Britain Goes Soft

July 13th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Gordon Brown’s Government took another tentative step to distance itself from President Bush yesterday, as one of the Prime Minister’s chief lieutenants delivered a series of coded criticisms of American foreign policy.

In an appeal for greater use of reformed multilateralist institutions such as the United Nations and the World Bank, he said: “Just as we need the rule of law at home to have civilisation, so we need rules abroad to ensure global civilisation.”

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16 Responses

  1. Dan

    Neville Brown, I presume?

  2. drillanwr

    This, from someone whose country just experienced three terrorist attacks in the last couple weeks … one nearly successful.

    I didn’t know there was so much sand in G.B.

  3. drillanwr

    Caption for the picture:

    So as NOT to be confused as a lap dog, Brown lifts his leg and pisses on G.B.’s greatest friend and ally

  4. Wendy

    Fuck em!! When they sink in that sand I hope we don’t lend a hand. Hell the way things are going over here, we might not be in a position to help.

  5. One-Shot

    There are plenty of good Brits that have a pair and they know the score. It’s too bad that there aren’t enough of them left that remember the Big One (kinda like the Frenchies) and understand that some folks simply cannot be appeased, no matter what. I wonder if this new Prime Minister can bend over and spread his cheeks apart as far as our Democrats here? They love to coddle bad guys too.

  6. Steven D

    Maggie, where are you when we need you?

  7. Mike in Dallas

    It is just a matter of time until the Jihadies take over Londonstan. Big Ben will be pumping out that wailing “call to pray” over loud speakers within 10 years. I have to admit though, I’ve been to London and by putting on Burkas, the broads there may look better……

  8. Korndawg

    Didn’t those morons learn anything from that spinless fuck Chamberlin?

  9. EM

    Sounds like the bastard Neville Chamberlain. Asshole communist.

  10. Lamplighter

    I think it’s good Britain will use the tactic of talking up civilisation (as they spell it). Then we’ll get a good comparison of what works against Islamofacism–talk or action. This will give US voters a preview of what will happen if they elect the talker advocates into office in ‘08.

  11. Steve in NC

    the brown stain said -
    “Just as we need the rule of law at home to have civilisation, so we need rules abroad to ensure global civilisation.”

    I have a question for the ’stain’:

    What do you do when a group of people do not respect the rule of law?

    FYI, from here foward Gordon Brown will be referred to as the ’stain’

  12. danielle

    I already miss Tony Blair.

  13. Judith

    They will have to change the words to There Will Always Be An England but then jihadis don’t sing, do they?

  14. Jewish Odysseus

    Neville Chamberlain? This clown makes Chamberlain look like freakin Churchill!

  15. JoshD

    WW3 here we come :mad:

  16. terry smyth

    observe the way he bites his fingernails. Now I dont know about you but this the quick way to bite the quick and make it bleed and the pain arrrrrrgh!
    Maybe hes telling us something here, he dosnt want to do this the terrorists have targeted his homeland (scotland) and when heros like John Smeaton come to the rescue and kick the codgers outof the terrorists he should be praisworthy. From Brown: not a bloody thing.Contrained by the EU newspeak, fuck me 1984 was a bit early, this is the real deal.
    Terrorists cannot be islam.Islam cannot be named
    The War On Terror cannot be mentioned.
    Islam is the ROP( should be RIP)

    You know, if the UK was a half decent place to live in then we wouldnt have most of the population clamouring to get a visa or something(anything) to get out and live in a new land like US,Canada,Australia or NZ.
    The NHS in britain is totally fuked because he pay and conditions are so woeful that anyone with even the smallest amount of balls has got up and gone, leaving the recruitment from turd world places where the attitude from the medicos is, “:some die,some live, so what!”
    With this attitude I pity the UK population.
    They were warned and didnt even listen, now the islamic vulture is circling and the sky is getting darker.
    For the UK this is almost the END OF DAYS.
    Dont let this happen in the US.We wont in Aussie while I draw breath.
    Islam taking over? ill fight this forever.

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