U.S. Spyplane Shapes Final Strategy At Red Mosque

July 8th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


From The International News of Pakistan
ISLAMABAD: A crucial meeting to discuss Lal Masjid situation underway here on Monday with President Pervez Musharraf in chair.

Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz, Minister of Interior Aftab Sherpao, Information Minister Muhammad Ali Durrani, Minister for Religious Affairs Ejaz-ul-Haq and top security officials are attending the meeting.

A strategy will be devised in the meeting about operation against Lal Maasjid management.

Meanwhile intense firing resumed again around Lal Masjid and Jamia Hafsa, in which the sides are using heavy weapons.

The potential operation against the Lal Masjid management earlier deferred in the light of intelligence received from the surveillance aircraft.

According to reports, the strategy against Lal Masjid people has been altered keeping in view the information sent from the aircraft. The possible operation was to be carried out today against Lal Masjid and Jamia Hafsa management.

According to the latest reports, the surveillance pilotless aircraft flew over Lal Masjid around 2:40 am. The plane stayed in air over Lal Masjid for more than two hours. Likes of planes are called unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and are used for monitoring and taking photographs. The plane has very light engine, accordingly it can fly with minimal sound. The surveillance aircraft takes pictures from infrared through global positioning system. The similar plane was used by USA to spy on Osama bin Laden.

The plane recorded the images of people present at Lal Masjid and Jamia Hafsa and their movements. The official kept on reviewing the images received from the plane in control room. In light of the received information, new strategy against Lal Masjid people has been adopted.

According to sources, USA gave the aircraft equipped with the latest system to Pakistan to contain the terrorist activities. This pilotless plane is called predator capable of taking direct images and sounds from the target in the darkness.

Three years back, Pakistani air force gunned down the similar Indian pilotless aircraft in Kot Radhakishan area of Kasur.

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6 Responses

  1. terry smyth

    Time to lend the Pakistani gvt a c130 and really close the deal

  2. jam

    mosque + daisycutter = peace in our time

  3. Steve in NC

    jam, let move up to a MOAB bomb.

  4. JS

    C130? You mean a Specter gun ship correct? Oh yes, that would work wonderfully. Too bad there are reporters crawling around the area and they would report it as some kind of massacre. Never mind that these people are religious fanatics that are killing their soldiers.

    I am so tired of the kid’s gloves approach.

  5. jam

    Can’ argue with that.

  6. jam

    Can’t argue with that, rather.

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