Secret Document: U.S. Fears Summer Terror ‘Spectacular’ Planned

July 1st, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


From The Blotter

July 1, 2007

A secret U.S. law enforcement report, prepared for the Department of Homeland Security, warns that al Qaeda is planning a terror “spectacular” this summer, according to a senior official with access to the document.

“This is reminiscent of the warnings and intelligence we were getting in the summer of 2001,” the official told

U.S. officials have kept the information secret, and Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said today on ABC News’ “This Week with George Stephanopoulos” that the United States did not have “have any specific credible evidence that there’s an attack focused on the United States at this point.”

As reported, U.S. law enforcement officials received intelligence reports two weeks ago warning of terror attacks in Glasgow and Prague, the Czech Republic, against “airport infrastructure and aircraft.”

The warnings apparently never reached officials in Scotland, who said this weekend they had received “no advance intelligence” that Glasgow might be a target.

Homeland Security Secretary Chertoff declined to comment specifically on on the report today, but said “everything that we get is shared virtually instantaneously with our counterparts in Britain and vice versa.”

Unlike the United States, officials in Germany have publicly warned that the country could face a major attack this summer, also comparing the situation to the pre-9/11 summer of 2001.

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9 Responses

  1. Dan

    Gee, when I took the oath I was required to keep a secret “secret”. In my line of work betrayal of secrets can get you in a lot of trouble. Now how is it that the MSM is held to a different standard when they break Federal law?

    Maybe it was kept secret to surprise AQ when they try to launch another attack?

    WTF, over?

  2. Steve in NC

    Well, I still suspect that pelosi’s trip to fellate basher in syria was to coordinate a summer push to drive us out of the middle east and to help the d’rats gain power.

    The great teddy kennedy tried with the soviets, why not that cunt today? the d’rats have a history of treasonous behavior, and they have shown more opposition to the current administration than to those that are known enemies of the United States.

  3. House 6

    Two things struck me as odd today mainly because Chertoff had assured us yesterday that there was no need to raise the terror threat level.

    #1 - While picking my dad up from the airport today, security was insane and cars were being scanned randomly by armed guards as we were trying to get a parking space.

    #2 - MPs were with the gate guards at the military installation where we live brandishing M-16s, which I haven’t seen done here before.

    Is Chertoff playing Obi-Wan Kenobi, waving the hand trying to convince me “these aren’t the droids you’re looking for”?

    It’s kinda hard to keep things secret when it’s blatantly obvious something’s up.

  4. Randy Anderson, GySgt

    Did it ever occur to these people that it was secret for a reason, perhaps they were under surveillance in order to track the leaders of the group or to uncover more info before the actual attacks, MSM never learns.

    Is it also being insinuated that we, the U.S., is to blame because we supposedly didn’t warn officials in GB, give me a break! If we do warn people, we are just warmongering, if we don’t, we are to blame, it’s just amazing to me.

  5. LftBhndAgn

    TO: Randy Anderson, GySgt
    I couldn’t agree MORE!

  6. Cpl Johnny Peddicord

    Well, this about turns my stomach.

  7. dad,,

    the brits are on the same page as us… we share info and intel.. the brits were on the trail and i would suspect that some MSM demons told the al queda (also known as dummycrats) that the gig was about to end so they hurried up the attemped attacks,,,i seen a bumper sticker today that said “all dissent is not treason” but i wonder if they know if all treason is dissent???? just a buck sgt.

  8. Kevin M

    Well, all I can say is that if there is a molecule of truth to the notion that Bush exploited 9/11 as a cassus belli for his attack on Iraq, another 9/11 will most definitely give him the impetus for mushrooming Iran. I wonder if it will be worth it.

  9. amycakes

    Kevin, you talk about mushrooming Iran like it’s a bad thing. The troops are already fighting them in Iraq. You wonder if it’s worth it? You bet your sweet ass it is.

    Iran funds Hezzbullah. Iran denies the Holocaust and wants to wipe Israel off the map. Iran sends troops across the Iraqi border to fight and kill our troops, fellow AMERICANS. Why don’t you go to a VA hospital and talk to some of the injured soldiers about Iran.

    It’s 2007, and yes there are boogie men. They are religious fanatics who want to destroy our way of life.

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