It’s Over

June 14th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Murder in the streets and the fall

After the rout at the Preventive Security headquarters, some of the Hamas fighters kneeled outside, touching their foreheads to the ground in prayer. Others led Fatah gunmen out of the building, some shirtless or in their underwear, holding their arms in the air. Several of the Fatah men flinched as the crack of gunfire split the air.

A witness, who identified himself only as Amjad, said men were killed as their wives and children watched.

“They are executing them one by one,” Amjad said in a telephone interview, declining to give his full name for fear of reprisals. “They are carrying one of them on their shoulders, putting him on a sand dune, turning him around and shooting.”

Hamas Crushes

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12 Responses

  1. Thoughts Of A Conservative Christian It’s Over «

    […] It’s Over June 14th, 2007 — budsimmons It’s Over […]

  2. Marine Dad

    This development, along with 3 U.S. carrier battle groups hovering off Iran’s shores, Russia’s recent mindless threats and general discontent over anti-missle batteries planned for Europe, the Syrian Army currently massed in the Golan Heights along Israels northern border, Hezzbolah ready and armed in Lebanon all while under the ‘watchful eye’ of U.N. peacekeepers, Iran’s involvement within the Iraq/Afghanistan AO’s and don’t forget China’s extreme military build-up and looming threat against Taiwan, along with the Chinese capability to knock-out communication (GPS?) satellites….all with the deteriorating political situation here at home.

    Indeed, this is shaping-up as one helluva blockbuster summer of our discontent. Hold on to your jockstraps and get ready for what’s ahead……..could be mighty unpleasant.

  3. drillanwr

    M. Dad -

    As long as Global Warming doesn’t get us … :roll:

    Have yunz heard about Pinky Reid’s calling Marine Gen. Peter Pace and Army Gen. David Petraeus ‘incompetent’?!

    Whatever happened to firing squads in this country …

  4. Jerry

    Funny how “soldiers” and I use that term loosely, doing Gods work have to cover their faces, hide behind masks. Just another form of despotism hiding behind the veil of theology. Just another vision of a part of the world gone mad. Sometime to kill a cancer you have to kill the host, in this case that host would be Iran, and then some.

  5. drillanwr

    I’d say we’re getting mighty close to “Kill Them All, Let God Sort Them Out!”

  6. House 6

    This is all strangely reminiscent of the book “The Ezekiel Option.” Hopefully, for the good of all mankind, God himself will see fit to intervene as He always did in the Old Testament where the Jews were concerned thereby sparing them (and ultimately us), yet again.

  7. J

    Marine Dad,

    The picture you painted, the way you connected all the dots. Brilliant.

    I’m not a religious man, but I sure do hope House 6 is right…

  8. Lampligher

    Once again, I have to say: who cares if one gang of terrorists kills another? There are no good guys in that battle, only bad guys. Gaza is a tiny strip of land maybe 24 miles long and 4-6 miles wide at its widest, with 1.4 million people. If any of the countries, like Egypt, gave a spit about those people. they would have proposed a separate state for them and contributed some of that desert wasteland (maybe not beachfront, tho) for them to live on. Of course, the Palestinians were offered that in 1948 and they were too stupid to take it then. So they fought a war and lost. Oops.

  9. Dan

    There’s two kinds of theology at work here. The real stuff and that crap that the child molester Muhammed expoused. One is evil, one is not.

    Personally, I think the Ezeikiel option is on the table.
    Sooner or later Baal and his armies will eat dust.

    Perhaps events are lining up for the end? Sure looks like it to me.

    The only two players not yet in it yet are China and Russia.

    In my view, it will probably take a nuke strike by either Israel or the US to bring those two idiots into the fight.

    If that happens, look out jack.

  10. TJ

    “A witness, who identified himself only as Amjad, said men were killed as their wives and children watched.”

    straight out of the quran. “so that they may feel subdued” This is why they are called terrorists. “i will be made victorious with terror.” They kill people in front of their wives and children so that whether you believe them or not you will be paralyzed with fear.

    Welcome to Islam! :evil:

    Now they want an islamic state, while liberals all the while claim that it was about creating a palestinian state where muslims AND Christians would live in peace and harmony. even the muslims cant do that, the christians will finally be pushed out or killed.

    I’m actually glad hamas is taking over, so it will force israel into all out war with the palestinian beggars who live for murder and mayhem. please give it to them , israel. take the gloves off! :cry:

    Islam : the religion of tyranny. :wink:

  11. Dan

    The latest is that Abbas has fled to the West Bank and has dissolved the deal he made with Hamas. Oh this should be good.

    I’m looking forward to the final Fatah vs Hamas battle in the West Bank. Fatah is real good at killing innocent Israeli women and children, lets see how good they are at taking on their own kind?

    If Israel was smart, they’d cut a deal with Fatah and help them defeat Hamas. Wouldn’t that be an ironic development?

    The Jews and Sunni Arabs working together against Shia Hamas? I’d love to see that fight?

  12. LftBhndAgn

    All I can do at this point is hope to God HE steps into this picture. What is wrong with the rest of the world? Can NO ONE open their eyes and see its all Iran? I just don’t get it!!! :cry:

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