American Feminists: Scum

May 14th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Helping Muslim women intereferes with the Leftist political agenda, so helping Muslim women is a big no-no for American feminists.


“The women who constitute the American feminist establishment today are destined to play little role in the battle for Muslim women’s rights. Preoccupied with their own imagined oppression, they can be of little help to others–especially family-centered Islamic feminists. The Katha Pollitts and Eve Enslers, the vagina warriors and university gender theorists–these are women who cannot distinguish between free and unfree societies, between the Taliban and the Promise Keepers, between being forced to wear a veil and being socially pressured to be slender and fit.”


By Christina Hoff Sommers
Posted: Monday, May 14, 2007

Clitoral dismemberment of a little girl in Egypt

The subjection of women in Muslim societies–especially in Arab nations and in Iran–is today very much in the public eye. Accounts of lashings, stonings, and honor killings are regularly in the news, and searing memoirs by Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Azar Nafisi have become major best-sellers. One might expect that by now American feminist groups would be organizing protests against such glaring injustices, joining forces with the valiant Muslim women who are working to change their societies. This is not happening.

If you go to the websites of major women’s groups, such as the National Organization for Women, the Ms. Foundation for Women, and the National Council for Research on Women, or to women’s centers at our major colleges and universities, you’ll find them caught up with entirely other issues, seldom mentioning women in Islam. During the 1980s, there were massive demonstrations on American campuses against racial apartheid in South Africa. There is no remotely comparable movement on today’s campuses against the gender apartheid prevalent in large parts of the world.

It is not that American feminists are indifferent to the predicament of Muslim women. Nor do they completely ignore it. For a brief period before September 11, 2001, many women’s groups protested the brutalities of the Taliban. But they have never organized a full-scale mobilization against gender oppression in the Muslim world. The condition of Muslim women may be the most pressing women’s issue of our age, but for many contemporary American feminists it is not a high priority. Why not?

Gender feminists have embraced a feminist philosophy that collapses moral categories in ways that defy logic, common sense, and basic decency.

The reasons are rooted in the worldview of the women who shape the concerns and activities of contemporary American feminism. That worldview is–by tendency and sometimes emphatically–antagonistic toward the United States, agnostic about marriage and family, hostile to traditional religion, and wary of femininity. The contrast with Islamic feminism could hardly be greater.

Writing in The New Republic in 1999, philosopher Martha Nussbaum noted with disapproval that “feminist theory pays relatively little attention to the struggles of women outside the United States.” Too many fashionable gender theorists, she said, have lost their dedication to the public good. Their “hip quietism . . . collaborates with evil.”

This was a frontal assault, and prominent academic feminists chastised Nussbaum in the letters column. Joan Scott of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton pointed out the dangers of Nussbaum’s “good versus evil scheme.” Wrote Scott, “When Robespierre or the Ayatollahs or Ken Starr seek to impose their vision of the ‘good’ on the rest of society, reigns of terror follow and democratic politics are undermined.” Gayatri Spivak, a professor of comparative literature at Columbia, accused Nussbaum of “flag waving” and of being on a “civilizing mission.” None of the letter writers addressed her core complaint: Too few feminist theorists are showing concern for the millions of women trapped in blatantly misogynist cultures outside the United States.

One reason is that many feminists are tied up in knots by multiculturalism and find it very hard to pass judgment on non-Western cultures. They are far more comfortable finding fault with American society for minor inequities (the exclusion of women from the Augusta National Golf Club, the “underrepresentation” of women on faculties of engineering) than criticizing heinous practices beyond our shores. The occasional feminist scholar who takes the women’s movement to task for neglecting the plight of foreigners is ignored or ruled out of order.

Take psychology professor Phyllis Chesler. She has been a tireless and eloquent champion of the rights of women for more than four decades. Unlike her tongue-tied colleagues in the academy, she does not hesitate to speak out against Muslim mistreatment of women. In a recent book, The Death of Feminism, she attributes the feminist establishment’s unwillingness to take on Islamic sexism to its support of “an isolationist and America-blaming position.” She faults it for “embracing an anti-Americanism that is toxic, heartless, mindless and suicidal.” The sisterhood has rewarded her with excommunication. A 2006 profile in the Village Voice reports that, among academic feminists, “Chesler arouses the vitriol reserved for traitors.”

But Chesler is right. In the literature of women’s studies, the United States is routinely portrayed as if it were just as oppressive as any country in the developing world. Here is a typical example of what one finds in popular women’s studies textbooks (from Women: A Feminist Perspective, now in its fifth edition):

The word “terrorism” invokes images of furtive organizations. . . . But there is a different kind of terrorism, one that so pervades our culture that we have learned to live with it as though it were the natural order of things. Its target is females–of all ages, races, and classes. It is the common characteristic of rape, wife battery, incest, pornography, harassment. . . . I call it “sexual terrorism.”

The primary focus is on the “terror” at home. Katha Pollitt, a columnist at The Nation, talks of “the common thread of misogyny” connecting Christian Evangelicals to the Taliban:

It is important to remember just how barbarous and cruel the Taliban were. Yet it is also important not to use their example to obscure or deny the common thread of misogyny that connects them with Focus on the Family and the Christian Coalition. . . .

In a similar vein, journalist Barbara Ehrenreich characterizes Christian evangelical movements as “Christian Wahhabism,” using the name of the sect that is the state religion of Saudi Arabia and the inspiration for Osama bin Laden. Eve Ensler, lionized author of The Vagina Monologues, makes the same point somewhat differently in her popular lecture “Afghanistan is Everywhere”:

We all have different forms of enforced burqas. Every culture has it. Whether it’s an idea or a fascist tyranny of what women are supposed to look like–so that women go to the extremes of liposuction, anorexia and bulimia to achieve it–or whether it’s being covered in a burqa, we all have deep, profound, ongoing daily forms of oppression.

On most American campuses there are small coteries of self-described “vagina warriors” looking for ways to expose and make much of the ravages of patriarchy. Feminists like Pollitt, Ehrenreich, and Ensler can cite several decades of women’s studies research supporting the charge that our culture is ruinous for women. Many scholars–including Camille Paglia, Daphne Patai, Noretta Koertge, Diana Furchtgott-Roth, Christine Rosen, and myself–have questioned the quality of the findings and warned that the studies are twisted and unreliable. But academic feminists rarely engage with such criticism. They dismiss it as “backlash.”

Soon after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Katha Pollitt wrote the introduction to a book called Nothing Sacred: Women Respond to Religious Fundamentalism and Terror. It aimed to show that reactionary religious movements everywhere are targeting women. Says Pollitt:

In Bangladesh, Muslim fanatics throw acid in the faces of unveiled women; in Nigeria, newly established shariah courts condemn women to death by stoning for having sex outside of wedlock. . . . In the United States, Protestant evangelicals and fundamentalists have forged a powerful right-wing political movement focused on banning abortion, stigmatizing homosexuality and limiting young people’s access to accurate information about sex.

Pollitt casually places “limiting young people’s access to accurate information about sex” and opposing abortion on the same plane as throwing acid in women’s faces and stoning them to death. Her hostility to the United States renders her incapable of distinguishing between private American groups that stigmatize gays and foreign governments that hang them. She has embraced a feminist philosophy that collapses moral categories in ways that defy logic, common sense, and basic decency.

Eve Ensler takes this line of reasoning to equally ludicrous lengths. In 2003 she gave a lecture at the Radcliffe Institute at Harvard University in which, like Pollitt, she claimed that women everywhere are oppressed and subordinate:

I think that the oppression of women is universal. I think we are bonded in every single place of the world. I think the conditions are exactly the same [her emphasis]. I think the nature of the oppression–whether it’s acid burning in one country, or female genital mutilation in another, or gang rapes in the parking lots in high schools of the suburbs–it’s the same idea. . . . The systematic global oppression of women is completely across the globe.

Though Ensler’s perspective is warped, her courage and desire to help are commendable. She went to Afghanistan during the reign of the Taliban and smuggled out now-famous footage of a terrified woman in a burqa being executed at close range by a man with an AK-47. Ensler has firsthand knowledge of the unique horrors of Islamic gender fascism. But her “feminist theory” obliterates distinctions between what goes on in Afghanistan and what goes on in Beverly Hills:

I went from Beverly Hills where women were getting vaginal laser rejuvenation surgery–paying four thousand dollars to get their labias trimmed to make them symmetrical because they didn’t like the imbalance. And I flew to Kenya where [women were working to stop] the practice of female genital mutilation. And I said to myself, “What is wrong with this picture?”

A better question is: What is wrong with Eve Ensler? These two surgical phenomena are completely different in both scale and purpose. The number of American women who undergo “vaginal labial rejuvenation” is minuscule: There were 793 such procedures in 2005, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. By contrast, a World Health Organization 2000 fact sheet reports: “Today, the number of girls and women who have undergone female genital mutilation is estimated at between 100 and 140 million. It is estimated that each year, a further 2 million girls are at risk of undergoing FGM.”

The women who elect laser surgery, moreover, are voluntarily seeking relief from physical irregularities that cause them embarrassment or inhibit their sexual enjoyment. The practitioners of genital mutilation, in countries such as Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, and Somalia, believe that removing sensitive parts of the anatomy is the best way to control young women’s sexual urges and assure chastity. Genital cutting causes great pain and suffering and often permanently impairs a female’s capacity for sexual pleasure. Thus, the intentions of the handful of American adults who choose labial surgery for themselves are exactly the opposite of those of the African parents and elders who insist on cutting the genitals of millions of girls.

Given her capacity for conceptual confusion, it is perhaps not surprising that Ensler cites “gang rape in a suburban high school parking lot” to show how women in America are menaced. Yes, that is an atrocity. But it happens rarely, and America’s allegedly “misogynist” culture reacts to it with revulsion and severe punishments.

Today, the Feminist Majority Foundation continues to support Muslim women around the world, but the effort has lost much of its momentum. Most of the foundation’s current work is directed against what it perceives as injustices suffered by women in America.

Happily, not all women’s groups follow the lead of the Enslers, the Pollitts, and the women’s studies theorists. The Feminist Majority Foundation (FMF) has been intelligently fighting the mistreatment of women in the Muslim world for several years. In 1997, in a heroic effort to expose the crimes of the Taliban, Eleanor Smeal, the president of FMF, with the help of Mavis and Jay Leno, created a vital national campaign complete with rallies, petitions, and fundraisers. It was a good example of what can be achieved when a women’s group seriously seeks to address the mistreatment of women outside the United States. The FMF, working with human rights groups, helped to persuade the United States and the United Nations to deny formal recognition to the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. It helped convince the oil company UNOCAL not to build a pipeline across Afghanistan, and it brought the oppression of women living under radical Islamic law into clear relief for all the world to see.

But Smeal and her organization soon found themselves attacked by the same monitors of rectitude who disparaged Martha Nussbaum. Ann Russo, director of women’s and gender studies at Chicago’s DePaul University (writing in the International Feminist Journal of Politics), accused the FMF of practicing a kind of “imperial feminism.” Said Russo:

The FMF’s campaign narrative is one of colonialist protection rather than of solidarity. . . . [It] capitalizes on the images of prominent white Western women, like Mavis Leno, Eleanor Smeal and other women politicians and celebrity figures, who construct themselves as “free” and “liberated” and thus in the best position to “save” Afghan women.

Today, the Feminist Majority Foundation continues to support Muslim women around the world, but the effort has lost much of its momentum. Most of the foundation’s current work is directed against what it perceives as injustices suffered by women in America.

On February 20, 2007, a Pakistani women’s rights activist and provincial minister for social welfare, Zilla Huma Usman, was shot to death by a Muslim fanatic for not wearing a veil. And he had a second reason for killing her: She had encouraged girls in her community to take part in outdoor sports. The plight of women like Usman does not figure in NOW’s “Six Priority Items,” although Global Feminism is one of the 19 subjects it designates as “Other Important Issues.” NOW hardly mentions Muslim women, except in the context of the demand that the U.S. military withdraw from Iraq. So what sort of issue does the flagship feminist organization consider important?

NOW has just launched a 2007 “Love Your Body” calendar as part of its ongoing initiative of the same name. The body calendar warns of an increase in eating disorders and includes a photograph celebrating the shape of pears. There is also an image of the Statue of Liberty with the caption, “Give me your curves, your wrinkles, your natural beauty yearning to breathe free.” The calendar bears these inspiring words: “None of us is free until we are all free.”

To breathe free, college women are encouraged to organize “Love Your Body” evenings. NOW suggests they host “Indulgence” parties: “Invite friends over and encourage them to wear whatever makes them feel good–sweat suits, flip flops, pajamas–and serve delicious, decadent foods or silly snacks without the guilt. Urge everyone to come prepared to talk about their feelings and experiences.”

This is pathetic. To be sure, serious eating disorders afflict a small percentage of women. But much larger numbers suffer because poor eating habits and inactivity render them overweight, even obese. NOW should not be encouraging college girls to indulge themselves in ways detrimental to their well-being. Nor should it be using the language of human rights in discussing the weight problems of American women.

The inability to make simple distinctions shows up everywhere in contemporary feminist thinking. The Penguin Atlas of Women in the World, edited by geographer Joni Seager, is a staple in women’s studies classes in universities. It was named “Reference Book of the Year” by the American Library Association and has received other awards. Seager, formerly a professor of women’s studies and chair of geography at the University of Vermont, is now dean of environmental studies at York University in Toronto. Her atlas, a series of color-coded maps and charts, documents the status of women, highlighting the countries where women are most at risk for poverty, illiteracy, and oppression.

One map shows how women are kept “in their place” by restrictions on their mobility, dress, and behavior. Somehow the United States comes out looking as bad in this respect as Uganda: Both countries are shaded dark yellow, to signify extremely high levels of restriction. Seager explains that in parts of Uganda, a man can claim an unmarried woman for his wife by raping her. The United States gets the same rating because, Seager says, “state legislators enacted 301 anti-abortion measures between 1995 and 2001.” Never mind that the Ugandan practice is barbaric, while the activism surrounding abortion in the United States is a sign of a contentious and free democracy working out its disagreements. Besides which, Seager’s categories obscure the fact that in Uganda, abortion is illegal and “unsafe abortion is the leading cause of maternal mortality” (so states a 2005 report by the Guttmacher Institute), while American abortion law, even after the recent adoption of state regulations, is generally considered among the most liberal of any nation.

On another map the United States gets the same rating for domestic violence as Pakistan. Seager reports that in the United States, “22-35 percent of women who seek emergency medical assistance at hospital are there for reasons of domestic violence.” Wrong. She apparently misread a Justice Department study showing that 22-35 percent of women who go to hospitals because of violent attacks are there for reasons of domestic violence. When this correction is made, the figure for domestic-violence victims in emergency rooms drops to a fraction of 1 percent. Why would Seager so uncritically seize on a dubious statistic? Like many academic feminists, she is eager to show that American women live under an intimidating system of “patriarchal authority” that is comparable to those found in many less developed countries. Never mind that this is wildly false.

Hard-line feminists such as Seager, Pollitt, Ensler, the university gender theorists, and the NOW activists represent the views of only a tiny fraction of American women. Even among women who identify themselves as feminists (about 25 percent), they are at the radical extreme. But in the academy and in most of the major women’s organizations, the extreme is the mean. The hard-liners set the tone and shape the discussion. This is a sad state of affairs. Muslim women could use moral, intellectual, and material support from the West to improve their situation. But only a rational, reality-based women’s movement would be capable of actually helping. Women who think that looking like a pear is an essential human right are not valuable allies.

The good news is that Muslim women are not waiting around for Western feminists to rescue them. “Feminists in the West may fiddle while Muslim women are burning,” wrote Manhattan Institute scholar Kay Hymowitz in a prescient 2003 essay, “but in the Muslim world itself there is a burgeoning movement to address the miserable predicament of the second sex.” The number of valiant and resourceful Muslim women who are devoting themselves to the cause of greater freedom grows each and every day.

They have a heritage to build on. There have been organized women’s movements in countries such as Iran, Lebanon, and Egypt for more than a century. And many women in Turkey, Morocco, and Tunisia already enjoy almost Western levels of freedom. But as radical Islam tightens its grip in places like Iran and rural Pakistan, and as it increasingly threatens Muslim women everywhere, even some devoutly religious women are quietly organizing to resist. Mehrangiz Kar, an Iranian human rights lawyer, now a researcher at Harvard Law School, predicts that “a feminist explosion is well on its way.”

Islamic feminists believe that women’s rights are compatible with Islam rightly understood. One of their central projects is progressive religious reform. Through careful translation and interpretation of the Koran and other sacred texts, scholars challenge interpretations that have been used to justify sexist customs. They point out that forced veiling, arranged marriages, and genital cutting are rooted in tribal paganism and are nowhere enjoined by the Koran. Where the Koran explicitly permits a practice such as the physical chastisement of wives by husbands, the feminist exegetes try to show that, like slavery, the practice is anachronistic and incompatible with the true spirit of the faith. This kind of interpretation of scripture has been practiced by Jewish, Christian, and Islamic scholars for centuries. Now Islamic women want to play a part in it, and nothing in Islamic law, they believe, prohibits their doing so.

This past November more than 100 Muslim lawyers, scholars, and activists from 25 countries gathered in New York City for the express purpose of supporting the modernization of Islamic jurisprudence and reviving the spirit of ijtihad, a once vibrant Islamic tradition of independent thinking and reasoning about sacred texts. The organizing group, the Women’s Islamic Initiative in Spirituality and Equity (WISE), plans to launch an international shura, a consultative council of Muslim women leaders who will advise religious and political leaders on women’s issues. They are also establishing a scholarship fund for the training of gifted female students to become Koranic scholars, or muftia. These women would be licensed to render fatwas, religious judgments that, while nonbinding, drive custom and practice in Islamic societies.

Islamic feminists believe that women’s rights are compatible with Islam rightly understood. One of their central projects is progressive religious reform. Through careful translation and interpretation of the Koran and other sacred texts, scholars challenge interpretations that have been used to justify sexist customs.

The WISE participants were a who’s who of Muslim women lawyers, writers, and rights advocates. Perhaps the most affecting speaker was Mukhtar Mai. She is the Pakistani woman who, in 2002, was gang-raped by four men because of crimes allegedly committed by her brother. After the rape, which was sanctioned by an all-male village council, Mukhtar Mai was expected to preserve the “honor” of her family by killing herself. Instead, she and her family went to the police, even at the risk of being charged for the “crime” of being raped. A local imam, outraged by her treatment, denounced the attack in his Friday sermon. Reporters soon appeared, and Mukhtar’s case became a cause célèbre.

The conference participants varied widely in their politics and their relation to Islam. Unlike the present American feminist movement, which has no place for traditionally religious women, Islamic feminism is inclusive. Some of its proponents wear the veil, others oppose it. Some want egalitarian mosques, others don’t mind traditional arrangements where men and women are separated. Even a few non-Muslims were present. What unites them in feminism is their commitment to the universal dignity of women. They are all vehemently opposed to such practices as forced marriages, honor killings, genital cutting, child marriage, and wife-beating. They are passionately dedicated to the educational, economic, legal, and political advancement of women.

The feminism that is quietly surging in the Muslim world is quite different from its contemporary counterpart in the United States. Islamic feminism is faith-based, family-centered, and well-disposed towards men. This is feminism in its classic and most effective form, as students of women’s emancipation know. American women won the vote in the early 20th century through the combined forces of progressivism and conservatism. Radical thinkers like Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Victoria Woodhull, and Alice Paul played an indispensable role, but it was traditionalists like Frances Willard (president of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union) and Carrie Chapman Catt (founder of the League of Women Voters) who brought the cause of women’s suffrage into the mainstream.

In particular, Frances Willard–today an almost forgotten figure–was beloved and immensely famous at the time of her death in 1898. She had a gift for reaching out to devoutly religious women and showing them how political equality was consistent with piety. This moved men too. She was critical in turning the once elite suffrage movement into a groundswell.

Today’s feminists have anathematized Willard because she held two conventional views they find intolerable: She regarded “womanliness” as a virtue and a source of strength, power, and beauty, not as a socially constructed domestic prison; and she advanced women’s rights within, not in opposition to, the framework of traditional religion. These two traits are precisely the ones that gave Willard mass appeal in her own day and that make her philosophy relevant to women struggling for their rights inside highly traditional Islamic societies.

In Search of Islamic Feminism, a 1998 book by University of Texas Middle Eastern studies professor Elizabeth Warnock Fernea, offers a rare glimpse of Muslim women activists. In Uzbekistan, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Turkey, and Iraq, Fernea kept encountering what she calls “family feminism.” Several of the women she interviewed reject what they see as divisiveness in today’s American feminism. As one Iraqi women’s advocate, Haifa Abdul Rahman, told her, “We see feminism in America as dividing women from men, separating women from the family. This is bad for everyone.” Fernea was not only struck by the family orientation of the women she encountered, she was also awed by their feminine graciousness. The Italian novelist and essayist Italo Calvino once made a list of requirements for a successful liberation movement. Almost as an afterthought, he added, “There must also be beauty.” There is beauty in Islamic feminism.

Islamic feminism has some celebrated adherents, among them the Moroccan sociologist Fatima Mernissi, the Iranian Nobel laureate Shirin Ebadi, and the Canadian journalist and human rights activist Irshad Manji. In her 2004 feminist manifesto, The Trouble with Islam Today, Manji writes, “We Muslims . . . are in crisis and we are dragging the rest of the world with us. If ever there was a moment for an Islamic reformation, it’s now.”

Manji is right: In particular, a feminist reformation could be as dangerous to the dreams of the jihadists as any military assault by the West. After all, the oppression of women is not an incidental feature of the societies that foster terrorism. It is a linchpin of the system of social control that the jihadists are fighting to impose worldwide. Women’s equality is as incompatible with radical Islam’s plan for domination and submission as it is with polygamy. Women freely moving about, expressing their opinions, and negotiating their relationships with men from a position of equal dignity rather than servitude are a moderating, civilizing force in any society. Female scholars voicing their opinions without inhibition would certainly puncture some cherished jihadist fantasies.

Is an Islamic feminist reformation a realistic hope? In the last speech of her life, in 1906, American feminist pioneer Susan B. Anthony famously told her audience, “Failure is impossible.” Anthony, however, was formed by and worked within a liberal democracy founded on the proposition that all men are created equal. Even when the American women’s movement was at its most controversial in the 19th and early 20th centuries, its exponents, with few exceptions, risked only ridicule or shunning. Today’s Muslim feminists face imprisonment, lashing, disfigurement, and murder. The leader of the radical wing of the 19th-century American women’s movement, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, was a religious skeptic and harshly critical of sexism in the Bible. Her views were met by social antagonism and stern disapproval from more conservative feminists–all of it civil and peaceable. Stanton’s present-day counterpart, Somali-born Dutch author Ayaan Hirsi Ali (now my colleague at the American Enterprise Institute), is a religious skeptic who is harshly critical of sexism in the Koran. Her views are met by violence and death threats from Muslim fanatics. She has to be escorted by bodyguards.

Success, then, is not certain. Yet there are many hopeful signs. Experience in Morocco, Tunisia, and Turkey is encouraging. Groups like WISE are holding up a new image of female piety that does not require silence, powerlessness, and second-class citizenship. And individual women such as Pakistan’s Mukhtar Mai, Morocco’s Fatima Mernissi, Iran’s Shirin Ebadi, Canada’s Irshad Manji, and Holland’s Ayaan Hirsi Ali are offering the world profiles in astonishing courage and grace. Their example may prove as infectious as it is inspiring. Radical Islam does indeed pose an extreme challenge to the cause of women’s rights–but these wise and brave women pose a devastating and unexpected challenge to radical Islam.

I asked Daisy Kahn, executive director of the American Society for Muslim Advancement and organizer of the WISE conference, how Americans can help. Her answer was simple: “Support us. Embrace our struggle.” That is already happening, though mostly outside feminist circles. There are scores of independent organizations–groups like Freedom House, Global Giving, the Independent Women’s Forum, Project Ijtihad, Equality Now, and the Initiative for Inclusive Security–that have begun to work in effective ways to support Muslim women. Such groups, both liberal and conservative, may not identify themselves as feminist, but they embody the ideals and principles of the classical, humane feminism of Stanton, Anthony, and Willard.

Those “First Wave” reformers made history. Their classical “equity” feminism was predominant in the United States long before the current band of activists and theorists transformed and debased it beyond recognition. Their understanding of equality was never at war with femininity, never at war with men, or with family, or with logic or common sense. It is alive again in Islamic feminism.

The women who constitute the American feminist establishment today are destined to play little role in the battle for Muslim women’s rights. Preoccupied with their own imagined oppression, they can be of little help to others–especially family-centered Islamic feminists. The Katha Pollitts and Eve Enslers, the vagina warriors and university gender theorists–these are women who cannot distinguish between free and unfree societies, between the Taliban and the Promise Keepers, between being forced to wear a veil and being socially pressured to be slender and fit. Their moral obtuseness leads many of them to regard helping Muslim women as “colonialist” or as part of a “hegemonic” “civilizing mission.” It disqualifies them as participants in this moral fight.

In reality, of course, it is the Islamic feminists themselves who are on a civilizing mission–one that is vital to their own welfare and to the welfare of an anxious world. A reviewer of Irshad Manji’s manifesto celebrating Islamic feminism aptly remarked, “This could be Osama bin Laden’s worst nightmare.” Ipso facto, it should be our fondest dream. And if, along the way, Islamic feminism were to have a wholesome influence on American feminism, so much the better.

Christina Hoff Sommers is a resident scholar at AEI.

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29 Responses

  1. Tom

    Imagine the limousine liberals like Arrianna Huffington or Bill Maher opening their botoxed mouths to speak up about a true feminist issue. But just like when Theo Van Gogh was murdered, there is a cowardly silence. Feminists do not care about women, they care about promoting anti-Americanism. Oh I’m sorry. They’re fighting “patriarchy”. And Valerie Plame was an undercover spy in grave danger. (Of throwing her back out from sitting all day at the same swivel chair in DC.)

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali is one of the true feminists speaking out right now, and she needs security almost constantly for years now. Gloria Steinem on the case yet?

    Of course, support for freedom of speech ended quickly for Salman Rushide, Danish cartoonists and others under death threat by the Religion Of Peace. Bill Clinton lectured on the wrongness of “insensitivity” towards their medieval passions.

    Liberals love to preen and primp and do compassion money shots when the cameras are rolling. But when real women need help en masse?

    Silence. Muslim front groups have out-victimed them.

    I read that over 4000 gays have been hung in public square in Iran since the mullahs highjacked that nation. We haven’t heard too much out of gay activists either, now have we?

    But Al Gore will claim to channel the inner spirit of Amazonian Indians. See, liberals CARE about Third World peoples. When it makes them look really good.

    I think they mastsurbate to their schtick.

  2. TJ

    I have read fatima mernissi. she is a feminist but still a islamic apologist who views the US as oppressors of muslims and to blame partially for the oppression of women in islamic societies.

    Traditionally, whenever there is turmoil in the Umma(muslim community), they harken back to the Jahillya(the time of ignorance before islam. Basically the “balance ” has been upset. Peace in Islam is not as we see it, It is the presence of strict islamic shariah law that maintains balance in society. Because during the jahillya the people worshipped many vengeful Gods, the worst of whom were female such as , Al-Lat and manat, muslim men particular the Ulama (clergy) call upon the restoration of order in their own societies to counter balance the excesses of invading forces, namely non muslim infidels. Since the occupation of mecca by muhammed and the unification of arabia under the one God, the goddess were expelled and indirectly , their progeny were restricted from places of power, covered and hidden from sight.

    Thus after the gulf war, many muslim populations across the world placed harsher restrictions on their women to counteract the excesses in iraq. Many women like mernissi protested the invasion of iraq by infidels because they knew they would suffer all the more.

    Even the feminists , like mernissi are still in bondage and dont even know it. She cant seem to outright reject the idea that maybe muhammed was just a bad man rather than a prophet. Maybe the quran and sunnah have not been perversly interpreted but rightly followed by people who essentiall agree with muhammeds teachings. Al Tabari, a great muslim historian quoted muhammed as saying :

    ” Treat women well for they are like domestic animals and they possess nothing for themselves. Allah has made the enjoyment of their bodies lawful in his quran” (Tabari IX:113)

    “oh apostle How will a virgin express her consent? He said: By remaining silent” Baukari V9B86N98 (most authentic hadith in sunni islam)

    Culturally in islam women are expected to remain silent and are not to talk back to their husbands. silence is their usually recourse in order to not get beaten. aparently it also means go ahead and f*** me.

    I notice throughout the quran and sunnah that women are referred to regarding what the man is doing to the woman.
    It never refers to the 2 as a couple with equal rights. “He married her”, “he consumated his marriage to her”, ” he forced her to wear a veil”, etc.

    I am amazed that people like ayaan hirsi ali ever make it out and are able to make the break completely. Mernissi is highly educated and a professor but I guess even educated people can lack either the intestinal fortitude to confront the real evil or just basic common sense.


  3. mindy abraham

    Damn it WHY is this NOT an issue for feminists????? I can’t believe that they would not care. I read on another blog about a woman who was friends with feminists and would discuss the plight of women everywhere. When her army husband went to afghanistan her friends turned on her and would not even give clothes to her husband when he was collcting them because they did not want to help an armny project. THAT to me is hypocricy and it gets me angry. :mad:

  4. John in PA

    Thank you Christina. I read 90% it and wish to share a philosophy of my own that I thnk you might agree with. (Aside from Islamic feminists making the headway)

    As I see the femminist movement its like Unions. At some point the original mission is largely accomplished. However, the entities created to achieve the objectives cannot accept obsolescence.

    In the end, victimology is a fabricated concept where ultimately the victim no longer has a defined opressor. The victims stay victims and new victims continue, BUT these victims are merely victims of self. Victims of a taught belief wherein their problem is due to a non-definitive opressor. Self seeking is not in the picture, but blame is.

    Victimology of USA feminism is so absorbed in itself that it cannot see the cause for others who have real opressors.

    I am not suggesting that feminist opression is totally non existent here in the us, but it does appear that, today, there are far more of those “victims” who cannot identify a specific opressor. Rather, they specify an ambiguous groupthink opressor like “society as a whole”.

    A Parallel Exists - MODERN LIBERALISM:
    Liberalism has turned the corner toward its establishment’s obsolescence of purpose. However, those who cannot accept the loss of power and purpose must continue to create the need for their existence. This is how we end up with HR1592 and other things like it …. Blah blah blah…

    Back to victimology:
    Root Cause = Victimology = The creation of victims such that an entity’s or ideology’s purpose for existence is extended past achievement of the goal.

    Solution @ home (USA) = Stop teaching blame casting onto others for personal deficiencies. Curb the effectiveness of victimology. Teach the practice of finding your talents and applying them. Avoid the practice of giving credit where there is none earned. I do try to practice this in all things.

    Solution @ home & Abroad: Teach gratitude of home situation by teaching otricities abroad. Ideally, those who realize how good we have it will become the activists against otrocities abroad and remain defenders against real opressors at home.

    Fianlly back to liberalism: BLAME CASTING ONTO OTHERS is the primary modus operandi (sp?) of MODERN LIBERALISM. Liberlism used to be “challenge goal oriented authority”, now its “goal oriented authority is wrong and evil and causes of all wrongs in society”. The oxymoron is that Socialism is the New Liberalism, but followers don’t see it. Oxymron, because socialism begins with demotivation and enda as the opressor of all.

  5. Babs

    The worst case of feminist opression that I was ever party to was at the hands of another woman…
    She, my boss, was of Hispanic heritage and she simply did not want any other woman of non Hispanic heritage to rise and succeed within the firm.
    I had to change jobs in order to reach my potential. Unfortunately, it was out of the frying pan and into the fire as I was the only woman in my new dept…
    After 18 months of doing the best work I could possibly do the men accepted me as “top dog”. I don’t think that would ever had happened in my prior firm. Who am I kidding, I know it wouldn’t have…
    The idea of feminists eating their own is well established. The fact that there is a sucking silence on the part of feminists in the U.S. has been well documented. Case in point, Bill Clinton jizzing all over the blue dress… I heard nothing from the feminists on that one. Can you imagine the roar if it was a repub pres???

  6. John Cunningham

    A lot of us Westerners have noticed this but could only respond with, ‘yes, dear’.

  7. Darrell

    “Muslim women could use moral, intellectual, and material support from the West to improve their situation. But only a rational, reality-based women’s movement would be capable of actually helping. Women who think that looking like a pear is an essential human right are not valuable allies.”

    What an excellent point. These three sentences should be branded onto the behinds of every radical feminist in the United States.

  8. EZRider

    This has bothered me for years. When I was a kid, I bought the whole “culture” argument. But it’s bunk. Thanks for the post Pat, next time I get into a verbal scuffle with a self-proclaimed “feminist” I have a whole slew of ammo to throw.

  9. Brian H

    This brings to mind an observation just made by Thomas Sowell in Angry Left. [[Their greatest anger seems to be directed at people and things that thwart or undermine the social vision of the Left, the political melodrama starring the left as saviors of the poor, the environment, and other busybody tasks that they have taken on.

    It seems to be the threat to their egos that they hate.]]

    Egos are heavily invested in both anti-Americanism and female chauvinism, so only causes that stroke both will be permitted by those drunkest on rhetoric and power over academia and media.

  10. drillanwr

    The fascist left groups who are “feminists” and “gay activists” are the most narcissistic organisms on the face of the Earth (I say this because I would suspect some bacteria, virus, or other micro organisms buried deep within the Earth that would be so narcissistic as to infect and wipe out all life on the Face of the planet … Well, the narcissistic groups on the face of the planet have that possibility and probability also, I suspect.)

  11. suek

    You’re mistaken if you think that the feminist movement is about feminism. Read Christina Hoff Sommers first book “Who Stole Feminism”. The truth is that political activism of any sort - feminism, gay agenda, PETA - any of them are taken over by those who were early on indoctrinated by the Communists. Khrushev said “Our grandchildren will bury your grandchildren” and he could say that because he knew that they had top quality propagandists placed in our universities, and working in our media to cause the internal rot that would result in our nation falling. There is no longer a USSR, so it isn’t a nation against nation, but there are still communistic ideologues who want to take over the power of the US, and through the US, the world. Even though communism has failed every time it’s been tried, they feel that if they can just get it _right_, they can create heaven on earth.
    It’s all a boondoggle, and you can see it in exactly this sort of situation - they don’t really care about women, or gays or animals. Like the muslims who are using the courts to change our laws, they use the courts to undermine our system. The muslims are just copying their tactics. The courts are our achilles heel. No elections, no will of the people heard, lifetime appointments.

  12. carol m

    Remember when Madeline Albright was Secy of State she and her president presided over the take over by the Taliban of Afghanistan, and the stated policy, as stated by her female spokesperson was “the United States saw ‘nothing objectionable’ about the Taliban imposing its strict interpretation of Islamic law.” Direct quote. Actually, the feminists tried to get their Dem allies in the Clinton admin to do something, to no avail. They must have given up the ghost after that, or maybe they didn’t want to lift a finger to object to Islamofacist subjugation of women because didn’t want to be allied with a GOP admin. So once again, the left’s quest for power takes precedence over doing the right thing. :sad:

  13. CoRev

    Johm Cunningham, loved your response. Been married long? Or often?

  14. Infidel

    In their worldview, they are the underdog battlers against oppression here in America, their first aim is to be against conservatism, who they are for can vary widely. They support those with leftist rhetoric when they can find them, but in a pinch, they will side with anyone, as Carol and Brian’s posts show, against Western conservatism will do.

    Good posting guys!

  15. Tom

    Just keep repeating over and over…

    Religion of Peace.
    Religion of Pease.

    Ad infinitum.

  16. Iacobus

    I just want to reach into that 3rd picture and rescue that poor girl from being sexually mutilated. :cry:

    Eve Ensler. If there’s any single woman that’s earned my derision, it’s that fucking smug, know-it-all asinine bitch.

  17. Steve in NC

    suek, interesting comment, remember Joseph McCarthy is evil, as has been taught to us by Hollywood and our great public school system.

  18. GREG G. S.

    Who’s that so called photojournalist? I would would smash that freak in face oh, half dozen times with a mono-pod, then scoot out the back door. As far as Ensler is concerned she should go do stand-up in JizzDickaStan see how many laughs see gets.

  19. Heather

    This article brings up a good point regarding the hypocrisy of the feminist movement. Instead of being angry at them, though, I was left wondering what I was doing about the oppression of muslim women on a global scale. I was left wondering what could I do?
    I am raising 5 boys alone and running a wildlife clinic while my husband fights in Iraq–is keeping the home fires burning while my husband fights doing my part? Somehow I feel it’s not. Yet, I know nothing about where to start or what to do. I have read a few books and several magazine articles about the subject and always walk away angry and saddened. Perhaps someone here can give me some ideas of how to take real steps—besides just feeling sad, appalled, disgusted, outraged………

  20. drillanwr

    I believe the only time I recall hearing the American feminist groups bitch about “women’s rights” in other (especially poor) countries was shortly after GWBush took office and halted US funding of abortions for said countries (if I recall correctly …).

    Gee, I wonder if Eve Ensler might understand just a tiny bit better if ALL her taste buds were surgically, laser, or acid scraped from her tongue, and her finger tips (including the nerves)were completely removed?

  21. terry smyth

    this would be the fate of anyone in the muslim world who dared to be a “feminist”.For all their faults the american fems NEVER have to put up with this kind of bullshit so they are made inaccessable to the real world.They are able to pontificate from the ivory towers of academia when the “troops on the ground”, ie real women are getting on with their lives, having children assisting their men in their careers be it in commerce or the military and not feeling they are USED or PUT APON or that they have an axe to grind about their feminity.All power to them and nothing to the harradines in academia who dont figure in the real world at all. Pity that they spew their poison onto the undergrads who may have never experienced real life or real love that a soldier going to the front to preserve the lifestyle, has to give.
    Just a thought from an aussie

  22. Tim Roesch


    This should be on a billboard with the following sub title…

    So, you say you’re a feminist…

    Tim Roesch
    Command Private Major

  23. Steve in NC

    I have sent this around by email, with just the text and a link to here and to the WS included. I started the top of the email with the request to ‘please read this’ then pasted the text. at the end I wrote in bold
    ‘One should consider who aligns with who politically’

    the email subject line is simple:
    ‘the treatment of women in 2007′

    I sent it to those that would never see this otherwise

    maybe the next time they hear billary or a now spokesperson in the media they will begin to question their motives

    spread the word

  24. Jeanet


    I think you are already doing an incredible job. (Bowing my head with respect for you, a strong woman.)

    I’m not in to the “feminist”-thing. First, because I think there are many shades between black and white. Second because I was brought up with the thought that man and woman are equal.

    A had a rough time being married to a guy who started to abuse me after the first 3 years of being happily married. With “abuse” I mean mentally and physically.

    A lot can be said about being in a situation like this. For instance, why didn’t I got out of it, but that’s off-topic. Just let me put it this way, 1999 wasn’t a good year for me and the start of a new century, new-years day 2000, left me with the awful pain that I had lost everything. (Meaning; EVERYTHING!.)

    I had to not only go trough the process of learning that I was NOT guilty and rebuilding myself (in more then one way) from a lot of shattered pieces, I also took up the responsibility of taking some care of an 18 month old girl. A Muslim girl. One year later she got a sister. I learned a lot and I take action when I can and/or feel like I have to.

    To make a long story short:
    I’m on a telephone-list. I can be called every hour of the day to be part of a circle of people who make sure that the oldest girl won’t be taken away to “disappear” in her dad’s native country, being married of to some cousin and…..being mutilated for life.

    I once scribbled a short note on a small peace of paper, carefully slipping it into the hand of a veiled woman at a market-place in Amsterdam. She was clearly being so suppressed that it made me winch for pain. Pain I could remember so well.

    You said;
    “Perhaps someone here can give me some ideas of how to take real steps—besides just feeling sad, appalled, disgusted, outraged………”

    Well, I gave you a few suggestions. I’m pretty sure you’ll have more good ideas yourself because it is not that difficult. Just, open your eyes and heart, reach into yourself and stay informed. (Apparently, NOT doing what these feminist groups are doing as in:” Only addressing what is political correct”.)

    Concerning what Pat posted above:
    I read this article last night. Only to scroll back again and again to the picture of the girl in Egypt being clitoral dismembered. Then I had a strange dream.

    The girl screamed out to the photographer;”Why do you take pictures? Leave your camera for what it is and get me out of here!”
    In my dream I realised that just showing this to make the world aware wouldn’t make it go away. That the very heart of this barbarian atrocities must be stopped.
    Than I saw a big city-square which was filled almost completely with women who screamed and yelled, throwing of their veils and showing their hair, laughing and dancing.
    Osama Bin Laden was the only man there, looking at the mass of women. His face showed a very scared and devastated look. Then he ran away as fast as he could. In his trace were drops of blood, a sword and a Quran. They all disappeared into thin air leaving a clean trace where he had run, the women celebrating on the city-square, now completely being filled by them.

    Then I woke up from the telephone ringing. A drunk idiot who dialled the wrong number. My first thought was slamming my phone against the bed-room wall but then I realised that would only cost me money I can’t afford to spend on a tantrum of my own.
    I counted ‘till 10, reminiscing on my dream and dozed of again with the thought of the Egyptian girl seizing the knife that was supposed to dismember her, only to use it on Osama B. Laden, cutting off his private parts.

    Today I have a stupid grin on my face, because “I have a dream….”. (Hanging some dried and red-white-and-blue painted male balls in my Christmas tree!)

    Yessss, indeed, I’M BAD!!!!! :twisted: (Missing Rummy so much on moments like this.)

  25. Steve in NC

    Jeanet & Heather

    stay strong, for you are a fighters for what is right


    y’all seen this? (getting used to living in the south)

    I wonder if the veil burnings by the soldiers are their own attempt at finding males who fight while wearing womens clothes. which brings to mind that they should have their own clitoral dismemberment.

  26. Heather

    Thanks for the encouraging words Steve and Jeanet,

    Getting used to the south myself—the Army moved us from the frigid north to a sweltering sauna of a state. Just not right. And the bugs–everytime I venture outside I’m eaten alive by fire ants or mosquitoes. But we do have sweet tea and hurricane parties–so it’s not all bad. :smile:
    I really can’t whine to my husband about the heat-when he’s dealing with 114 degrees. Likewise, no matter how big the asiatic tiger mosquitoes get around here I can never compete with my husband’s camel spider stories. He said the other morning he heard a scuffle on the floor. He rolled over to see a camel spider dragging a mouse back to its corner. According to him, it only took the spider about 4 minutes to completely devour it. Gives me the creeps just thinking about it…….

  27. Jeanet

    :roll: , fire ants and asiatic tiger mosquitoes.

    You mentioned you were running a wildlife clinic. Didn’t realise it was so bad :mrgreen:

    (Okay, to be on the save side; Bringing up 5 boys by yourself while your husband is out on deployment is hard. I didn’t count your 5 sons being part of the wildlife clinic although sometimes it might feel like that :mrgreen: )

    And uhm, I’m pretty sure slipping notes to the fire ants just won’t work. You need another strategy there :wink:

  28. Jeanet

    Steve in NC commented:

    “Jeanet & Heather

    stay strong, for you are a fighters for what is right”.

    Thank you. (Blushing my cheeks Radiant Red behind the keyboard.)

  29. severian77

    Anybody bet that N.O.W. supports the creation and development of sharia courts here? I mean why not? The hypocracy is already thick enough to spread like peanut butter.

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