No GWOT, No Axis Of Evil, Either

July 4th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

N. Korea agrees to supply 4 mini-submarines to Iran: source+
Jul 4 07:28 AM US/Eastern

SEOUL, July 4 (AP) - (Kyodo)— North Korea has agreed to supply four mini-submarines to Iran by mid-July, raising the level of alert in neighboring countries, a diplomatic source said Wednesday.

The agreement was reached when North Korean Vice Foreign Minister Kim Yong Il made a visit to Iran in May, the source familiar with relations between Tehran and Pyongyang told Kyodo News.

The arms deal was part of North Korea’s repaying debts owed to Iran, amounting to several hundred million dollars, the source said.

Details about the deal such as specific types of the submarines and ways to transport them were not available.

“During the visit of Kim Yong Il in Iran, it was agreed that North Korea would deliver 4 mini-submarines to Iran within the next two months, not later than July 15 this year,” the source said.

The source raised concerns that Iran may mobilize the North Korean- made submarines near the Strait of Hormuz and may pose threats to naval vessels deployed by the United States.

During his stay in Iran, Kim met with senior officials, including Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki and First Vice President Parviz Davudi, the source said.

In addition, Kim also promised to consider supplying a midsize submarine retired by the North Korean navy a year and a half ago, according to the source.

Moreover, two senior officials of a company affiliated with the North Korean military also gave detailed descriptions of arms that could be immediately supplied, such as antitank missiles, and a senior official of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard was present.

Meanwhile, North Korea and Iran are believed to have cooperative ties in the military sector with Pyongyang exporting components related to ballistic missiles to Iran since 1980s and Tehran passing data on missile tests to North Korea.

h/t Grumpy

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11 Responses

  1. Oldroyd

    Awesome!!! The Navy pukes need something to waste too.
    Can you say……Depth charge?

  2. Steve in NC

    well, I think we should use the USS Jimmy Carter to sink those fucks as soon as they enter iranian waters.

  3. Mike Swann

    I dont think these subs will be much of a threat, I’ll bet the signature will be pronounced and the sub hunters will have no problem keeping track of them. I would say these will be among the first to meet Allah and the virgins.

  4. Dan

    Mini-subs sink really well.

  5. Marc

    How ironic would it be that the USS Jimmy Carter, one of the most destructive warfare platforms ever made is named after on the biggest pacifist terrorist sympathizer/enabler the West has ever known.

    Plus the icing on this cake is she’ll be sinking vessels of a rogue government responsible for American bloodshed only second to Al-Qaeda that he gave the green light to when he touted to the West the Khomeini was, aw shucks, ‘just a nice old fella’ that didn’t wanna hurt nobody!

    When Carter dies I hope his legacy is exposed for what it was, an anti Semite terrorist sympathizer that made Arafat and those like him rich men; a complete failure that facilitated the murder of innocents in the free world.

  6. just posting

    oo iran is gettin a few mini submarines …their preparin for america? get the fuck outta here thats like some1 bringing water guns to shoot it out with ted nugent

  7. Blogengeezer

    Hunley no 1! Hunley no2! Hunley no3! Hunley No4! Targets Aquired! Do You Concur? I Concur! Commence Fire!

  8. Joe in MD

    These are a real threat to our carrier battle groups as the shallow waters of the Gulf are difficult to track a sub in. They are also capable of laying mines.

    I agree with Steve in NC. Sink ‘em before they get there.

  9. One-Shot

    The last thing we need are free-roaming subs lying in wait off the tip of the Musandam peninsula. These won’t be used to attack military targets. They’ll be used for covert insertions and to sink tankers in the shipping lanes.

  10. John Cunningham

    “The Mouse That Roared”, British comedy from the early ’60s(?). Maybe that’s what the Iranians are up to. Nah.

  11. Jay

    Hehe. I hope that they dare get close to a US aircraft carrier so that our nuke-subs could lay waste to those POS’s.

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