Israel Looking To Give Syria The Golan Heights And Trust Them In Peace Deal

June 8th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Report: Olmert Signals on Golan Heights

Jun 8 01:40 AM US/Eastern

JERUSALEM (AP) - A recent flurry of secret messages from Israel to Syria signaled Israel’s willingness to give up the disputed Golan Heights in return for a peace agreement, an Israeli newspaper reported Friday.

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert sent messages with German and Turkish diplomats to Syrian President Bashar Assad indicating that Israel is willing to hold direct peace negotiations and give up the Golan Heights, according to the report in the daily Yediot Ahronot, quoting officials close to Olmert.

Israel captured the strategic heights from Syria 40 years ago in the 1967 Mideast War.

In the past, Olmert repeatedly said he would be prepared to negotiate with Syria only if Assad’s regime distanced itself from Iran, Syria’s most important regional ally, and ceased its support for armed groups dedicated to Israel’s destruction. The Palestinian Islamic group Hamas is headquartered in the Syrian capital, and Syria is the main patron of Hezbollah, the Lebanese Shiite group that went to war with Israel last summer.

Syria did not respond to Olmert’s messages, the report said.

President Bush gave Olmert the green light for negotiations with Syria in an hourlong phone conversation last month, according to the report, and the two leaders will further discuss the possibility of talks during their scheduled meeting at the White House on June 19.

No response to the report was immediately available from Olmert’s office.

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40 Responses

  1. Future0311

    *bangs head on table*

    The epitome of insanity. Does he honestly expect this to work, after Israel’s ceded a bunch of other territories and these animals still haven’t shut the hell up?

    What is convincing Olmert that it’ll work this time? It’s never worked before. So why will it work now? Oh, I guess it just might be a miracle, right…? :roll:

    Grow some fucking balls and blow the shit out of them.

  2. For country and glory

    Poison the hillsides and give it back. It would be a nice time to test out biological agents like the Islamic AIDS virus.

  3. John Cunningham

    Israel and I were born the same year. I may outlive Israel. Olmert, what are you, stupid? Calling Mr. Netanyahu, Mr. Netanyahu, where are you? Get this meshugganah out of here.

  4. Dan

    I’m with Future 0311. Also “banging head on table” after wrapping head with duct tape.

    Hasn’t Israel yet learned the word “Hudna”? Surely, there are members of the Israeli government that speak Arabic and understand what that word means?????

  5. Joanie

    Doesn’t “Peace” mean “Destroy Israel” in Arabic?

    The Golan Heights: soon to known as “Iranian Missile Launch Pad”

  6. ssgduke54

    :???: Hmmm….Didn’t in 1938 British PM Neville Chamberlain sold out the country of Czechoslovakia’s for a peace treaty with Hitler?!! Yep! “Peace in our Time” that idiot Prime Minister said to the world! In a year Hitler attack Poland then later went rampaging all across Europe! Now you got the same peace loving idiots in Israel who think that give territory away to your enemies to APPEASE THEM will solve everything! Well, history is going to repeat itself again and if they do this it will only led them to a far larger and more terrible war the likes they have not seen since the independence of Israel. God help Israel and the world if this happens because we are going to need it!

  7. IP727

    Olmert must have studied at the knee of neville chamberland.

  8. Kathy Ozanne

    So, it goes like this: “Give us the only thing we want and we’ll NEGOTIATE” WTF?

    Olmert needs to be bounced the hell out of office. Like someone else said earlier, where the hell is Bibi?

  9. Bill Turner

    This is beyond belief. If Olmert has a death wish, he needs to deal with it himself, not take the entire country down with him.

  10. bd

    Set Israel free… to do whatever they want. Let there airforce bomb away. Why do we have to hold them back? Dump Olmert and assert your right to self preservation!! And all you lefty Israelis: You can give up all territory to 1948 borders, AND MUSLIMS WILL STILL BEAT, RAPE, AND KILL YOU, YOUR WIFE AND YOUR CHILDREN. ARE YOU LISTENING? Please, we must all designate who the appeasers are and get rid of them if we are all to survive to 2050. Are you listening Israel? Europe? Is there anybody left?

  11. Tanicacid

    What I’m wondering is if Syria’s Assad has any control over Hamas and Hezbolla. If there are parallell societies in all these countries, what can the recognized heads of state do while the other society within those countries obey only Wahabism? If the Golan goes on the deal, and there’s any unofficial infractions of the treaty, Syria risks losing even more territory on the breach of treaty warI would think.

  12. Tom

    Israel is the canary in the coal mine. And yet the only country in the Middle East with a gay pride parade is the most hated by liberals. Amazing.

  13. Tom

    For Syria this is a piece (of Israel) in our time.

  14. C-Low

    This is what you get with LLL leadership. Collective Suicide that in the LLL’s eyes is somehow deserved due to some evil or wrong his ancestor forefathers did.

    I truley feel sorry for those in Israel. The saddest part is this obvious begging pandering to Assad to avoid war is more likely to cuase war than avoid it. Syria/Iran in my opinion is more likley to smell blood over this and go for the kill over stepping rather than calm things and take another junk to chew on.

  15. Joshua

    “Does he honestly expect this to work, after Israel’s ceded a bunch of other territories and these animals still haven’t shut the hell up?”


  16. Jerry

    Look at how successful handing over the Gaza Strip has been. Same action, the same reaction will follow. Read the parable about rescuing the Scorpion. You get the same gratitute from these animals.

  17. bd

    Great vid of how MSM distorts the war…

    :beer: :beer:

  18. Indy

    That’s right Jerry. Look how well the Gaza deal worked out for them. Pretty soon all they will have left to appease with is downtown Israel. When will they learn, you can’t make deals with radical Muslims, it can’t be done.

  19. Steve in NC

    Found a pic of Olmert considering this road to peace with those that have vowed to remove his people from the Earth:

  20. Babs

    I read a piece a while back that reported that the people of the Golan Heights were actually happy living under Israeli occupation. I recall reading one person say “If they give us back to Syria will will once again live under a corrupt gov’t and have our land taken from us.” Possibly, they should hold a referendum?
    Wouldn’t that be refreshing?

  21. TJL

    Bill - right on.
    Syria has always been Israel’s most vicious enemy, and Olmert should not be so quick to forget the war of 1967. Fucking Arabs - there is NO peace with them.. they are worse than animals.

  22. Jewish Odysseus

    As a very wise man wrote here the other day:

    “The problem with Israel is its leadership.

    A series of events have conspired to give them a PM (Olmert) who makes Jimmy Carter look like Gen. George S. Patton.”

    Well, whaddya know, that was me! :cool:

    What so many good Americans don’t understand is that the tough, heroic Israel we all admired has been demolished, kind of like Samson having his hair cut off.

    The people of Israel have been anesthetized by its elites almost non-stop for ~14 years. The message: “Our enemies are such scary murderous savages that we can’t live together amongst them…so we have to give them their own territory to live in, directly next to us.” Very logical…

    The amazing thing is, Israel did try “getting tough” for ~20 months in 2002-2003, the American-style seek/destroy “Op Defensive Shield.” AND IT WAS HUGELY SUCCESSFUL…So of course those brilliant super-brained Jews exploited their position of strength by HANDING GAZA OVER TO THE JIHADI ENEMY.

    Unless they want to be victimized by some mega-assault that WILL inflict casualties on the Jews unheard of since the death camps were liberated, they NEED a real Patton, or a MacArthur. Maybe most needed, a Pinochet. :neutral:

  23. TJL

    I love this guy.. read him if you’re interested:

  24. RTLM

    So - The Pelosi was right.

    On THIS anniverasry?

    NOT. I smell classic deception.

  25. Baroness Wyszynski

    I could be wrong but what I have learned is that when Moses was leaving Egypt, he had some corrupt Egyptian priests who wanted to go along. God said not a good idea, Moses said I want to give the Egytian priests a chance and let them join the Israelites.(I paraphrase)

    So, here we are, years later, the reincarnated enemy is not only still within but, in Olmert’s case, in charge.

    The only salvation for Israel is Bibi Netyanhu (who, btw, had the attackman/clintonista Carville travel to Israel during their election campaign to deep six Bibi with the outing of Bibi’s lady-on-the-side. How’s that for hypocrite chutzpah). We are all familiar with Hitlery’s hatred of Jews/Israel and imfamous kiss on Mrs. Suha Arafat’s cheek.
    If you examine his record of incidences of terror inside Israel while he was in charge, you will be amazed.

  26. Tanicacid

    I believe Israel has a plan in the works if we don’t step up to Syria and Iran. Mike Evans’, “The Final Move Beyond Iraq”, thinks Israel will take out the 14 Nuke centrifuge plants in Iran in the next 12 to 24 months if we don’t cripple Iran economically then militarily soon. All Iran needs if 35 pounds of material to fit in a basketball sized device and delivered, not by missle, but by suicide bomber to say Tel Aviv, as Iran has promised. It’ll only take one 35 pound dirty bomb to take out 250,000 people and Israel may fall. Mike says Israels’ strike will be messy, lots of collateral damage as they don’t have the smart bomb or surgical strike capability that we have. The Golan Heights might be a ploy in Israels plan for survival. It’s gonna be an interesting next couple years I’ll bet, and lots of work for our Men-at-Arms.

  27. radgy

    maybe he is doing it,so when they attack Isreal from the Golan Heights,Isreal can go after syria?

  28. Tom

    The above is a link to an essay at

    It is a compelling, and depressing, analysis of how far away from sanity is Western foriegn policy vis a vis Israel. Tony Blair sent troops to Iraq but is a huge proponent of the so called “Palestinian people”.

    This essay cuts right through the bullshit. It’s long but it is enlightening. Highly recommended.

  29. Iacobus

    I’m sure Israel’s citizenry are wondering where the fuck Olmert’s principles are.

    I mean, seriously. Give up another piece of land in the hopes that it’ll placate the wolves? That’s not diplomacy. It’s suicide.

  30. MarineDoc

    This will not work. The radical islamic religon teaches to lie and agree in the form of any treaty and that it is okay to break that agreement if it is made with a Jew or infidel. There is no intent on the islamic side to follow through on any agreement made. Have we not learned this?

    I say we just unleash God’s chosen on these dogs.

    I fear that Isreal will not survive if we don’t.

  31. Egfrow

    Sorry, I misquoted, Saturday night Tequila! That was US News & World Report and not actually Newsweek. But who can tell nowadays?

  32. Ardentor

    Its time Benjamin Netanyahu, returned Olmert has long since proven his worthlessness as a leader, its almost like they imported a European socialist.

  33. Cdoginyoeye

    Totally unrelated, but kinda cool!

  34. Thoughts Of A Conservative Christian Israel Looking To Give Syria The Golan Heights And Trust Them In Peace Deal «

    […] Israel Looking To Give Syria The Golan Heights And Trust Them In Peace Deal June 10th, 2007 — budsimmons Israel Looking To Give Syria The Golan Heights And Trust Them In […]

  35. pigpaws

    What does the citizenry of Israel think of this?

  36. jim

    Its President Bush who is pushing this.

  37. Dam Ops

    Give a terrorist Ammonia Nitrate and you’ve satisfied his martyrdom for a day, teach a terrorist how to make Ammonia Nitrate and you’ve given him a network of martyrs.

    Give the Golan heights to Syrians and you give terrorists a great little plot ‘o land to launch Katyushas from.

    Iran, Syria, Lebanon, China, what do they all have in common?

  38. A. S. Wise

    Good for Sen. Lieberman for saying what must be done with Iran.

  39. TJ

    see the following link to find out who is behind the palestinian uprisings in the camps of lebanon under the banner of “fath al-islam”. surprise! surprise! :shock: .

  40. Charles Teasley

    The Israelis can take it back any time they want, so let em. The situation would be with an actual state unlike last summer’s war. The gloves would come off.

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