Brave Republican Presidential Candidates, Cowardly Democrat Presidential Candidates

May 4th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

repub debate #1

Think for a minute: Just what the hell does this mean, Chris Matthews moderating all Republican candidates on MSNBC at the very same moment in history when the Democrats all refuse to debate on Fox News? This is a heavy, heavy, dark, dark moment. How did we get here? And what does it mean?

The Democrat Party’s Big Brother censorship of Fox News’ participation in the 2008 Presidential elections is so far the most disturbing milestone of foreign born billionaire George Soros’ blatant attempt to shut down American Democracy. Soros, shadow boss and financial avatar of and Media Matters, has pumped tens of millions of dollars into the pockets of Democrats in order to fulfill his stated ambition to substitute his political will for that of the American people. Soros is attempting to literally buy both the Presidency and Congress and establish himself as dictator.

soros dr. evil

It is entirely without precedent that a news network like Fox would be succesfully blacklisted by a foreign political agent like Mr Soros, and his internet hatchet Moveon continues to lead the campaign to keep you from hearing anything Fox News has to say. “This is Mind Control to Mr. & Mrs. America: we own your brain. You are no longer allowed exposure to Fox News.”

Did you elect Mr. Soros President, let alone King? He’s vowed to spend his “entire fortune” to get a government that only enacts policies he personally approves of. Is this really allowed? I suggest you write your congressman and local media to encourage immediate investigations of Mr. Soros’ shadowy financial entaglements with the Democrat party and politicians. Bribery anyone?

soros hillary root of all evil

As a foreigner, Soros can’t be elected to the Presidency. Like most arrogant rich people, he assumes he can simply buy it.

soros thanksgiving

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10 Responses

  1. TJ

    i thought all the wealthy people trying to bribe politicians were republicans? :roll:

    This is one jewish guy that the islamists must love. I think I saw osama at his sons bah mitzvah come to think of it! :eek:

  2. Tom

    The Dems are afraid of Fox but are then going to take on N. Korea, Al Queda and Iran?

    I think they should stick to yoga.

  3. Tanicacid

    This one reminds me of when Cheney was on some debate that was moderated by the black gal from CNN, and when asked about his Haliburton perks, he wanted more than 30 seconds to respond. She denied that request and missed a whole explanation that the media was razzing him for a long time. Hmmm, wonder what happened there? I would think even the liberals were a little pissed at her for that…or they thanked her for not letting him lay it all out on the table.

  4. carol m

    What irony. The Republican’s aren’t afraid to be moderated by Mr. Most Biased Chris Matthews, but the Dems are afraid to attend a Fox sponsored debate. Keep telling it like it is, Pat.

  5. suek

    In that same vein…

  6. xyz

    pat this is very important. keep reporting on soros. his money spreads everywhere and a lot of people i talk to think he is benign and a humanitiarian. a lot of people have no idea what is.

    he uses his money for “humanitarian projects” (not but other benign-sounding projects) to front what it is he really intends—to destroy the political system of the usa. he has nothing but contempt for the usa.

  7. Egfrow

    Damn if Soros isn’t making good progress with the the insane and the lazy! Forgeign nationals making donations to political campagins and groups needs to stop. Such as Commie Red Pinko Greek Greaseballs like Soros and Murdering thugs like the Chineese.

  8. Allen

    Pat, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - RIGHT ON! (and write on). How hard is it being an honest person? I mean as far as reporting goes, you are the most unbiased person I can think of. The only downside to the debate was the leftist questions that had very little to do with policy but more to do with trying to trap Republicans with Democrap talking points. I thought it was pretty funny how when the candidate were asked if it would be better if Bill Clinton was back in the white house they all laughed. And the picture of Soros as doctor evil, the name pretty much says it all. There are genuinely evil people in this world — whoda thunk it.

  9. bobcra

    I had something to say to the Dems out there but my narrow mind is affecting my memory. I sorry.

  10. TJ

    soros worked for the nazi’s as a child, and now he is establishing his own national socialists order.

    heil soros!

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