Arab Media Reports Syria Making Preparations for War with Israel

June 15th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

The middle east’s Hitler and Mussolini. Holocaust included.

The Exploding Summer.

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13 Responses

  1. Lamplighter

    Note Ak-monkey-a-jad in pic with dictator Assad.

    See this article for info about sanctions, which may work to stop flow of money to Syria (for war and other mischief) and stop Iran nuclear program:–can–break-iran-2007-06-13.html
    Otherwise, Europe will have to accept military option from the US. :wink:

  2. Lamplighter

    :oops: Well, the link is and it’s dick morris’ 6/13/07 column.

    We can always hope.

  3. Thoughts Of A Conservative Christian Arab Media Reports Syria Making Preparations for War with Israel «

    […] Arab Media Reports Syria Making Preparations for War with Israel June 15th, 2007 — budsimmons Arab Media Reports Syria Making Preparations for War with Israel […]

  4. Dan

    How about that goosestep huh? Remind anyone of anything?

  5. HL Mencken

    F*@king amadinaghad, he saves dollars for his nuclear by buying his suits in the boy’s department, doesn’t he? talk about a diminutive dwarf long overdue for a serious ass-beating……

  6. Future0311

    Now would be a good time to leave a huge crater where Syria used to be.

  7. Heather

    He’s tiny. :smile:
    I perceived Amadina-what’s-his-name to be a much larger man. Cloven hooves apparently don’t lend one much stature.
    You know he is taking all those childhood beatings out on the rest of the world. He doesn’t really want a jihad–he needs to talk to Dr. Phil.

  8. Steve in NC

    Check out the picture of the little devil:

  9. Steve in NC

    Hey! am I wrong on this?

    pelosi goes to syria

    syria is public in it’s preperations for war against Israel for this summer the same time the d’rats announce a new move to surrender this summer (July 4)

    Both can win, the “failure” of the surge is validated, (before ever being fully implemented); that the chance the d’rats voted in favor for by funding the troops in May has failed and it is in our best interest to redeploy the troops (surrender)
    The Iranians will offer to broker peace with Syria and Israel with the settlement being to take back the territories taken in the 73 war.

    That will show the American public that iran seeks peace and we should recognize the iranian dominance in the middle east as a good thing, and the d’rats will be the party that helped bring peace and therefore should have the control of the executive branch.

    the rise in gas prices will also help sway the opinion of the American public in the need for a peaceful settlement

    do not forget the work of the d’rats with Reagan in office

  10. terry smyth

    Obvious the iranian economy is running down. Just look at the suit guys, and whats more the tiny steps assad(hole?) is taking to keep up with amipjamas both look as pleased with one another as the Queen of Engand and the old french president chirac, and out of step too.
    Love the Gooses, reminds me of WW2 Germany, Russia,North Vietnam, North Korea and China, all bastions of democracy I dont think. The goose step and dictators go together. The overbraided uniforms remind me of some South American dictator armies of the 1960’s.
    What have we here? a time warp. Dr Who would be impressed

    Goose stepping Ive seen before:- as a 1960’s student in Wellington NZ the Chilean Navy arrived on a tall sailing ship and did a ceremonial goose step up the main street. It was wonderful to see, shoulder high and crashing boots then back to the boat to nurse the feet on the long journey across the pacific. This was pre Allende.This was theatre, the above picture is to instill fear only.As if amipjamas could :twisted:

  11. terry smyth

    by the way, the date time on the posts are way out for here, 6:14 on the post is 12:25 here in aussie. I love the way I can post while most of you guys are asleep and is yesterday there too.
    Any disgruntled Americans ( right thinkers only) that want to get out, think of aussie, we need all of you, we are underpopulated and lacking skills.20 million here in the same area as the US and no snow except on the few mountains. Upside down too, warm in the north(Queensland) and cooler in the south(Tasmania) winter in June and summer at Christmas. We speak English although you would have to learn the slang and we have no borders where non english speakers sneak in to do the jobs the no australians will do.The New Zealanders emigrate to do this ( im one) and are happy to assimilate.Think about it it ould be the start of a new rewarding life

  12. 0311inohio

    ….And, missing from the picture is: Ms. Nancy Pelosi. Bitch in charge (AKA: the leader of the Cheese Eating Surrender Monkey’s) of the United States. Congress. :evil:

  13. Kevin M

    The only thing this photo is missing is Rosie O’Donnell with a purple strap-on.

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