Tony Snow: Yesterday’s AP Report Was Bullshit. “Benchmarks HAVE Been Met.”

July 10th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Remember all those screaming headlines yesterday? “The Iraqi Government Has Met No Benchmarks”?

Tony Snow on Fox & Friends this morning:

“Americans are going to be surprised. Benchmarks have been met.”

Steve Doocey: “Is the President going to be changing his message?”

Tony Snow: “No.”

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27 Responses

  1. CplUsmc

    Well the Americans didn’t hear it from their MSM so they won’t believe it. Even if CNN and the like showed Tony Snow saying this, I’m sure there was a rebuttal commentary on it afterwards with absolutely no support for him present.

  2. Dan

    Its all about the 2000 election. Republicans bad, Demoratz good…Time to convene another Continental Congress.

  3. danielle

    Thank God President Bush isn’t backing down.

  4. Egfrow

    Harry Plotter and The Prisoner of Abu Gharaib:

  5. Elliott Elkin

    I would like to know what benchmarks the US congress has met.

  6. Kurt

    Good point Elliot, its a damn good thing that the Us congress doesnt have to meet benchmarks or they would be screwed..let alone a war torn country meeting their marks

  7. LadyAngler

    Bush will never back down, of this I am certain. I’m more concerned when/if a lib gets in office in 08… they will start the withdrawl.

    Sidenote~ Tony looks pretty healthy for a man with recurrent colon cancer. Hang in there!

  8. Jarhead68

    I don’t know about the rest of you but I have a distinct feeling of angst about what’s happening in this country and around the world. It’s as if there is a “vast left wing” conspiracy to turn the planet into a caliphate. The new “Brit-in-charge” has caved to the PC crowd and won’t call a spade a spade (read the Muslim). The deck of weasels in the Congress (Rinos included) and the leftist media all have it in their minds that America must be brought to its knees so that they can “fix” what’s wrong. I fear that my children and grandchildren will be fighting the Islamic scourge in the streets of our cities and towns before it’s all over. With leadership like we see from the democRats, there’s no way we can defeat Islam, the Chicoms, Russia and Venezuela. It’s time for another pre-emptive strike at the heart of the terror networks - Tehran. And if anyone else wants a piece of it, let them have it, too.

  9. HJ in VA

    It doesn’t matter - the MSM is going to be anti-Bush no matter what…that’s why I love this web site…it’s the only place where I get the truth about our security and the war on terrorism.

  10. Bill

    These pathetic self serving losers haven’t met their own benchmarks that they set for themselves in the 06 elections. Remember what they said about their first 100 days? Thats why, among many other reasons, their approval ratings are in single digits in some poles.

    Something else I find myself wondering about a-lot lately is who votes for someone like John Murtha? He is as bad or worse than Nancy Pelosi. Its easy to explain her, her district is San Francisco but Murtha comes from Pennsylvania. Are you people from Penn so braindead to reelect that guy over and over again? I seriously do not think his own brain is still fully functioning as I would define a functioning brain.

    As far as I’m concerned Murtha and McCain have so disgraced themselves and this country and have completely eliminated anything they added to America while serving in the military. We have to get these two out in the 08 election cycle.

  11. Steven D

    Amen, Dan!

  12. Steve in NC

    It’s not about backing down from a fight, it is about taking the fight to them so they back down.

  13. Deathstar

    Go MSM, spin spin spin that lefty spin

  14. dad,,3/7

    u mean that the dan rather press made up the story,, of no bench marks attained??? nawwww our press is above reproach,,

  15. Mess

    Never Yield!

  16. johnF

    Elliot, that’s a great point!

    What benchmarks have the MSM met?
    What benchmarks have the DEA met?

    Fucking anti-American rat-bastards think we should quit, no they think we should lose! All you America haters, the line to suck my dick starts to the left.

  17. MikeP

    When does the White House, Tony Snow, or whoever has some balls call the hand of these fucking MSM assholes and make them report the truth. This shit gets way past the point of frustration. I have full confidence that Bush is going to stand his ground, but stand the ground and make the reporting shitheads of the country tell the fucking truth.
    Good luck to Tony Snow and his family. We’re praying for you.
    God Bless our MILITARY HEROES.

  18. FTL

    Thank God President Bush isn’t backing down[/QUOTE]


    No one has him by the balls… no Soros bitch in his closet. Not owned.

    We do need to concern ourselves BIGTIME with getting a strong Republican into office w/ sim. global convictions. Time is ticking…. btw: has Bush shown any REAL interest in any candidates as of yet?

  19. Jewish Odysseus

    Here’s one benchmark the Iraqi govt has met:
    1–Scaring alSadr back into Iran.

    Here’s another:
    2–Absorbing bone-chilling terror bombings after terror-bombings, to the tune of 150 murdered in just one village the other day…AND STILL NOT SAYING UNCLE TO THE SAVAGES!! The Iraqi govt is BEGGING us to stay…

    Can we be sure America’s leaders wd react w/the same “FXCK YOU, OSAMA” courage if WE were the ones getting slaughtered every day?

    Somehow I imagine brightlights like Lugar and Reid wd find a reason to “accomodate the legitimate concerns” of the terrorists…

  20. patriot

    This song makes me think of Dems.

    Defeatist! You and I will never be the same!

  21. Dan

    Steven D:

    You need to add an amendment on treason. Only one penalty should be allowed: Death by hanging. No lethal injection, no life imprisonment, no pardons.

    A definition of enemies would be good. Everyone not in uniform, caught on the battlefield, will be tried by a military tribunal, and if found guilty, will be executed by firing squad within 72 hours of the guilty verdict.
    This includes all terrorists…foreign and domestic.

    Revive the sedition laws that President Lincoln and President Roosevelt used in their wars.

    Also reactivate General Order 100 in time of war.

    Your ideas are good stuff.

  22. Eric

    Congress is totally inept, Bush is a retard, Cheney is evil, Pelosi is on drugs, the dems are cowards, the repubs are repugnant, the MSM’s integrity is on hiatus and I don’t know which is worse, the mess in DC or the mess in Baghdad. God bless the USA!

  23. Dan

    I borrowed your link and sent it to my two wimpy Senators.

    Good stuff dad,,3/7. Marines do good work.

  24. Dan

    Well obviouly Eric, you ain’t in Baghdad, maybe you’re the fucking retard; since you never seem to know shit about the war or anything else for that matter.

  25. Bill

    That really was an insipid comment, you accuse Bush of being “a retard” but making the comparison between Bagdad and DC is just plain immature. Yes, Bush has trouble with words, and yes its plain to see that the White House has trouble telling the difference between its friends and enemies (ala the conservative base vs. Ted Kennedy) but there are no car bombs or homicide bombers in DC etc etc etc.

    In my lifetime I have never seen a more clear separation between idealogies here in America. One side wants to vigorously defend America and the other side wants to fiddle while figuring out why a group of people hate us. Its instructive to know why “they” hate and want to kill us but at the end of the day its us or them and for me and my family it sure ain’t going to be us.

  26. TJ


    the problem with the liberals trying to figure out why muslims hate us is that they dont consider the sources that are given to them everyday by alqaeda.

    from ban ki moons recent ridiculous claims that the sudanese war that has gone on for almost 30 years was caused not by islam but global warming, to liberals constant focus on american or israeli “abuses ” of the past, they ignore the words of muhammed as stated in the quran( and repeated endlessly by alqaeda) that is accepted by all muslims as the only word of God that can not be reasoned with. this book repeats hundreds of time to the effect “kill the unbelievers where ever you find them” , it doesnt mention the crusades or the policies of the US or israel but it does mention those evil jews, christians and pagans whom Allah hates with a divine passion.

    You want to shut up a liberal on this, study islam, because the libs are not. they only repeat the often quoted texts of peace(like no compulsion in religion) that have been abrogated by a later quranic text that says early revelations are caused to be replaced by later ones. the oldest text in the quran is surah 9 and it contains the verse of the sword as partially quoted above for muslims to kill unbelievers wherever you find them.

    Liberals still to date contend that the primary concern regarding israel is one of the human rights of the palestinains people and that religion has little if anything to do with the dispute.

    they are in a state of extremem denial, and confronting them with the facts of the quranic exhortations flusters them and infuriates them. Their ignorance can not be defended. they believe osama when he blames america for its ties to saudi arabia but disregard his all to frequent injunctions from the quran!

    why is one more serious than the other ask them? their look of bewilderment will be followed by anti capitalistic tirades. these people dont want to know the truth. so we ahve to keep giving it to them! :oops:

  27. JackM

    To TJ:

    You have no idea what you’re talking about…muslims hate us b/c we have been involved in politics and war in the middle east for over a hundred years. We incited a coup in Iran to install the Shah–this failed, obviously with his overthrow by the Iatollah.

    The US and Europe supported Saddam in his war with Iran. We provided him chemical weapons, which he used on Iranians, killing, by some estimates, 200,000 people. If a country gave Mexico chemical weapons and Mexico used it on us, what would we do?

    As for Israel…we need to stop supporting them and let them stand on their own two feet.

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