Meanwhile, The Brits Are Also Conducting A Major Assault On Iran’s Forces

June 19th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


The battle between the Brits and IA and Iranian terror groups, including large elements of the Mahdi Army, was just the opening salvo in a large ongoing operation to hammer Iran’s terror offensive in Southern Iraq, particularly along the Iraq/Iran border. According to the Iraqi paper Azzaman: “the British Army has begun a major operation against what it claims to be “secret cells” smuggling weapons into Iraq from Iran, and sending fighters for training in the Islamic Republic.” At long last, a real, concerted campaign against Iran in Iraq has begun. And given that Al Sadr’s men of the Mahdi Army are being attacked, if he indeed still retains real control of the elements involved here, this is a potentially politically explosive development as well, because Al Sadr’s has been forced to distance himself from Iran in order to solidify his power at home. So it both puts him between the rock of his domestic interests and the hard place of his Iranian interests, and will either way leave him none too happy to see his men getting whacked. It’ll certainly be interesting to see how this plays out.

Amidst this campaign, a notable battle is erupting between the Brits and the Mahdi Army for control of Nasiriya.

The paper is reporting that the Iranian insugents “immediately mobilized” in defense and counterattack.

Developing, as the campaign plays out…let’s wish the Brits and Iraqi Army Godspeed…

UPDATE: Iranian news agency says Al Sadr is pissed.

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33 Responses

  1. charlie cahalan

    i like the truth about the new war with the enemy,, it is not iraqi but the democrats of iran that has invaded the sovereign nation of iraq..their support fm the likes of pres. reid and sec. of state pelosi, and sec of def. murtha,(the other gov’t of the U.S.)is what is killing any chance for a peace in iraq..

  2. Lamplighter

    This time, maybe we wipe out most of Mahdi army, get rid of the problem.

  3. Derek

    Good luck and God Bless our troops! Hopefully they wipe out as much Al Qaeda and its supporters as possible. Also, hopefully they do what should have been done four years ago and put a bullet in Al Sadr’s greasy forehead.

  4. bd

    This is it. Gen. Petraeus better not be holding back on both these Op’s. Go in full bore, don’t hold back on the offensive.

    Don’t hold back the Infantry, Artillery, and Armor.

    Use ample air support.

    Don’t pull out until area is secured, and that means to hunker down for the night in defensible positions.

    Surround the place if possible and use check / choke points.

    Go ahead and flaunt muscle, make the enemy jittery and jumpy so they start looking for places to exfil, getting them moving so we can spot them. And shoot them down.

    Don’t let the MSM in. Period.

    Good luck, and God speed.

    Pat, keep up your brilliant reporting.

  5. John Cunningham

    Whatever it takes to keep al Sadr moving, he could use the exercise, lazy bitch. Doesn’t it creep you out when he smiles, definitely needs a tube of Pepsodent. Rule Brittania.

  6. MikeP

    bd is my hero. I agree with every point. Go at it hard and directly with all the force necessary.
    And Pat, thanks again for the updates–this is the only place to get the truth.
    Let’s see more of the terrorists white flags flying.
    God Bless our MILITARY HEROES!

  7. RENO

    I just got goosebumps:eek:

    lazy bitch, now that is funny!

    Go get ‘em, men. :beer:

    Strike first, strike hard, no mercy, Sir! :twisted:

  8. bd

    I hope the British military infuse some backbone back into Britain. I mean it’s Britain for Gods-sake! They used to rule one quarter of the planet, even after we won in 1787 and 1814! Put some meaning back into:

    ‘Rule Brittania, Brittania rule the waves…
    Britons never, never, never will be slaves!’

    Come back into the fold. And let us together…

    Kick islamic ass back into the desert and camels forever where you came!

  9. Eric

    Way to make excuses!! LIke I haven’t heard that vomit spewed all of the place. It’s not the terrorists fault, it’s the DEMOCRATS FAULT! It’s not the militias’ fault, it’s THE DEMOCRATS! Not post war planning, THE DEMOCRATS! Step up to the plate big boy and accept some responsibility for what is going on. No, the hawks and neocons will just hide in their black hole while their slave supporters who can’t think for themselves blame anybody but them! Great Work!!

  10. Jerry

    Several months ago I was drinking with a Marine in a San Clemente bar (Big Helens…familiar any of you out there) and he was talking about how the new DefSec and the direction of the war were going to put on a new face. Did not realize how it was going to really play out. Afterall, there just seemed to be no end to the handicapping of our forces that seemed to be so fully entrenched. These guys were confident, had that attitude, but they can only do what they are allowed to do. Little did I realize what was meant by that comment. It is great to see it coming to light. Unfortunately, save but for the light of Pat, the best news is not getting the honorable mention. Who could have imagined that a Hollywood Media type would transform into our best correspondent of the war. Thanks Pat, and most especially my gratitude towards our Marines, Navy, Soldiers and Airmen fighting the fight that MUST be fought. Tehy want a long fight to bleed us dry. We must fight a fight that that is shorter and more brutal, brutal enough to make them come to terms that they errored, and errored badly. Make it thier Tora Bora. Thought they could’nt be defeated. Kept the Russinan out for years. Deep rock bunker busters had them wimpering and crying for Allah deep underground. Allah was of no help. Time to make them realy cry.

  11. Steven D

    Very interesting subtext here - if al Sadr had to come back to Iraq to solidify his power there, then that means that elements of his followers were separating from him due to his being a puppet of Iran.

    Oh, the tangled web we weave…

    And now he’s forced between, as Pat says, the rock and the hard place.

    Maybe that’ll teach you to mess with the U.S.A., bi-otch!

  12. JLHowell

    Wait is this all just propoganda?! Last I heard from the all mighty, all knowing MSM we were losing this war. I thought we weren’t allowed to kill bad guys without being sued by the ACLU?

    With that said “GIVE EM FUCKIN’ HELL BOYS!!!” Help all of those terrorist MF’s get their 72 virgins!!

  13. jam

    Finally seeing some good old American whoop ass!

    Don’t let up. Keep them running til they ain’t no more.

    Get home safe, guys. We love you!

  14. sal

    guy’s what are you talking about, extreme muslims won’t kill us, it’s a religion of peace. this is all trumped up. Global warming is going to kill us, Al gore said it would! :twisted:

  15. Thoughts Of A Conservative Christian Meanwhile, The Brits Are Also Conducting A Major Assault On Iran’s Forces «

    […] Meanwhile, The Brits Are Also Conducting A Major Assault On Iran’s Forces June 19th, 2007 — budsimmons Meanwhile, The Brits Are Also Conducting A Major Assault On Iran’s […]

  16. bd

    Jerry, you are right on, the same tactics used in Vietnam by our own is being tried again… holding back the U.S. Soldier and Marine, sham courtmartials, and the ACLU sueing the be-Jesus out of everybody in the military.

    Because it’s easier to sue than to fight. Try suing AQ and the Taliban… see where that gets you. That would’ve the twin towers falling…

    RULE BRITTANIA!!!! :beer: :beer:

  17. bd

    Here’s an idea to really piss off the ACLU:
    (A$$#@!& Communist Lesbian Union)

    After we win this war, Britain should kick out all those pig F’ing, beheading, raping MuSlimes and…

    After we kick out the illegals (which CAN BE DONE, CHECK THIS LINK AND READ ALL OF IT ESPECIALLY THE END),

    The we the U.S., Britain, and Australia should pull out of the UN (Useless Nations) and NATO (Nations At Total Oblivion) and…

    Form our own defense alliance:
    The Trans Atlantic-Pacific Defense Alliance Treaty
    (TAP DAT)

    Chinese gettin’ you down? TAP DAT.
    muslims beheading your family? TAP DAT.
    Columbian drug cartels flooding the streets? TAP DAT.

    Is it a bunch of Male White Anglo Saxon Protestants running the show? Yup. Who else do you want? Rosie/Hillary? :shock: Major pucker factor!

    The ACLU would s#!% a brick! Then ‘feel’ bad for not using it to build a homeless shelter!


  18. Dan

    Mookie’s little shoeshine boy is upset that the Brits are finally opening up a can of Brit whoop-ass on the Iranian
    militia elements in his area. Ah…poor baby. My only question is why hasn’t anyone raided his HQ and taken his short little turbaned ass over to Pakistan or Jordan for a little wall-to-wall counseling yet?

  19. Sandy K.

    There are so many good things here today it is blowing my mind. Thank you again Pat!
    I am very grateful to the British Army and the Iraqi Army that are pounding the terrorists back to Hell where they belong! :smile: Finally our troops and our allies the loyal Brits and Iraqi Army are doing exactly what they have been wanting to do full scale for a very long time! al-Qaeda, Mahdi Army, and all the dirt bags associated with them are having their day of reckoning!

  20. wendy


    That sounds like a plan to me!!!!!!!!!!!!

    To the American military, British Army, and the IA kick some long over due ASS!!!! We are proud of you and support you!!

  21. just posting

    Run them the fuck over. praise to all usa and coalition military

  22. charlie cahalan

    hey eric,, if the dummycrats alias al queda had placed a real man in the white house in 93 we would have had a world class military that would have been up to the call when we were attacked the 9 times that happened under their watch,,but while the lazy golfing frolicking pres, cut mil pay, man power, research and development,( useless hummers, and inferior body armour, remember it was rumsfeld that fixed all the military to what it is today,), the dummycrats are the ones that need to take the blame for our failures and respect around the world,in 93 there was only one army division capable of deployment,, 100% of the military have enlisted or reenlisted since the iraq son, daughter, and nephew. all have been to the “mountain top”

  23. TJ


    forget even saying that there has been any problems with this war. it is MSM BS. This war is going right according to plan. wars are not supposed to be short when fighting a formidable oppoenent who obeys no rules of war and seeks cover amongst civilians. war is hell, and we are certain to keep fighting satan until it hell becomes a place of peace again. Its not the democrats fault, its the jihadis and they will continue to receive what they prize most: death.

    Allahu akbar! :shock:

  24. Eric

    So maybe if we didn’t have the army for Iraq, we shouldn’t have invaded it!! Let’s say that the Dummycrats are responsible for the current state of the military. You don’t go picking a fight with somebody that you don’t have the strength to beat unless you have no choice, and Iraq wasn’t exactly knocking on our doorstep before the war.
    You people have to keep your eye on the ball.

    We expected Iraq to be a lot different that what it is today. Yes TJ, we expected things to be easier and simpler, not a five year occupation with no end in sight. We certainly didn’t expect the kind of civilian backlash against our occupation or the infighting among Shiite and Sunni militias that we see there today. That is why we are in the midst of a troop surge nearly five years into the conflict, which represents a response to current unforseen problems.

    How can someone possibly say things are going well in Iraq, when the landscape changes all the time and we constantly have new priorities to fix? Is it progress when for every good thing that happens, another problem comes up? I guess I just find it hard to understand how it is considered progress when all of our priorites and strategies keep changing in response to new problems. My idea of a war is something with a defined purpose in mind, and I am unsure what the exact purpose is at this point in time or last month or last year in Iraq.


    Why doesn’t Eric grab Jimmy Carter’s hand and go jump off a short pier into very deep, shark infested, polluted water and never come back? I am tired of seeing his ignorant posts like he thinks a war should go according to a script, like a TV movie or maybe a volley ball game (keep your eye on the ball). You think he’d be chastened after Cunningham told him to eat @#$%.

  26. John Cunningham

    Erica, think of the surge being like a sponge. Squish the sponge and all the shit squishes out. You kill all the squished out shit. Some of it you miss. So put the sponge where the shit ran to and squish again. Kill most of the shit that squishes out, rinse and repeat. Eventually all of the shit will be dead. I only ever became a sergeant so that’s the best way I can explain it. Know what I mean, shit, I mean Vern?

  27. Eric

    Let me dumb it down for you a bit because obviuosly you don’t get it. A war doesn’t have to be short or scripted, but it can be, WHEN THERE IS AN OBJECTIVE! I heard Colin Powell talk about WMD to the UN. Then it was liberation and democracy, now maybe stability..I just don’t know what the objective is now that it’s such a clusterfuck. It seems to me like we keep changing our reasons for being there and our objectives, and that signals to me that maybe we don’t exactly know why we are there. Tell me Libby, what is winning in Iraq? What does an Iraq look like where we “won”?

    And Cunningham, I know what the surge is for. My point is that the mere fact there is even a surge 5 years in should tell you that not only are things not going according to plan, but they have not gotten any better. When I see all this hype, “The MSM isn’t reporting this good news or that good news,” just maybe it’s because there is WAY more bad news than good news.

  28. sal

    :twisted: no no no war is not the answer, free love man!!!

  29. Mess

    Eric, 5 years ago the democrats granted power to the president to wage this current war. That was the LAST time the Democratic Party did ANYTHING to support this war. Since then the democratic party has committed themselves to doing anything to make America loose this war regardless of how many human beings are executed as a result of their actions (American or otherwise). This is not a war to the Democratic Party, it’s a tool to gain power.

    It’s one thing to criticize the capability of a political party’s ability to execute a war. It’s something else for a party to root for failure.

    There is something fundemantally missing in your postings and that is; “America needs to win this war, THROUGH VICTORY!!”

  30. Eric

    Rooting for failure?? Ok, as crazy as that sounds, let’s assume it to be true. But rooting for something is different from causing an outcome. I root for the Philadelphia Philles, but they can never seem to make the playoffs. Do the negative fans get blamed for them losing games? No, the Phillies and the organization itself gets blamed as they should! The Dems were not in charge of waging the war, they only helped to authorize it and regardless of how you think they root, it is Bush and Company that is handling the war, therefore they should get credit for successes and failures.

    Now, can anybody please answer my question: What does it mean to win in Iraq? It obviously hasn’t been to rid them of WMD (they have none), ro rid them of Saddam (he’s dead) or to give them democracy (they had free elections). So what does it take to win? Im confused.


    Keep banging your head against the wall, Eric. Maybe it will feel better when you stop. And why aren’t you off that pier yet?

  32. Mess

    Eric, What does it mean to win in Iraq? That military game plan was discussed 5 years ago and is still in place at this time. The plan states the United States will provide military assistance to Iraq until Iraq can protect itself without our help. Considerable set backs have been seen on the Iraq side due to their inability to step up to the plate. But when someone pays attention to what actually is going on over there and not the political BS, it’s appearent we can win this war.

    I’m not making an argument claiming this war has been handled well. That’s not the message here. The message is you have a democratic party actively seeking the failure of the United States in Iraq for political gain in 08. If you don’t believe me, pay attention to what the leading dem political leaders had done over the last few years. Then find out how it impacts the American soldiers who are placing their back side in harms way for our freedom. Failure should never be an option in war.

  33. TJ

    “We expected Iraq to be a lot different that what it is today. Yes TJ, we expected things to be easier and simpler, not a five year occupation with no end in sight.”

    I think you should say “hoped” instead of “expected”. Expecting is the game of arrogant individuals , not military machines with experience in guerilla warfare. I defy you to show me where Bush said we will be in and out of Iraq in no ime. In fact it was democrats asking for time lines. we didnt have one for any of our previous wars. why should we start now? Every thing you said should use the word “I” rather than “we”.

    “We certainly didn’t expect the kind of civilian backlash against our occupation or the infighting among Shiite and Sunni militias that we see there today. That is why we are in the midst of a troop surge nearly five years into the conflict, which represents a response to current unforseen problems.”

    Again, you didnt expect it. In the gulf war we learned of the sectarian strife first hand. we knew saddam was a member of the minority sunnis,. we knew the shias had ties to iran and we knew the kurds wanted there own country. To say we didnt forsee these potentialities means we didnt discuss such things publicly. Mistakes have been made, underestimations etc, but wars have all been like that.

    “How can someone possibly say things are going well in Iraq, when the landscape changes all the time and we constantly have new priorities to fix? Is it progress when for every good thing that happens, another problem comes up? I guess I just find it hard to understand how it is considered progress when all of our priorites and strategies keep changing in response to new problems.”

    This is the nature of war with a formidable opponent especially one who doesnt play by ANY rules. Does your job go by day in day out without surprises. How do you respond? make adjustments, set new goals if necessary. Each problem has its own strategies in dealing with it . that is life.

    “My idea of a war is something with a defined purpose in mind, and I am unsure what the exact purpose is at this point in time or last month or last year in Iraq.”

    The purpose is to create a stable thriving democracy where people will be free to produce, live well and raise their families. these also provides protection for america by having an ally who used to be an enemy. The main reason we are still fighting is the years and years of muslim indoctrination against the US and israel. Iraq MP and Imam Iyad Jamal al-din compared iraqis to birds raised in captivity. freedom for them is something they are born to enjoy(we all are)like a bird is born to fly, yet, once its let out it doesnt know what to do. It needs time to strengthen its wings. the same is true for iraqis. Islam teaches them to be suspicious of freedom, because freedom inspires individuality that CAN create divisions within the community(umma)and (also take power away from religious authorities).Strict adherence to rules keeps the community in line. too much freedom gives way to sin and usurps the power of God(allegedly). Iraqis need time to adjust to this new found freedom. by finally fighting alqeada, they may be finally understanding that the stabilization o iraq is more important than killing americans.

    The kurds are on board but the shias and sunnis have been fighting across the arab world for years and they are in a power struggle that interests iran and syria greatly.

    the original UN mandate was geared specifically for the UN. they didnt need to know anything except about wmd’s because their concern is saddams threat to other nations . The UN never acts when the interests of individuals citizens in a country are at stake. thats why rwanda bosnia, and now sudan suffer until after the massacres. GW is making good on a promise his father made to the shias and kurds during the gulf war that we reneged on. Clinton also usurped the authority of the UN in bosnia by moving in with NATO. we gave our argument to persuad e them and they were unpersuaded just as they are with sudan today. So we moved on without them. so be it. The new secretary general recently wrote an article for mercury news saying that global warming was the reason for the the war in sudan. if any organization is more out of touch with reality I think this should prove it to the world. Islam is ignored far to often as the cause for wars in most of the world. ultimatley the us will be blamed for sudan. Idont doubt it, we are damned if we do, and damned if we dont. :oops:

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