Email Rush, Email Malkin, Email Hannity, Email Your Senators, Email The White House

July 9th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Let them know you think that it as important for George Bush not to “compromise” on Iraq and set a timtable for withdrawal, as it was to defeat the amnesty bill. I’m on the run, and will put up links shortly, but wanted to initiate this call to action asap. In the meantime, just check everyone’s websites and you’ll find the email addresses.

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27 Responses

  1. Julian

    Don’t worry about Rush, but still contact everybody else you can.


  2. A. S. Wise- VA

    Damn straight! After all, this is why we are fighting the GWOT; to maintain the greatest, freest society of all time.
    It’s time to remind the polichickens that President Bush is Commander in Chief, no one else, and that every member of Congress serves at our pleasure.

  3. Paco

    This was just posted in the NYT. From Ambassador Crocker “In the States, it’s like we’re in the last half of the third reel of a three-reel movie, and all we have to do is decide we’re done here, and the credits come up, and the lights come on, and we leave the theater and go on to something else,” he said. “Whereas out here, you’re just getting into the first reel of five reels,” he added, “and as ugly as the first reel has been, the other four and a half are going to be way, way worse.”

    The Pres. and his folks better head off what I’ve been hearing from the MSM and Dems. the last few days and get the message out that leaving Iraq now would be a very very bad idea. P

  4. Joshua

    This isn’t even America anymore. The liberals control everything, we’re doomed for failure just like every superpower in history. The democracts are responsible for our failture as a nation.

    One tip for success

    If you really want our country to survive, turn to God.

  5. Joe

    I’ll write my senators but when they happen to be John Kerry and Ted Kennedy it saddens me that they will pay little heed to my letters.

  6. POD1

    Hey Joe,

    I feel your pain.
    My senators are Hilary and Chuck Schumer.

  7. blastdad


    I know just how you feel. I write to Boxer and Feinstein :cry:

  8. Clyde Conneer

    The Senate had better get this right. When the shit hits the fan in the US some of us will identify the enemy as those who enabled the jihadis and they will pay the price for their traitorous cowardly concern for their own sorry political careers.
    They will have no quarter as they are in league with the invader.

  9. LftBhndAgn

    I’m all over it.

  10. Dr D Semper FI

    It almost feels like Civil War is coming here, time to buy the Barnett

  11. Greg M

    Will do.

  12. Egfrow

    Dr D Semper FI,

    That’s the goal. To disarm the citizens so that only revolutionary people’s warriors will have access to guns. aka Criminals. Cross bows work fine they are quiet and offer similar range of a pistol. Just in case get a pistol also with a concealed weapon’s permit if you can.

  13. jf tousignant

    :smile: My friends and good citizen of these United States, the burden is on our shoulders –Joshua–”even God only helps those who help themselves”. It is time again to speak out for our own future and that of our children and grandchildren: Send missives to every ‘good’ blogger, radio show host,site who help the voter to make thing happen–the messages to Congress are good, but often lost in the garbage shuffle:
    Ask them to help get OUR word out:TELL THEM to TELL Congress-over and over these three issues:

    1-We support the defeat of global terrorism in the middle east by the coalition of forces.

    2-We support our leaders and troops in their effort to WIN the war on global terrorism in the middle east.

    3-We support securing the US borders and enforcing illegal entry laws.

    YES WE CAN ! Spread the word to everyone!

  14. mdetlh

    If you all back home in the states will raise hell like you all did with that amnesty crap, then I know that we ain’t going anywhere and we can keep routing AQI like Pat’s been describing. Believe me, we are taking out IED emplacers everyday, and we like the extra money too. So keep up the good fight, keep making money, pay the taxes and raise hell with the lilly livered yellow bellies in the congress and route those peons so that they never ever get another phone call or email in again until GW gets the funding for the next year secured.

  15. Frogg

    I was just reading Blackfive’s Blog (and some other military bloggers as well):

    You guys seem to be on the same page. I got all fired up with his ’surge against the surge’ video talk. Game on, indeed.

    Can’t you guys put your heads together, rally some vet groups, and tell us little people what to do to get Congress and the American people back behind this and victory?

  16. Tom

    Liberals crave power. It is their main arousal sexually speaking. Al Gore and Tipper watch the “He BETRAYED US!” speech in bed to jumpstart things. That bald spot could double as a solar panel.

    Democrats hope and pray and circle jerk each other in their hatred of Bush, America and our military. (But we SUPPORT THE TROOPS!!! And HOW DARE YOU! question our PATROTISM!!) When Al Queda blows up twenty chidren or five soldiers, they climax. The maids from Guatemala clean the sheets.

    Terrorist porn is the ultimate experience for liberal dems. The US losing is the long awaited proof of everything they were taught while on draft deferrment in the sixties. The US is horrible. All cultures are equal. NAMBLA is good. Jerry Falwell is bad.

    Matt Damon beats people up in movies. And he bravely challenges Cheney’s courage on Chris Mathews’ show. When asked if he would EVER fight for this country he said…

    “That’s a complicated question…”

    Al Queda has been beaten rather badly in Iraq for months now. Matt Damon hates that. It makes him flacid. Clooney cannot get it up when we kill jihadis. It’s a buzz kill, for sure. Chris Mathews spews fountains of spittle out of his yap to lubricate the circle jerk for the terror money shots.

    Bush is Hitler. Al Queda has some good points. Islam is a religion of peace. Multi culturalism will lead to a Coca Cola commercial of people singing on a hill.

    Matt Damon sees a dead US soldier and feels ecstacy. Nothing comes close to that feeling. Then his stunt man does his stunts.

  17. Bob USMC

    Dr. D SemperFi, I’m wondering if a civil war here is now becoming unavoidable. Oh well, at least we can be rid of some spineless libtard eunuchs that way. Bring it on!!

  18. Baghdad Aviator

    I have sent countless e-mails to Pelosi, Reid, Murtha and the rest of the Kumbaya Choral Singers in Congress regarding what I see, and have seen, in Baghdad and around Iraq over the past four years. When Pelosi and Boxer where hysterical about the Iraqis not standing up and defending their contry last year, I invited them to stay with us - outside the IZ - and we can take a patrol in an unarmored Iraqi Police vehicle and see how dangerous it is for themselves. IF they survived that, then we would take them to the Baghdad morgue where they could view, at the end of the day, the remnants of what were once Iraqi police and military personel stacked to the ceiling and various body parts scattered all over the floor. The next day we offered to take them to various recruiting stations for the police and military so they can witness the hundreds of people lined up to join these services every day. What did I recieve in return? A standard form letter thanking me for my concern on the War on Terrorisim. Then the whiners have the guts to say they have been to Iraq 10 times or more. Really? If flying into the BIAP and being helicoptered to the IZ for a photo op means they have “been” to Iraq we are in serious trouble as the only Iraqis they meet would be the Iraqi in the restroom in the Embassy that handed them a towel to wipe their hands. The only thing these clowns have been shot at with while in Iraq is a camera.
    I will tell you first hand, we are kicking ass in every engagement we undertake. The surge has just begun and the bad guys are on the run. (Make no mistake, these guys are good - their T & P, knowledge of the AO, intel gathering capability, etc., is top shelf.) To even discuss a cut and run strategy says a lot to the rest of the world about how weak the US has really become and we all know what happens to the weak…
    BTW, sitting on the roof at night over looking Baghdad with the moon in the background and a Spooky working out a few klicks away - it doesn’t get any better than this.

  19. Dan


    You’re depressing bud: I direct your attention to 2 Chron 7:14:
    “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

    It doesn’t say anything about democrats. It says “MY PEOPLE”. Get it?

    -And -

    jf tousignant: God doesn’t help people that can help themselves. That’s a selfish notion that doesn’t even exits in Scripture. People that can help themselves don’t need a God. It is the converse that is true.

    I already wrote my Reps and asked them to get their freaking heads out of their rectums. Hannity, et al are already doing their parts. I don’t hear any crap about “beating feet” comming out of them.

    Leadership means sticking to your guns and staying with your decision long enough to see it through. Anybody got a problem with that should step aside and heed the advise of “lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way”.

    Let the sheep baaaaaaah all they want. The wolves are at the front door. But are so are the sheepdogs. Time to win one for the Gipper again.

    So ruck up, and suck it up Congress.

  20. Wendy

    Dr D Semper FI

    I have been saying for the last couple of years civil war is coming here. The Dems think Iraq is not our fight, that the “Civil War there is not our fight”. Well they pull out of that country, the civil war will come here, and I have already bought my Barnett!!!! Battle line are being drawn. I will not surrender my freedoms to Islam or Liberlism!!!!!!!!

  21. bd

    Why have to figure out why certain Republican Senators have betrayed there party.

    Whose pulling the strings?

    We all must defeat the Fairness Doctrine. They have to take our voices away.

    Lets crash the Senate’s servers.

    We must keep this simple. Tell them this:

    1. We don’t want to fight a war. WE WANT TO WIN THE WAR, PERIOD, BY EVERY MEANS NECESSARY.


    3. The ‘Fairness Doctrine’ = control. We are not on the leashs. We are the people. CONGRESS, YOU ARE ON OUR LEASH, GET IT?

    4. Mr. President, we’ve stuck by you throughout this war. Now stick by us… investigate, prosecute, and convict-
    -George Soros
    -The Clintons
    -Al Gore
    -The ACLU
    -Michael Moore
    -The Muslim Brotherhood
    -CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times.
    -Cut off all Federal funding to San Francisco, Berkeley, and cities that discriminate against the US Military, recruiters, and ROTC.
    -Cut off all Federal funding to all cities that enact and / or shelters that harbor illegal aliens.

    Would our President be frightened in doing this? Sure, but if we email, write letters, call in shows, block the Fairness Doctrine, and PROTEST (Guys, we’ll have use Hippie tactics for this, physically protest) for these very things, THEY WILL HAVE TO LISTEN…

    …TO YOU!!

  22. LadyAngler


    Your post blew me away! It was awesome to read your words. Keep up the great work and stomp some azz!

  23. bd

    This is a battle we have to fight on many fronts, and the only way to win is to fight like tigers, just as we did on the ‘Shamnesty’ Bill. But even harder.

    This will be a long, constant battle. Look, approx 50% are Republican right? But maybe only 5-10% actively protest. We ALL must protest, all of us. This means:

    -Spreading the word that we are at the serious crossroads in our nations history.

    -Understanding that we must fight the Demo-Communists.

    -Understanding the nature of the beast we fight. They are controlled by Communists, developing ‘feel good’ Socialist bills, using ‘feel good’ eco-’warriors’, and all with the goal of usurping the sovreignty of the US, and throw out the Constitution.

    -They must conquer us by: controlling the Executive and Legislative branches.

    -They must shut down our voices by the ‘Fairness Doctrine’.

    -They will overturn our Christian, Anglo-Saxon culture and heritage that gave us our laws and freedoms.

    -Then, they will take our guns away and shrink our military to the point of defeat. Defeat on every level. And they know they can not ever turn a GI against a US citizen. This mean foreign troops will be called in. Foreign troops on US soil everyone. Crack down. Militia groups? All will be labeled ‘Right wing, Nazi, militia, gun-nuts’ and be raided and killed out of existence. The heritage of the Minute Man will be annihilated. Murdered. They and Christianity and the Republican party will all be labeled ‘Hate groups’ and ‘Hate speech’. And all of this while Islamicnazis bomb and kill Americans, YOU will be labeled the threat, YOU will be arrested and fined and sent to ‘rehabilitation therapy’ (re-education).

    -All American history will be re-written.

    -This will be a Mexican, Chinese, and Islamic culture and society. Minority rule. As an Anglo-Saxon, YOU will be shut up and shut out. YOU will not be able to worship and praise God. YOUR children will not be offered scholarships.

    -So, from now on, for a long, long time, we, all of us who value what’s left of the US, MUST protest, protest, PROTEST! VOTE, VOTE, VOTE, do everything we can, starting now. We must force them to listen to us. Email, write, protest, call in, leave messages. Keep the message simple: WIN THE WAR, CLOSE THE BORDER, NO TO THE FAIRNESS DOCTRINE, AND INVESTIGATE THE SENATE, HOLLYWOOD, THE MEDIA. AGAIN AND AGAIN.

    This must start now, and spread the word, grow louder and stronger. WE MUST SURGE, WE MUST TAKE THE OFFENSIVE TO THE TRAITORS. We must last through the 2008 elections, past that even.

    This is the big fight, the long haul.

    Or the U.S. and us are over and dead. Either are children can live in a country like I described above, or WE can make that world. And our forefathers did it before us. We can do it to.

  24. Ann E.

    You GO Pat!

  25. FTL


    WE believe IN YOU guys. It’s b/c of you guys victory and peace will be realized.

    Hear you re: the form letters… maybe we need to somehow film/shoot a personal invitation from you in Bagdad & post it everywhere (viral) & show your response. It’s sick our senators (& the likes) run totally on auto pilot, much like big business today. It is their protection bubble… letting unpaid interns open mail & toss (reply w/ form letters) IF it does not support their current platform and have some ’spectacle’ angle to PR up.

    Once these bastards get elected to their terms… it’s like they go into hiding & show up when the bastards that bank rolled ‘em call… serve the people? fo-get-about-it!

  26. FTL

    4. Mr. President, we’ve stuck by you throughout this war. Now stick by us… investigate, prosecute, and convict-
    -George Soros
    -The Clintons
    -Al Gore
    -The ACLU
    -Michael Moore
    -The Muslim Brotherhood
    -CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times.
    -Cut off all Federal funding to San Francisco, Berkeley, and cities that discriminate against the US Military, recruiters, and ROTC.
    -Cut off all Federal funding to all cities that enact and / or shelters that harbor illegal aliens.


  27. lwssdd

    don’t forget to contact the RNC as well. Also Bill O’Reilly is starting to drink the surrender kool aid.
    I am still making up my mind on the White flag media as to how important it is to pressure them as well. I almost think continuing to ignore them may be more effective.

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