The Nothingness Of Lugar And Voinovich
UPDATE: With snarky and snide headline language, CNN joins in Lugar and Voinovich’s nefarious scheme to save their anti-surge reputations by attacking the surge before it is given any appropriate measure of time to play out. There is nothing more odious than two U.S. Senators declaring Operation Phantom Thunder a failure in its first few days, knowing full well that this message will be broadcast repeatedly to the heroes in harm’s way in every chow hall, on every chow hall t.v., in Iraq. But if the surge is succesful, they will look stupid for having opposed it months ago. So in a calculated move to save their political skins, they attacked it now in an attempt to derail it before Petraeus can make his report.
CNN’s gleeful attack on the U.S. battleplan via the headline “grapper” on their homepage. Notice the “ha ha ah ha ha” use of the term “surge” as a slap in the face to the President. ( Full story can be found via the link above. Please read the analysis below for further insight ):
Dissent over Iraq might trigger a different surge
With the election season and a key war progress report on the horizon, more Republicans will start to distance themselves from President Bush’s policy, analysts say. Two respected senior senators this week publicly asked the president to look for a way out of Iraq. Analysts say a different surge might be in the offing — a Republican surge for withdrawal.
Republican Senators Lugar and Voinovich are not “breaking with the President” on his war strategy. They were never on board with it. They have been publicly opposed to the Surge from the beginning. One paper reported that Lugar “voted against the surge” although I have not checked that out. Said the White House: “Lugar and Voinovich were never on board with the surge, and neither Senator’s comments are surprising.”
Lugar’s comments and Voinovich’s letter were not a changing of the tide in the Republican party, but an inappropriate, self-centered, politically and egotistically motivated, loudmouth reiteration of the old-news postitions of two Senators. Nothing changed yesterday. They’ve said it before. Keep in mind that their reputations are at stake, and that’s a significant part of what motivated them to speak out yesterday. The fact that Operation Phantom Thunder was looking good made them nervous. Having previously stuck their necks out by declaring that the surge shouldn’t happen, they will look very bad, if it is a success. So, because of their longstanding positions against the surge, these two men, like the Democrats, have an investment in our failure in Iraq. For them, success is bad politics. So yesterday, they put their careers before their country, and did what they could do to build political momentum against the surge continuing. Like I said, the recent successes there were making them quite nervous. Don’t believe me? Then why the timing of the remarks?
it is very telling that the bulk of the MSM tried to sell this story to us as some big shift in the Republican Party’s position on Iraq. They are lying. The fact that they are lying betrays their agenda to use their reportage to affect U.S. policy and the outcome of the next elections in favor of the Democrat Party.
The two also use the odious NewSpeak tactic of calling the retreat a “redeployment’ in an attempt to avoid the political consequences of the American people understanding their plan for what it is. If they are so proud of their proposed tactic, why do they have to lie about what it is? That right there should tell you that a retreat is not a good thing, or they would proudly label it for what it is.
Success is just around the corner which will result in redeployment sooner..rather than later. These defeatists scum are proclaiming loss to disguise the win and when the redeployment does occur, they will proclaim they made it happen. And guess what the average self-indulgent, mtv, hilton-head, oblivious American, who hasn’t been over-there will believe they scum politicians…..
June 27th, 2007 at 8:06 amwe can correct this by voting, but we should not fear the use of more persuasive means
“A bullet always tells the truth”
June 27th, 2007 at 8:14 am- Rayburn
Man on Fire - 2004
June 27th, 2007 at 8:18 amHoly shit, Steve in NC, that quote is brilliant!
Look, I love old people. My grandmother is 84 and still kicking up dirt. However, I don’t want her in charge of making decisions about my future because unfortunately she’ll be dead and won’t have to live by the rules she’s created. Same for these old farts.
When are the young people of this country going to realize that, just like in the military, all the people making the decisions are completely out of touch with the people they are supposed to be leading. At least the citizenry gets a vote! I don’t mean to sound like “Don’t trust anyone over 30″ but I’m tired of these geriatric throw backs telling me how to live my life like they have a clue they know what’s best for me. Hell, I doubt some of these assholes even know how to download an iTune. Retire to Palm Springs or Cuba. Just retire and STFU.
June 27th, 2007 at 8:31 ami heard an interview with Luger this morning. he said the surge had failed. the surge just started…. it just got up to full speed and it’s been successful! it’s amazing how far one can put their head up their ass to better hear what shit sounds like. i hope the sept. progress report puts all these assholes in check. im tired of politicians making statements about the war effort from the safe confines of DC. go to iraq, take a look at ramadi and ongoing operations. then come back and tell me how the surge is failing.
June 27th, 2007 at 8:33 amI fired off a letter to Lugar yesterday, criticizing his latest activities. Copying something I posted earlier:
Lugar holds a record for going on the most Aspen Institute junkets (for a Republican), along with a boatload of liberal Dems, like Waxman. He’s been hanging around them so much, he doesn’t realize he’s become like them. He wants to get along so bad, so he’ll keep getting to go on the free trips. It’s just a cush job for him, with great perks. Embarassing!
June 27th, 2007 at 9:02 am“Crybaby” Voinivich is a RINO… Always has been, always will be. He and dick head Dennis “the menace” Kucinich are from Cleveland.. There has got to be something in the water. Both are an embarrassment.
June 27th, 2007 at 9:17 amI think when the troops complete their mission in Bahgdad they should be redeployed to Washington, DC.
June 27th, 2007 at 9:24 amAhmen House. Every timeI see Dick Luger I want to put a bib on him to catch the drool…
June 27th, 2007 at 9:38 amLuger the Booger and Voinovich the Hemroidovich can kiss my red, white and blue…er, whatever. They probably voted for open borders, too. When are we forming the People’s Militia and throwing all those bums out of Congress? We can immediately hold new elections. I’m for term limits and public humilitation of those who show their hatred and contempt for the American people by ignoring our opinions.
June 27th, 2007 at 9:42 amWe need to make a million person march on DC with copies of these reports from PAT DOLLARD–I can bet you that someone would be willing to listen then. It might even get on the MSM for a change–maybe.
June 27th, 2007 at 10:04 amI can only hope and pray that Lugie and Voinovich have a bad reaction to Viagra and something falls off or they fall out.
We need to get rid of these bastards–they have been there too long, and we have been too quiet for too long.
PS We may have to swim out here in Texas, but I’ll have my laptop.
I still emailed him a piece of my mind. They are both traitors!!!!!!!!!
June 27th, 2007 at 11:59 amAt one time I thought Lugar was one of the more perceptive of the national political class. Either I was grossly mistaken, or he has gone down-hill fast.
But it is not just him. My senile old fool of a Senator (John Warner) had to rush out and support his comments.
Let me tell you, it really makes you feel helpless when one of your Senators is a drooling idiot; and the other is a Democrat looney (James Webb).
I am completely baffled by these jerks. I know they see themselves as the modern nobility; so perhaps like the nobles of old they are spring-loaded to continually plot to overthrow the current Ruler.
They obviously don’t realize how ridiculous appear; nor care how much damage they do.
June 27th, 2007 at 12:01 pmEvery generation needs a new revolution.
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
-Thomas Jefferson
June 27th, 2007 at 12:03 pmBabs
“Ahmen House. Every timeI see Dick Luger I want to put a bib on him to catch the drool…” OMG, that’s too funny.
Hey listen, the MSM is having their Cronkite moment. Gen Cronkite decided that a win at Tet was a loss, and the Pepsi generation bought into it.
It worked before, now they are trying it again.
Makes you wonder if maybe these droidians and Joe Scarboro Repubs of Capitol hill haven’t broken into the “stash” again.
Pass the reefer. Oh wow man……..Here you go Sen Lugar and Senator Voinavich….Pfffffffffft…..
June 27th, 2007 at 12:27 pmTo repeat:
We need to take that worthless broken-down, addled Depenz-wearing Senator/Embarassment from Indiana, haul him out behind the barn and shoot him. Then off to the glue factory with him.
I remember it was ~20 years ago when he was stabbing the late great Ron Reagan in the back…Whattatraitor.
As for Voinovich, has any Repub been more ant-American since Lowell Weicker? He voted AGAINST the great John Bolton, too, CRYING that the douches at the UN didn’t respect us anymore…
I’m rooting for the assassins now.
June 27th, 2007 at 12:39 pmHere’s the famous words of another “old” leader…what a difference!!:
“If this long island story of ours is to end at last, let it end only when each one of us lies choking in his own blood upon the ground.”
He was a giant…these shmucks are pygmies.
June 27th, 2007 at 1:48 pmI’ve certainly voted for Voinovich for the last time. I think another 100 people in my Air National Guard unit are done with him also, they were bitching up a storm today. I’m just sad another worthless democrat like Sherrod Brown will probably pick up the seat in the next election. Voinovich is done for supporting “Plan E” and for loving Estate taxes. It makes me sad because I remember his speech when i was a kid that he gave when welcoming my Dad back from Operation Desert Storm. As a former supporter of his, it hurts to be betrayed.
June 27th, 2007 at 2:25 pmThe thing that kills me is that these two backstabbing old bastards are FREELY CHOOSING to betray our troops…You think they’re getting ANY pressure from grassroots Repubs to come out w/this sh!t? No, they’re doing it deliberately, to give our soldiers and our country a hard, vicious kick in the balls!
They both deserve to be shot. Like this:
June 27th, 2007 at 4:22 pmHey House6,
watch it! I can’t download an i-tune, don’t want to; But I can still field strip an M-14, M1911 and sharpen a bayonet. I am also adept at guttin’ skinnin’ and once I was scared and it pissed me off.
Now, let’s get these self promoting asshats like Lugar into retirement or off the firmanent.
June 27th, 2007 at 7:50 pmNot only CNN joined them, but the CBS crew was practically rubbing their hands together in glee as they showed John Warner of VA joining in the “surge has failed” chorus. Coupled with the talking heads I saw this weekend saying the same thing, it makes me wonder what’s up. Is it a ploy? Or do they have some info that we don’t have? The media gauges the whole thing by whether they can have their reporters freely walking around Iraq. They can’t, so they are on board with the surge has failed theory. Little do they know, the terrorists like nothing better than to slay foreign journalists–they will never be able to walk around free- ly around moslems in the middle east (not in our lifetime). Just a point of fact. Daniel Pearl is a stark reminder, and how about that BBC guy?
June 27th, 2007 at 8:49 pmNow, Clyde. Do you really think you could ever be considered in the same piss-ant league as these elitist turds? (they can’t dl an iTune but they sure as hell want to regulate who can.) For crying out loud, stop typing and get to target practice. Times a wastin’ and you’ve got a lot of work to do out there!!! And by the way, why in the hell aren’t more guys like you in charge of stuff anyway?
June 27th, 2007 at 9:35 pmis you or is you ain’t my constituents???
yes and you are fired
and that was a good vid (Jewish Odysseus )
June 27th, 2007 at 10:19 pmI don’t get how these old fuckers can show their faces in public, much less collect a paycheck from us. When the USA prevails in Iraq/Iran, I hope they will go out and suck a gun barrel. Feeling the love.
June 28th, 2007 at 3:00 amlets face it..its all about the votes..when the stupid bastards hear all of america, everybody in america, wants out of Irag long enough, then all they think about is saving their on asses and then they leave our brave men and women fighting the good fight hanging on a thread..its so pathetic and disgracefull
June 28th, 2007 at 4:56 amThose bastards are betraying the USA, and the voters, not to mention what they are doing to our troops. I have emailed Dennis the ugly elf, Voinovich, and Sherrod Brown, letting them know my displeasure regarding this and the atempted immigartion shamnesty bill, which at least that is dead for now.
I have let them all know that I have not been actively involved in politics in my 25 years of voting, as far as active campaigning for or against any candidate. I have changed that stance as of the past 8 months. Any elected official of mine that has voted to betray our troops or country by denouncing the surge, aiding and abetting terrorists, allowing amnesty for criminals, whatever the pathetic excuses they give, I will be vocal, I have and will continue to confront demonstrators publicly. I will strongly encourage any member of the Republican party to support any decent candidate for local state or federal office, as long as they are for our troops, against terrorism, against anything that conservatives and true American nationalists support.
These bastards want to pander to the liberal facists by stating the surge is not working. This is after it is barely begun.
June 29th, 2007 at 5:15 amIt was either Marx or Lennin who said that if you tell a lie long enough eventually people would believe it. The MSM is full of weapons of mass distortion such as CNN, MSLSD, Oddball Mathews, turncoat Scarboro, Lugar, Warner and all the rest.
Stuck on stupid is a requirement of libtard participants in the lib MSM. In addition you need to have your head stuck so far up your ass that it would take a month of Sundays to get it out…to qualify to be a MSM reporter/talking head.
No, these fools are the Pepsi Generation’s equivilent of Gen. Walter Cronkite (the most trusted man in America)cough, cough.
June 29th, 2007 at 5:48 amVoinovich better enjoy the time he has left to be in office. I would rather vote for a soap dish. I also would like the NRA to start running some tv ads pushing for a secure border.
June 29th, 2007 at 8:00 am