U.S. Confirms CNN’S Report That Iran Has Sent It’s Hezbollah Soldiers Into Iraq

July 2nd, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


BAGHDAD (AP) - Iran is using the Lebanese Shiite militia Hezbollah as a “proxy” force in Iraq and Tehran’s Quds force was invloved in a January attack in Karbala in which five Americans died, a U.S. general said Monday.

U.S. military spokesman Brig. Gen. Kevin J. Bergner said a senior Lebanese Hezbollah operative, Ali Mussa Dakdouk, was captured March 20 in southern Iraq. Bergner said Dakdouk served for 24 years in Hezbollah and was “working in Iraq as a surrogate for the Iranian Quds force.”

Bergner said Iraqi extremists were taken to Iran in groups of 20 to 60 for training in three camps “not too far from Tehran.” When they returned to Iraq, they formed units called “special groups” to carry out attacks, bombings and kidnappings, he said.

Dakdouk helped train and organize the groups, making four visits to Iraq in the past year after a May 2006 trip to Iran, the general said. Hezbollah, he said, helps the Iranians as a “proxy … to do things they didn’t want to have to do themselves in terms of interacting with special groups.”

The general also said that Dakdouk was a liaison between the Iranians and a breakaway Shiite group led by Qais al-Kazaali, a former spokesman for cleric Muqtada al-Sadr. Bergner said al-Kazaali’s group carried out the January attack against a provincial government building in Karbala and that the Iranians assisted in preparations.

Al-Khazaali and his brother Ali al-Khazaali, both captured in March, have told U.S. interrogators that they “could not have conducted it (the Karbala attack) without support from the Quds force,” Bergner said.

Documents captured with al-Khazaali showed that the Quds Force had developed detailed information on the U.S. position at the government building, including “shift changes and defense” and shared this information with the attackers, the general said.

U.S. officials at the time of the Karbala attack said it was unusually sophisticated, with the attackers dressed in U.S. uniforms to get close to the building, and suggested Iran may have had a role in it.

The U.S. military in the past has accused the Quds Force—the external arm of Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards—of arming and financing Iraqi extremists to carry out attacks on U.S. and Iraqi forces. Tehran has denied the U.S. accusations.

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9 Responses

  1. RTLM

    I guess we’re required to wait until Iran claims responsibility for a dirty bomb in Colorado Springs before we actually move to stop this bullshit.

  2. terry smyth

    armadinnajacket in his “we love the stars and stripes” mode fools no one. This peice of marsupial fertaliser is beyond expeltives.The sooner that Iranian population gets wind of him and do someting drastic the better, he is hitler personified, hes read Mein Kampf and is applying it to the region.The locals wont out up with it, as they are committed to die for their beliefs and the beliefs that they have got now is not that which the mullahs have envisiaged.Plink a couple of boats in the gulf and the whole structure will implode. GWB are you listening….get into it NOW DO IT NOWNOW NOW U KNOW NOW

  3. jam

    A U.S. general says Quds force was involved in an attack that killed 5 Americans? How can we not attack the bases from which the assholes operate, at a minimum?

    What about it commander-in-chief? While you are meeting with the wee man from Moscow in Kennebunkport, Iranian motherfuckers are coming into Iraq to KILL OUR BOYS! Do your job, Mr. President!

  4. Steve in NC

    I wonder if the release of this intel by the military is part of shaping public opinion before we make a direct move against iran?


    Fuck boots on the ground there, lets torture bomb them into multi-generational submission.

  5. Dan

    And doesn’t our little Hitler wannabe mookie look so sincere? Patooey…..Right 100 Drop 100 FFE, over.

  6. Mike, a Vietnam vet

    JAM, you are sooooo right on Dude! These guys are killing Americans! Reagan made this mistake after Beirut. Carter let them hold our people hostage for over a year. Bush I didn’t kill Saddam. Clinton let OBL go over and over. Bush II has only begun to fight it right when the Vietnam/Chamberlain-appeasement syndrome has infected even hawks in his own party, and it may be too late. Let’s get massive air power focused on Iran and Syria, now! If the French and Germans and Russians don’t like it, too damn bad! While we are at it, we need to bomb the hell out of Waziristan on the Pak border, and get the damn Marines in there, with no lawyers and no press, to mop those assholes up! I’m sick of it! Its just like the borders! SECURE the DAMN BORDERS and let these people know that if you kill Americans, YOU WILL PAY WITH YOUR LIFE! DO YOUR JOB BUSH!

  7. Holland

    Taking care of Iran won’t be as ‘easy’ as the Afghanistan or Iraq campaign, as Iran is a quite sophisticated nation with a good military and popular support for the government (atleast that is what they try to show us…) So just invading the nation while we’re still waging war in 2 other nations nearb, ain’t a really smart thing to do..i think…

    But it is insane if nothing would happen after this information! How about sending special forces into Iran to demo some vital shit.. or assassinate that Ahmadinijad guy, who obviously is the greatest liar in the world.. Or to poor some rockets onto Iran to show that we’re serious: this shit must stop. Cos basically what the intel says is that we are already at war with Iran, or atleast Iranians but not in Iran.. They basically are invading Iraq..just to weaken our cause… But we will prevail, no doubts about that!

  8. monkeysdad

    The donkeycrats say the real war on terror is in Afganistan. Let’s pull out of Iraq and take our forces through Iran to get to Afganistan. :evil:

  9. Kevin M

    This monkey is trying to look like a Boy Scout (which he would, if only Boy Scouts looked like hairy douchebags).

    I’m sorry if that sounded tactless, but I would so love to slap this silly motherfucker until he squealed like the sawhorse-humping bitch he probably is. Him and Yassar Arafag…they’re both hairier than a public toilet seat.

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