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11 Responses

  1. Brian H

    How very sad and shocking! Another allegation by war-mongering oil-sucking Americans verified. But of course Hezbullah is just responding to egregious unwarranted provocation by the Americans’ masters and slaves, the Israelis. Yes, that must be it …

    :mrgreen: :twisted: :roll: :razz:

  2. LftBhndAgn

    When do we start bombing?

  3. Bill

    And I wonder if this individuals constitutional civil rights were violated during his no doubt horrible interrogation. Did they read him his Miranda rights? I demand he get immediate access to an ACLU attorney. And what about his Geneva convention rights, oh wait, my bad, he’s a foreign combatant dressed in civilian cloths. Bad terrorist, no rights for you.

    When their done with him I hope they secretly give him to the Israeli’s. Let them have some fun with him.

  4. Baghdad Aviator

    After four years in Iraq, this is nothing new to those of us that are involved in this war. In war there are no rules. Period. Unless, you are the US Government that forces our troops to fight with both hands tied behind their backs out of fear of world condemnation for fighting in an “uncivilized manner.” This war is real and will continue to expand, as the Brit’s are finding out, until we are allowed to start stacking the bodies on the side of the road. Time to unleash the shooters and scooters in full force.

  5. GBU43

    The US needs to start parading these guys in the public. The more light you shine on these roaches the harder it is for the lib’s to claim the kitchen is clean.

    It’s time to air confessions daily. Explain to the people the dynamic in Iraq.

  6. TJ


    you make an excellent point but the libs will capitalize on it and say the confessions came after extreme torture. liberals will never admit anything. :cry:

  7. jam

    Bombs away! Before Iran gets a nuke or, worse yet, the pukes in our country elect a surrender monkey to be commander-in-chief.

  8. Steve in NC


  9. danielle

    I agree, I bet people will focus on the methods used on the interrogation rather than the craziness of Iran. :sad:

  10. Dan

    Gee, ol Mikhail Ware looks sober today. What no insurgent stringers for this report? Hmm…he must have left his little sanctuary in the Green zone to file his report.



    so why was he speaking truthfull, where were the smoke screens,is something bigger happening

    “extraordinary story”-cnn at the desk still in denial

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