Terror Doctors Were Recruited And Trained Under Order Of Al Qaeda In Iraq Leader Abu Al Zarqawi***UPDATE: More Details Emerge***

July 3rd, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

zarqawi dead

From the CBS News website:

“CBS News confirms that in 2004 the current head of al Qaeda in Iraq was instructed by then-head Abu Musab al-Zaraqawi to recruit these people to move to the West and easily integrate until the time came to strike.”

UPDATE: More on Iraq connection.

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19 Responses

  1. danielle

    Is that like a dead photo of Zarqawi? Gnarly.

  2. Dan

    The Zarg-man looks good dead. Don’t ya think? Burn in hell maggot.

    Why does this not surprise me? AQ docs taking the hypocritical oath? Wow. Now there’s news.

  3. HAEShaw

    I hate to sound racist, but maybe all Muslim doctors should be investigated.

  4. LftBhndAgn

    How about we suspend ALL student visas and give more American citizens a chance in AMERICAN schools? Just an idea.

  5. Atilla Kahuna

    But, according to John Edwards and the rest of the democratic candidates, there IS no war on terrorism, and Al Qaeda has no presence in Iraq. :shock:

    I’m so confused! Why won’t Katie Couric explain this to me! :roll:

    (end sarcasm).

    Funny, I don’t hear about any of this from the so-called mainstream media. Cowards and traitors, one and all!

  6. Kevin M

    Maybe this image can be put onto a bumper sticker and slapped over John Edwards’ mouth.

  7. billhedrick

    you aren’t a racist if you mistrust muslims, islam is not a race.

  8. Thoughts Of A Conservative Christian Terror Doctors Were Recruited And Trained Under Order Of Al Qaeda In Iraq Leader Abu Al Zarqawi «

    […] Terror Doctors Were Recruited And Trained Under Order Of Al Qaeda In Iraq Leader Abu Al Zarqawi July 3rd, 2007 — budsimmons Terror Doctors Were Recruited And Trained Under Order Of Al […]

  9. Brad W

    Wait a minute, if CBS is starting to post confirmations of terrorist activities, maybe part of the MSM is starting to see the light and will cut the crap they have been dishing on our troops…. :oops: …NAAAHHH!!

    They are too entrenched in trying to defeat the Republicans and military. The MSM knows we are winning and will win, they just want the body counts because they think that is how they can prop up sagging ratings. Too blind to see that telling the truth, the positive things happening in the GWOT would likely give them a huge boost in viewers, they blindly plod on hoping to give sloppy seconds to Chavez, right after taking a knee for Reid Pelosi and Co.

    Why is it that such a large portion of America can remember the lessons of WWII, but the media, which should be good at looking at past records, cannot seem to find out how well they sold papers during that period?

  10. HJ in VA

    Atilla Kahuna & KevinM - great ideas! I really enjoy discussing current events in my office with liberals…funny how uninformed they are…I’ve suggested this web & blog site, but they aren’t interested. Ironically, I am the only one who seems to be up on the news…..

  11. Future0311

    HAEShaw: We can’t do that! We may actually find ANOTHER plot! We must stick to searching old ladies!

  12. GREG G. S.

    I love that portrait of the Z man, who ever made the frame and matt choice has good taste! Works well with the tonal range of Abu’s complexion. Killing him was art in motion, I hope it gets a spot in the Louvre

  13. Marc

    I hope Zarqawi’s day job in hell is slopping out porn movie stalls in Hell’s red light district alongside Johnny Cochran!

    The sooner the rest of the world adopts the policy of the only good terrorist is a dead one like the poster boy “Z man” then the world will become a better place. However, I heard the new Prime Minister of the UK Gordon Brown has directed his cabinet ministers, and those whom will give press conferences not to address the terrorists as Muslim terrorists then the UK is definitely in trouble.

  14. A. S. Wise of VA

    Speaking of Britain, anyone notice how Al Gore’s fraudulent concert will take place two years after the London bombings of 7/7/05? Yet, these kooks would have you believe that Global Warming is the important issue of our time!

  15. Iacobus

    Sleeper cells? What sleeper cells?

    There’s nothing to see here. Move along.

  16. jam

    Love the pic of Uncle Abu. He looks so peaceful. That’s the sleeper cell I’m talkin’ about!

  17. TJ

    our goal is to make all muslims peaceful, permanently :lol:

  18. Oldroyd

    I agree with jam. He does look peacefull.
    Fat, ugly, stupid…….but peacefull.

  19. Dan

    Every time I see that pic of abu-dickhead I want to sing that song from the Wizard of Oz. Ding dong the witch is dead…….c’mon lets all sing along…..LOL

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