If There’s A War With Iran, It’ll Be The Dems And The MSM Who Caused It

May 14th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


A little over a year ago, George Bush and the Administration began the campaign to stop Iran from killing any more Americans in Iraq. They began to make it clear to Iran that if they didn’t stop killing our troops we would attack them. However, seconds after George Bush signaled this threat in his State of The Union Address, the MSM and Democrat Party began a feverish campaign to convince Iran that we would not attack. Their underlying strategy was to convince the American people that Iran was innocent and that George Bush merely wanted to start another war for implicitly nefarious reasons that they were never able to articulate. So they ramped up a massive media campaign to eliminate any public support for this possible war, a war the administration didn’t even want to wage, but whose specter it needed in order to avoid bloodshed and bring peace to Iraq. The Dems and MSM have been doing everything they can to remove any fear from Iran that this war will ever happen. They have been quite succesful. So now Iran does not sufficiently fear it, and has no reason to back down. So, ironically, the only way to solve the situation in Iraq, and to stop Iran from making nuclear weapons, may be to start a war with them, a war that could have been avoided if the Democrats had followed Diplomacy 101 and allowed us to maintain a credible threat of war. But that would’ve been far too politically inconvenient for them, I suppose. I guess we’ll see if all the unnecessary bloodshed they have caused and continue to cause, isn’t.

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22 Responses

  1. Iacobus

    As far as liberals are concerned, there is no such thing as a worthy cause and defending the free world from absolutely insane fuckheads. It makes one want to wish they could have their own fucking world just so one could watch them wallow in it. Instead, they insist on marching into oblivion all the while dragging everyone else down with them.

    And everything’s a fucking conspiracy. Why, it wasn’t 19 swarthy Muslims who hijacked planes on 9/11, *it was our own government*. The cunning George W. Bush engineered his “illegal war for oil.” :roll:

  2. GREG G. S.

    I’ve always thought that a strategic reason for going into iraq included the fact that troops in iraq complete the circle of U.S. forces surrounding iran north east west and south, for this purpose invasion, if not for dems, MSM and a CIA that fight with it’s self about intel and what to do with it to strengthen the U.S. instead of hurting the U.S., tehran would have already fallen. Just as the President likes to say we do not want to wait for an immediate threat, to react. that’s a gamble.

    PS Is that one of those Estes rocket kits I had as a kid?

  3. Grumpy

    Looks like an amusement park ride at a mall.

  4. Steven D

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - first Presidential candidate who promises to bring these traitorous Liberals up on charges of treason gets my vote.

  5. Steve in NC

    OK, tactical strikes to destroy all known weapons facilities in iran, then iran fulfills it’s threat to retaliate and we take a dirty bomb / primative nuke hit, then we just nuke the fuck out of them, sorry for those down wind, you should have helped us…

    everyone screams and has fits and China says shit, and we let them scream in public and tell them we will cut off our market if they play real hard ball, the soviets are scary but they know we will ash them as easy, the muslims go ape shit again we ash syria and small tactile hits into palestine. they go back to raping and beating their women and give up world conquest.

    chavez suddenly dissapears, and venezuela begins production increases in oil as we go to our own gulf and Alaska to overcome the loss of production in iran.

    We increase our development of alternative energy to reduce the use of fossil fuels for everyday transportation and the investments will be considered carbon credits to offset that large expanse of glass formally known as iran, calming the freaked out environmental wackos.

    we can survive this shit storm, these other f*ckers can’t so guess who wins in the end?

    as mr king said “I have a dream”

  6. GREG G. S.

    Ha Ha ! Steve, In a perfect world they “go back to raping GOATS and beating women”

  7. REN

    I’ve thought the DEMS were off their rocker on this one point for quite a while now. United we stand! This does NOT mean united as REPUBLICANS with a “neocon agenda”, it means UNITED IN OUR STANCE IN ALL FOREIGN RELATIONS, which is WHY the Executive takes the lead, NOT the Legislative. You’d think it was rocket science the way DEMS don’t get it.

  8. TWarrior

    Eventually people are going to figure out that the lack of a strong foreign policy will cost us more than 3-8 thousand lives. :mad:

    I hope it’s sooner rather then later.

    Right now, to many indoctrinated socialists are living life indiscriminatly. They don’t know the difference between right and wrong.

    ON ANOTHER NOTE: :beer: :beer: :beer: FOR rumsfeld47

  9. Tim Roesch


    When it comes to band aids, I say a quick tear is lots better than a slow pull.

    That said, let’s elect Hilary (could you imagine the campaign and the shocked liberals?) and sit back on our stockpiled ammo and after the dust settles, take America back and use the resulting mess to teach at least three generations of Americans what happens when you forget what you believe in.

    Either that or we get Texas and CA to leave the Union and see how long socialism lasts in this country without CA’s economy to fuel it and Texas patriotism to defend it. West Virginia would join and maybe even parts of Tennessee and Kentucky. Hell, NH might join just to piss off MA!

    Tim Roesch
    Command Private Major

    And I say…thirty more pushups for Rumsfeld47!

  10. 0311inohio

    Man, I just can’t think of one thing to add to the above posts.. Right On..

    Exception being :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: and plus one more P/U for Rummy. Ah, the 2nd week of boot. :eek:

  11. Matt

    LOL…the box shaped missile says “kite” on it?

    Wait..I get it…the libs will say…naw, that’s not a missile headed towards us, look it says “kite” on it! We can’t shoot down a kite! :lol:

  12. TWarrior

    VIENNA, May 14 — Inspectors for the International Atomic Energy Agency have concluded that Iran appears to have solved most of its technological problems and is now beginning to enrich uranium on a far larger scale than before, according to the agency’s top officials.

    Here we fucking go……. :mad:

  13. john cromp

    Hey ,I am new to this site what doe’s MSM stand for?

  14. john cromp

    I have been reading this web site since I heard about it on the radio, very much inpress with what I read and hear!I thank you all for doing what you do.You are the tip of the spear!

  15. Emery

    MSM - mainstream media :evil:
    TFM - terrorost friendly media :lol:
    MSM - Mostly stupid media :razz:

  16. Iacobus

    @john cromp:

    MSM is an acronym for, “mainstream media.”

  17. john cromp

    thanks ,I hope I can give some input !! :beer:

  18. Greg - USA

    john cromp - “thanks ,I hope I can give some input !!”

    It’s very, very easy. All you have to do is think on your own, read, and learn what is really going on in the world without relying on others to tell you what is going on or how you should think. Find out for yourself, and do the research. It is so, so very simple to find out what is really going on I really don’t understand why more people don’t do it.

    In short: US - good.

  19. Clyde Conneer

    Better than to elect Billery we deport him/her to Iran and let her/him “Satisfy” Achmadinjihad’s curiousity.

  20. EZRider

    Tim Roesch: you can have CA. I think that’s 90% of the problem.

    If we nuke Iran… does that mean we’ll have radioactive oil? Nuclear power + fossil fuels = Fast cars and bigger trucks for everyone!

  21. RENO

    Had a big meeting yesterday so I missed out a little.
    Just wanted to :beer: :beer: :beer: for rummy

  22. Quarnel

    this site is MSM.
    limbaugh is MSM.
    The MSM that everyone refers to is NOT mainstream.
    I can’t stand the term MSM as reference to CBS, CNN, MSNBC, etc.
    They are the OM (old media).

    – Sorry. I had to get that off my chest.

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