Muir Better

July 5th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

For larger version of cartoon click on “read more” at bottom.

Than the rest, as usual. If you don’t know Chris Muir’s “Day By Day” cartoons, then you should head over there asap. Here’s his latest, regarding Michael Yon’s new post “Bless The Beasts And The Children” outlining a recent example of Al Qaeda’s Khemer Rouge style horror campaign against Iraqi civilians. Such atrocities have been going on for years now, but the MSM covers them up, because they presents a significant problem for the Leftist MSM propaganda campaign. They indict and underline the essence of the Islamist threat, but they don’t indict the United States or its military. Imagine if 1/1000th of what Al Qaeda inflicted on these villagers had been inflicted on them by the U.S. or Iraqi military. It’s truly understatement to say that this story reduces Abu Ghraib to the insignificance it was. And again, these butcheries have been going on for years. Of all the things reported in Iraq this past week, this was one of the most important. Yet an outraged MSM was nowhere to be found. Because the story made for bad leftist politics. Plain and simple.

Abu Ghraib: in depth over-coverage. The ugly truth about Al Qaeda: Shhhhhh.


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13 Responses

  1. France the retour

    uhe, was that supposed to be funny ?

  2. TJ

    better question france: Do you think it should be funny? :wink:

  3. Greg M

    Good point TJ

  4. France the retour

    TJ, somehow I would have expected a fall with the blonde, oops the reddish-brown haired woman

  5. Jarhead68

    Well, that obviously went right over Frenchie’s head. :roll:

  6. LftBhndAgn


    If Jerry Lewis ain’t in it, the French never get it. :beer:

  7. MikeP

    Damn good cartoon–but no big surprise that the lefties don’t want to see it or use it.
    Different day, same shit from those head in the sand, “We must keep our power” bastard dems and their supportive assholes who control the MSM.
    And keep it coming Michael. Damn good stuff.

  8. France the retour


    who’s that ?

    I guess sense of humor is not well internationally divided

  9. Brian H

    Well, this kind of atrocity is close to commonplace under AQ, as you say. So it’s not “news”, in one sense. And reporting it as news instantly raises the question about why none of the others are, which is, as again you imply and say, the question above all that the Mighty Selective Media doesn’t want asked or answered.

    Gatekeeping and filtering are SUCH fun!

  10. Dan

    Yep, the MSM doesn’t care to print these kind of things. It just makes their leftist dribble look like the shit that it really is. Michael Yon, on the other hand is a steller reporter. Imagine if every newsroom in America had a Yon or a Dollard?

    Never happen. The GWOT is just a bumper sticker campaign and it’s all about Bush and getting even for 2000.

    There are Cronkites and there are Kiplings. Hmmmm….who should I listen to?

  11. Vanessa

    America is in a sad state of affairs.
    our MSM has decided to play dictator and feed what it deems the masses should consume.
    Now how has a free press lost its freedom of its own free will?
    We are in the reverse of those countries that dictate to the press what it must print or off to jail or worse with those who do not comply.

    Bloggers independants cartoonists like Chris Muir, Michael Yon and of course our own beloved Pat Dollard have went to Iraq to tell the story of our couragous warriors giving the Iraqi people an opportunity to move toward freedom.

    God certainly has given the Iraqi people a very special blessing indeed when they were freed from Saddam by the Americans.

    Some people will say look at all the dead, look at the damaged infastructure but look past that and what do you see?

    I see people who were locked in under Saddams evil now being given an opportunity to move towards democracy

    Islam is wrong G*d does not want slaves. He wants men of free will to choose Him.
    A slave is a mindless drone doing what its told and that is not what He created. Men make slaves of each other, not G*d.

  12. jak

    While I, nor this administration, have ever denied our geopolitical and energy based intrests in this conflict, there was always emphasis on the moral obligation to human rights encompassed in this fight. And that freedom planted in the midst of tyranny and nursed to maturity was the best defensive measure against religious/fascist emiperialism.
    While, being a guy, I tend towards “Lock and Load”, and, “the Arab mind only understands power and force”, It’s good to hear an occasional review of the moral and ethical aspects of the war. These are nobel and admirable goals. And inseperable from the overall effort. Leave it to the smart girls to keep a clear focus on the big picture.
    Still like the J-DAMs, though,

  13. LftBhndAgn

    France the retour

    Jerry Lewis was hot in France in the 60s, but today is only remembered vaguely and in some quarters. Now the French are left with NO sense of humor.

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