Government: “We Will Not Storm The Mosque While Women And Children Are Inside”

July 6th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


The final assault on the Red Mosque has hit a wall. A human wall.

And the government claims that most of them are being held against their will.

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7 Responses

  1. TJ

    imagine a military leader with a heart. our media only thinks the terrorists have hearts. :!:

  2. Steve in NC

    good, if not to save possibly lost souls, but to take the higher moral ground

    if the threat is contained then this is a good move

    beware a suicide move by the ‘leaders’ inside in which the government will be made to appear to be responsible for the carnage

  3. JS

    Hey, great! Spare their lives so they can live on to kill, maim, and bomb some more innocent people in the future! Good idea!

  4. Dan

    Good terrorist tactic. It worked. Once again the bad guys get to use human shields for cover, while they get away.

    Where’s the swat team when you need it?

  5. Kurt

    that is a great point, these terrorists in alot of cases are percieved to have the moral high ground because they put people in that situation. If i was in charge my first thought would be to rush it and take them out, but by having human shields this is exactly what they want them to do. My advice would be to contain the threat and try to wait them out, no escape either

  6. LadyAngler

    I need more information about how these “hostages” got there before I can make a decision here.

    Here’s my deal… As a general rule, I don’t go in bad neighborhoods after dark so I don’t get in bad situations. I wonder how innocent these hostages really are. Don’t you think it has been known that there was trouble brewing at the mosque? I mean… you’d think people would just pray at home on the days that they hear gunfire. Am I crazy?

  7. Trevor

    The govt. has enough people to surrond the mosque, and appear to have it sealed up. Several “religious students” have tried to make their escape without success. The brother of the head Imam tried to escape wearing a burqa, and was caught. Musharraf’s popularity is surging.

    What’s the hurry?

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