Top Secret French Military Operations In Afghanistan

May 11th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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25 Responses

  1. John in PA

    WTF :shock: Holy crap mamn :!:

  2. MO

    WOW! Is that first vid for real?

  3. Kathy Ozanne

    Lord above, I was expecting something completely different on that first video!

    The second one is a hoot!


    French troops are a bunch of fairies. Saw it first hand when we played them in a game of volleyball on the beach at Mogadishu Intl Airport in 1993. After each point they scored (and it wasn’t many), they’d flip out, jumping up and down, hugging and dry-humping each other. We were like WTF?

  5. Peaceful One

    Vive La France!!!

    THESE SOLDIERS understand peace comes first. They do not wish death to the Religion of Peace and have embraced inner children in the Third World. No need for macho macho macho all the time. When the Revolution comes, they will be ready to kill Republican women in their beds.

    Dancing is peaceful! Music is joyful! Bush is a Nazi! That’s the message. Why can’t you all get it for once finally?!!!

    I bet Che was tres chic when he danced, don’t you?!

    Peace out to my French homeboys!

  6. Seth Kegley

    Napoleon is rolling over in his grave right about now!

  7. newhumandesign

    I’ve seen that first one before. Hillarious!

  8. GREG G. S.

    Hee Hee, can you imagine being on your knees during a weapons malfunction like that,
    rolling as fast as you can with no bladder control.

    Anyway, they need to stick to making duck guts and cheese, get those fags off the battlefield before someone get hurt.

  9. Gramps

    The french were emasculated in WWII, that’s why they have the french FOREIGN legion.

  10. Bane

    I like how he holds his foot hostage in the last video.

    “Don’t move, or my foot gets it!”

  11. gmoney

    Peaceful One,go fuck yourself dick face.We need some political cleansing in this country.Fuck heads like this should be wiped off the face of the earth.You types are worthless to society.Why don’t you go over to France and suck every French soldiers dick you can.Oh better yet,go get a shovel,dig up Che’s dead stinkin rotten corps (or whatevers left of it) and skull fuck him with your little tiny dick.

  12. carol m

    I think Peaceful One is being facetious. By the way, my elementary school daughter dances the same as the French soliders and I think she’s a good dancer.;)

  13. Jeanet

    Aaaaaah, no better painkiller then a good laugh.

    Video nr. 2 could have been made at “my” barrack. “My guys” like to blow of some steam in very funny ways as well. (To be honest, I was responsible for more then one “nut-moment” myself. :mrgreen:

    I had the privilege to meet a French platoon two years ago. After having them around for 3 long days, all I could say was; respect.

  14. Brad W

    Gmoney, Peacefulone has already confessed in a prior post that he is using the tactics of the mighty Maha Rushie to illustrate the absurd by being absurd. I think his post is a laugh, and can only imagine how many imbecilic pacifists that read it actually nod in agreement, because he is making fools out of them and they agree with him!

  15. TWarrior

    Humor is the best thing to end a long week with. :lol:

  16. Peaceful One

    Oh, so I can’t Praise Allah?! I bet Che would Praise Allah too if he knew Allah was a Communist Revolutionary like Comrade Mao. Think about it.

    Bush is the Hitler. Did Hitler ever boogie like French soldiers? Noooooo!

    I like religion of peace people because when they hate Bush they help to save the environment from Global Warning! Allah is Green!

    Praise Geeen Allah peeps and Homeys. Fight the power every fucking hour!

    This is what we call “multiculturalism” oh ignorant macho machos!

  17. Vanessa

    These are great picks. We all had a good laugh. Thanks

  18. Poolee Score

    once i took a multiculturalism class in college. when i didn’t agree with an islamic practicing student about how i should always feel what is known as “white guilt” he threatened to throw me off the 3rd story smoking balcony. in front of half of the class and all of the faculty. i responded to his “peaceful” understanding of my statements of “ignorance” with a “get your fucking terrorist face out of mine before i put a steel toe through it.”

    the teachers kicked me out of the class because i was considered “hostile with racial motivations for possible violence”

    oh the irony. anyways, he did try and “talk” to me again before i left for good. you’d think they’d learn how to fight, or at least take a fucking punch to the head before they start shit…. :mrgreen:

  19. gmoney

    Well insert foot in mouth.I totally owe you an apology Peaceful One.I was having a horrible Friday work day and I read your post and it pushed me over.Can I buy you a beer? :oops: Well take your name out and put Denis’ in. :lol: Sorry again!

  20. terrysmyth

    peaceful one:
    che?mao? bushhitler?allah (pisson his boot) green? shees
    allah woulnt know green from sand except for the color of the corpse of che?or mao? or the profet? pull the other one.Take the mick all you like. we love pissing on the looney left here, you do it tongue in cheek :beer:

  21. 0311inohio

    What a fucking hoot… I could not stop laughing at the first video.. Holy shit. the French are fucked big time.

    Peaceful One.. Eat shit Scumbag! The best part of you ran down your daddy’s leg.. :lol:

  22. Peaceful One

    I remember that beauty is something BushHitler never would recognize even if he DID speak Francais.

    Allah was a Revolutionary Communist. Mohammad would look good with a Che beret on his head, very chic and French Parisian. I think so anyway.

    What I worry about is that Marx said God was Opiate of Masses. Mohammad said Praise Allah. Does that mean he wants me to use opium? I owe this dude forty bucks right now, fuck, fuck fuck.

    I am in touch with my multicultural inner child right now. IF you knew how peaceful it can become you’d never support Halliburton and their greedy war for Oil AGAINST inner children from the Third World Oppression by Dick Cheney.

    If only you would THINK! Too much for your right brains right wing macho machos. There’d be no beauty or music if it were up to Dick Cheney!!!! WHAT THEN?!!!

    Didn’t think so.

  23. France the retour

    Inohio, for just a dust in history, you could have been the one state who still speaks french, may-be your ancestor was a french bastard ? or, wait…. indian !
    poor grateless guy !

  24. EZRider

    That’s some funny stuff. I’d shit myself if that first video happened to me.

  25. North and South

    Sorry to spoil your fun guys, but the one in the first vid speaks French with a Canadian accent … this is definitely NOT the French army …
    Eh … am I mistaken or is Canada QUITE close to the United States ??? Ooooh, that must hurt.
    Oh and by the way, hello to all my American brothers from Fairy land, that’s right, in OLD incompetent dry-humping emasculated sissy Europe, ok?!
    There are indeed some realy funny posts on this forum, but appreciations might differ …

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