I.E.D. Sweeps

June 29th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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20 Responses

  1. Jarhead68

    I remember this video, Pat. The last 30 seconds are absolutely hysterical…have you sent that clip to the unwashed whale himself? Michael Moore, that is. This blog kicks ass. Keep up the good work.

  2. e7 joe

    Awesome Pat!

  3. Steve in NC

    here comes santa!

  4. Dan

    What a riot. Love the background music. Definitely sets the tone.

  5. Marc

    Dude, that last 30 seconds was the best!

  6. Steve

    I was in from 1986 to 1990. I got out before the first Gulf War.

    Semper Fi.

  7. Pencil Nub » I.E.D. Sweeps in Iraq

    […] Pat Dollard has a video up. […]

  8. mindy abraham

    Sheesh that was oddly funny. Why do the iraqis hate michael moore? What did he do to them? :twisted:

  9. Heather

    “Santa Claus is going to town” or is that “coming to town”? Ummm…….anyways….

    The first part of the video made me nauseous–because my husband is out there doing that job on his rotations out of the wire. I hate thinking about him out there–praying every day that we don’t lose our game of Iraqi roulette. However, you did make me laugh with the ending. Ironically,in the last conversation my husband and I had we discussed Michael Moore briefly—I’ll have to make sure he sees this video.
    I’ve probably said this a dozen times–but keep on doing what you are doing Pat…everyone needs to see the true picture of this war. Thank you.

  10. JimC

    It seems the liberals are blaming President Bush for the attempted car bomb attack in England.


    I knew as soon as I read the “similarities to Iraq car bombs” statement, that the left would be quick to blame the Iraq war and W, it of course is never the terrorists fault…

  11. House 6

    And to think, all this time I’ve been led to believe that the Iraqis don’t want us there. Thanks for keeping it real, Pat. Your calling is a difficult one but I truly appreciate your sacrifice.

    Heather, as hard as it is you can’t think about what he’s doing over there, you can only think about him. My husband was a fantastic liar while he was deployed. As far as I knew, he was selling donuts at the Haji-Mart. It was the nicest thing he’s ever done for me. Plus, I turned the news off somewhere around Jan. 2002 which helped tremendously. May God create a hedge around your husband and his men, protecting them from harm on all sides. And for you, may He grant you all the peace you can handle. :wink:

  12. One-Shot

    Loved that interpreter at the end of the vid. This man is a true Iraqi patriot and he wants to make a real difference for his country.

    Of course this means that he’ll never make it in politics :mrgreen:

  13. John Cunningham

    Mindy, “What did he do to them”?. Same thing he did to us. He was born. Fuck michael moore.

  14. Oldroyd

    A little off topic, but I am so sick of hearing about civilian casualties, if they don’t want killed, then stop hiding and supporting terror. I could not care less about them. Maybe thats a few less taliban cowards the bitchs will spawn for our kids to have to go waste.

  15. Matt

    lol :beer:

  16. 0311inohio

    Yes Mindy, micheal moore is a good reason for abortion. Ah, I might ad the cheese eating surrender monkey’s too. :beer: :beer: :beer: :cool:

  17. Marc

    Hey I was thinking about the ‘terp you guys had with you and I hope that Iraq has a lot more like him in uniform, patriots who want their country to work. If you got more footage of guys like him I for one would love to see it, plus just like cowbell I gotta have more of footage like “F@#* Mikhail Moore”

  18. JayMS


    Fahrenheit 9/11 is played regularly on Al Jazeera as a propagana piece for the jihadists. They are well aware of Moore’s anti-american bias and his hatred of Bush.

  19. jsc0311

    Great vid. Makes me miss the brotherhood and fucking around on the down time, but not the GREEN WEENIE.

  20. Dan


    Yeah it does remind one of the days back when I was hefting 200.89 lb artillery rounds for a living, while my peers back home were smoking the ganja and protesting the war. It was a blast. (no pun intended). :cool:

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