There Would Have Been No Israel

June 12th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

As Syria and Israel prepare for a Summer Smackdown, a quick look at how we all got here .

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18 Responses

  1. A. S. Wise

    Let’s hope Israel grows a pair once again; lest they be wiped out. That magazine cover is awesome, nothing shows triumph over your enemy like brandishing their captured weapons with a grin! :beer: To the revitalization of the IDF, friends!

  2. Jewish Odysseus

    A few years ago I read a great book about the Israeli Airforce, “No Margin For Error.” It was very eye-opening, it shd have been titled, “Trial and Error”!

    The “pluperfect IDF” was created and developed with really chewing gum and chicken wire, plus a very AMERICAN “can-do” improvising attitude (and a few actual Americans, too!). In June 1967, they even enlisted private Cessnas and other small planes so they cd play a role in the air victory.

    SOME “GOLIATH”!! :roll:

  3. Kathy Ozanne

    IIRC, during that war, Golda Meir called our White House in the middle of the night pleading for help. Kissinger had basically stated (in a meeting) that Israel was on it’s own, no help from us.

    Mrs. Meir pleaded with the White House for help. She got it, not because Kissinger et al changed their minds, but because the President, NIXON, remembered his own mother’s teaching out of the Bible about Israel and prophecy. He could not refuse.

    Israel is a miracle. No matter how it looks today, or who is calling to wipe them out from being a nation, as is also prophesied in the Bible, they will survive it.

    Grab the popcorn and watch it happen. God Bless Israel, God Bless the IDF.

  4. Kathy Ozanne

    Correction, I think that was the Yom Kippur war not the one posted here. So sorry. :oops:

    Still a miracle though. No matter which war they get handed to them!

  5. Joshua

    I assure you, it is no coincidence that Israel is at the center of the world’s attention.

  6. John in PA

    History has always been subject to scrutiny to some degree. The written word used to be trusted but verified. Today, I teach my kids to verify. Trust comes only after the source is verified on many different topics over a reasonable period of time.

    In the early 90s it was reasonable to read the 1st and last paragraph of an article in 3 different news papers to get to know the real news. Today, (unless we are here) we have to use many different sources and types of media.

    It starts to dawn on me …. does my local library trash all the old books because the new conflict with the old?

  7. Jerry

    A beautiful image. Gets me nostalgic when the 1973 War was in effect. I did not know the ramifications that were at stake back then, only that in the end the good guys won. My grade school teachers were astounded that I wore a GI steel pot to school which I had modified with a Star of David insignia. I was a militant bastage from an early age. It is now a generation later, once again the new generation listens to the old wives tales, as usual in the Arabic tradition, embelished several fold, to the point that they think they may have a chance again. Go back to the old methods of showing no quarter. Lessons need to be taught again. Peaceniks may say that we should be willing to negotiate. Negotiate what? An enemy that thinks nothing of killing innocents with indiscriminate bombings. Good point made yesterday about the IRA, of at least on some occasions, calling ahead to allow evacuation. I worked with a Palestinian recently when asked by his coworkers if it was justified to kill young schoolgirls, he was bvery emphatic about it stating simply that a Jewish girl will grow up and breed more Jewish soldiers to fight the Palestinians. That is the word from a wackjob who lives in this country. Fundamentalism like this is not compatible with coexistence on any level.

  8. kipp

    The modern state of Israel was a bad idea. We should have brought all the Jews from the camps to America. Any Jews from Palestine that wished to immigrate to the US should have received a welcome mat. It sure would have been the best foreign policy stance. Could you imagine the Middle East without Jewish/Islamic tension? Damn that Truman!!!!


  9. John in PA

    @ Kipp
    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  10. TJ

    thats it kipp,

    flee from the muslims, they are too crazy to try to negotiate with them. unfortunately for you and me, americans dont flee from their enemies, and quite frankly we exist today because of such courage. Islam will not stop fighting until all their people and /or everyone else is dead. i say we giuve them the former desire , the 72 virgins await. Allahu akbar!!

  11. Lamplighter

    I hate to break the news, but the Jews In Israel aren’t going anywhere. If anyone tries, they are at least taking them with them. Olmert may be a weak leader, but the peeps are not weak. A few months ago, Pat had a good synopsis of the history of Palestine. Look it up.

  12. otcconan

    Time ran a similar article last week.

  13. kipp

    In the years leading up to ‘48 there was not the deep seated tensions in Palestine that we are familiar with today. The guilt ridden west was perfectly comfortable with establishing yet another White colony in the midst of the Near East. How did that work out in China, Kenya, Egypt, Algeria, India, Cochin-China…? People don’t take kindly to foreigners taking up residence on their land. Hell the Native peoples here nearly were exterminated. Weren’t the Jews already on the retreat? Where was their courage during the Second World War? I say this not because I believe that they could really have done anything substantial about their situation in Europe but because you talk about courage as if it is the Jewish core value. The best decision Truman could have made was to bring them to America. Their devotion to faith, family and free enterprise are their core values. This decision would not be about cowardice but about sensible foreign policy, something that seems to be vacant these days,


  14. Allen

    Shoulda Coulda Woulda Kipp - but in light of the current state of the middle east and the jihadist movement it wouldn’t matter if the state of Israel WAS in our own backyard. Jihadis killed Americans on American soil - why? were we invading their land? Nope. We’re just infidels. If we weakling WASPs and other white folk put them their and the natives didn’t like it, it is up to the natives to talk to those responsible. Israel’s in the middle of a shit-storm. All you’re trying to do is shift blame for violence away from Jihadis & onto the U.S. and other like-thinking peoples.

    let’s say I hate cajuns and that all those damn cajuns that got displaced by hurricane Katrina won’t leave my wonderful Republic of Texas. I got a great idea, I’ll just start bombing cajuns!!! Why do I hate cajuns - Do I NEED A REASON!?!?! They have different food, they talk different, they come from Parishes instead of counties. I know! THEY’RE CATHOLIC! THE WORSHIP ICONS!

    Now lets say that you believe in “humanity”, do I have a “right” to interfere with other peoples lives like that? Wake up and smell the coffee - We live in a world governed by the aggressive use of force - it’s a nice place - it can be a bit rough at times, but that’s to be expected. So quit you f*cking arm-chair quarterbacking shoulda coulda woulda shit, and enforce your own peacenik beliefs on EVERYONE! not just America and Israel.

  15. drillanwr

    @Allen -

    You rock … :beer:

  16. kipp


    Nice try. If the Jihadis just hated infidels why aren’t they blowing up Latin Americans? They are infidels, right? What about South Africans? They are infidels, too. How about them pesky Swiss? Damn chocolate eating Kafirs!!! The Jihadis are not attacking us because we speak English or because we like ham sandwiches. They are not even doing it because we worship two Gods. Hmmmm…I wonder why they are attacking us. All I know is the gross mismanagement of the Middle East is going to cause us one long headache. There ain’t no “armchair QB’ing” here cause the f*ckin ball has already been snapped and Bush is preparing to punt. I hope your vote in ‘08 is much more accurate than it was in the last two elections.

    PS. If you want to get rid of the Cajuns just send in a dentist.

  17. Humble Janoslav

    Sorry Kipp but Muslims have a long-standing habit of hating everyone but themselves. Let’s make a list here: enslavement and subjugation of African peoples throughout rim of Africa (along trade routes to Morocco); fighting against Hindus/Buddhists in northern India (disputed territory of Kashmir); fighting of natives and Catholics in Philippines; fighting of Russians in Chechnya; Muslim doctors in Britain planning a bombing; execution/persecution of Druzes for not being orthodox Muslims; warring of Sunnis and Shiites since the murder of the last direct descendant of Mohammed…etc. Need I mention more? Muslims have an abominable track record. Its not just jihadis, its Muslims. It’s Muslims wherever they are strong enough to perpetrate such crimes. In places where they are dispersed and carefully watched, you won’t see a peep out of them.

  18. Humble Janoslav

    I should add that our troops being attacked by various Islamic groups is a no-shit-sherlock. We are a convenient lightning-rod. Who in the world could blame them for butchering the people who are “attacking” them? All of a sudden, Muslims find themselves with a huge source of targets to destroy for Allah. Suddenly they find an opportunity to die gloriously in battle as their forefathers did against Crusaders. They have found a way to live their religion in true accordance with the Quran, not in accordance with the way the white man wants them to.

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