How Long Are We Going To Remain Too Politically Scared To Face Our Resposnsibility And Attack Iran?

June 26th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


How long can we afford to pretend we are not at war with Iran, to allow them to kill our troops and destroy the process of stabilization in Iraq? Those who know better, the President, the Republican House and Senate, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, are all too afraid for their political lives to do their duty. This cannot stand. The lives of our troops remain in the balance, and many have died due to our lack of action.

IRANIAN forces are being choppered over the Iraqi border to bomb Our Boys, intelligence chiefs say.

Military experts claim this worrying move means we are at WAR with Iran in all but name.

Last night an intelligence source told The Sun: “It is an extremely alarming development and raises the stakes considerably. In effect, it means we are in a full on war with Iran — but nobody has officially declared it.

“We have hard proof that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps have crossed the border to attack us.

“It is very hard for us to strike back. All we can do is try to defend ourselves. We are badly on the back foot.”

Our Boys picked up the Iranian helicopters on radar crossing into empty desert.

The sightings have been confirmed to The Sun by very senior military sources.

At least two Brit squaddies are thought to have been killed by bombs planted during these incursions into Maysan province — Corporal Ben Leaning, 24, and Trooper Kristen Turton, 27.

A further 44 British deaths have also been linked to the highly advanced bombs, rockets and mortars which originated in Iran.

Coming so swiftly after the kidnap of 15 Royal Navy sailors in the Gulf, our revelation will send strained relations between London and Tehran plummeting further.

Until now, secret units from Iran’s fanatical RGC have restricted themselves to just training and arming Shia rebels in Iraq.

They include the al Quds Brigade — a secretive force tasked to spread Islamic revolution abroad who are the main backers for Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon and are also active in Palestine and northern Iraq.

An MoD spokeswoman said: “There is evidence that explosive devices used against our troops in southern Iraq originated in Iran.

“Any Iranian link to armed militias in Iraq either through weapons supply, training or funding are unacceptable.

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31 Responses

  1. Kevin M

    Here’s what I’d like to see. A 10-hour operation that completely pancakes their nuke sites and leaves them wondering where their balls went. In and out. No soldiers on the ground, just a massive bitch-slap and we leave them crying. (1) It gets rid of all this “nuclear Iran” bullshit, and (2) it shows the world that what is going on in Iraq is NOT some oppressive military action, it an action of liberation. Ya wanna’ see oppressive military action? Watch Iran!

    Just a little wish.

  2. azbastard

    I’m no military stratigist, but how come we dont have some kind of missile defense in that area?

  3. jam

    Kevin M, you got it right. We are going to have to do it sooner or later. What are we waiting for? President Hillary?

  4. Brad W

    With the media the way they are, how many of you would be surprised if a “serious” accident were to occur at the Iranian nuclear facilities, which Iranian and libel press around the world would of course blame on american aggression? Just something to stew on, maybe our leaders are not just sitting around, but are trying to be covert as possible on this…

  5. Dan

    Someone needs to get some film on this incursion and braodcast ot om some MSM outlet.

    The smart people already knew that the Iranians were/are intimately involved in Iraq.

    So what’s holding up the big “Air Show” anyways?

    And why aren’t we reinforcing the Brits with some of our people?

    Wouldn’t it be interesting to see if the next time the Iraniacs try to land troops, an American fighter shoots em down?

    Seems like a simple deal to me. Stop pussyfooting around with these fools and give them some real pain instead.

  6. Steven D

    You think President Hillary would be scary vs. Iran? What about President Obama or, heaven forbid, President “My Hair!” Edwards?

  7. Wendy

    I am more worried about Pres GW. Where did his balls go? I mean what happen to taking out those countries that house, fund, or contribute to terrorism? I mean all the rhetoric coming out of Iran should have been enough, now our military has actual proof that the rhetoric is not just talking they are actually walking the walk as well. Are we to wait for some catastrophic event? What happened to pre-emptive strikes? This is bull shit; He needs to start bombing the hell out of Iran now especially since we have AQ on the run in Iraq. What a bunch of assholes. I am so fed up with politicians!!!

  8. Steve in NC

    tehran = dresden = smiling steve

  9. jam

    All the positive news out there and the headlines are screaming about Richard (Dick) Lugar bailing out. He suddenly wants to surrender. I guess he can’t wait to shove his head up the bitch Harry Reid’s ass.

    These traitor bitches are really pissing me off.

  10. Semper1

    Have some air on station and take them out that way we have pictures and locations. and then pound the shit out of the rest of the country.

  11. MikeP

    Did anyone learn anything from the USS Cole?
    Holy Shit! How much do we put up with before we react to this kind of horseshit? And I did say react–we are not invading Iran–and they are coming into a war zone to attack the allied forces–totally unprovoked and in clear support of Al Qaeda.
    Go to the Iranian presidential palace and bomb his fucking ass–remember Morimar Qhadafi–not since Reagan put a missle down his stovepipe. It needs to happen in Iran. NOW!

  12. jam

    This little prick, Ahmadinejad (whatever) should be at Gitmo now. We should have cuffed him the last time he was in New York, trashing us at the UN. If he isn’t a terrorist, who is?

  13. jack

    The primary problem is here, not Iraq or Iran, they are manifestations of the problem. We have traitors in our midst that we must deal with such as reid, pelosi and company. These people make us weak. These people make us a laughing stock for the world. These are the same people that equate making a terrorist wear a dog collar to a beheading. These people watch the View. These people will cause this great nation to emplode and collapse. Fuck Iran and Iraq, the War is Here!! :mad:

  14. HJ in VA

    KevinM, MikeP & jack - I concur. The MSM would love to see an all out, full scale war…and blame it on “W”. We’re going to have to fight it sooner or later….however, no one, and I really mean - NO ONE- wants to be the one to initiate it. War is ugly…bur necessary. Iran declared war on us in 1979, but never acted on it, nor have they ever recinded their claim. I dread the thought of a dem in office in ‘08 - apeasement is their answer- if any of us are left alive….

  15. Raging Mom

    This isn’t even anything new- just not reported. During OIF2, my son told me that they were regularly killing Iranian Revolutionary Guard infiltrators when he wa stationed in Baqubah.

  16. Mike Swann

    HJ in VA,

    The really sad thing is MSM would like to see an all out war for “ratings”, not for making the world a safer better place to live in.

    MSM deserves every bit of despise they get.

  17. Mess

    We have carrier battle groups in the area. Iran enters the scene on military transports. Why weren’t they shot down over Iraq?? This is ridiculous. If our military didn’t have their hands tied we would have resolved this matter the right way.

  18. Lt. Jarred Fishman

    Preach it Reverend Pat!

    The Iranians have been at war with us since 1979. And we never fight back except when Reagan bombed their navy. The day Iran gets a nuclear bomb- is the day we have lost the Middle East and probably our superpower status. I can’t believe we are so cowardly as not to stand up to them..

  19. Thoughts Of A Conservative Christian How Long Are We Going To Remain Too Politically Scared To Face Our Resposnsibility And Attack Iran? «

    […] How Long Are We Going To Remain Too Politically Scared To Face Our Resposnsibility And Attack Iran? June 26th, 2007 — budsimmons How Long Are We Going To Remain Too Politically Scared To Face […]

  20. Lamplighter

    OK, I’ve said it before: why we don’t kill anything that moves across Iran/Iraq border is beyond me. This is why people think GWB is stupid: he waits until it is obvious to all but him. I used to think there was some mastermind plan behind it. Now I am pretty sure I know better. And I am blaming him because the buck stops with him. :shock:

  21. Lamplighter

    I revise my comments: I’ve been told our spec ops are killing those guys like there’s no tomorrow and our drones are too. Of course, this is unconfirmed…

  22. Hooligan law

    One bomb
    big bright flash
    problem all gone ! :twisted:

  23. Dan

    Raging Mom: Kudos and best wishes to your heroic son.
    Same with you LT. Keep up the fight.

    And I concur with everyone else. This is a war that we must fight, and that we must win. Not tomorrow…now…

    I think alot of the aforementioned traitors are going to be eating some dirt come next election.

    Really good posts people…

  24. 31MIKE




  25. Tim in FL

    The stakes get higher and higher each passing day. What are we waiting for? A nuclear equipped Iran? Let’s explore that one.

    With the idea of bringing about the caliphate, what if Iran, along with other terrorist entities has a plan in place to launch a massive strike? Remember, we are NOT dealing with a mutually assured destruction mentality here.

    In the Middle East, they launch nuclear strikes against Israel and Iraq conceivably dealing a heavy blow to Israeli forces and American and coalition forces in Iraq. While at the same time launching multiple nuclear strikes on major American cities using nukes already suspected of being smuggled into the United States.

    Indeed, how long can we afford to pretend we are not at war with Iran?

    We cannot affored to play defense anymore after 9-11. Rather the best defense is a good offense.

  26. Tim in FL

    And time is running out……

    “Sanctions and diplomacy have failed and it may be too late for internal opposition to oust the Islamist regime, leaving only military intervention to stop Iran’s drive to nuclear weapons, the US’s former ambassador to the UN, John Bolton, told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday.”

  27. roadking

    lamplighter ….I hopE you are right and the spec ops guys are getting them bastards.WTF are we doing letting anything come over that fuckin’ border. We have 7 fucking battleships over there and we don’t use them…..

  28. JayMS

    do we even HAVE the military capability to attack Iran? I have no doubt the Mullahs days are numbered but I don’t see the urgency. We effectively have them boxed into a corner with the ability to easily project force if need be. Several carrier groups off their coast plus the ability for ground forces on two fronts. I say take our sweet time, get some other obectives squared away, and let the Mullahs have it.

  29. SSGDUKE54
    This is how I would have handle the Iranian situation!

  30. jam

    To JayMS,

    First you wonder if we have the ability to attack Iran, then you state we can easily project force. Which side of your mouth are you talking from?

    And if you don’t see the urgency, you aren’t looking. You would rather confront Iran after they have nukes?

    You don’t make any sense to me homey.

  31. Randy in Fl

    Sit tight, GW is working on the logistics……

    4 aircraft carriers in the Strait or Hormuz along with other allies. A buddy of mine inventories cruise missiles and he can’t tell me anything except there are a lot of cruise missiles and nukes on subs and ships nearby, enuff we could powder Iran and make IRAQ and afganistan a new democratic land or territory.

    We are actually waiting on IRAN failing from within…..We know how stupid their President is. It’s a matter of time, within the next 2 months something gets done.

    Knowing some pilots and squadrons from the local NAS, they are watching these Iranians land in IRAQ……they will start busting their butts soon. You watch…..

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