Meet Vivi

June 26th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

rosie kiss

Vivi is Rosie O’Donnell’s daughter. This video just went up on Rosie’s website a few hours ago. Now not only is it further proof that Rosie is insane, but stupid as well. Given that in the past she has found it important to remind us to both sympathize with and not fear terrorists ( “Get away from the fear. Don’t fear the terrorists. They’re mothers and fathers.” ), this video undermines her campaign to make us sympathetic to jihadis by featuring an image that mirrors the terrorists’ use of little children for both propaganda campaigns and the actual execution of terrorist acts. Vivi resembles every suicide-bomb draped kid in countless Islamic rallies. She also resembles the 6 year-old boy the Taliban recently used as a suicide bomber. When I was at the Government Center in Ramadi, Al Qaeda gave 6 year-old kids candy to throw grenades over the compound walls.

Yes, thanks for the very stark reminder of the intolerably brutal, vicious and inhuman nature of the enemy we face, Rosie. Thanks for the reminder of how important it is that we keep up the fight. Perhaps you can make some videos from the front while some nice mommy or daddy terrorist babysits Vivi. She’s used to it.

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23 Responses

  1. RTLM

    She’s got Rosie’s vacant eyes. I call it child abuse by a potential suicide case. Remove the little girl from Rosie O’Donnell’s custody before we have another perscription induced heinous act.

  2. Janica

    Rosie will shoot her own self in the foot with her actions…hopefully she’s not got her foot in her mouth, again, at the same time.
    Her daughter, well, *sigh*, it twists my gut what happens to kids in the wrong hands. One can only hope the kiddo gets an ounce of rebellion with hormones and peeks outside her own version of the veil.

  3. TJ

    Most famous people hide their children from public view. in fact , i cant hink of one famous person that is willing to show off their children to the public. even the creepiest celebrities(michael jackson for example) dont show the childrens faces so as to guard the children from potential threats from kooks.

    quite literally rosie has shown her self to be an unfit mother by exposing such a young girl to such potential threats.

    Her and whomever she calls her wife these days, should both lose custody of this poor child. :oops: :evil:

  4. mindy abraham

    I don’t know if it’s abuse, but it seems wrong :sad:

  5. Hooligan law

    Nice……. really nice :mad:

  6. Son Of Liberty

    The comments on the website are quite interesting. It’s nice to know that she even offended some of her fanbase. This is sickening. I’d have to agree - this child needs to be moved into protective custody so she can be raised by someone who gives a damn about her wants and needs, rather than by someone who’s solely interested in using her.

  7. Vanessa

    Reality is that Rosie is more dangerous than the actual terrorists because she will pied piper people with her bull and endanger everyone of her countrymen. Truely our founding fathers new the truth when they said our worst traitors will be from within and do the most harm.

  8. drillanwr

    Yes, I caught this over at newsbusters last night (and on Drudge).

    Who knows what that loone Rosie’s point is in doing this. Pat’s observations are, I think, part of her reasoning … Yet, I believe she is trying to possibly “say” our troops are babies being thrown into this war.

    If she is so damned convinced our military is filled with young, stupid fools then why doesn’t she head over to Iraq and have a nice chat with some of them and see if she’s right.

    I heard that damned term AGAIN the other day by a stupid-assed politician, “putting our young people in harms way” … If I hear it one more g.d. time I’m going to f-ing scream! Exactly what the hell do these people THINK the troops are trained to do … and where exactly they have to do it? NOT at Disney friggin’ World!!!
    Rosie in the last few months has shown, publically, that she has a screw or seven loose. After this stunt I think it’s time Children’s Services had a little look-see and chat with the kids in that house. And her partner Kelly, if she’s a responsible parent and concerned adult, had better jump to the plate and take charge of this sinking situation.

  9. Chris

    This is just more of the same from a disgusting, bloated, mental midget who still thinks that there was a conspiracy in bringing down one of the WTC buildings, despite scientific evidence proving exactly the opposite. I was always afraid that my IQ would drop a few points if I channel surfed to The View while she was cohost. I pray that the best game show ever (The Price is Right) doesn’t make the mistake of letting her sweat all over the stage as host.

  10. Rosie O’Donnell’s child abuse for her own intellectual, partisan, and egotistic gain « DPGI v.2

    […] Rosie O’Donnell’s child abuse for her own intellectual, partisan, and egotistic gain Via Pat Dollard: Meet Vivi […]

  11. House 6

    Well, it just goes to show that she didn’t give birth to the child (and I’m not maligning those who’ve adopted).

    I always swore I’d never let my kids play with guns. That lasted until my second son came along and proceeded to eat cheese and PopTarts and everything else I put on his plate into the shape of a gun. Then there were the guns made out of Legos, sticks, and empty toilet paper rolls. Now this place looks like Ruby Ridge. While I never encouraged it,I came to realize that they are men, and thank God for that! However, they would never dream of assuming the identity of a terrorist, nor would I allow it. Terrorists have shot at their dad so they are well aware of who the bad guys are and it’s not cool to pretend, unless of course they are pretending to kill terrorists.

    For Rosie to try to prove whatever stupid point she’s trying to prove by using her own child is preposterous. I can’t believe the gay and lesbian community doesn’t tar and feather her because she is setting them back 100 years by acting like such a dufus.

    Personally, I’m tired of hearing about the crazy bitch.

  12. Lamplighter

    I feel so sorry for her kids. Poor kids.

  13. Steve in NC

    My thoughts on rosie:


  14. MikeP

    If only Vivi would turn her weapon on this person–MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

  15. just posting

    haha rosie sssssssssstupid bitch

  16. Ennis

    Rosie O’Donnell is a very sick woman.

    “Comedienne Rosie O’Donnell banned her partner Kelli Carpenter from breastfeeding their daughter Vivienne just a few weeks after she was born–because she was jealous of their bonding sessions. Kelli gave birth to Vivienne in 2002, and the lesbian couple have been raising her along with their three other adopted children.

    But O’Donnell admits she felt left out of the motherhood process whenever she observed her partner nursing their child.

    She says, “Kelli only nursed for like a month and then I was very angry.

    “With the other babies, nobody nursed because they were adopted. But with this baby she was the only one getting to bond, so I was like, ‘The nursing is over!’ I cut her off.

    “I’m like, ‘You’ve had your limit, honey, no more!’””

  17. Dan

    I saw that pic on Drudge yesterday. It is sickening.
    Dressing your child up to look like a shaheen is not my idea of responsible parenting. I feel sorry for the kid.

    O’Donnel needs to be some kind of long-tern treatment regime, she is one screwed up person.

    Abuse of a child? Maybe. Wrong? Yes. But, I’d let a psychiatrist and a lawyer make that call.

  18. Mark

    Hey Pat,

    Ive been following your site since my first comments here and though ive been silent, I havent stopped reading your site since. Always on the point and way ahead of the curve, I still cant get over the blank look on peoples faces when I mention the Anbar awakening. Even better when I ask them whats the significance of it. Thanks to you Pat, I know and they don’t.

    Once again your opinions and ideas are point on. When I first saw this image of Rosie’s kid dressed up like a terrorist all I could think of was, well doesn’t this go directly against what she thinks? showing what these evil fuckin terrorist parents do to their kids and how bad it is? I figure just like most of the “heroes” of the left she will disappear soon enough when the rest of the left figures out what we already knew. shes bat shit crazy.

    So a beer to you Pat :beer: for always bein the guy on point for America’s information.

  19. TJ

    the whole idea of gays marrying is in it self a selfish act. so rosies doings are not surprising to me. intercourse to produce a baby and recreational sex are not the same thing. one is functional the other is not. one is practical the other purely recreational(homo and hetero) Homosexuals are being selfish. we were created to procreate and raise families. Closeted homosexuals marrying the opposite sex and having kids or staying single are doing what is right. It is more than possible for homosexuals to love someone of the opposite sex even though they are not sexually attracted to them. Gay couples adopting are merely doing another social experiment that will only create more confusion and selfishness.

    I will not say as others have that homosexual unions , much less adoptions, are to be promoted. they are not. they contribute to the degradation of humanity. they in effect are the acts of spoiled rotten people who look to their own needs above all others. rosie is just one of many in this category. :oops:

  20. danielle

    That’s just wrong. I think Rosie has gone insane- you just don’t do that to kids!!

  21. jim

    I noticed on 99% of the pictures the girl is not smiling and doesnt seem happy.
    I wonder if its child abuse to dress up your child like that.

  22. Michael A. Davis

    Sleeping Beauty, Tom Thumb, and Quasimodo were all talking one day.

    Sleeping Beauty said, “I believe myself to be the most beautiful girl in the world.”

    Tom Thumb said, “I must be the smallest person in the world.”

    Quasimodo said, “I absolutely have to be the most tacky, rude, crude, gross and disgusting person in the world.”

    So they all decided to go to the Guinness Book of World Records to have their claims verified.

    Sleeping Beauty went in first and came out looking deliriously happy.
    “It’s official; I AM the most beautiful girl in the world.”

    Tom Thumb went next and emerged triumphant, “I am now officially the smallest person in the world.”

    Sometime later, Quasimodo comes out looking utterly confused and says, “Who the hell is Rosie O’Donnell? “

  23. For country and glory

    Ugly kid, but good aryan genes.

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