Iranian General Defects To U.S. And Spills Nuclear Beans

July 8th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


US closer to cracking Iran’s nuclear secrets

Defecting intelligence general reveals new ways in which Iran is trying to enrich uranium, build nuclear bomb.

Ronen Bergman
Published: 07.08.07, 09:34 / Israel News

Iranian general, Ali Reza Asgari, who disappeared in Istanbul last February, has defected and is being held by the United States, Yedioth Ahronot published Sunday.

Asgari was considered by the US one of the top intelligence officials in Iran.

 Asghari was a member of the Iranian Security Council and a senior officer in the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, who oversee the country’s nuclear facilities.

His defection was made possible thanks to an intricate CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) operation, climaxing in him joining Western intelligence officers in Istanbul, who than had him and his family transferred to the US.

Asgari, who according to reports is being held in a top-secret military installation, has been able to shed a new light on much of the Iranian regime’s most inner workings, especially regarding the Iranian nuclear development project.

Up until now, Iran – according to known intelligence – has been building two nuclear plants, in Arak and Bushehr, and has been using centrifuges to enrich uranium.

Iran, Asgari told his interrogator’s is working in another, stealth path, toward achieving its nuclear goal.

This third method involves attempts to enrich uranium by using laser beams along with certain chemicals designed to enhance the process. These trials are held in a special weapons facility in Natanz.

Keeping quiet
Iran, said Asgari, is making special efforts to hide this path from the West, keeping it as a fallback in case international sanctions or a military strike should shut down or destroy the existing plants.

This new information has those who know its details in full worried.

The fact the Iranians are trying to find new ways to enrich uranium is not new onto itself, but the progress made, at least according to the information given by Asgari, is much greater than was suspected.

“You have to applaud the Iranian intelligence for being to keep this a secret for so many years,” said a US source.

Western intelligence agencies are now busy analyzing the information Asgari provided them with, and estimating just how long is it before Iran has a nuclear bomb.

This, said the US source, is one of the reasons why the information given by Asgari, implementing Iran in various global terror activities, has remained under wraps.

Iran, added the source, had caught on to Asgari’s defection, and had taken preventive actions to protect its intelligence assets, in anticipation of the information he may reveal.

Asgari, has failed, however, to help Israeli intelligence solve one of its most burning questions – what ever happened to Ron Arad.

Froma An Iranian Resistance Website:

• Brig. Gen. Ali-Reza Asgari defected to the West with a huge amount of cash and gold bars which he collected over the years as the commander of logistics at the IRGC. His arrest was planed in the SNSC shortly before his disappearance, but he was able to escape just in time. This event upset Larijani personally since he presided over the session of SNSC when Asgari’s intention to defecting was discussed.

• It is widely believed that some of the most secret discussions such as nuclear issues in the SNSC are leaked to circles which have caused great concern, especially in Ali Khamenei office.

To eliminate the problem, Larijani has appointed one of the most brutal IRGC and Quds force commanders, Brig. Gen. Ali Fazli to investigate the matter and directly report to him. Fazli is currently a deputy to Brig. Gen. Mohammad Baqer Zolqadr, the former deputy chief of IRGC and current deputy Interior Minister.

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10 Responses

  1. Dan

    Excellent. Take him in front of congress and ask him to testify in order to help make the case for attacking Iran.

    Looking forward to hearing more…..

  2. GBU43

    Dan’s got it right.

    Let the Democrats sit in front of him and proclaim Iran is no threat and there is no war on terror..

    Nothing puts fear in a democrat more then having to defend a stupid position in front of the truth.

  3. Jarhead68

    Unfortunately, the liberal media and the democRat congress will attack and smear this guy’s credibility until the rest of the sheep in the good old USA think he’s full of it. Look at what the traitors have been able to do to the general public’s awareness of Iraq and the GWOT. It’s just a bumper sticker now.

  4. Steve in NC

    the time is now…..

  5. Tom the Redhunter

    I actually think that we’d be jumping the gun if we attacked Iran now. The mullahs are facing huge domestic opposion and their government may well fall on it’s own. Right now we ought to be heavily investing in clanestine operations to try and bring this about.

    That said, if it doesn’t work I’m all in favor of hitting them. We’ll have to do it before #41 leaves office though, because I don’t trust any of the Dems to do the right thing.

    I certainly hope that we do have this Gen Ali Reza Asgari in our custody….

  6. House 6

    Are the fricken laser beams attached to the heads of mutated sea bass?

    I think this guy’s defection could prove to be a Christmas in July scenario for the US. This will be a fantastic story to watch unfold.

  7. TJ

    be intersting if this news made the headlines in the US. doubtful! :oops:

    democrats will try to link this guy to halliburton or something.

    afterall, everyone know iran only wants peace :lol:

  8. PNAC

    This is an interesting development and a landmark intelligence success.

    1 month intel dissemination

    5 months planning

    100 GBU-28s


  9. terry smyth

    If the intel is correct then lets look further as to where the laser tech came from.Russia?US?France? I dont think that the goatherders could come up with this.A clandestine fifth column in the US seems likely, as ther are lots of muslims there who are undeground and working with the gvt in all sorts of agencies. They should all be suspect.Check it out./
    JUst a thought from an aussie

  10. Mitch Cwiek

    There is one big problem when it comes to dealing with Iran. Considering that there is an established wisdom (false) that Sadam had no weapons of mass destruction prior to our invasion, with the left accusing Bush of an impeachable offense in launching the invasion, NO amount of intelligence regarding Iran will be taken seriously by Democrat politicians bent on winning the White House in the next election. Once they gain the White House (UGH) they will discover all kinds of intelligence and accuse the Bush administration of incompetance in failing to reveal it. But that is over a year away! We really may not have that much time to adequately handle this problem. Bush has a limited window of opportunity. Will he use it?

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