Speaking Truth To Power

July 3rd, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

This Is Mind Control To The Enforcers: “Kill Cal Thomas. Multiple Counts Thought And Speech Crimes.”

Don’t you Americans CAIR?

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18 Responses

  1. Steve

    Slam dunk!

  2. MarineDoc

    Agreed Steve….They should police thier own trash if they don’t want to be viewed that way! But as we know this is just an appeasement front for the further spread of Islam and their murderous ways.

  3. bd

    To: Mr. Cal Thomas,


    IN-dependence… key word…

  4. Justadigger

    Can anyone tell me one benefit we in the West gain by allowing Muslims to live amongst us?………………….just one………..(crickets chirping)…….yeah I thought so.


  5. Dan

    It’s just plain common sense. So he’s under fire. What else is new. CAIR to explain that one?

  6. TJ

    thids just in: hamas releases BBC reporter, arrests 4 terrorists responsible for his capture then releases them. the media doesnt question the latter part at all. Hmm could it be that the arrested terrrorists are working for hamas and this was an attempt to lend legitamcy to hamas. How many sheep are going to want to start giving money to hamas?

    on the PC language of this war. If we are not allowed to talk about muhammad of the quran truthfully then why would we be allowed to talk about muslims truthfully.

    Truth: according to the quran and sunnah, if you are a peaceful muslim who loves all people and would do no harm to anyone, then you are not a muslim. The “holiest” muslims are those who emulate the “prophet” which means murder, rape, steal and enslave. Osama is your spiritual leader. fight in the way of Allah!

    to quote the sunnah: “fighting is not only considered good: it is Islams best deed”

    the quran: “kill the unbeliever WHEREVER you find them…”

    I f i were living in the US now, I would approach a mosque in my neighborhood and tell them to leave this country now, they are not welcome. i would then go to the buddhists , jews, hindu’s etc and welcome them with open arms. This is not about religious intolerance , it is about one fanatical religions intolerance, its religious writings and its history of war and deceit.

    but better yet, we need spies , infiltrators to express interest in islam , attend the mosque and watch the imams and their preaching. why wait for the government to do it? :idea:

  7. Blogengeezer

    Although admittedly hard to find
    ‘reasons for living among us’, I have been allowed to work with and befriend a few Muslims that are NOT of ‘Jihad’ mentality. One self motivated friend now works in a prominent bank, owns a nice home, and raises a family according to our traditional style.

    I was warned not to fly before 9/11 by him. His father returned to Afghanistan and re-claimed the family farm, thanking the Military and new Afghan Government for returning his ‘taliban seized’, property. He hated ‘Bush’ before, but now is unsure.

    A Muslim woman friend despises the way they treat Women. She left Iran many years ago, married a US citizen and raised three children in the USA that are of total US allegiance. Just today she reaffirmed to me that she would never return to Iran due to the Mullahs and their ‘Pocket President’, even to meet her sisters still there.

    Her Children are all of solid US allegiance, productive US citizens that have embraced Christianity and totally renounced Islam. I’m sure there are many stories like these and over time we will win this ‘Crusade’, just like all of the previous Crusades. It will be difficult and take time, but have Faith.

  8. Clyde Conneer

    You Muslim. Me Infidel.
    Now GTF off my Holy ground you filthy minded child rapin’ woman abusin’ throwback!

  9. Korndawg

    Blogengeezer- You are right, we will prevail. . .because it is our nature as Americans. Sooner or later the dumb-dumbs is this country will come around and reailze what is happening. They will care about their own self-preservation and not worry about “Rosie O’ Retard” or “Global Hoaxing”

  10. johnF

    I agree with Cal, but I think that he didn’t go far enough.

    All Islam is a cancer. Most “moderate muslims” follow a fairly benign form of cancer, like a slow growing tumor that may or may not spread and metastasize.Salafism, Wahhabism and fundamentalist Shiism are like a fully metastasized rectal cancer. They start out just a pain in the ass, but they grow and spread and pretty soon there’s shit going on everywhere. If you think that this is too harsh, then go fuck yourself.

  11. Marc

    Who CAIR’S if CAIR is upset? Screw Ibrahim Hooper and the other unindicted HAMAS co-conspirators. These are the same crooks that have brought frivolous lawsuits, ala the “Flying Imams”. CAIR is a threat to the national security of these UNITED STATES! Their aim is to suppress anything negative about the conduct of Muslims in the general public by branding those who speak out against their agenda as bigots and racists.

    Cal Thomas is no reactionary. He is a thoughtful and articulate columnist, but most of all an honest man. He is not saying these things to create controversy, he is saying this because it needs to be said more often in public. We are at war with elements of ISLAM and if there is no dissent in the Muslim population then the only assumption that can be drawn from that is that all acts of terrorism in the name of ISLAM are throughly supported by the Ummah.

    The moment that free and honest speech is squelched by these so-called civil rights groups we are doomed. These groups in themselves are hate groups. CAIR, ACLU, and others that claim to be force the preservation of civil liberties for all are corrupt. they are mafiosi with a license to practice law and should be investigated and need be prosecuted under the RICO statuettes.

    Guys like Cal Thomas are what troops to a man support and defend every day. It is our duty on the home front to rally and support guys like him. Honesty in debate is a commodity in short supply these days, because political correctness is going to kill us.

  12. Dan

    Speaking of CAIR. Here’s a guy who’s kicking their asses:

  13. Buerg

    I’ve been contracting in Iraq since Jan04. Here’s a no bullshitter for you all. My translator tells me to pick up a Koran in the PX (English Version) So I’m browsing through all the Allah is great, Allah is wonderful stuff. I find a chapter (sura) called Mohammed. First two pages say, “…those who do no believe in the prophet mohammed are infidels….remove the infidel’s heads until there is a great slaughter among them and the street flows with their blood…never surrender when you have the upper hand…”

    So I corner my muslim amigo and ask WTF??????????? He tells me it’s all propaganda Western bullshit…that we tweaked the holiest of holy books. That night while he sleeps, I grab HIS Arabic version and take it to a linguist (Catholic, Lebannese) My linguist friend reads the ARABIC version…then I hand him the English version. Word for Word.

    The Chapter is called Mohammed, look it up yourself if you think I’m full of it. F#@K CAIR. I’m all for scorched earth. :beer:

  14. TJ

    buerg can you look at your english koran and recite the chapter and verse of the one you quoted. using the text doesnt allways find the chapter and verse. :?:

  15. Dan

    Way to go Buerg. You did the right thing. The Koran is pure evil. Allah is no God…and Muhammed was a guy who could neither read nor write. So how is it he claims that the Jews corrupted their Holy Book when he never read it?

    What a fucking hypocrite. And a child-molester to boot. Oh yeah, there MF’s will inherit the kingdom of god all right (cough). Someone should have told Muhammed that if you sow to the wind, you reap the whirlwind.

    And now a word from our sponsors. Islam got you down? Well maybe there’s a reason? Go to this link:

    Someone in here said it isn’t just the Jihadis that are at issue in the GWOt…It is ALL of Islam, that’s the problem.

    To hell with Muhammed and his false god. Oops, I forgot, Muhammed is already there? Darn. I hear they serve BBQ pork seasoned with Kosher salt every Friday in hell.

  16. Dan

    Follow-up to his earlier comments. Right on dude:

    Columnist Defends Anti-Islamist Comments: ‘I’m Going to Keep Pointing It Out Until They Blow Me Up’…


  17. Tuna1

    Cal Thomas hit the nail on the head. He just did not go far enough. We are at war with muslims. When will we wake up as a nation and realize every muslim wants every non muslim dead or converted. The muslims we don’t hear from are just waiting in the wings. And….CAIR is full of terrorist speaking and inciting hatred and death everywhere they go.

  18. David in Indy

    Cal is RIGHT ON!

    Keep speaking the truth everyone!

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