Gaza Violently Morphs Into Pure Sharia State

June 13th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Jihad wins as Fatah appears to collapse. Al Qaeda gains base.

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14 Responses

  1. J

    I don’t know. All these big-name, Iranian-funded jihadists group have been stepping up their games simultaneously this week. You think Iran is planning some kind of summer war against the west?

  2. Fight4TheRight


    You are dead on here. This is the summer. THEE summer when Israel comes under total siege. Al Qaeda will team up with Hezbollah in Lebanon to surge upon Israel. Syria, will join in to take the Golan Heights. And as Pat has just laid out…Hamas will team with Al Qaeda to attack the Israeli’s from that side.

    The “kicker” will be this. When things are not looking good for Israel, and the West (primarily the U.S. and Britain) make moves to bolster Israel…that, THAT is when we ALL find out that Iran’s nukes not only are ready to fly but will be aimed at Israel.

    It will be the summer of Hell.

  3. mullah cimoc

    mullah cimoc say: who can blame them? when adopting westerners way leading only to shame and destructing of muslim society.

    sharia givng the legal system of hope. and also him muslim having the gonad and not liking kiss a– of foreigner.

  4. RTLM

    Afghan Taliban weapons provided by - Iran. Qods Force and shaped IED’s in Iraq courtesy of - Iran. Killing of US troops by - Iran. Syrian murders of Lebanon PM’s enabled by - Iran. Hamas takeover of Gaza funded, trained, equipped and manned by - Iran.
    Where are the USS Enterprise and USS Truman? Its time.

  5. MountainMAN

    Well shit, I agree with Fight4theRight. And with that, we all need to start gearing up and getting reading for the inevitable. Join our brothers in arms because it looks like shit is going to hit the fan. And when it does I know I’ll be there. It’s bullcrap how people can let terrorist factions overtake their country.

  6. Brooks

    Can you imagine the profits the guy who owns the ski mask kiosk must be making?

  7. JOE

    OH mulla cimoc . F_ckest thou thee running oh blamer of the west. And die in your sand box

  8. Dan

    From a tactics standpoint Iran is trying the same strategy that the Arab world tried in 1948, 1967 and 1973.
    It failed.

    Even with Syria in the mix. It would just give the Israelis an excuse to take the war to Damascus and flatten Gaza.

    With US airpower so close to the fighting, I don’t see how we would just standby and let mookie and his minions get away with anything. At least not without getting a black eye or two.

    Syria is VERY involved with Ali-baba in Iraq. It would be nice if Israel could give them some pain. While we maybe dish out a little GBU pain on Tehran.

    Maybe we should say “bring it” Ali-Baba, instead of worrying about it.

    Isn’t the overall game plan for mookie to so piss of the west that the 12th Iman rises from hell and makes his appearance? Sort of like a bad holloween story if you ask me. Or maybe “its the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown”

    Whoo-hooowoooh-hoo. LOL

  9. John in PA

    I trust that NOT only Isreal will be under fire from all sides, but we too will be hit at home.

    The UN nations are enabeling this by not taking a firm stance and speaking out. Its appeasement on grand scale. Wussification is complete - testicles removed. Everybody in positions of responsibility seem to accept the mindset of “well we can’t get involved at this time - there is no real wrong that we can act against” bull crap.

    mulla cimoc
    Go back to where you came from. You don’t belong in a community for the free. Your claims are based on imposing your belief on others. There is no room for you here. You are worse than a radical muslim leftist.

  10. drillanwr

    @Brooks -

    You might have an idea there … Bomb the ski mask factory!

    Would love to lay down a link or two of things I came across yesterday re: Israel prepping for a “summer blockbuster” (but I think Pat is refusing links of late).

    So, head over to front page magazine and look for two articles: one by Daniel Pipes, “Israeli Jets vs. Iranian Nukes” … and another by P.David Hornik, “Training for the Next War?”, in which he cites the Jerusalem Post and Reuters stories about the Israeli air force and U.S. pilots involved in joint training exercises.

    A thought, however, re: Iran … While the Prez of Iran (he whose name I refuse to speak) and the mullahs think they have total control over Iran, there is a large measure of the population just waiting to rise up and throw the extremists out on their collective asses, sans heads maybe? … Perhaps Iran is just a bit too smug thinking “all is going according to plan” over there where their filthy goat-greased fingers are stirring things up. However, might we not see a bit of “civil unrest” errupt within Iran sometime soon???

    BTW, where the FUCK is the dog damned U.N. in the last couple days to condemn what’s going on, especially in Gaza??? Maybe a couple/few U.N. workers need to be zapped over there before they decide it’s time to open their mouths. Useless fuckers …

  11. PooleeScore

    A little quote from this article:

    Moean Hammad, 34, said life had become a nightmare at his high-rise building near the Preventive Security headquarters, where Fatah forces on the rooftop were battling Hamas fighters.

    “We spent our night in the hallway outside the apartment because the building came under crossfire,” Hammad said. “We haven’t had electricity for two days, and all we can hear is shooting and powerful, earthshaking explosions.

    “The world is watching us dying and doing nothing to help. God help us, we feel like we are in a real-life horror movie,” he said.

    I can’t fucking wait to go to boot camp.

  12. sal

    cmon guys don’t you know that this is just a bumbers sticker war. let’s all go swimming. also, i heard that there is a brand new episode of charm school on mtv!

  13. drillanwr


    “cmon guys don’t you know that this is just a bumbers sticker war”

    Might be nice if we sent John Edwards over to Gaza to inform {them} of that.

    Gee, looks like Nancy Pelosi worked wonders with her trip over there, huh?

  14. TJ

    mullah cimoc,

    how is adopting western ways destroying islamic society? what are these ways you speak of?

    It seems to me that the Islamic way of “kill the unbeliever wherever you find them” stands on its own and doesnt need the excuse of outside influence.

    It seems adopting islamic ways means being led by ignorant men who regiment the lives of all people under their control. Sounds like bolshevism to me.

    Who decided that israel was a place for Islamic values exclusively. It would seem that only saudi arabia could make such a claim. :roll:

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