Coup In Gaza, War In Lebanon

June 14th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

The Exploding Summer.

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21 Responses

  1. bd

    The plan is exposed. Al-Qaeda is forcing a war to start with Israel. C’mon Europe, and America this is Poland 1939, we gotta get in it to win it.

    Total War for Total Victory.

    If not, our children’s children will live to see the ‘EURABIAN UNION’ and the ‘ISLAMIC STATES OF AMERICA’.

    Where are we going to retreat to? Mexico?

    LIVE FREE OR DIE. Or pay the dhimmi tax until they decide to kill you, rape the women, and sell the children.


  2. drillanwr

    DEBKAfile is reporting:

    “Hamas Poised to Convert Captured Gaza Strip into Islamist Enclave …
    In first reaction to Hamas vi_
    DEBKAfile Exclusive: DEBKAfile Exclusive: Hamas to convert Fatah-controlled Mahmoud Abbas’ Presidential compound in N. Gaza City into mosque for victory prayer Friday”

    G-d help everyone with a soul over there. G-d help us all …

    Are you hearing / seeking this, anit-war-on-terror-lefitists? This is “Muslim on Muslim” killing going on. You’re all delusional if you think they won’t mow you down too.

  3. WarBicycle

    Israel should use a small nuclear bomb to end it once and for all.

  4. Lamplighter

    Do not forget: we all knew it was trouble when Palestinians overwhelmingly elected Hamas as its official government in Jan 2006. So it took 1 1/2 years before chaos ensued. The Palestians ELECTED THESE %$#@ERS. Now they live with it. I don’t care if they don’t have electricity, if the kids can’t take their finals (as RHAM EMMANUEL PETITIONS SECY OF STATE RICE TODAY TO INTERVENE TO ALLOW PALESTIANS CHILDREN TO TAKE THEIR FINALS–look up the article). The only victims here are the children and I have unlimited sympathy for them. The rest can all take bullets to the head for all I care.

  5. bd

    NEW YORK TIMES headline in the not too distant future:

    Branjelina, Paris Hilton, Rosie and
    Madonna team up to adopt 900 kids
    in Crapistan!

    (page 37)
    Iran sends peackeeping troops, tanks into Iraq.
    Ahmadinejihad says will aim nuclear missles at America
    for peaceful purposes. Bush angers Americans as he sends
    killer Marines to stop the peaceful Iranians. Bush calls peacekeeping mission ‘Invasion, prelude to WWIII’.

    We are so close to World War III and look at the TV, Universities, radio, papers, etc.

    Our borders are gone people. And the communists are attempting to get elected as Hitler was elected in 1933.

    Islamic terrorists are in S America, and Venezuela is leading the communist re-surgence.

    Are we ready to fight this new World War? We’re looking at battle-fronts in the Middle East, N Africa, E Africa and Pacific (Malaysia, Indonesia, Phillipines). Potential battle-fronts are Europe, S America.

    Who wins will decide what kind of world our children grow up in.

  6. bd

    This country is under tremendous international stress, and if we don’t truly fight back to win, the U.S. will have a ‘heart attack’.

    If we don’t fight back to win the War on Terror and to completely stop illegal immigration and stop the communist resurgence, the U.S. will die as a nation. It’ll still be called the U.S., but will be the same in name only as they replace the Constition, ban the military from existing and put U.N. peacekeepers here because the democrats know our boys will never attack their own people.

    Think about it: the Hitler and Stalin non-aggression pact of 1939? The Democrat-Communist-Islamic pact?

    Will we exist for the 2012 election?

    Are we willing to fight to survive and win?
    Or will we die?

  7. Unlearn

    I think this goes to show that democracy won’t lead to peace in countries teetering on the brink of chaos (Iraq, Palestinian territories). Spreading democracy to countries like Iraq, Iran, etc. is basically the same as spreading violence and instability. Option 1) Sanctions, targeted aerial strikes at nuclear facilities, and continued international comdemndation. Option 2) WWIII- large scale invasions of these countries, and starting from scratch. Option 3) ?? Any suggestions ??

  8. Jewish Odysseus

    Brothers and Sisters…

    Remember three words: Clarity, blessed clarity. Every evil conspiracy in history relied on DELUDING, CONFUSING, AND TRICKING its victims until it was too late: Jihadism, Communism, Nazism, Liberalism. The thing these monsters feared more than anything was clarity on the part of their targets.

    We should all welcome the crushing victory of Hamas. The traitors/incompetents in the US Dept of State, and the Israeli, had maneuvered us so that the one Western “hope for peace” was Mahmoud Abbas…a Moscow-trained Arafat acolyte, without the charm.

    This was a hopeless plan, like rubbing Ben-gay on an arm riddled w/gangrene. And it was deadly to our clarity.

    Thank God Hamas has risen up fast to demolish the plan. It may even wake up the comatose voters in Israel, tho I feel bad for those poor kidnapped bastards, they’re dead now (though it recently came out that their kidnappers were on the Fatah payroll, hmmmmmm). Hamas is shooting their “Palestinian brothers” in their hospital beds, throwing them off rooftops, and publishing long-lists of deathwarrants.

    Clarity, blessed clarity.

    Remember when Saddam invaded Kuwait? Many people commented: What luck, had he waited 1-2 years, our post-Cold War military may have been shrunk so much that we wdn’t have been capable of ejecting him as we did. Right now Israel still has a mighty arsenal, and we have a gigantic force located a few flying minutes away.

    Believe me, we missed a great opportunity last year, as Ehud the Simpleton executed the most wildly incompetent war in Israeli history. When he is replaced by a real leader, then we will be ready to apply a devastating blow to these wicked Mohammedan gangs, and wipe the celestial grins off their ugly mugs.

    But first we need (say it all together, brothers and sisters)…CLARITY, BLESSED CLARITY.

    PS: Happy FLAG DAY, esp to our men and women in uniform!

  9. WarBicycle

    Option 3 is a great idea—once conquered outlaw Islam.

  10. PooleeScore

    oh, so now everybody is going to jump on my kill em all bandwagon?

    i told everyone i hated sand monkeys.


  11. ~Jack~

    And Israel gave up the Gaza to help the peace process. Well, we got us a process now, don’t we? And it brings us as close to real WW III as we’ve ever been. Nukes start flying in 3……….2……..1……..

  12. IdahoPatriot

    It should be painfully clear that these people cannot be dealt with by means other than overwhelming violence.
    I prefer that violence to occur in the middle east, but will do my part here, if it comes to that. My grandchildren don’t look good in pulled down ski masks…
    Remember Kurt Russell in Tombstone? “I see a red sash,I kill the man wearing it” Sounds good for ski masks as well.

  13. bd


    International Edition

    Senate supporters of a comprehensive immigration reform bill reach a tentative agreement to revive the measure, senators involved in the talks told CNN.

    They are going to hit us again with the immigration bill…


  14. Dan

    Well now, bastards killing other bastards. That’s what you get in the mideast. Give them democracy and the people vote for facists. Such brilliant minds those Palestinians are.

    If I was the head of the Israeli military, I’d be checking to see if my nukes were ready to go…right about now.

    Why not pull a 1967, and do a preemtive strike against Hamas?

    Too many chicken-shit Israeli politicians. They want to sit around the campfire and sing kumbaya to the facist dogs in Lebanon, Syria and Gaza.

    Yeah, like that is really working well? Won’t be long now, before Hamas and Hizbollah open up a three front war with Israel.

    Is the Israeli military ready? I don’t think so. Where’s their Moshe Dyan or Golda Meir?

    Hope they’ve replenished their supplies of smart bombs and dumb bombs.

    Killing these so-called Palestinian pigs is the only thing that works.

    So what if it is a religious war. If you ask me it is time to find out who is the greater god: Baal or God?

  15. bd

    Hamas and Fatah may have to basically Holocaust each other. We’re talking men, women and children’s (God I feel evil) bodies in the streets, a massive depopulation, with Israel safely hunkered down. We’re talking rivers of blood shed, MuSlime on MuSlime.

    Now, even thought the MSM is communist, if it bleeds it leads still holds true, and they will splatter it all over the news, then even American communists (i.e., spineless, cowardly, metro-homo-sexual, femiNazi) will see what they would be submitting to. That will be a jarring experience and shake the moderate’s to realize…


    By the way, isn’t it unbelievable that the Democrat-Communist-Islamic pact is attacking Baghdad, Lebanon and Gaza and at the same time, their trying to divert our attention back to the immigration bill? They are nothing if not devilishly brilliant.

  16. KBoomr113

    Step 1) Expel the Americans from Iraq.

    Step 2) Establish an Islamic authority, ie a Caliphate

    Step 3) Extend the Jihad wave to the secular countries neighboring Iraq.

    Step 4) (It may coincide with what came before): the clash with Israel, because Israel was established only to challenge any new Islamic entity.

    These are the four goals for jihad in Iraq that Ayman Al Zawahiri wrote in his letter to Abu Musab Al Zarqawi just over a year ago. While step 1 hasn’t completely been accomplished yet, a Democratic presidency will make it guaranteed. Step 2 has partially occured in creating the Islamic State of Iraq, but the locals have grown restless with their savagery and have expelled the Caliphate from Anbar….we’ll see if it can set down real roots in Diyala province. If that fails…..Al Qaeda has put a hit out on Mr. Assad in Syria. If they get lucky enough to whack him, expect the Caliphate to take hold in Damascus. Thats step 3. Step 4…..well, thats what Gaza and Lebanon are all about……… Al Qaeda has put a plan in action to accomplish all 4 of these goals within the next two years. While they have had the momentum the past few weeks, their victories are still limited. Its up to us to stop them before they win big. No one else will.

  17. Mike Swann

    Talking out loud:

    They were threatening the pope last summer because he quoted a 14th century pope about “Evil Islam”.

    These people we forcibly ejected from continential Europe back then because they probably just as violent & intolerent then as they are now.

    This is going to take cooperation to contain this; in this country and Europe.

    When is moderate, western governments going to take the blinders off and act?

  18. Fight4TheRight

    bd… your first posting here is nothing short of awesome. You are so right.

    It’s time. It’s time to send these muthers a HUGE message. Take the damn gloves off in Iraq and eliminate Al Qaeda from that country - make plans and preparations for numerous civilian casualties - we don’t want that but this is war and Al Qaeda needs to be flattened in Diyala.

    Strike NOW in Gaza. Left the frickin place. Make it a parking lot. Tell the world when they see pictures of killed and injured Palestinians, they set themselves up for it.

    Third, take out Al Qaeda in Northern Lebanon - send in Marines and weapons to assist the Lebanese army and pave that bloody refugee slum.

    Fouth, remind Syria that Nancy Pelosi doesn’t speak for us. Put U.S. troops in the Golan Heights with daily flyovers over Damascus.

    Fifth and final point. Give Iran 48 hours to blow up their nuclear weapons facility. If they don’t, blockade their ports. Seal their other borders with troops. Lock ‘em in tight. Then take out their communications and electricity. Then go after the nuclear site. They say you can’t destroy the underground facility. Well, my guess is that if you drop enought MOABs on top of it, it will take them 20 years to dig it out.

    We cannot wait to do this. We need to start this tomorrow.

    It’s time the islamofascists felt the Wrath of God. The real God, not the Beast they worship.

  19. Dan


    “It’s time the islamofascists felt the Wrath of God. The real God, not the Beast they worship.”

    I couldn’t have stated that better. Amen to that.

  20. drillanwr


    Why not pull a 1967, and do a preemtive strike against Hamas? Too many chicken-shit Israeli politicians. They want to sit around the campfire and sing kumbaya to the facist dogs in Lebanon, Syria and Gaza. Yeah, like that is really working well? Won’t be long now, before Hamas and Hizbollah open up a three front war with Israel. Is the Israeli military ready? I don’t think so. Where’s their Moshe Dyan or Golda Meir?

    Because what you have in Israel is quite possibly what we have in our own “democrat” and RINO Senate and Congress.

    My mind goes back to the story of Noah I heard as a child brought up in Catholic school. How the people ridiculed and chastised Noah for toiling so long and hard against an approaching catastrophe *they* all refused to recognize. When the “flood waters” came, Noah and his family huddled together on the Ark as they listened to the horrified screams and outcries of those people being crushed by the obvious and inevitable …

    When I hear the screams and outcries of the nay-sayers in this country I am going to shout back, “Shut the fuck up!”

  21. Dan

    drillanwr: Excellent analogy. I couldn’t agree more.

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