Jihad: The Number One Destroyer Of Mosques In The World

July 13th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

I have a souvenier chunk of a mosque blown to hell by American tanks and air in Fallujah. In Jihad, the most important function of a mosque is as a center of military operations and killing. Throughout Iraq, I saw them constantly used as ammo dumps, torture chambers, egress destinations, IED factories, and forts from which to shoot, rocket, mortar and kill people. Minarets make for great sniper positions. Invariably, ultimately, this brings hellfire down upon the mosque, and it is destroyed. I have seen dozens laid to waste and lying in rubble before my eyes.

Jihadis lay passionate claim to the sanctity of mosques, and will kill anyone who would even speak ill of one. Yet it is invariably a regular and central activity of a Jihadi’s life to debase a mosque in all the ways described above, and to ultimately bring about its destruction. This would indicate an individual who is power-mad, not religious.

What Jihad Does To Mosques, this latest and typical example being the Red Mosque in Pakistan:

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6 Responses

  1. Dan

    Tsk, tsk. Speaking of Jihadis, here’s a nice link:

  2. Dave

    Mark A. Gabriel mentions this very tactic in his book, “Islam and Terrorism.” That is a must read book for anyone interested in answering the question, “WTF is up with these lunatics, and why are they trying to kill us?”

    I posted a link to this in my blog along with some stuff about Gabriel and his book.

    I can’t wait for his next book: Culture Clash.

  3. dad,,3/7

    al queda killed a new jerk times reporter today,,, slow but sure they are getting rid of (al jazeera-middle east) the paper said that if it weren’t for their journalists on the ground americans would have a poorer understanding of the war!!!! SAY WHAT????? that is why my MARINE son in ramadi tells me “don’t believe anything in the news,, they have it all wrong”

  4. John Cunningham

    Dan, all that diggin’ for nothin’. Dam. I gotta’ give up this allah shit

  5. Dan


    That’s too funny. ROFLMAO.

  6. Michael A. Davis

    No, no, no! We have it all wrong!

    The Islamists want new mosques built so when their imaginary 13th caliphate finally figures out how to climb out of (an apparently) deep well, he will have new housing that he can crib in!

    Its just their version of urban renewal… :lol:

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