Just In, Minutes Ago: A New Email From Michael Yon

July 6th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.



The al Qaeda savages are on the run from this town. Maybe now these Iraqis can get some breathing room to get back on their feet.

Here’s his new post:

Baqubah Update: 05 July 2007
Today marks “D +16” of Operation “Arrowhead Ripper,” the Battle for Baqubah. Arrowhead Ripper kicked off on 19 June 07. I have several dispatches in the works about the major events since that time. Although the serious fighting seems to be over, there remains a possibility for some sharp fighting in the near future. The morning of 06 July began with the sounds of American cannons firing, shells whizzing through the air, while they checked systems and aiming for combat. Apache helicopters orbited Baqubah as the orange sun crested into view.

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14 Responses

  1. LftBhndAgn

    EXCELLENT NEWS! I don’t know where we would be in the Media realm of this war without you Pat and Mr. Yon.

    Thank you!

  2. Irish Gas

    My daily prayers are slowly being answered. God Bless All Our Troops, truly.

  3. Cincy

    Michael Yon continues to do yeoman’s work in Iraq. I swear he is the Ernie Pyle of our generation.

    The following passage caused my heart to stop and my stomach to drop and turn.

    “The official reported that on a couple of occasions in Baqubah, al Qaeda invited to lunch families they wanted to convert to their way of thinking. In each instance, the family had a boy, he said, who was about 11-years-old. As LT David Wallach interpreted the man’s words, I saw Wallach go blank and silent. He stopped interpreting for a moment. I asked Wallach, “What did he say?” Wallach said that at these luncheons, the families were sat down to eat. And then their boy was brought in with his mouth stuffed. The boy had been baked. Al Qaeda served the boy to his family.”

    Wow. I just mean wow. I fully recognize there is a risk that this is sheer reverse propaganda, but Michael is a stickler for accuracy and values his own credibility. I hope he runs this particular allegation run-to-ground before it gets wide spread attention, but if parents in Bahqubah confirm this and the bodies of such victims are exhumed, would this not be news?

    After all, the Associated (with terrorists) Press routinely runs thinly sourced stories about finding 14+ headless bodies in Baghdad. Here’s a powerlineblog post the details the fraudulent nature of one particular AP stringer based story of decapitations.


    Now, contrast THAT report with Michael Yon’s initial report of Al Quada brutality in Bahqubah.


    Now, keep an eye on the AP wire and let me know when they begin to report on the Al Quada atrocities. And I’m not even looking for Abu Graib style coverage either. Mere acknowledgment of the nature of these monsters would be a nice start.

  4. danielle

    GREAT NEWS! Al Ameriki tribe, hey? They are finally warming up to the troops! The baked Iraqi boy story was depressing though, but what can one expect from al-Qaeda? I’m just glad to hear more good news coming from Iraq.
    Pictures were great too. I hope this story gets a hundred million hits. People ought to know.

  5. MikeP

    Damn good news! Keep those bastards on the run.
    Thanks for the report, guys.
    God be with our MILITARY HEROES, and our braver than brave messengers.

  6. roadking

    God Bless America……………

  7. Mess

    Excellent news and well reported.

  8. Cincy

    Send a link to Michael’s story to a spineless Senator or congress critter newar you!

  9. David in Indy

    And then their boy was brought in with his mouth stuffed. The boy had been baked. Al Qaeda served the boy to his family.

    My God, my God! No one except the devil could be that vile!

    I am stuned and in shocked at the horific acts these breast will do!

    WOW! WOW! WOW!

  10. Kurt

    I just read Michael Yon’s report on Fox news website. thats some damn good news! God knows our troops have fought so hard over there and its about time the results are coming in for them. I cant wait for the day every last Jihadi deadender has left this planet to be with their 72 virgins in heaven ( we all know thats bullshit)..Good job Pat and Michael Yon. God Bless the troops and down with the communists in training ie. the liberals

  11. one lung

    Atta boy Cincy. Just shot one off to Sen. Bill “Skeletor” Nelson down in Florida.

  12. JAF

    unfortunately just months before final victory, the liberals and weak kneed republicans are going to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

    if we had this leadership in 1777, we would be part of England.

  13. Dan

    I can’t make up my mind whether Michael Yon is Ernie Pyle or Rudyard Kipling? Helluva wordsmyth. Helluva reporter.

  14. FTL

    “Most Iraqis I talk with acknowledge that if it was ever about the oil, it’s not now. Not mostly anyway. It clearly would have been cheaper just to buy the oil or invade somewhere easier that has more…”

    Nice to hear friendlier talk from the Iraqis than in our own neighborhoods.

    :beer: :beer: :beer: to Yon!

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