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38 Responses

  1. Chad

    I love this video saw it awhile back but it was just the end part. I love how they planned all of it out and then got fucked up. Good job boys.

  2. gmoney

    Blue socks with sneakers?He deserved to get shot.Is that what they call “fire discipline”?I don’t think the Hajis got a shot off….sweet!! :lol:

  3. 0311inohio

    Fucking sweet.. I wonder with one of those fucks was the first one to claim their virgins? And I wonder if those virgins were holding shotguns.. I love this site Pat. Drudge was my first stop when first signing on but you have replaced him. Gotta love it. :smile: :beer: :beer: :beer:

  4. 0311inohio

    Which.. a typo above.. :oops:

  5. Dan

    :beer: :beer: :beer: loved it…..
    “come get some bitches!”

  6. GREG G. S.

    Sweet, what a bunch a dead fucks. With all that green I’m guessing they were training out of country?? Before showing up in iraq, if that’s iraq?

  7. Gabe Thompson

    I like how that fat sack of shit leading this fuck up ended up splayed out like a 2 dollar whore.

  8. starkc

    There’s greenery in Iraq, mostly around rivers and “developed” areas. They’re prolly in-country.

  9. Tom

    Oh Cursed Am I Most Allah! I come as MujMuj to Iraq from distant Algeria and all I get are these fucking bullets! Fuck! Bullets fucking hurt much!! Being Most Dead Sux Much!

    Durka Durka Mohammad Jihad My Most Islamic Ass!!

  10. John Cunningham

    You caught me just coming in after 4 pints, a stop at the health club, I was in a savoring frame of mind. “I need a little room to pray”. Pray, bitch!

  11. Fraser


  12. Turambar

    Pat or anyone. Do you know if they play this stuff on Iraqi tv? seems to me like a pretty good way to disuade people. Just make it a silent vid and at the end just one comment “This is what happens.”

  13. Greg - USA

    Awe… they like to pway wiff wittle twucks…

  14. A. S. Wise

    “Allah be praised, we are going to kill those infidels, responding to the call for jihad by our fat masters! Yes the same clerics and leaders that tell us to blow ourselves up, but never seem to carry out bombings themselves. OH SHIT, WE WERE FORSAKEN BY ALLAH! These infidels have teeth, and aren’t the soft fighters we were told were would face!” Awesome job once again coalition, to victory!

  15. Maria

    I also love that these muj motherfuckers plan out their attacks against the greatest most powerful military in the world using plastic toy cars. Hope they’re happy burning in hell.

  16. FTL

    go and meet your false god you bunch blind fools. remember it was your choice to bow down to allah.

    nice shootin’ !!! very interesting to see a dead enemies POV… what a confused bunch of idiots.

    :beer: cheers

  17. Indy

    alla akbar your ass. reminds me of the zipper heads. Them is good hajis, good and dead

  18. Kipp

    I think we learned a few things from this video:

    #1: GM just passed Toyota for having the most working cars on the road now.

    #2: Isn’t it time the insurgents do a little up armoring?

    #3: One should never wargame with oversized cars for the available space.

    #4: The minivid will not provide cover no matter how small you attempt to make yourself.


  19. Squire


    Looked like terrorist amateur hour. Can you believe it? The one guy gets in the truck– “Screw you guys I’m out of here!” Takes away the only cover they had!

    Arab grease all over the place. Leave’em lay. Birds got to eat same as the worms.

  20. EDC

    lol anyone planning with toy cars, tape, and a stick deserves to be shot in the head

  21. Jewish Odysseus

    Pat, I’m glad you enjoyed this as much as I did! :beer:

    I love the time-log on the vid…”Here we all are at 14:21, carefully planning our glorious attack on the infidel base, complete with our neat scale-models…Then, by 15:25, here we all are…oh sh!t, we’re all DEAD and in HELL, and we’re being collectively devoured and digested by a herd of giant pigs!” :twisted:

    Yeah, and what about that fat guy, I think I recognized him from our local shishkebab joint…Jihadi basic ain’t what it used to be, I doubt that guy cd even make it thru a Pop Warner football obstacle course.

    Your site is doing a great service by publishing these vids that are suppressed by the MSM. The whole thing comes down to THE MORALE OF OUR FIGHTERS AND OUR NATION. The MSM always amplifies anything that will hurt our morale…and minimizes or censors anything that will inspire us, those f#cking b#st#rds. C’est tout.

    That humming vibration you feel is the late great Ernie Pyle spinning in his grave.

    But your great site, and others, is helping to fight back!

    FWIW, here is my own detailed take on why we need to finish the job in Iraq by totally routing the jihadis:


  22. @thepointyend

    Most of what gets seen on TV is the Muj stuff, because most get their TV by satellite vice aerials. We used to hand out flyers with pics of some of the muj dudes that we fucked up - plaster a quote like “pick up an RPG and you might end up like this” along with a still of a dude with an RPG and half a face and it makes an impact. Unfortunately, there is always some dickhead just dying to end up with half a face. and some virgins. Stupid fucks!

  23. Korndawg

    Now that is how I want my tax dollars spent….
    “WASTE MANAGEMENT” Thanks for taking out the trash guys.

    I hope those douchebags are enjoying their 72 virgin…Camels

  24. alexa kim

    In the words of one of the rarest humans on the planet, a Living Ace, Brig. Gen. Robin Olds, ret., in an interview after halving the Viet Cong airforce, “We engaged the enemy. We tangled, they lost.”

  25. mindy abraham

    Have seen it before-the terrorists really think they can beat us one on one :twisted:

  26. Lt. Jarred Fishman

    That is classic that the Jihadi boss puts the truck into reverse and leaves the cameraman sitting there out in the open :mrgreen:

    The only unfortunate part is that I have seen it before- I would like to see a new one of these every week. From reading the Centcom reports, we are killing and capturing vast numbers of AQI right now so hopefully someone with a sense of humor will upload them onto youtube

  27. Tim Roesch


    My first thought was this was Isreal. Was this Iraq?

    Pardon my lack of proper MOS training (92b10)but…even I, experienced paintballer than I am, could have seen this coming.

    If this was Iraq…they were going against a prepared position, no cover, no covering fire, apparently, and only thin skinned vehicales?

    I am all amazed!

    Tim Roesch
    Command Private Major

  28. Tim Roesch


    It would take a Liberal Establishment for us not to be perceived as winning with…I am stunned!

    Are they really that stupid? This should be shown on MSM with those PLO dweebs who misset their timer on the bomb, forgetting DST…


    Okay…okay, I’ll shut up now…I’ll try…

    Are you guys sure that wasn’t some sort of set up job or something? Was that real? Did the bunkered troops have casualties…like spraining something laughing or having a mounted .50 fall on them as they were ROFL?

    Tim Roesch
    Command Private Major

  29. Tim Roesch

    OKAY OKAY! NO! I got it!

    They were suckered in! They thought this was a training exercise against an unmanned bunker and the snickering Marines (?) inside were waiting!

    That HAS to be it! NO ONE is that stupid! I teacher junior high and senior high! I KNOW stupid! HEll, ask my about my trips to the ER!

    This was a sucker drill! Yes, the bunker will be empty! Come…come to de bunker my Jihadi friends! Come…hehehehehehe!

    Tim Roesch
    Command Private Major

    I’ll stop posting…I promise! I mean it! I’m SERIOUS this time…okay?

  30. starkc

    Actually you may well be right. I’d been thinking about that after my post, and as they were all armed and geared up, I think it’s equally or more likely that they were either infil-ing Iraq (the country or a province) or operating in/around Israel.

    Giving support to the Israel possibility is the lack of airstrikes, which we Americans do so love. :mrgreen:

  31. Jewish Odysseus

    Another version of this vid gives some details–it was an attack on a US bunker in Iraq–from the description:


    Other details are within the vid:


  32. Tim Roesch


    First, I am no expert and I am by no means trying to start a flame war or anything but the video bothered me. Am I over-analyzing?

    Allow me to list the reasons I have a problem with this video (could it be fake somehow?) and please, those with more rifle sight experiance tear my reasons up and enlighten me. My experiance comes from playing lots of vicious paint ball games (try beating the LASD SWAT Team’s paint ball team three times in one day just a paint ball shot from their Malibu substation and you will discover the meaning of vicious…it was almost hand to hand a few times…)

    1. The sheer stupidity of the attack. I mean…are they THAT stupid? Black clothing against a stark, red dirt landscape? Maybe they were criminals and this was their punishment?! There’s more here…somewhere…is this ‘real’?

    2. The length of the pregame activity…how long does it take to, apparently, tell a bunch of yahoos “you drive here…jump out shoot here…GO!” I mean, can you imagine a group of five year olds spending an hour planning how they’re going to approach one house on Halloween? (Okay, we all have costumes? Good…now, we will turn left here and proceed up walkway. You ring doorbell, we hold sack…GO!)

    3. They were going to drive up to the bunker through what appears to be barren landscape…do you they understand the concept of ‘BINOCULARS’? What the hell? This wasn’t suicide or a bad OP…this was criminal!

    They were just too stupid for words! Something smells here. Anyone want to set me straight? Please…by all means! You could write an FM (hell, three!) on all the mistakes! Was this an Al-Queda training film on how not to do a raid? And who was the other videographer? Hmmm?

    Tim Roesch
    Command Private Major

  33. Steve in NC

    look at the shadow of the film on a vehicle at the end of the tape and you can clearly see the outline of what appears to be US helmet. I suspect the camera was picked up from the dead guy and used to film it.

  34. john ft laud

    Awesome stuff!! Git ‘em young guns!!

  35. Tim Roesch


    No, I was referring to the ‘other’ guy who appeared to be filming in the orchard. There appears to be two filmers.

    I will look for the shadow of the helmet.

    But, did the guys look all that excited to you? Their gun waving seemed labored and heavy not excited or fanatical.

    Tim Roesch
    Command Private Major

  36. starkc

    Well, PKs and RPDs aren’t exactly light. And back to the comment made by the guy who said they didn’t look like they were in decent shape.

  37. TSgt B. Long

    I would hope that this is a common training video for these goat humppers.They really had the element of surprise, they had superior fire power, the planning stage was really top notch. To top everything off, did you notice their enthusiasm at the end of the training class? Boy are we in trouble!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  38. A. S. Wise

    The bastards form YouTube removed it,

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