“George Bush Has No Intention, NO Intention, Of Pulling The Rug Out From Under General Petraeus”

July 9th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


William Kristol about 5 minutes ago on Fox News. “There will be a fierce debate in the White House today. …aides are upset about the leaks ( to the New York Times )…there is much talk about whether George Bush should compromise with the Democrats…I have spoken to several aids, and they have told me that George Bush has no intention, no intention, of pulling the rug out from under General Petraeus.”

There was more, and his point was clear: George Bush will not be executing the so-called pre-emptive strike against Democrats by announcing a withdrawal timetable in advance of their own call for one this week. All weekend I watched a lot of high-paid, fancy-suited talking heads on the pundit parade, chattering monkeys promoting what they felt was the brilliant idea that if Bush called for the withdrawal before the Dems did, he would achieve a clear political victory over them. Straight fucking retarded. If he calls for a withdrawal, the Dems will merely say that he finally caved into them, and that if it weren’t for them, he never would’ve done it. There is no such thing as a succesful preempitve suicide strike. Taking the knife from your enemy’s hand and sticking it into your heart can in no way be interpreted as a victory.

I also find it amazing that so much of America’s intelligentsia so blithely assumed that the President of the United States would sell out his country for sheer, short-term political gain. it’s terrifying how many folks are only capable of seeing this war as a domestic political sporting event.

I know now why the enemy has done so well against us. When a man can’t see past his own nose, he’s quite vulnerable to getting punched.

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51 Responses

  1. Irish Gal

    I am speechless (shaking head)…. Luv the Photo….

  2. jam

    Pat, I’ll say it again…you are the best!

    Call and write your senators and congressmen. They are all cowards. Back them down.

  3. Steve in NC

    May make that pic into a T-shirt if true.

    He needs to make some prime time come to Jesus speeches. We and the world needs him to get vocal. The msm will always wack him, but his words are his words and they will resonate.

  4. Jarhead68

    Photoshop’s a wonderful thing, ain’t it? I was wondering if his jewels had shriveled, like the rest of the dunces in DC.

  5. LadyAngler

    Our society in general is a bunch of fat fugging pigs. We want what we want and want it now! I don’t wanna cook, I’ll get fast food… I can’t listen to the whole CD, I’ll download the song I want on my iphone… I drive a hybrid because I “care” about the earth… yet I don’t give a piss about the world or the people in it.

    Tell me this… where has respect for our President gone? Who in hell raised these people? My mother would have let me have it had I called the President “Mr. Bush,” yet it’s on every news cast. The missing title of “Mr. President” is a mere symptom of this “me me me” society. However, get a lib in office and they will be proud to say, “Mr./Ms. President.” It’s so weak; it makes me sick.

  6. mike

    Support this Prez and this war against the jadahists! Read Reagan’s Diary’s and see the same crap from the Dem’s (SAME MORON”S) who were against RR in fighting the commies in central and South AM 23 YEARS AGO.

    A Principle MAN Against willie-nillie weak knee LIBS>

    I agree on the shirt, I will buy 4 XL’s

  7. sfc w

    Awesome…if you are a swf, can I marry you????

  8. House 6

    Over the years, GW has really pissed me off on a few occasions because he is a Republican, not a conservative. However, I do believe in divine providence and I know in my heart he understands what is at stake and he’s the right man at the right time. Gen. Petraeus was a Godsend for this president and the rest of us who are in it to win it.

    Don’t forget the dead immigration bill.

  9. Bashman

    A simple quote:

    “When Nikita Khrushchev (Ayatollahs/Mullahs/Imams) has told his people he knows what our answer will be? He has told them that we are retreating under the pressure of the Cold War, and someday when the time comes to deliver the ultimatum, our surrender will be voluntary because by that time we will have weakened from within spiritually, morally, and economically.

    He believes this because from our side he has heard voices pleading for “peace at any price” or “better Red than dead,” (timetable for withdrawl)…

    And therein lies the road to war, because those voices don’t speak for the rest of us.

    You and I know and do not believe that life is so dear and peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery. If nothing in life is worth dying for, when did this begin–just in the face of this enemy? …Where, then, is the road to peace? Well, it’s a simple answer after all.

    You and I have the courage to say to our enemies, “There is a price we will not pay.” There is a point beyond which they must not advance.”

    -Ronald Reagan, 1964

  10. Buerg

    By CQ Staff
    2 hours, 22 minutes ago

    “The debate over the Iraq War resumes in the Senate on Monday, when Democrats will use the defense authorization bill to spotlight their demands to bring U.S. troops home.”

    Found that on yahoo. what a bunch of shit. let’s hold up funding to the troops on the ground so we can get re-elected in 08.

    I wonder if we all decided to withhold paying our taxes until they met our demands… I would like to see all their resignations in my inbox by Saturday…would that be ok? Pathetic.

  11. Wulf

    Great comment Bashman! I wasn’t alive in ‘41. But the Japs bombed us because they thought we would not fight back. This was due to FDR’s No involvement in Europe election platform. We looked weak so we got sucker punched.

  12. Luke

    You took the words from my mouth, I had recently sent an e-mail response to Dick Morris over his retard comments on suggesting that Bush could save the GOP by committing treason against his country with a pullout!! :evil:

  13. TJ

    in one gesture bush is saying f*** you and we’re # 1.

    amen! :lol:

  14. Jennie Taliaferro

    The NYSlimes is up to its usual tricks–trying to execute a “push” strategy using an “anonymous insider” leak.
    I’ve always thought this is bullshit and that goes double for this “news” story.
    (The WashedUpPost does it daily, too.)
    If only President Bush would do like Lincoln and Wilson did in wartime and reign in the press, but too late for that now…
    Of course, President Bush won’t pull us out of Iraq. As if!
    But the damn bedwetting, whining Dems apparently have nothing better to do than give “withdrawal with dishonor” another try.

  15. MikeP

    Once again Pat Dollard has given us far more than we can get from any news source in this country.
    I only wish George would give the finger and a whole lot more to the fucking dems.
    We need to fight these shitheads more strongly on this issue than we ever did on the immigaration bag of bullshit. Make your voice heard to all you can talk to in DC. Make them listen or get rid of them in ‘08.
    Thanks again, Pat. I don’t know what we’d do without you.

  16. Jay

    Several more Republicans now calling for end of the war & pullout within 6 months or so!!!! GREAT NEWS!!!
    Let’s bring them home….need to keep the pressure on….write/call/visit these 9 Republicans senatoes….perhaps w/ the Dems there will be almost 2/3 vote.
    The surge is not working & the American people (75%) now believe this.

    At beginning of newscasts shows everything blowing up in Bagdad & surroundings…

  17. D_Mac

    I agree Lady Angler, down with prius drivers, and people who download music are terrorists, stinkin pigs driving prius’ and listening to carefully picked songs on their ipods while eating fries, argh I hate them. They should listen to all the songs on a cd, even the ones that suck, dang i hate these selective cd listening terrorists argh argh argh!!!

  18. Jay

    Also too I believe these Republicans are looking towards the next election ….if they dont become anti-war they will be voted out. This is why they are anti war….for political reasons.

    Democrats are truly anti-war because of their peaceful non violent nature not for political reasons.

    If Democrats were truly political they would keep the war going till Nov 2008

  19. bd

    This is a race against time…

    The Democommunists know we need time for the surge / offensive to work…

    The same outcry we used for shutting down the Shamnesty bill, we will have scream even louder to shut down their plans for surrender. A lot louder! Because so many people have drank from the well of ‘feel good’ politcs…

    That’s why we’re seeing the rise of the ‘Fairness Doctrine’. That will be used to shut Pat’s brilliant website and all of us down.

    So we have two fronts to fight: Scream, kick, yell to support our soldiers AND shut down the un-’Fairness Doctrine’.


  20. Gramps

    LADYANGLER asks: Tell me this… where has respect for our President gone?

    El Predidente Arbusto gets more respect then he deserves. Other then the WOT, and he’s screwed that up, I can’t think of much that I think he’s done correctly.

    His ONLY legacy will be that he tried to give America away to the ILLEGALS.

    How the hell could he even think of partnering with Ted Splash Kennedy?

  21. Marc

    Kristol is too polite to say it, but I ain’t so polite, and I’ll say it instead.

    The NY Times, the MoveOns,the Kozzies, the MSM, and the “Democratic” Party, and the Left, are appeasers, but above all PRO-GENOCIDE!

    The thinking of these dolts can be summed up the editorial by Greg Mitchell in “Editor & Publisher” entitled “N.Y. Times’ Editorial: Leave Iraq Now”. If they will sell out the Iraqis so quickly then they have no qualms about selling the rest of us out.

  22. Marc

    here’s the link for the surrender monkey piece


  23. EZ Rider

    True about the appearance of being weak. Pres Kennedy’s weak stance led to the Cuban missile crisis. The “divided” nation feeds our enemies. The Septemeber report NEEDS to be good or I think America will finally cave to the left. It boggles my mind that people don’t understand that what we do today will determine what wars we fight tomorrow. The sacrifices this country is making now will pale in comparison to what we have to deal with in 20 years if we decide to give up. The ALL STOP button doesn’t exist. We have a responsibility as Americans to finish this war the right way and that means winning. I am willing to pay the cost of victory now because I’m afraid of what it will cost tomorrow.

  24. Steven D

    That’s what we get when we fill Congress with a bunch of lawyers and bureaucrats.

    We must stand up NOW and run them ALL out of Washington!

    [climbing down off of soapbox]

  25. LadyAngler

    sfc w

    Awesome…if you are a swf, can I marry you????

    Sorry SFC W. “Single” is the demographic I don’t match here. Thanks, however, for the proposal. :smile:

  26. stocks

    A prisoner of war is a man who tries to kill you and fails, and then asks you not to kill him.

    Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.

    Danger - if you meet it promptly and without flinching - you will reduce the danger by half. Never run away from anything. Never!

    Winston Churchill

  27. Dan

    I sent an email to one of my Senators (a Rhino geezer) and asked him to get his head out of his ass over Iraq. I also gave him the links to Michael Yon and Pat Dollard’s web sites. Think he might listen? Oh fuck no. That would require a functioning brain.

    Hey, I gotta have that pic, Pat. That’s frigging great!!!

  28. Thoughts Of A Conservative Christian “George Bush Has No Intention, NO Intention, Of Pulling The Rug Out From Under General Petraues” «

    […] “George Bush Has No Intention, NO Intention, Of Pulling The Rug Out From Under General Petraues” July 9th, 2007 — budsimmons “George Bush Has No Intention, NO Intention, Of Pulling The Rug […]

  29. Tony

    I got my Jihadi Killer t-shirt the other day. I put it on and went to the gas station and bought a 12 pack of beer. But being in Pensacola Fla everybody was wondering where I got it and wanted one. Mr. Dollard might see a run on his shirts here soon.

  30. Lenore

    Why don’t people get it. This is not about Iraq. 9/11 happened before Iraq. These murderous monsters want to kill us because of their religion.
    If we were to blame any Americans it would have to be hollywood and liberals.

    “In his Letter to America, issued shortly after 9/11, [Osama bin Laden] said that America is the fount of global atheism, and it is imposing its morally depraved values on the world. So Muslims must rise up in defensive jihad against America because their religion and their values are under attack. This aspect of Bin Laden’s critique has been totally ignored, and it’s one that resonates with a lot of traditional Muslims and traditional people around the world.”


    If we wanted to blame any foreigner it would be Saddam Hussein. It was his defiance that kept us in Saudi Arabia.

    But how about we forget all that and blame the Islamic extremists. Maybe some day. Hopefully some day soon. :???:

  31. Lenore

    And yes the Japanese attacked us but we went after Germany as well. Pre-emptive strike?

  32. JAF

    I disagree only in so far as the political support is no longer there to hold onto this surge for more than six months.

    I would rather strike a secret deal to begin a drawdown next April- giving us all that time to kill more jihadis- then have the libs force us out in three more months running away and leaving nobody left. that will be a political and a military disaster. I would rather not have 100 libs screaming for the next two months we have lost- and just get a deal done allowing troops to continue to serve into 2008..

  33. Cincy

    We must STOP the spineless GOP Senators.

    Call them, e-mail them, write them, and fax them EVERYDAY and tell them in short concise terms why they are WRONG. Link them to Michaelyon-Online.com, to BillRoggio.com and to Patdollard.com. Tell them you WILL NOT contribute to their campaign, you WILL support their primary opponents (Hagel has one in Nebraska!) and you will NOT see our troops stabbed in the back.

    ACT NOW!

  34. Tim in FL

    Not sure how reliable this is, but it’s an interesting read relating to the topic here:


    “Since April 2007, George W. Bush has had on his desk an exit plan from Iraq, built around the phased pull-back by early 2008 of a little more than half of the 170,000 or so troops there at present. Around 50-70,000 soldiers are to be redeployed to large strategic fortified enclaves in the south and the north as a semi-permanent US presence. They will be backed by four naval and aerial strike groups in the Persian Gulf and Red Sea and a chain of giant air bases, some expanded, others built from scratch, in Oman, Qatar and Jordan.

    The military sources of DEBKAfile and DEBKA-Net-Weekly have been tracking the evolution of this White House master plan since April 27.

    Building up in Persian Gulf waters as a key element of this post-withdrawal military plan are three American carriers and their strike groups. The USS Enterprise CVN 65 Big E Strike Group departed for the region Monday, July 8, to join the USS Stennis and USS Nimitz carriers which are already there.”

    The article goes on to discuss Iran and Syria as well as other current events in the Middle East.

  35. Eric


    Petraeus says at least a decade to fight the insurgency. I honestly don’t know that the US is ready for for this type of fight: Invasion of a country followed by a 10 to 20 year insurgent uprising. And yet, this is the primary form of battle that we will be fighting in the next 30 years against these Jihadis. We are not declaring war on any particular countries, but on “terror” at large and this is not what our country specializes in. Iraq is the typical trial by fire situation where our troops learn on the fly how to fight geurilla tactics.

    The issue that this all raises is: Do the politicians and people of our country have the stomach to fight a long, dragged out insurgency on many different fronts? Also, are we safer as a result of the ongoing fight against the insurgency and all this encompasses including drained resources and the strain on our soldiers? I don’t have the answers, but I don’t hear many people talking about these issues. I think it’s time that our politicians stop their partisan bickering and start talking about how to deal with the threat of terrorism in the way that best serves our country.

  36. everydayjoe

    Pre-emptive strike? Hell yeah. IT IS INEVITABLE.


    It’s high time we take advantage of our globally deployed resources and current proximity to the Enemies of West, and “pinch off” these Islamoturds, once and for all.

    Our friends in Turkey, Kurdistan, and Israel will plug the gaps, while we roll straight on thru Iran into Afghanistan and Pakistan.

    Ahmadinjihad and Assad MUST be dealt with. Why not NOW, INSTEAD of LATER?

  37. JOEL

    Guys an excellent book to check out is Jed Babbin’s In the Words of Our Enemies, he gives detailed accounts of how many of these raghead’s hated us prior to the current wars.

  38. Mike in Dallas

    Love the T-shirt. Fuck the Libs. That’s about all I have to say.

  39. Dr D Semper FI

    Domenici is my Senator, I am so dissapointed in him, I hope someone with some cajones runs agianst him>

  40. TJ

    quoted from the ap article “Army misses recruiting goal again”

    “The Army is still exceeding its goals for the year, despite June’s miss, defense officials said.

    But if recruiting figures continue to decline at current rates, the gains notched earlier this year could disappear by next month, leaving the largest branch of the U.S. military at risk of missing its annual goals.”

    once again the media trying to change public opinion for the worse.at the end of the article the truth comes out that they have exceeeded their goals for the year. :oops:

    I wish bush would point out such inconsistencies and call the media on their bias. :idea:

  41. TJ


    if you were really for peace , you would be in these war torn areas trying to convince theculprits on the ground rather than trying your darndest to piss off those who support the war. you are an agitator that has started more wars with your words than anyone.

    if your statement about democrats being peaceloving were true then no democrat would ever have gone to war , started a war or supported a war would they now? but clinton sent us to war in somalia, and look at that result. pullout because of poor prepation, no real plan and no reinforcements to meet the resistance. then this war how many democrats signed on?

    your 75% statement is pure D media inspired BS. I would say 50% of the US is uninformed robots who dont give 2 shits either way what happens in iraq or anywhere else.

    democraps are agitators, cowards, and terrorist sympathizers, they have inspired the terrrorists to keep up the fight at whatever costs to civilian lives, your “peace activists” are responsible for the growing death toll, by feeding the al qaida machine with hope that we will retreat from our obligation to the iraqis who want peace and freedom.

    I dare you to say what you are saying in public to anyone. I hope you have good medical insurance. ask the bashman about what he thinks of people like you, e-surgents. “Look at me , look at me, I’ma lover not a fighter”

    we pull out too soon, and the overwhelming chaos that comes after that turns that place into another afghanistan or somalia will be the overwhelming fault and responsibility of the Peace activist dhimmacrats. what will be their responsse? the UN, resolution after resolution with no real penalties, Un soldiers with no magazines in their guns, and powder blue targets on their heads. real peace comes at the cost of blood. :wink:

  42. danielle

    I still love George Bush! :mrgreen:
    I’m glad he’s sticking with the troops. I was worried he might cave in.

  43. Jewish Odysseus

    Bush has his weaknesses, but selling out his priorities isn’t one of them.

    Failing to MAKE HIS F’ING CASE EVERY SINGLE DAY TO REFUTE THE DHIMMICRATS IS one of his weaknesses. As is a failure to use dramatic news stories (hellooo, Michael Yon!!) to pack his arguments full of megatons of power.

    Can’t anyone in the MSM point out the breathtaking hypocrisy of these Dhimms (and their filthy Rhino henchman)? Not two months ago they voted to “Let the surge go foward and give Petraeus a chance,” and now EXACTLY WHEN THE SURGE HAS RAMPED UP AND THE ENEMY IS BEING SURROUNDED AND ANNIHILATED…these gutless MFs have the gall to stand up and whine, “Oh, fxck it, the surge HAS FAILED. RETREEEEEAAAAT!!”

    JAF, you need to understand the game that is being played by the Dhimms. It is a game they have perfected for ~50 years…Screw up a war so we can’t win it, but constantly cajole/pressure/seduce the Repubs to ENDORSE THE DEFEAT SO THE DHIMMS ARE NOT BLAMED.

    You don’t get it, they will NEVER strike down the funding on their own, even if they had 60 Dhimm Senators…THEY NEED THE REPUBS to provide them cover, so that when the debacle crashes down, then they can blame the Repubs!

    As for the political support for the surge…well, HELL, if we can get the word out THAT WE ARE OBLITERATING AL QAEDA, wonder of wonders, you will see the American people start to support it!

    There is no substitute for victory, and we on our side must be committed to total victory. Not “respectable defeat.” We lost some time because this is a war, not a freaking science experiment in the lab, but our efforts have brought us to the point where alSadr has fled the country 2X in 3 months, Zwahiri is sending out desperate, pathetic videos complaining about lack of jihadi recruits, and the “Triangle of Death” has turned into a tomb for alQaeda.

    We’ve got our foot on their windpipe, we can’t let it up!

  44. roadking

    President George W Bush will go down in history as the best president of all time. He has been steadfast and un-wavering in his determination to bringing resolve to the middle east. Time will be the judge and I believe it will be in his favor…………………..

  45. A. S. Wise- VA

    I can only hope that President Bush stays healthy and strong, for he’s all we’ve got in Washington, D.C. to protect us at home and abroad. There’s never been any doubt that the wars we face are winnable, the only variable being the American will.

  46. Lenore

    What I shake my head about most is when people say Iraq is not a part of the WOT or we should be hunting Al-Queda in Afghanistan. Can anyone tell me in what country we are killing thousands of Islamic terrorists?

    Did you say Iraq? You are correct.

    We can let them go to our military to meet their end in foreign lands (Defense instead of offense.) Or we wait for them to come here and be protected by our constitution and the ACLU. We must also remember in our judicial system you must know what you are doing is wrong, and you must have committed an act not just talked about it (free speech and all that). To most of these jihadists spreading Islam by the sword and killing infidels is as normal as watching tv is to you and I.

  47. Kurt

    First of all i would like you all to observe a moment of silence for the dead immigration bill…haha! now being serious, I say God Bless this Man, President George W Bush. He is the right man at the right time, the Liberals in congress and the Lefty whackos have had such a misinformation campaign against him that some fail to realize how much we need him at this time in our countries history…Could any of you imagine Al Gore or John Kerry as president right now? They would have be too busy burying their heads in the sand to do anything. I support the troops and always will, I know we can win this war, we’re the USA

  48. LadyAngler

    Gramps… I never said you have to agree with everything your President does. My rhetorical question was based on respect for the office. Regardless of your political position the President is the President. The office deserves respect, damn it!

  49. jam

    Krauthammer wrote an excellent column March 30, this year in which he makes a fool out of Pelosi for stating “Our bill calls for the redeployment …out of Iraq so that we can focus on the real war on terror, which is in Afghanistan.”

    Column is title “The Good War and the Right War”
    It’s a hoot and a must read. Should be archived on his page.

  50. Dan


    Got news for you bud. Take a lesson from history…1972. George Mcgovern tried the anti-war route and lost his socks to Richard Nixon. Polls were running against the war, and McGovern thought he would use that to his advantage. Wrong….It was a tactical mistake on his part.
    He misread his crystal ball.

    And the Rhinos, and Dems will be proven wrong again in ‘08.

  51. Brian H

    Political gain? Is GW going to run for a 3rd term? Neat trick, if so … :lol: :razz:

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