Breaking: U.S. Dispatches Two Battalions To Al Anbar In Emergency Move To Battle Al Qaeda’s Revenge Mission Against Sunni Tribes
You won’t find this story anywhere in the MSM. But my military sources in Baghdad and elsewhere have confirmed to me that 1. beginning yesterday, Thursday, July 28th, two U.S. battalions began moving into Al Anbar to hunt Al Qaeda members smuggled out of Baghdad through Fallujah and Ramadi, and 2. that Al Qaeda has launched not so much a military campaign to retake Al Anbar, but a revenge campaign against its Sunni denizens, and most specifically its denizens’ Sheiks, who routed them out of the province and into a few mixed Sunni/Shiite areas in and around Baghdad. Al Qaeda harbors the illusion that by kiling the Sheiks, it will be able to subjugate the entire Sunni population of the huge province, and govern it as a separte Al Qaeda Sharia state. This is a fool’s game. Al Qaeda doesn’t have the numbers to pull it off, and the only reason it thrived in Al Anbar in the first placeis because the locals gave them cover from the hunting U.S. forces, as well as other vital forms of support. But as often happens when one lacks many other options, Al Qaeda is throwing out logic and merely acting in revenge, and acting to chase an impossible dream. So far, a few more Sunni sheiks have been murdered since the hotel bombing. They will not last by making the Sunnis their enemies, because they ultimately lack the numbers and force to subjugate them. There will be bloodshed, but they can only lose.
Definitely haven’t heard of this one. Is al-Q killing more sheiks? I’ve heard of the twenty decapitated bodies discovered just recently. How vicious. I hope people will stop feeling bad for Islamic terrorists and instead see them for the monsters that they are.
June 29th, 2007 at 1:04 pmIt’s just another day at the office for AQ. They still haven’t gotten the message. A little “lead persuasion” is called for.
June 29th, 2007 at 1:14 pmA little off subject but I wanted to pose the question, it occured to me that radical Islam has some real homosexual leanings and tendencies. I have read that at cafes and establishments like Starbucks et. al. that only men get to sit together in the front and the women are served out back. Combine that with the “beasting” that is done by Islamic guards in Iraqi prisons and other prisons in that part of the world and that women are forced to cover completely and only men can walk around for all the world to see. I have also read that phedophilia and other extremely abnormal sexual behavior is much more common in the Arab world than is reported in the MSM.
I personally like having the fairer sex around and enjoy their company and like looking at them, but thats just me.
AQ and radical Islam seem real gay to me.
June 29th, 2007 at 1:32 pmGet Some! I remember when I was just a kid, learning about the American Revolution. I remember hearing that the old-fashioned British were so stupid, that they lined up in rows and marched in open fields in plain sight to attack the colonists, the disorganized militiamen who Johann Rall, the leader of the Hessians, referred to as, “country clowns”. I remember hearing about how those same “country clowns” killed Johann Rall in battle shortly thereafter. I remember learning that the anachronistic-minded British army complained that the Colonists were “unsportsmanlike cowards” who fought “Indian style” from behind bushes and in swamps. We rightfully laugh at the mindset of the then-foolish Brits who thought that “civilized rules of warfare” were more important than total victory and utter defeat of the enemy, because ultimately, achieving incomplete victory or being totally defeated will both result in savagery and brutality far worse than the savagery of fighting to win. Especially now that we are engaged in a war of Islamic supremacy against civilization. The enemy that we face is a nation comprised of an ideology of world Islamic supremacy. There are moderate muslims, just like there were moderate nazi’s, but Islam as a political ideology is a totalitarian, genocidal doctrine far more insidious than nazism, for it masquerades as a religion. Or maybe it is simply a reincarnation of that old religion of the philistines, sacrificing the children on the altar of Molech, worshipping death, hatred, and destruction. These neophilistines must be defeated in battle, and their ideology must be destroyed. It really is a matter of us vs. them.
June 29th, 2007 at 1:38 pmJohnF. Well spoken. Mind if I borrow your “neophilistines”
June 29th, 2007 at 1:50 pmanalogy?
I wonder how many we have to kill before we destroy their ideology?
bunches and bunches I bet
tehran=dresden=peace in our time
June 29th, 2007 at 2:20 pmYou are missing the point. Al Qaeda is winning the war in the only place that counts: Washington, DC! After failing to protect our borders, the Senate leadership has turned its attention to marshelling its forces to make the Bush Administration cut and run in the war in Iraq. The MSM actively supports this by contunuing to shill for the Al Qaeda and how we have already lost. So, on the verge of our military victory, Al Qaeda’s allies are actively pointing to every car bomb and every murder in Iraq as proof that the war is lost.
Al Qaeda fighters are not interested in defeating us in the field; they know thay can’t. They have come to die, and they plan to die in a way that generates the maximum bad press for the US. By this approach, they have already conquered one of our major political parties, and almost all of the MSM. All they need to do is to appear and murder people in areas where we have already cleared to increase the pressure on the US forces willing to fight the war.
Already, Republicans are hiding under their desks and Democrats are pressing the surrender now movement in an attempt to retake power in this country. They are now openly socialist, recommending curtailment of the freedom of speech, massive increases in taxes, new regulations, dismantlement of the systems that have prevented a follow-up attack on the US, and international retreat as if 9/11 never happened.
I think that the Al Qaeda leadership is fighting a very clever fight. They are inept militarily, so they have arranged their affairs very well and are making progress.
I hope our guys can kill enough of them fast enough so that they run out of murdering psychos before the Senate collapses and pees on itself in fear. This is how the Vietnamese beat us; this is how AQ won in Somolia; this is how they are winning in Iraq.
June 29th, 2007 at 3:34 pmJohnF, what an astute historical analysis. Only if my professors in grad school could inject such uninhibited thought into their arguments instead of proclamations of post-modern sophistry . Hard War is the ONLY solution, its time for Fallujah and Baquoba to burn.
June 29th, 2007 at 3:52 pmHere’s an idea, seriously…
Someone, anyone, get General Petraeus’ APO address in Iraq and write a letter, something to this effect:
Dear General Petraeus,
First, I take this opportunity to congratulate you for your excellent leadership in the planning and execution of Operations Ground Phantom and Arrowhead Ripper. I understand you would refer our thanks be given to the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines on the ground, destroying the enemy, and deservedly so, but you do deserve much of the credit. You are a credit to yourself, the Army, and a grateful nation.
The reason for this letter is more than the thanks and gratitude you deserve. More specifically sir, I and many millions of our fellow countryman, many, many of them veterans, would like you to keep in mind something. It isn’t a request as you take your orders from the Joint Chiefs of Staff, but something we’d like you to consider for as long as your tenure as the commander on the ground. Win sir. Win this war for all of us and especially the fighting men and women in your charge. They deserve nothing less than full victory, and so do you. Sir, you know full well what is happening back home in the country you swore to defend, that other elements are attempting in many, many ways to lose this war out from under you. Some of these attempts have probably killed or wounded Soldiers and Marines in your charge. Sir, please, with all do dispatch if logistically possible, destroy our enemies in the battle-fields of Iraq before our fighting men and women and you are destroyed from these elements in Washington D.C.. Sir, you are in a race against time. If you lose, the tide of Islamic Jihad will envelope the Middle East region, drowning it in a sea blood. And here at home, these elements will ride your failure to complete power in your homeland. The erosion of the U.S. shall begin then. However, if you win, this acheivement alone will cast down these elements as the proven liars that they are. And your proud men and women will have proven themselves in a feat of arms; they will have won a long and terrible guerrilla war. Our enemies here at home, and abroad on the battle-field know this. You must beat them.
Sir, we have a monument in our Capitol dedicated to all the fighting men who came before us and fought and bled and died. There are fifty-eight thousand names inscribed on this monument. And they died in vain when these same elements destroyed them from our own shores. Please, do not let these same elements defeat you before you defeat the enemy. Please, destroy our enemies with all haste. Please, do not let us have a second Vietnam War Memorial for brave men stabbed in the back.
Win sir. Please win. Before they beat you to it. There are those yet who still believe in you and our Armed Forces.
******Please, somebody find his mailing address….
Lets do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
June 29th, 2007 at 3:57 pmcnchess
No one in here is missing the point. Which is why most of us lump Jihadis and Dhims and a few Repubs in the same catagory. We get it.
Your analysis has elements of truth in it. However, it was not the VC or NVA that beat us, it was the MSM and fucking Cronkite that beat us in that war.
The MSM is pulling the same shit AGAIN. AQ is getting their asses handed to them, whenever they step out from behind their women’s skirts.
We can win, if we stay the course and the MSM stops spewing their bull shit.
AQ is indeed playing the “Cronkite card” and is also playing the Somalia card. AQ has rolled the dice, and
so far has rolled only craps.
And despite the screwiness of Peloski and Co, they have also rolled craps so far.
Aq is an intelligent enemy and to some might appear 10 feet tall. But much like the Japanese and the Germans in WWII, they have been found to be made of only skin and bones, the same as everyone else. They bleed real good.
June 29th, 2007 at 4:02 pmI think everyone needs to ask themselves why it is that the MSM is so sympathetic to AQ and the Islamofascists. I truly beleive its due to shared commonality of beleifs regarding America. The old saying, the enemy of my enemy is my friend rings true here. The MSM, the modern democratic party and many of the intelectual elites in this country want America to look vastly different than it does today. Look at their shared beleifs hatred of Christianity, hatred of the masculine American male, hatred of traditional American values, hatred of American prosperity and the list could go on.
I truly beleive we as a nation are at a crossroads. The feckless republicans and the fifth column democrats, who’s worse? Look at the recent legislation in DC, campaign finance reform, the imigration bill, the fairness doctrine, and efforts to control and censor the WWW. I look at senators like John McCain and I fear for my children. He is so power hungry he would do and say just about anything to become president. And what happened to the White House? They are starting to go wobbley on Iran, now is not the time for indecissive weakness.
Its time for us to throw out 75% of congress and start over.
June 29th, 2007 at 4:07 pmIts come down to this:
General Petraeus must win this war quickly, not end, but WIN this war… or he and our troops will be Vietnamed.
He must win fast!
June 29th, 2007 at 4:10 pmI think that the Dhim and Rhinos are not allied with AQ per se. Their agenda is driven by the lust for power. This lust overrides all other considerations…including victory in Iraq.
It is also driven by the delluded assumption that by portraying all things Republican as wrong or hateful, that somehow that will assure them victory and revenge in 08.
These people are despicable.
What they forget it there are many in grassroots America that recognize their tactics and are prepared to thwart them at every turn.
Anytime a politician calls evil good and good evil, you can bet that they are lacking a moral compass and are unqualified to lead.
They are all evil despots in serious need of a royal ass-whooping by the decent people that they have let down.
June 29th, 2007 at 4:54 pmDanielle
I believe the story of the beheadings has been debunked already by Confederate Yankee and LGF.
It was thinly sourced with no local confirmation and last I saw the military was still trying to find confirmation.
June 29th, 2007 at 5:04 pmIt is a subtle point in the war on terror that the immigration bill went down in flaming defeat, but an analytic mind might see this as the 2nd great awakening of the “sleeping giant” in the words of General Yamamoto. We weren’t having any of this legislation and we let our representatives know it, it exposed the underbelly of the senate and showed them that they still have to answer to the constituency. They do not have carte blanche and I doubt they will do anything that bold again for a while, they stuck their necks out and nearly got their heads cut off. The new withdrawal legislation will not see the light of day because it will be done under cover of darkness. Americans do not want to lose and I for one am getting fed up with representatives that think they are the most intelligent human beings on the face of the earth.
Now, how does this translate to the war on terror? It is the greatest strength of this country (and Free Iraqi’s can learn a lesson hear) - even when our politics are weak, our people are strong, even when people in the beltway cower in the corner and bite their nails, the people who care about this country stand in the gap. If aQ takes the current action as a sign they are winning they better look again at who really has the power. The people. And well shit isn’t that what you guys over there are fighting for? Screw the politicians - you guys are fighting for me and my family and my neighbors and the people I work with and the people I go to church with - not bloated & sickly politicians.
The constitution that you guys are fighting to protect is not the governments constitution, but America’s constitution, America being the people, and if the Dhimmicrats continue on this path they too will see the “sleeping giant” awaken again.
As always Cheers Pat for doing the reporting that no-one else would dare to do.
June 29th, 2007 at 5:23 pmUp til the 90’s, we allowed in, roughly, 128,000 people from around the world. Under Bill (here, have a cigar) Clinton, that number mushroomed into over 800,000. And now, it is hitting the 1,000,000 mark!
I have to say that at this moment, I am pretty much pissed off with both sides! I am pissed at the Dems because they want the United States to mold itself into the image of the EU and are willing to give away our heritage and way of life just so we can look “enlightened”.
I am more than pissed with the Republicans because they have yet to prove to me that they have balls! They don’t fight back; they don’t defend themselves, and they rarely go to bat for the war.
And I am pissed with George Bush. I voted for the man, and I have supported him. But I cannot support a man who wants to hand swamp this country with illegals.
Just once,I would love to see someone who is willing to step up to the podium and let’er rip! How long will it take before someone on Capital Hill realize this?
I dream of how great this country would be if we could find another Ronald Reagan. Man, I miss the guy. Love him or hate him, he stood up for his principles and wasn’t afraid to get into a scuffle.
We need people like this who will tell the MSM that they’re full of it and that our men and women who proudly wear the Uniforms of the Unites States military are the best, finest, most elite bunch of kick-ass professionals that this country has ever had!!!
“Wars may be fought with weapons, but they are won by men. It is the spirit of men who follow and of the man who leads that gains the victory.” -George S. Patton
June 29th, 2007 at 8:27 pmYou know, I think I can honestly say this site gives better coverage of the Iraq war than Fox, CNN or MSNBC. There’s none of the unimportant crap here, and all of the important stuff is explained, not just vomited out. Plus ever since the Al Anbar stuff, it seems like all the trends get reported here first as well. Too bad I didn’t find it earlier.
June 29th, 2007 at 9:47 pmNice post JohnF.
The only way that we will ever effectively defeat this insurgency is by forcing all journalists out of the war zone (from the MSM of course) and pool them like we did during DS1 or during the Shock and Awe portion of DS2. Then, find a reincarnation of William Tecumseh Sherman and march to the sea.
June 30th, 2007 at 12:25 amVery interesting story and probably has some truth to it. I was in Habbaniya (between Fallujah and Ramadi) the week before last. We had lunch with a sheik who was later killed in last weeks Baghdad hotel bombing.
There was obviously some coordination of intelligence and resources, and it did have an al Qaeda feel to it.
June 30th, 2007 at 1:25 amDan-
I do think the d’rats, rino’s, msm, college professors, et al are in a defacto relationship with aq, iran, chavez, and anyone else who opposes a republican led government.
June 30th, 2007 at 4:15 amThe truism of ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’ has led them to act in ways that are treasonous, and they should be given no quarter.
Steve in NC:
The only league those people are in is with the devil himself. The other truism at work here is that evil will only triumph if good people do nothing to stop it.
We’ve stopped Peloski & Co twice now. We can do it again if we stick together.
Personally, I don’t think that Peloski is smart enough to join in a conspiracy with AQ. She it would seem to me has not matured past the age of a dumb-ass teenager.
June 30th, 2007 at 6:09 amUPDATE:
Extremists using false media reporting to incite sectarian violence
The report of the 20 decapitated body’s found is FALSE. Just another attempt by AQ to gain power.
June 30th, 2007 at 9:48 amDan, don’t keep perpetuating the CNN story that the US lost the Vietnam war. It didn’t. It won, and then stopped helping the SV gov’t while Russia continued to pour resources in the NVA and Hanoi. Big difference.
And worth remembering if Iraq does get stabalized enough for US to safely withdraw. The MSM and the left will CARRY ON trying to collapse Iraq by forcing the West/US to stop supporting it. Incredible as it seems, it’s that crucial for them to see the US lose and be discredited. And it worked before, remember? And then came Pol Pot. What would come next in the ME? The Islamists could hand the Khmer Rouge Aces and spades on massive murder and abuse; the Taliban were just getting warmed up in Afghanistan.
July 1st, 2007 at 3:07 amBrian H
You missed my point. I’ve stated previously, many times that Americans don’t loose battles in combat.
The analogy that I make to “Cronkiteism” is valid.
I don’t perpetuate “myths”. I state facts. Fact is the Dhims are playing the same game that they did during the VN conflict.
I also stated, that if one were to travel to VN, today, you would think that we won. And you’d be right. Capitalism rules. Communism sucks. Even the vietnamese will tell you that.
And as far as who was more vicious, the pigs in AQ or the cretins in SE Asia, got news for you bud, talk to some of the people who use to go out on Graves Registration Recovery missions.
Ask them how often they found our guys, mutilated and buried waste-high in a red ant mound.
And massacres, the VN Commies took that form of warefare to an art form that would make old Ali-Baba proud.
Save your vitrol for the enemy.
July 1st, 2007 at 6:17 amBill H:
Seems that I’m not the only one with a historical perspective in here. Just today, two individuals posted with a similar sentient view on history.
Hmmmm…seems I’m not the only student of history around here.
July 1st, 2007 at 8:22 amthe war between islamo-facsists and Western, Christian civilization will NEVER end. they dream of a moslem caliphate that stretches from Indonesia across southern Asia, across north Africa to Spain. when will Western governments, who impose ridiculous caveats and ROE’s realize this and fight? if you are a non-moslem, you are an infidel, and you must die. the refusal of Arab governments to recognize the right of Israel to exist just fuels the fire. they need not say it out loud, just let them be. every time i hear a HVT taken out by the Israeli Air Force, i applaud. until we play the game like the Israeli’s, the enemy has the advantage. the CIA should take a page out of the Mossad’s book when it comes to striking pre-emptively. hit them WHEREEVER they are. Black Ops. the CIA used to excel at it. if Atta was killed while in Germany, or in the states, 9/11 may never have happened. those radicals we know about, start bumping them off, it would save lives in the long run. the rule book has been thrown away, we need to be MORE ruthless and violent than them. i watched “MUNICH”, and thats wat we need to do. even before they actually do something. off them, they will never sleep good again.
July 2nd, 2007 at 6:05 am