The Marines Could Use Your Support

June 21st, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

My friends at the milblog sent me the following email:

With combat operations in Iraq as kinetic as they’ve ever been, the Marines could use your support.

At Blackfive, we have been trying to improve our relationship with the Public Affairs Officers in Iraq and Afghanistan. Not surprisingly, the Marines have begun a really intense exchange of ideas with us. One Marine Combat Commander embraced our offer of support.

One of the requests that they had of us was to attempt to get 6,000 positive and supportive emails - one for each Marine, Sailor and Soldier in the Marine Regimental Combat Team - 6. Grim, our resident thinker and former Marine at Blackfive, has taken responsibility for this project.

From Grim’s interview with Marine Colonel Simcock, Commander of RCT-6:

COL. SIMCOCK: (Chuckles.) I’ll tell you what, the one thing that all Marines want to know about — and that includes me and everyone within Regimental Combat Team 6 — we want to know that the American public are behind us. We believe that the actions that we’re taking over here are very, very important to America. We’re fighting a group of people that, if they could, would take away the freedoms that America enjoys.
If anyone — you know, just sit down, jot us — throw us an e- mail, write us a letter, let us know that the American public are behind us. Because we watch the news just like everyone else. It’s broadcast over here in our chow halls and the weight rooms, and we watch that stuff, and we’re a little bit concerned sometimes that America really doesn’t know what’s going on over here, and we get sometimes concerns that the American public isn’t behind us and doesn’t see the importance of what’s going on. So that’s something I think that all Marines, soldiers and sailors would like to hear from back home, that in fact, yes, they think what we’re doing over here is important and they are in fact behind us .

The Marines have set up a special email address to send a supportive message to the Marines is: . The emails are being scanned by the PAO before being printed and distributed to individual Marines.

And, guess what?, the RCT-6 has a blog at


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70 Responses

  1. Janica

    One goin at em….thanks, Pat.


  2. John Cunningham

    Janica, yep, just did the same thing.

  3. mindy abraham

    I tried to send it, but I kept getting error messages. Would someone be willing to send a letter to them in my name :?:

  4. HL Mencken

    Thanks, Pat, great post and I hope everyone takes time to compose an email to these brave & noble warriors to let them know how very proud we are of them and that they are in our thoughts & prayers.

  5. Sandy K.

    Here is the email address. Copy and paste it into the email you want to send:

    also, add it to your address book so you can email them easily anytime in the future.
    Please give it to friends and family.

  6. kins55

    Not only did I send one I forwarded the email address to everyone in my address book and hope everyone on this site does the same

  7. Jerry

    Got another out just now, and many more from friends will be following

  8. USMC_Dad

    Hell yea.

    Count my support in. Although with my user name, you wouldn’t think otherwise would you ? :wink:

  9. Robert


  10. RENO

    I just sent one and I am not ashamed to admit I have a tear in my eye.

    I refrained from using profanity so that some desk jockey would not reject it.

    So now I must vent. Thank you for killing those motherfucking terrorist assholes. thank you for killing those goat fucking oppressive do as i say not as i do sit back an let others be suicide bombers fucking asshole terrorists. and thank you for not letting them get me. thank you for going over to some shithole and killing them over there so that they cant try and kill me here. fuck them. i hope the majority of them get gutshot and it takes them a long painful fucking time to die.

    I feel better now.

    Strike first, strike hard, no mercy, Sir! :twisted:

  11. Kathy Ozanne

    I’ve sent an email and forwarded the email addy to several people. I’m also going over to a forum of which I am a member and sounding the call over there.

    Consider it done.

  12. patrick sheridan

    Hey Marines:

    We are all proud of you and what you have the courage to do-take up arms and fight for us. God bless all of you.Every day I hear and talk to Americans, young and old, who thank you for your great efforts. You are the very best of our country. You are doing a great job and we admire and respect you. If any of you fine young warriors ever come back to california, look me up and the drinks are free. Patric Sheridan

  13. Wayne Ladieu

    :mrgreen: I am PROUD of each and every one of you. I also was a little green amphibious monster during the Viet Nam War. Keep your Powder dry and may God Bless you…..SEMPER FI !!!!!

  14. HJ in VA

    Done!….Thanks Pat…anything else I/we can do, just say the word…..

  15. Bryan Simmons

    Sent mine and told my family to spread the word.

  16. Chuck


    I want to thank you for answering our country’s call for men and women like you, to do what many could not even fathom. Know that there are many like me that support what you are doing over there. I cannot pretend to understand what many of you must be going through, but I know you would do it all over again if it ment keeping those of us back home safe another day. Thank you, and God bless you every day.

    Father of two very proud American kids.

  17. Future0311

    Just sent mine off. Thanks, Pat.

  18. Patti

    From all of us in my family here stateside:

    May God Bless you all and may he keep you safe from harm!! Keep up the good work, we’re all so very proud of you working hard to keep all of us safe!!

  19. roadking

    Just sent an e-mail also ……………this seems to be the common complaint about the soldiers not thinking they are getting the American support. My son with the 82nd in Baghdad (2nd tour)said the same thing.They see the same negative shit on the news, but he recently told me they rescued 30 orphans that were being neglected and abused and it hardly made the news.God Bless these young men and women and especially the combat infantry troops……………….

  20. Harlen Bell

    Am spreading the word and will send one myself.

  21. Jon

    Message away!

  22. Joatmon’s Rants » Blog Archive » “We want to know that the American public are behind us.”

    […] Pat Dollard | Young Americans » The Marines Could Use Your Support With combat operations in Iraq as kinetic as they’ve ever been, the Marines could use your support. […]

  23. Jean F. Tousignant

    I have my letter going out shortly–it’s a joy to know ‘where’ to send the notes and know that someone will receive it. Thanks and my prayers and thoughts are with you ALL every day–take care, love you All! Grateful Alaskan Mom and Grandmom of 10

  24. don schlatt

    Pat, I sent a e-mail to them on their blog
    Vox did not send them the entire message.

  25. Thoughts Of A Conservative Christian The Marines Could Use Your Support «

    […] The Marines Could Use Your Support June 21st, 2007 — budsimmons The Marines Could Use Your Support […]

  26. Paula Farley

    I would like to thank all of you for your service to our country. Without soldiers, we would not enjoy the freedoms we have here in the USA. I enjoy being able to make my OWN decisions and not being TOLD what to do and not to do. It’s nice to be able to choose my job, my housing, my pastimes and my religion. I own a horse and enjoy riding my horse. It’s nice to be able to ride him when and mostly where (within the rights of other people’s properties) I want to. I know you hear a lot about what congress wants to do — cutting spending, etc. If it ever comes to a public vote, that won’t happen. Again, thank you for your service and know that it is appreciated.

  27. Lamplighter

    I sent one, but the correct address to send is:
    ‘’. They posted a correction down in the blog.

  28. Wendy

    sent one at them. sent the email address to everyone I know. Thanks, Pat.

  29. Brad W

    Sent one out earlier, and forwarded the email to all those in my address book asking them to do the same. There are a lot of good pro military conservatives in that group and several have already replied they sent out emails.

    Thanks for the heads up on the request guys!

  30. newhumandesign

    As good as sent!

  31. Judy DiVita

    Hey Guys: You are totally awesome. Once I know my mail has arrived…I will write more……………….respectfully..Judy formar Military Spouse/




  33. lcpl.ishmael

    My friends all thank you for your unwaivering support and words of kindness. The press and their one sided political views take their toll on my fellow marines conscience and morale….thank you so much.



    THIS DOES NOT COMPUTE. :neutral:

  35. Chris

    No matter what the media is saying over here in the US, I know the truth and I am extremely thankful for your efforts in stamping out terrorism. The Iraqi people are good people but the terrorists are trying to destroy their hopes and ambitions. Thank goodness Americans have a backbone and will not back down. I know what the real story is in Iraq because my best friend is a Lt. Colonel in the Marines and was a previous commander in the helicopter squadron HHM-774.

    Good Luck and Thank You!!!!!



  37. kELLY tURBIN

    God bless you guys. I believe in what you are doing!

  38. 0311inohio

    Fuckin A! Got an eamil on the way.. :beer: :beer:

  39. Dr D Semper FI

    Keep sending them Email

  40. Brownie

    God Bless you guys and thank you to your families for the sacrifices they are making for everyone.

  41. Tony

    Message sent. We need to get this to the GOE also. We could probably get alot of messages sent out from there

  42. Dan


  43. Ron G

    Hey guys and gals. Keep your chin up and your powder dry. There are many more for you than against you. The vast majority are proud of you and behind you all the way. Watch 7/7/07. Biggest support the troops rally in history happening all over the USA in every state capitol city.
    Check it out. We love and appreciate you.

  44. Claude fm Texas

    Dear Marines,

    Please know WE do care about you and pray for each of you daily! We love you and deeply APPRECIATE your sacrifice for us!!

    Please stay safe!

  45. patriot

    Makes me think of “The Soldier’s Song” from the band Demon Hunter

    Armed with resistance and blind to the cost
    They say your purpose is mindless and lost
    But we don’t adhere to the slander they spill
    We mourn with your losses and stand by your will

    Look up the verses yourself.

    From the band’s website on the meaning of the song:
    “The Soldier’s Song” is for all of the Demon Hunter fans that have written us from overseas, fighting in the war. Many of our fans over there have told us that we’ve been inspiring to them and that we give them encouragement in difficult times.
    In lieu of a music industry that seems to give US soldiers more to regret than anything, Demon Hunter wrote a song for our soldiers to give them hope and to let them know that they are appreciated. I feel that many people have made these men and women feel unimportant. Many of them have seen friends and family die over there and if these soldiers are told that their time spent fighting this war is in vain, then that implies that these people died in vain. Demon Hunter would rather give these people our support and respect.

    The Lord advances like a warrior; He stirs up His zeal like a soldier. He shouts, He roars aloud, He prevails over His enemies.
    Isaiah 42:13

  46. jim

    I sent an email.
    My problem is I never hear anything back.
    I write letters, send packages and nothing. :?:

  47. Heather

    Don’t let that discourage you. I can can assure you that the letters, e-mails, and packages are appreciated. Our guys don’t have much time to call or write. For many of them–even if there is time logistically it is difficult. Some soldiers have their own laptops, but most rely on the internet cafes–where you get 15 minutes. That time includes all the waiting while the system is connecting and it is slow. As an Army wife I can tell you–even among wives it is well known, expected, and even good naturedly joked about how bad our men are at writing, e-mailing, or sending anything… and we are their wives…. :smile:
    So I would like to thank you on behalf of them—I know they love getting any encouraging communication from home. And I would like to thank you on behalf of the military wives–it does our hearts good too…because you are bolstering the men we love. :smile:

  48. Leathernecks MC Ohio » 6,000 E-Mails Needed…

    […] over at The Marines Could Use Your Support is a request for some encourageing emails for Regimental Combat Team Six (RCT-6) in Fallujah, Iraq. […]

  49. DAVE IN VA

    A tremendous thanks and gratitude is owed to each soldier. My entire family and friend network fully supports our troops and the cause. You are all amazing people and have saved countless lives already. Recently I was encouraged when at a 5th grade graduation a presentation was done showing kids past, present, and future mock ups of what they aspired to be and several young guys had chosen army, navy, air force, marines, as well as coast gaurd…very proud that when their pictures flashed up on the screen, the audience show appreciation with loud clapping and cheers! God Bless all of the troops.

  50. Allen Borowski

    God bless all of you. We are so proud and thankful to everyone of you. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. Please be careful and take care!

  51. Kevin Massaro

    We are impressed with your professionalism, and dedication to duty under such difficult conditions. You epitomize the highest standards of the Marine Corps, and deserve our everlasting gratitude. Come back when the work is done, and know that you are appreciated. Ignore the negative people.

    God bless you.

  52. Cecil Miller

    As a former member of 1/6, I am humbled by the dedication shown by all you Marines serving in Iraq. I am overwhelmed by the courage and professionalism you exhibit on a daily basis. Thank you brothers, may God bless you and keep you safe.

    (Leathernecks MC OH - Gold Star Chapter)

  53. Corinna "Kirby" Grogan

    The majority of Americans, the true Americans, possess a great love for our country. And each and everyone of us knows that if it were not for each and every one of you defending what was envisioned for this great country so long ago - we would not be able to voice any of our thoughts or our prayers or to even have the opportunity to take advantage of all this beautiful world has to show us. GOD BLESS YOU ALL.

  54. kathy ozanne

    Is there any way to know how many emails they got yesterday? I’d like to know, because I told a boatload of people.


    I weep sometimes when I think about the brave men and women who are willing to die for me so I can worry about where to eat tonight, or what to watch on TV. I pray often that these men who are the sword of the Living
    G-d, will also be blessed and protected by him. I am a vet, The son of a vet and the father of a vet. These men deserve to honored by us all.

  56. Irene

    What a great way to support all of our troops.
    God bless them all.I’ve sent this site to as many people as I could.

  57. Tim in FL

    To those looking for feedback….

    From Black Five:

    and the RCT-6 blog at

  58. Sgt. S. Kelly

    On the way!

  59. Mike in Dallas

    Sent Mine!

  60. Erna U. Hilton

    As my son is leaving for Iraq in just a few weeks, I am praying not only for him, but for all you brave men fighting for us. THANK YOU!

  61. Leonard L Lawrence

    My Dearest ,

    I was the Pointman for A Co 2/8 Cav 1st Cav Div on the 1st shift of The 1st Team in Viet Nam 65-66. We were also a solitified group per forming up & shipping(literally) as a UNIT. As you have done.I personally thank you for your service & can see a light at the end of your tunnel.

    Those serving with you will remain closer than your blood relatives for lifes durration, Maintain a roster. As long as you are active you are ONE of U S of A’s once discharged you again become an Individual & The D V A will bash you on any attempt to file for benifits.KEEP in Touch. Join The Service Orginazations become active in Community Activities, try to return to NORMAL civilian lives.

    But keep in mind the experiences you are experincing in Iraq will influence you for YOUR durration & the best support you have (& ever will have) is right there with you.

    Rules of warfare(fair?)
    1. People die
    2. There are no rules
    3. If ever in doubt devert to rule No 1

    Reflections 1 29 96 13:13

    “It’s Moore Blessed to Give than to Recieve!”

    Sincerely Yours,

    Leonard L Lawrence aka Pointman

  62. Sandy

    I sent mine and will send more. Have passed the website along to everyone in my address book.

  63. Anita

    My heart goes out to all of you, My daughters husband will be deployed in Dec. for the first time and and now we can truly understand how you and your family feel, My daughter that is a Sr this year is doing her Sr project on how the war affects military families and doing a lap top computor drive for the troops, so that some can stay more connected to their loved ones, Always remember your faith and courage, and know that we are praying for you all, May God Bless you all and bring you all home safe.

  64. John Youngs

    Outstanding effort - keep up the great work!!

  65. Ellie Lagos

    Recv’d the call to connect w/ Marines from a fellow VN ARC Donut Dollie. Count on getting a bump in e-m’s! We never get too old to boost morale.
    Proud to be associated w/ the 1st CAV Bullwhip Squadron VN Helicopter Assoc.

    Ellie ‘71 VN

  66. Ben Steen

    To all the Marines Around the world. The majority of Americans are with you, please just remember that. I have two grandsons in the Marines, one is in Iraq now the other one returned this past may. Some people can’t seem to understand that if we don’t fight terrorism there we will surly fight it here.
    Semper Fi

  67. Roberta Allen

    God Bless our Beloved Troops.
    We support YOU & Your MIssion.
    Ignore the idiotic, left wing media and the whackos with the loud voices. They do NOT speak for me.
    You are OUR FIGHTING HEROES. You are doing the job that I can not do. THANK YOU.
    We are HERE for YOU!! I am here for you.
    Honor to our Great Country is Honor to our Great Military.
    Thank you ONE & ALL!!
    God Bless & keep you safe.
    Forever in YOUR debt.
    San Jose, Calif.

  68. Penny Magnotto

    Hey, guys! Dion’t you think for a moment that we don’t have you in our hearts and prayers, 24/7! I start each day with you folks in mind. I pray for your safety, as does my church (every Sunday)! You folks serving us in foreign lands, putting your lives on the line for us…..YOU are our HOPE for a free America! Thank you for all you do. Be safe and come home soon! We love you all!

  69. Phil N Blanx

    Done deal Pat. Thanks for spreading the word. I followed your example and sent to others in my address book. I am also posting a link to this page at NewsBusters.
    Thanks again Pat.

  70. Barbara

    On the way….and a copy sent to everyone on my mailing list.

    God Bless.

    Grandmother of a United States Marine!


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