Behind The Scenes Blow By Blow of Yesterday’s Killing And Capture Of U.S. Forces

May 13th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Additionally, a Stryker battalion has been sent to the scene to assist the 4,000 troops already conducting the search. Also on the ground are an FBI forensics team, additional interpreters, and additional Human Exploitation Teams ( Intel teams ). So far, “hundreds” of locals have been questioned.

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14 Responses

  1. Nedra Lee

    This latest news has me hopping mad! I have several questions - - 1. WHY was such a small unit ALONE in that area in the first place? 2. WHY did it take ONE HOUR for additional troops to get to that area?

    Military answers would be very nice to have! :mad: :mad: :mad:

  2. gmoney

    I’m so fuckin pissed right now.Do patrols normally involve only 7 soldiers?

  3. Grumpy

    Calm down hippies! Right now it doesn’t matter WHY, only how do we get them back. I’ll tell you that in war, these things happen. The only thing that matters is what you do about it.

    There will be plenty of time for the Dems to cast blame and scream accusations of incompetence and poor tactics at our military. Mark my word; we will all be hearing it loud and clear from the MSM: Why did it take one hour? Why were they driving in a 7 man patrol?… GW is incompetent for letting soldiers drive in only 7 man patrols. If we, the Dems were in control, we wouldn’t let the soldiers choose what is the right number of people to take on patrol based on METT-T. We would dictate everything they would do. We civilians know better!

    I bet the Dems/MSM is creaming their pants over this story.

  4. gmoney

    Hippi?You can call me a lot of things, but hippi?How about uh……you go fuck yourself.I wasn’t in any way casting blame.I’m pissed at the thoughts of our soldiers in the hands of insane cock suckers.As far as my question,I didn’t know so I asked.Sorry if it offended you…not really.

  5. one lung

    This kind of instant gratification reporting is why we are having such a hard time wrapping this shit up, our armed forces as the newest victims for which the left takes “solidarity” with, gimme a fuckin’ break.

  6. John Cunningham

    Squad size, 7 to 10, yes. Three to 5 night time ambushes, yes. One must maintain a rigid degree of flexibility. You don’t know that what you were doing was wrong until it goes wrong. You did what you were doing because up until it went wrong it was right.

  7. Iacobus

    I hear some al-fucking-Qaeda front group has claimed responsibility for their capture but have furnished no proof thus far.

    I will keep praying that at least this episode ends happily. And if it doesn’t?


  8. Nedra Lee

    To set the record straight… I’m way far from being a hippi (sic). In fact I’m 77 years old - I’m a proud Republican and a Conservative to boot! So watch yer language..

    The Dems are so much vermin as far as I’m concerned!

  9. jweim

    Thanks alot Democrats………

  10. scott

    We did a few patrols with 8 Marines. But we fought our way out of everything.

  11. FTL

    Man I hope & pray those guys are not being tortured….

    you’re right Pat… THIS IS WAR.

    Semper Fidelis

  12. EZRider

    From what I hear, they’re partolling more frequently and on smaller patrols. So 7 man teams wouldn’t be that uncommon. The hour response time seems ridiculous tho. I woulda thought at least a helo or something would have been launched to provide some some support.

  13. Grumpy

    I know I’m in the right place when there is no grater insult than “hippy.” Sorry, I didn’t mean to be offensive.

  14. gmoney

    Grumpy,Call me an asshole next time :lol:

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