. Matt

    hell yeah.. right on bd :mrgreen:

  55. ProCynic

    Talking with Iran’s mullahs or Why do our capital…

    is like teaching a pig to sing. It is another example of where George Bush’s spinelessness has hurt national security. (In fact, about the only things he’s not spineless on are Iraq and this damned amnesty bill, but I digress …) But I feel better a…

  56. Steve_Montana

    IT IS TIME TO RELIVE 1981!!!


  57. Kevin

    I’ve got a great idea!

    In the middle of this showdown with Iran, let’s destroy the the base of the conservative coalition that has survived since 1980 by backing amnesty for illegal aliens to the hilt!

    That’ll really prove to the Iranians that we’re confident. After all, the left won’t support any action against Iran, and will pull out all the stops to sabotage it. And if the right is deliberately ripped to shreds by the administration, yet we try to act against Iran anyway, only someone REALLY confident would dare try to pull off something like that.

    Or, you know, stupid and/or suicidal, but shhhhh!

  58. Rob

    I third the Battleship notion. Guns that big are a solid bit of persuasion.

    I recall my Dad telling me once of a guy he knew that served on a battlewagon during Korea. The guy commented once that “we opened up on the enemy at point blank range. From 15 miles out.”

    What’s most awesome, though, is that I read years ago that EACH of those carriers can do more damage than was done in WWII. Total.

  59. Gaige Mosher

    Hey Pat and everyone else,

    Got some relevant stateside info for you. My girl is in the US Army Reserve (415th MP Det, Pocahontas, IA), and she says that the entire Reserve was put on a two-week alert three weeks ago. That’d be right around the time we started to move those CBGs through the Strait, I do believe. That tells me that NCA was concerned about reprisals in CONUS if things in the Gulf turned hot.


  60. Brian

    Bush is not going to take any military action against Iran. The administration is spent and is too busy cutting and running form the war on terror to start up a war with Iran.

    We have periodically moved carrier groups into the Persian Gulf as a show of force in the past. The previous time we surged naval forces A-jad called our bluff by capturing the British soldiers. There was no response other than appeasement. If the Iranians believed that the US, British and French naval forces in the gulf at that time were a real threat the captures never would have happened. They were correct in their assessment that those action were a show.

    It seems extraordinarily unlikely that after thirty years of having no direct public talks with Iran and at a time that Iran has become very aggressive in the region and is killing our soldiers, we would begin public talks just before attacking them. The public talks are a sign of US weakness and Iranian strength. They do not presage an attack. They presage a capitulation. The only question is whether Iran will allow Bush a fig leaf. I doubt it will.

    And I voted for Bush 2 times. Ugh.

  61. Brian

    On cue, Condi herself backed me up:

    Rice: No War Plans Against Iran


  62. alexa kim

    Hey, I came here via lileks.com instead of directly as usual. If you’re going to have fans like him around, I’ll have to stop taking myself so darn seriously. But he considers the call for a MOAB as much as I do. I used to know what that really stands for but now I just know its nickname.

    Tell Our Troops we think of them nightly and pray over them. I’m so very proud of all of you.

  63. Mandy

    While we’re all backslapping ourselves now, has anyone bothered to notice that Russia is looking for a pretext, any pretext, to fight with us? And surely protecting their ally, Iran, has to be one of the best they could get.

    BTW - BD - We don’t need a Reagan. What we need is a Truman.

  64. Steve in NC

    mandy -
    game within game

    we are a better ally than tehran, we broke the soviet union and will break the russians if needed, they know it too.

    so they get to look strong with our blessing for the acceptance of our action against iran

    they have a muslim problem too

  65. citizens in defense of defense

    War against Iran….

    War against Iran….

  66. MaryIndiana

    Here for the first time from Lileks’ site. This is
    great stuff. God Bless our troops and the government
    that sent them!

    GO NAVY!

  67. Dudley Smith

    Well given that Bush has shown this week he doesn’t care if his poll numbers hit absolute zero, he may actually follow through with this. He’s clearly just focused on how history will regard him 20 years from now rather than the short term politics of any issue. At least that’s my charitable interpretation of his stance on amnesty.

  68. TJ

    US will strike iran but not with the force of an all out ivasion, but strategic bombing of sites. Ima nut job will remain president but have to contend with dissenters who believe he is putting his ideology before his own country.

    If iran doesnt cave in the us would do well to hit statgegic sites and then arm iranian dissenters and foment a civil war.

  69. Red Hathcock

    We have a lot of older nuc weapons, why not use them up on Iran? Be a shame to just destroy them without seeing if they still work!

    GO NAVY!

  70. Knobs

    I’ll be brief.

    Fuck the fuckin’ fuckers.

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