Under Fire From US, Iran Reacts By Cracking Down At Home
Something’s gotta give.CSM, Tomorrow’s edition.
Something’s gotta give.CSM, Tomorrow’s edition.
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Hmmm, in the article, it mentions an Urban Planner, the Soros Foundation and the Iranian government up to something. Oh No! Could it be Soros has a few bucks invested there and he might have to back the democrats to protect his $$$$?? Do I smell Ludafisk under the porch( similar to something rotten in Denmark)?
July 12th, 2007 at 8:51 pmThis regime is hollow and vapid just like the Soviet Union was. A little prick from a sharpened point and it will pop like a balloon. Not even our own administration is willing to stand toe to toe with such a vile regime.
Mr Bush, get on that microphone or that bull horn and start standing up to their degenerated and decrepit .culture. They’ve had centuries to prove they were better. Now the ride off the backs of our technology and deride the culture that made it possible. Not a single politician I’ve heard is standing up for America’s culture. Not one. All they keep saying is WoT and Democracy. Well, Roman had had a democracy. No one ever defends those virtues which made us a great nation. It’s not just pure Democracy. This is a constitutionally limited Republic that protects personal property and personal freedom over the mobs and collectives.
July 12th, 2007 at 10:37 pmHere is a cartoon for the forgetful and politicians about why our nation is falling backwards. It’s good for children also.
July 12th, 2007 at 10:40 pmAgain I say, next time Ahmedinijad (whatever) violates our space he should be detained as a terroist suspect. The repercussions will be mild, if any.
July 13th, 2007 at 3:58 amThe road to Iranian freedom winds through Evin prison. If these young people want freedom, they’re going to have to “take it”. If not, then the West at some point, will have to take the mookie monster where all gestapo monkey-fuckers go….straight to hell.
George Soros? Now there’s a guy in need of some serious shock therapy. Maybe we could cut a deal with the Iranians and have him shipped off to Evin prison for a little….er….say…therapy?
July 13th, 2007 at 4:37 am