The Mogadishu of the Mediterranean

June 16th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

“We are witnessing a third world war between global Jihadists and those against them. It’s not just a case of Muslim versus the infidel but Islamic extremists against those who don’t accept their view, including moderate Muslims.”

While Syria has played a major role in offering support to Hamas, it is Iran - with its supply of weapons and offers of training to Hamas and other Palestinian militant groups in Gaza and the West Bank - that is the mastermind behind the military rise of these groups. “Just like Hezbollah in southern Lebanon, Israel will now have Iran-by-proxy ruling Gaza.”

1. The subsiding battle brings an escalating war.

2. Israel planning counterattack for the Hamas rocket attacks it believes are inevitable.

3. Iran’s long game sets stage for war: “Tehran has succeeded in planting an Iranian division in the north and now they have a foothold in the south by establishing their southern division - Hamas,” said a source in Israel’s defence ministry. “Hamas’s stunningly swift victory in a brief civil war has left the Jewish state at its most vulnerable for three decades.”

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13 Responses

  1. Korndawg

    what a great spot to land a daisy cutter

  2. Tanicacid

    OK, who’s holding the tax money for the power and water bill? Fatah or Israel/ Eygpt? I know what would happen if I missed a few months.

  3. A. S. Wise

    … Or for a visit from Puff the Magic Dragon’s fangs.

  4. SSGDUKE54

    :mad: Prelude of things to come (World War III)
    The Hall is rented, The Orchestra engage, and now it is time to see we (USA) can dance! For we who do not learn from history past mistakes are doom to die from those mistakes!

  5. Brooks

    Where else in the world can you go and have a gathering like this and have no lost time from work.

    “Not a dime for Palestine!” I sent this message to my Senators and congresswoman.

  6. Jewish Odysseus

    Pat, I think this is the execution of the radio loudmouth referred to in that story:

  7. puhiawa

    I go with the personal touch. A .50 chain gun.

  8. TJ

    jewish odysseus,

    that video shows the executions that hamas denied occured. sounds like hamas and the breck girl are in cahoots.

    Personally I am glad that hamas took over gaza so now more of the looneys are concentrated in one area. what cluster bombs were made for. :evil:

  9. Mike Swann


    THER IS NO .50 CHAIN GUY, ONLY THE M242 (25MM) & THE M230 (30MM)

  10. Dan

    These people are mad dogs. Normally, we put mad dogs to sleep don’t we? Let them all rest in hell with their child molesting prophet.

    Not a penny of tribute to Palestine. Time to introduce Hamas to MOAB.

  11. Steve in NC

    pelosi goes to syria

    syria is public in it’s preperations for war against Israel for this summer the same time the d’rats announce a new move to surrender this summer (July 4)

    Both can win, the “failure” of the surge is validated, (before ever being fully implemented); that the chance the d’rats voted in favor for by funding the troops in May has failed and it is in our best interest to redeploy the troops (surrender)
    The Iranians will offer to broker peace with Syria and Israel with the settlement being to take back the territories taken in the 73 war.

    That will show the American public that iran seeks peace and we should recognize the iranian dominance in the middle east as a good thing, and the d’rats will be the party that helped bring peace and therefore should have the control of the executive branch.

    the rise in gas prices will also help sway the opinion of the American public in the need for a peaceful settlement

    do not forget the work of the d’rats with Reagan in office

  12. Kevin M

    Mr. Gaza, please meet Miss Daisycutter. :razz:

  13. TJ

    the eu planned to pull out investment in Gaza! what investors ever though it wise to invest in gaza after the israeili pullout? sounds like government taxes were the investment because the free market would nevr convincwe anyone to take such a risk with a people who only know and teach violence and war. Gaza is the sewer because its people are rats not vice versa. :oops:

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