Bombing Iran: What Happens Next?

July 6th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.



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31 Responses

  1. PooleeScore

    We build the worlds largest pork processing factory in its place. THATS, what happens after bombing Iran.

  2. Quarnel

    One thing is for sure,
    if we do nothing, Iran will attack.

    War against Iran has to stop being political, and start being strategical.

  3. Dan

    Hey, they got nicer gas masks than that shitty old M17 crap that I had? I’m jealous.

    Seriously, I think Iran’s retaliatory capacity is more bluster than fact. They can do suicide bombings, but not much else.

    Mookie must play poker. I say call their bluff.

  4. Bashman

    Interesting article, but I feel llike its missing Iranian intent by focusing on what Iran as a nation would do. This is only a small consideration.

    Here’s what you need to consider:

    The movement of Hamas in Gaza. The movement of Hezbollah in Syria and southern Lebanon. The positioning of Syrian military might on the Israeli border. The proximity of all of this Syrian “stuff” to the Golan Heights.

    Control Golan Heights and you can lob a missile anywhere into Israel you want.

    See, Iran won’t need to launch big missiles at Israel, although that is a very real probability. But what a pre-emptive strike on Iranian nuke facilities WILL do, is rally every fucking Hamas and Hezbollah radical intpo a “justified” all out offensive on Israel.

    By talking all of this “peaceful purposes” crapola with regard to its nuke endeavors, Iran has made itself look like the good guy in the eyes of all of the brainwashed freaked out 15-35 year old ticket holders to the virgin brothel in Paradise.

    So….Israel or USA hits Iranian “peaceful” (in the eyes of the aggresors, mind you) nuke plants and the dogpile on Israel becomes legit jihad. No more holding back, they struck first. Iran mobilizes Lovers of Martyrdom Garrison, boasting 50,000 plus members who exist solely for bringing into reality the wiping of the Israeli regime off the pages of history, as espoused by the original punk-a-tollah, and by his lil munchkin Ahmabigdikwad.

    Hezbollah moves in from the north, Hamas from Gaza, and in the West Bank its a free for all on the settlers.

    A pre-emptive strike is what Ahmabigdikwad, Nasrallah, and Mashaal have been wringing their hands in wait for.

  5. Future0311

    Better control your fucking mullahs, Ahmadinejad. If, by chance, we actually get someone with some kind of guts in place, your ass is grass!

  6. one lung

    Marvelous idea Poolee. This may help with our immigration ordeal. “Doing the jobs Iranians won’t do!” Salman Rushdie can channel Upton Sinclair and reverse decades of ill will by exposing the imperial hegemonic cult of the other white meat!!!

  7. Chad

    after? we could all dance in the streets together. much like they did on 9-11.

  8. Steve in NC

    I think this is egg headed shit that belongs in some think tank room, trying to use logic that survival of this conflict is the interest of the iranian president.
    ahmadinejad wants to bring on the apocalypse, so to use this line of thinking is a waste.

    We should just glass that fucking country, sorry fuckers, you should have overthrown that psycho by now.

    What to do after a proper bombing? Go to Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico to get our oil while we push for alternatives to fossil fuels. Such development will also allow us to stay in the economic lead globally, having moved off of fossil fuel dependency.

    Read the frontpage article below, and have a drink.

    “But rooted in the Shiite ideology of martyrdom and violence, the Hojjatieh sect adds messianic and apocalyptic elements to an already volatile theology. They believe that chaos and bloodshed must precede the return of the 12th Imam, called the Mahdi. But unlike the biblical apocalypse, where the return of Jesus is preceded by waves of divinely decreed natural disasters, the summoning of the Mahdi through chaos and violence is wholly in the realm of human action. The Hojjatieh faith puts inordinate stress on the human ability to direct divinely appointed events. By creating the apocalyptic chaos, the Hojjatiehs believe it is entirely in the power of believers to affect the Mahdi’s reappearance, the institution of Islamic government worldwide, and the destruction of all competing faiths.”

    - Front page magazine

    “So a Holocaust-denying, virulently anti-Semitic, aspiring genocidist, on the verge of acquiring weapons of the apocalypse, believes that the end is not only near but nearer than the next American presidential election. (Pity the Democrats. They cannot catch a break.) This kind of man would have, to put it gently, less inhibition about starting Armageddon than a normal person. Indeed, with millennial bliss pending, he would have positive incentive to, as they say in Jewish eschatology, hasten the end.”

    Charles Krauthammer

  9. Fight4TheRight


    You make some good points. Let’s face it, when the Iranians have their nuclear weapons fully developed and they have the time and technology to export smaller nuclear versions - well, a nuclear capable Hezbollah not only changes the Israeli picture completely, it changes the world picture. And frankly, I think Iran would rather have an Israeli or U.S. nuclear reaction aimed at Hezbollah in Lebanon or Syria rather than Tehran.

    One other point I’d like to make. I think the mullahs and the Ayatollah in Iran have ABSOLUTELY NO FEAR of any attack on Iran. They would view the U.S. as the only country now with the hutzpah to do it (what with the new femme P.M. of Britain on board the islamo propaganda train) and I’m sure they are convinced that Pres. Bush wouldn’t dare attack for any reason what with ominous John Murtha and Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and Chuck Hagel waiting with impeachment papers.


  10. Dan

    A little carthagian diplomacy perhaps?

  11. Kevin M

    I’m no strategist, but if we do bomb Iran (take out their nuke capabilities, both military and energy-associated–if there is even a difference), we should do it to not only eliminate their potential as a nuclear country, but to maximize whatever anger can be levied against Mookie and his mullah.

    If there is a way to “reverse” the 1979 revolution and get the moderate, sophisticated Iranians back into power, then we would be turning back the clock on Islamofascism in a HUGE way.

    When I was in Saudi, I knew a fellow English teacher who had lived in Iran for 14 years, and escaped in 1979 by a whisker. Whenever we asked him what life was like in Iran, he always replied, “Why do you think I stayed there for 14 years?!” He always said that Persians were a thousand times more educated, cosmopolitan and level-headed than Arabs. From what few Iranians I have met, I suspect he knew what he was talking about. He said that the Saudis, compared to Iranians, were a “breed of wild dog” that couldn’t be trained to lick its own balls.

    I have no love for Iran at all, but if there is any truth to the anti-mullah movement in Iran, I think these people should be given all the support we can give them, starting with the complete destruction of not only their nuclear capability but their asshat political structure as well.

    Just my opinion. :beer:

  12. Dan

    Kevin M:

    You are correct. The average Iranian isn’t interested in Jihad. There are so many sat dishes in Iran that even the religious police can’t take them all down. Why.

    Because the average Iranian just wants American soap operas and the latest rap video. They want to dance, hang out with their girlfriends and have a party.

    If the Iranians were given a fair vote, they’d vote out the religious elitists and vote in a moderate. They’re fed up with radical Islam. They just don’t have the guns or power to affect any changes.

    Crushing the Iranian military, religious police, nuke power structures and political power structures might go a long way toward helping them out.

    One other target should be the walls and guard towers of Evin prison.

  13. Kevin M

    Evin prison? Tell me more! Is this the Iranian version of Lubyanka in Russia?

  14. Steve in NC

    Dan -
    re “They just don’t have the guns or power to affect any changes.” my response is ’sucks to be you’

    your right in concern for the ‘innocent’ citizens of iran, but I think a punishing bombing that decapitates the nations leadership and destroys offensive capabilities has to be done as quick as possible, and collateral damage will occur and should not be considered in mission planning.

    The lives of my family and fellow citizens trump my concern for the citizens of iran.


  15. Dan


    I read your link dude. I got no problem with your equasion
    tehran=dresden. It’s comming down to the wire. It is either them or us. Mookie is one crazy ass fool.

    But if it comes down to me and mine vs mookie and his…I’m all for blasting his country to smitherines.

    And breaking news from the “duh who didn’t know that” newswires:

    As if we needed more evidence of the link between Quida and Iran?

  16. Dan

    If the server is too busy, link to the site from Drudge.

  17. Steve in NC

    “mommy, there’s a little plane up in the sky”
    - The Wall
    Pink Floyd

  18. kathy ozanne

    Yeah, and I’m sitting here at a family picnic and an immediate family member who has served as a congressperson says we will never need to deal with Iran.

    Man, sometimes I swear we are our own worst enemy.

    Back to the partay and I will hoist one or more for our brave soldiers who seem to know one helluva lot more than the people they are dying to protect. Shit.

  19. Dan

    We don’t need no ed-u-ca-tion….doo da doo.dah doo doo doo….Good song Steve in NC……I’ll do my air guitar thing…C/mon Steve…let’s rock out man….LOL

  20. Dan

    Kevin M:

    Yep. Or like Gestapo HQ in any country it occupied. Same diff. I believe it is the place that our CIA chief in Lebanon was taken, after stops in Damascus. It is where hell is in session 24/7/365.

    Bomb it. We’ll be doing the prisoners there a favor.

  21. Clyde Conneer

    Cyanide for Syria is my prescription, always thought a left turn outta Bagdad, asskicking Shermanesque trip out to the Med via Damascus was THE way. No Hezbollah, no Hamas, no Iranian retaliation.
    Collateral damage? Those rotten pukes came to our soil and murdered innocent people who just went to work Sept.11. The entire Mu-slut world should suffer for allowing their diseased so called religion to preach hate. Don’t give me that “they didn’t attack us” crap. They all bear resposibility as we all are equally hated and promised conversion or death. Islam has but one neck, throttle it now while we can get our hands round it.

  22. Kevin M

    Steve: What in God’s name is Pink Floyd doing here?! :shock:

  23. John Cunningham

    10 days, 1000 missiles, want to wait until it’s 20 days, 2000 missiles?

  24. terry smyth

    Kevin:if you dont know Pink Floyd either your too young or too old to remember the crap they put out 30 years ago. It just shows that crap never dies it becomes a university postgrad course.
    Kathy Ozone: you never know where the moonbats are but this one you describe has obviosly been infected by the left wing virus of “we are our worst enemy” that pervades the MSM and the US political structure at present.
    If Gw gets the balls to use the fleet thennext time hes on TV itll be like when Reagan appeared: shock and awe from the defeated and the usual pussy piss from the left who are just orgasiast about having their heads
    removed from their necks.
    Go for it or go into the bunkers :shock:

  25. Jerry

    Here is a different take on the state of the revolution. It seems that having followed the same flawed plan, that and proven so miserable in its results by all the 20th Century despots, that the Iranian Islamic Revolution is failing along the same parralel paths proven so inept by all its predessesors. They are still a Totalitarian State. Just because it is a Theocracy, it stills has the same flaws that the others, Facist, or Communist posess. A very interesting link from John Mauldin very well illustrates this point: IRAN OUT OF GAS

    Bottom line, will it happen in time, ie before Nuclear capability is achieved. Preempt the latter, the former may very well take care of itself. It could be fun watching them fall flat on thier faces.

  26. Jay

    r u crazy? bomb Iran?
    Americans against Iraq war nearly 80% NO WAY will they want to start another war!
    And after Iran….who will USA attack next? N Korea? Cuba? Venezuela? Russia?…i mean some people are just into the war thing if you know what i mean……enough already!!!

    A poll coming out this w/e shows 45% are in favor of impeaching Bush….this is something we need to work on
    ….I think we can get it up to 60%!!!

    As we put the message out of the growing casualties going forward I believe nearly 60% will want impeachment.
    But do the Dems have the guts??? Dems need more back bone…they are so pussy whipped ….

  27. Steve in NC

    kevin M - remember I was pretty foolish lefty until Reagan showed me the light; the floyd lyrics i quoted represented to me a little iranian child looking into the sky and seeing a little (delta winged,from Missouri) plane up in the sky.

    Clyde Conneer - “Shermanesque”, that’s what I am talking about :twisted:

  28. Kevin M

    Terry: I do know Pink Floyd, having seen several of their concerts.

    “Crap” you say? I assume you are not familiar with Marilyn Manson, then? THAT’s crap! :razz:

  29. everydayjoe

    If the U.S. engages Iran, then not only should we take out their ability to enrich uranium, but we must also take out key, strategic, military targets, their fuel reserves, and their oil refining capabilities.
    This will effectively isolate and contain Iran, as a warring nation, and create an atmosphere conducive to civil rebellion and regime change.

    Once Iran is contained and preoccupied, any significant retaliatory threat is by way of proxy.

    The real question in all of this is, “Have we given Israel enough time to prepare for the onslaught of berserker, jihadi Man-Apes that will counterattack once the U.S. strikes Iran?”

    Israel merely needs to take up defensive positions and ANNIHILATE any subsequent collateral hostilities.

    Since Hamas and Hezbollah are the equivalent of unruly children, Syria is where the REAL beat-down will occur.

    Assad will do everything he can to bring in Fatah, Eygpt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia, but I believe he has overstepped his influence by betraying his own word too many times. His days are numbered, too. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1….

    Let the beatings commence!

  30. Kurt

    we’re already at war with these assholes, might as well stop dicking around and actually go after them..their proxy fighters(Hezbollah)and even the Iranian republican guard have already been killing our troops in Iraq and reports of them shipping weapons to Afghanistan as well. I think we have nothing to lose and lots to gain. Iran is the worlds biggest terrorist producer and sponsor in the world..Peace can only come after the destruction of Terhan

  31. Steve in NC


    That’s it!

    tehran=dresden or nagasaki or hiroshima (circle your choice)

    to the passive ‘innocents’ in iran, sorry fuckers, you should not have stood by and let this happen

    in America we wouldn’t put up with an excessive tax on tea, and look what you put up with the ‘leaders’ of your country

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