Iranian Missle Shot Down British Helo
No, Iran hasn’t declared war on America and Britain.
No, Iran hasn’t declared war on America and Britain.
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Just more proof of the obvious. And what is a “Mahdi” anyways?
Well that’s the name of the hidden Iman that mookie is trying to force out of hidding?
How? By pissing off the whole world.
The Mahdi Army is a tool of Iran. They suck Mookie’s dick,
So this report makes perfect sense.
Of course the Iranians are involved. It is part of their stratagy to force the US and the West into a global war aginst them, so that the Mahdi will reappear and usher in
the Muslim end-time.
These people are fucking nuts. We need to kill them. We could start with that coward-in-sheets Al Sadr and his little Hitler puppetmaster emir in Iran: mookie.
June 24th, 2007 at 5:26 amThis happened last year…THIS year they kidnapped those Brit sailors and put them on display to “confess their crimes.” And they didn’t even have to pressure them.
Ya got the impression that Iran has no respect for the Brit military?
June 24th, 2007 at 7:01 amAnd why should they have respect for the Brit military? Or us for that matter. They run operations in Iraq, they shoot down helicopters, they build nukes in defiance of the West, and they capture British Sailors and Marines. And what do they get in return? A couple of shame on yous and a fleet of ships that haven’t done anything off their shores. Until we start going with more of an eye for an eye approach to Iran, they are going to just keep doing what they do.
June 24th, 2007 at 11:58 amAnd from the Mahdi maggot file we have this story from Afghanistan:
‘Children as young as six are being used by the Taliban in increasingly desperate suicide missions, coalition forces in Afghanistan claimed yesterday.
The International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), to which Britain contributes 5,000 troops in southern Afghanistan, revealed that soldiers defused an explosive vest which had been placed on a six-year-old who had been told to attack Afghan army forces in the east of the country. …
The boy had been ordered to target a check point in Miri, in the Andar district of Ghazni province.
“They placed explosives on a six-year-old boy and told him to walk up to the Afghan police or army and push the button,” said Captain Michael Cormier, the company commander who intercepted the child, in a statement. “Fortunately, the boy did not understand and asked patrolling officers why he had this vest on.”
Lieutenant Colonel David Accetta, ISAF eastern regional command spokesman, told the Guardian: “In the past we have not seen the Taliban sink that low, to use children as suicide bombers. The personnel secured the vest to make sure the child was safe.”
Lt Col Accetta said the procedure for dealing with an armed minor had so far been untested in Afghanistan. “It would have been difficult to know what to do considering it was a six-year-old boy and he was presumably going to push the button himself or someone was going to detonate it for him remotely,” Lt Col Accetta said.
The rules of military engagement are easily muddied when a child poses a direct threat, he explained. “What we do if we identify the fact that an adult is wearing a suicide vest is we use whatever force we deem necessary to protect the lives of our soldiers and any civilians. Of course it makes it more difficult - it’s a six year-old child.”’
Looks like the VC have changed uniforms to me. They’ve exchanged their black pajamas for a turban.
June 24th, 2007 at 2:53 pmsaid it before, we should turn tehran into a modern Dresden
fuck them animals
if the citizens of iran do not agree with the actions of the government they should rise up in revolution
if they stand by, then they are guilty too and will have earned their suffering
June 24th, 2007 at 4:14 pm‘if the citizens of iran do not agree with the actions of the government they should rise up in revolution
if they stand by, then they are guilty too and will have earned their suffering’
They are standing up. Only to be cut down. What should they do? How does one stand up to the IRGC? We need another Kermit Roosevelt to weaken the Khamenei regime before the citizens can take control.
They are not animals, their government is, have some sympathy for them, they are suffering under a corrupt regime. Don’t carpet bomb the innocent.
By the way, mahdi is another name for 12th Imam, also known as the prophet Mohammed. The Iranian government believes in a precept of Islam known as ‘Jaalil’ (meaning, the quickening of doomsday). They actually want to speed up a World War III, because they believe their paradise emerges from its ruins. They are crazy you see.
But you must understand that only a small minority of Iranians, and Muslims in general believe in this precept. It just so happens that Khamenei, Ahmadinejad, Rafsanjani, Lajani, Saafavi, Yadzi and many other top ayatollahs and elites believe in this.
June 24th, 2007 at 5:23 pmIsreal is real, your points are valid, I just do not want to put US boots on the ground there, so a punishing aerial bombardment is preferred by me.
As I understand the populace of iran is educated and have exposure to the west, the animals comment is directed to the government and it’s minions. While I do feel deep compassion for the loss of innocents, I feel the safety of our citizens and the citizens of our allies are paramount.
I hope that it does not come to that, but diplomacy is not / has not been effective with the insane government in tehran.
June 24th, 2007 at 5:55 pmI must disagree Steve.
The life of 1 Iranian citizen must be protected over the life of 1 US soldier. One is a civilian, the other is a professional soldier, its as simple as that. Soldiers are to be admired for giving their life to protect innocents. It is an American soldier’s duty to protect and Iranian civilian as much as it is his duty to protect an American civilian.
That distinction must always be made. If you become a soldier, the second you do, you have given your life. It may not be taken, if you are lucky, but still, you gave it. Civilians enter no such contract.
This is why every soldier is a hero in my eyes. Because they are willing to pay the ultimate sacrifice to protect civilians, whether foreign civilians or domestic. An Iranian civlian is an American civilian. Equals.
June 24th, 2007 at 9:17 pmWhy is al-Sadr still breathing????? Take the bastard out already!!!!
June 25th, 2007 at 7:18 amFor country and glory,
Civilians are responsible for the society they live in and the actions that are taken in the name of their nation.
If the actions of a government put the civilian population at risk, the civilian population must take action, either to counter that action or join it.
Our military is in uniforms that are recognized by civilians and enemy combatants; they do not follow that simple edict. That gives them an advantage because we value life, and protecting the life of the “innocent” civilians as you stated. The actions of their government put combatants in civilian cloth, therefore the civilians are at an increased risk, and since the citizens accept this, therefore they are participants, and are not entirely innocent.
June 25th, 2007 at 11:40 amThe report that I posted on the 6yr old kid made the drudge report today. Kudos to the reporter who first made it public. I forget which blog I found it on.
June 25th, 2007 at 12:59 pmFor country and glory
“The life of 1 Iranian citizen must be protected over the life of 1 US soldier. ”
You’re dead wrong.
Every commander, squad leader, fire team leader and PSG will never let his men die in place of a civilian if he can help it.
If a leader must make the choice between bringing his people back alive and a civilain dying, the choice is to bring back the men…the civilain life is forfeit.
I’m speaking as someone with experience. If I had to make the choice between seeing one of my people die vs seeing a civilian die, I’d choose the civilain…even if it
means a trip to Leavenworth.
When I took the oath, I promised to support and defend the constitution against all enemies. When I became a leader I did not take an oath per se.
However, given the responsibility of protecting my men at all cost, I would happily do so even at the expense of my own freedom or life because my men depended on me to both do my job and get them safely back to their families in one piece.
Try running your idea in an NCO meeting sometime. Bet you my next paycheck that they run you out on a rail.
June 25th, 2007 at 1:50 pmDan-
It’s better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6
(sure you heard that before)
June 25th, 2007 at 6:58 pmcountry and glory,
i understand your argument, but steve in nc makes a valid point that when fighting an enemy who doesnt see fit to abide by any geneva conventions and purposely blends into the population and the civilians do nothing to counter this, they risk their lives. However, it would be nice to reward civilians who give us information.(help transport them and their family to a refugee camp until the end of hostilities for instance)
one such iraqi lawyer did that in the early days of the iraq war that ended up saving the life of that woman soldier and he was rewarded with american citizenship ans alot of money from the woman soldiers family and friends.
anyways, the ideal is to not harm civilians at all costs normally, but soldiers are still human and like cops in the heat of the battle may choose saving their own life over taking the life of a civilian.
June 27th, 2007 at 3:06 am