The Editorial

June 18th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Today. Isn’t it nice when the bigwigs catch up with us? Haven’t we all been saying this for a year or more? Now if only the enemy within would wise up.

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15 Responses

  1. John Cunningham

    I’m telling you it doesn’t look good for Americans in charge that don’t do something about this. The Iranian military is only good for beating up on women in Tehran that don’t want to wear rags on their heads. There could be a ten mile swath of a no man’s land cut paralell to the border all from the air. Why aren’t you Americans in charge already not doing this? A lot us with brains see what you’re not doing and saying to ourselves who’s side are you on anyway? You allowed the Ho Chi Minh trail to morph into an interstate and did nothing. Today they run into Iran and Pakistan to reconstitute and you do nothing. If you need a fourth carrier group in the area do it. What the fuck are you waiting for? A little less running your mouths and a little more doing. What, are you stupid? West Point, Annapolis, Air Force Academy and I have to explain this to you? JFC.

  2. 0311inohio

    Holy crap Batman!!! It is as if someone just turned on a bright light illuminating a very dark room full of rats that “crazy” people have been talking about for a long time… :roll: Let’s see if there are others in the land of Oz who will see the light. My bet is no. Not at least until Thunder Thigh’s or Hussein Obama occupy the Whitehouse. :evil:

  3. Scotty

    Fucking American’s. Im 20 years old and know more than those dumb shits. Do they not teach history in school anymore??? What happens when you sit on your hands and leave things up to the UN. You can only do so many sanctions and “political” talks, they sure as hell didnt work on Germany both times, or in any other war for that fact. We talk and talk untill it is too late and we are so deep in shit that it takes a world war to get out. Take action soon and stop this shit before it starts. Im telling you, 3,500+ casualties is better than the HUNDREDS of thousand we experienced in other wars, or Millions in just the 2 major world wars.

  4. Future0311

    These people have no common sense.

  5. House 6

    Well, hallelujah and amen! Poor Joe Lieberman. I’m almost more irate at the sissy Republicans than the Dems. I expect that kind of buddyfucker mentality from the liberals, but not the conservatives. I will never understand why the truth is so scary to these people.

    While I realize there are political restraints when it comes to fighting a war, it doesn’t negate the fact that there are some real vaginas heading our armed forces who want to play nice lest they be perceived as mean.

    Petraeus isn’t one of them, thank God, and it has the dems pissing in their panties. I really think when they confirmed him, Congress thought they’d be getting the same old fart, thank-you-sir-may-I-have-another GO. What they got was a guy who, once his boots hit the ground, was willing to walk around the streets of Baghdad doing a meet and greet with the locals in his soft cap! Not only did he show the terrorist, in effect, that he wasn’t scared of them, he used the opportunity to make it known to all involved there was a new sheriff in town who had an actual plan, backed up with actual brains to implement it.

    Gen. Petraeus is in it to win it. Unfortunately, all he needs is time which is a luxury no one is willing to afford him.

  6. LftBhndAgn

    About damn time they finally get it!!

    Cheers Pat! :beer:

  7. Wendy

    As I have posted on a previous discussion, I think it also stands for this one as well.

    When are we going to teach Iran a lesson? When it is too late? We need to start bombing these assholes to show them we mean business! The only language these crazy people understand is violence. I think we should start speaking it!!!!! Fuck diplomacy. That only works with rational people, these are not rational people. I hope people in Washington pull their heads out of the sand soon before it is too late.

  8. drillanwr

    “Senator Lieberman’s saber rattling does nothing to help dissuade Iran from aiding Shia militias in Iraq,” averred Wesley Clark on The Huffington Post.

    I heard Alan Colmes on FNC’s H&C last week needling John Bolton about (something to the effect to) ‘Don’t you think Iran hearing all this [rhetoric] only causes them to do such things?’ Such as supplying weapons and such into Iraq and Syria and Hamas in Israel …

    Bolton, with hardbreak time crushing down, was Flabbergasted for a second as he looked at Colmes as if to say, ‘I can’t fucking believe YOU believe that bullshit …’ Bolton managed to get out a bit of a ridiculing “No” to Colmes before they went to break.

    {These} people can’t seem to get into their fat heads that [those] people only understand force, not diplomacy. Diplomacy is nothing but a time out in order to reposition their players and plans to better advantage …

  9. HJ in VA

    Heavens to Betsy! What an illumination! Why didn’t someone say this before?! Someone had better take action soon or it literally will be…tears across America….

  10. E4Puke

    Why dont they ever have wars in beatiful tropical places instead of deserts. just once i would like to get deployed to someplace where all the women wear little clothing and the weather is always 80 to 90 degrees.

  11. Papa Ray

    Unfortunately President Bush has given all he had, been cut to pieces and doesn’t want to do it all over again. He wants to leave office with one victory or seeming victory and it doesn’t even look like that will happen. The liberals and democrats will make us withdraw from Iraq and Nato will not last long in the Afghan. America will be left alone there with no end in sight because the President will not attack Pakistan either.

    He knows that attacking Iran is a no win situation for him, regardless of if accomplishes all of it’s goals.


    Because, then he will not only be the President that lost two “wars” (Iraq and the Afghan) but the one that gave Iran the green light to turn loose it’s terrorists all over the world.

    He just doesn’t want that, he has no stomach or guts for that.

    He has shot his wad and knows it.

    Papa Ray
    West Texas

  12. Gramps

    Papa Ray speaks: Unfortunately President Bush has given all he had, been cut to pieces and doesn’t want to do it all over again. He wants to leave office with one victory or seeming victory and it doesn’t even look like that will happen.

    Because, then he will not only be the President that lost two “wars” (Iraq and the Afghan) but the one that gave Iran the green light to turn loose it’s terrorists all over the world.
    Bush may very well have a victory before the limp dick… er lame duck leaves office. If his AMNESTY bill passes, he will be known as the President that gave away America.

  13. Lamplighter

    e4Puke: remember Vietnam “beautiful tropical country…”

  14. Judith

    I don’t think we can blame Bush, we can only blame ourselves. We blow off on blogs and with letters to the Editor but we are not heard. Where are the protest marches? Are the libs the only ones who can march? Must be as they can’t march in the Army. There must be a better way to be heard and NOW! Voting just does not do it anymore. Half these people are not up for re-election any and I don’t think Iran is going to wait until Nov 8 to start destroying Israel. I am a “died in the wool Repub” but I would think seriously about Lieberman if he would run as an Independent. The only guy we have running that is even close is Rudy. But the conservatives have to have someone who agreeeeeees with them on everything. There is just one big issue now and that is our salvation.

  15. TJ

    judith ,

    the problem with conservative protest marches is that we tend to be considerate law abiding protesters, and that doesnt sell in media. leftys like to break laws and wreak havoc like whiney little kids and that sells.

    we do protest but the media still shuns us or deflates our numbers. remmeber the msm wants us to lose, they can not show people supporting the war. :cry:

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