Breaking: New Bin Laden Video

July 14th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Alright, before you get all excited, the video is new in that we haven’t seen it before, but nobody knows how long ago it was taped. It “was branded by As-Sahab Media, the company that traditionally handles al Qaeda communications to the public.” It also has several other speakers. Notably, “For several weeks, radical Islamist Web sites have been announcing that there would be “good news soon from Sheikh Osama bin Laden.” No way to tell if this little clip means anything, but given all the tapes and other alleged signs of an impending Major Attack, and most notably, recent reports that if a Bin Laden tape showed up next it definitely meant “game on”, this is an event worth paying attention to.

Apparently, the whole thing is still being translated.

Here’s an early bit from Laura Mansfield:

In the clip, 50 seconds long, Bin Laden says:

The seal of the prophets and all messengers (reference to Prophet Mohammed), prayers and peace be upon him, wished this status.

So be alert, be wise and think.

What is this status that the best of mankind wished for himself?

He wished to be a martyr.

He himself said ‘By Him in Whose Hands my life is! I would love to attack and be martyred, then attack again and be martyred, then attack again and be martyred.’

So this whole broad life is summarized by he who was inspired by God, the lord of the heavens and earth, praised and exalted is He.

This glorious prophet who was inspired by God summarized this entire life by these words. He wished upon himself this status. Happy is the one who was chosen by god as a martyr.

Well, if it is a signal, it’s clearly one telling some suicide bombers that nows the time to strike.

Here’s CNN’s announcement:

(CNN) — Osama bin Laden stresses the importance of martyrdom for Muslim causes in a videotape that purportedly contains a 50-second message from the al Qaeda leader.

The 40-minute videotape, whose audio was being translated from Arabic by CNN, was intercepted before it was to appear on several Islamist Web sites known for carrying statements from al Qaeda and other radical groups.

The videotape was made in the last four weeks, but the clips appear to be old, said Octavia Nasr, CNN’s senior editor for Arab affairs. There is no indication of where it was shot, and CNN cannot verify its authenticity.

Bin Laden, with a body guard standing directly behind him, is looking down slightly in the video, appearing to address an audience below, which is unseen.

He says that the Prophet Mohammed wanted to be a martyr, and that is a worthy goal for every Muslim.

“So be alert, be wise and think. What is this status that the best of mankind wished for himself? He wished to be a martyr. He himself said, ‘By him in whose hands my life is! I would love to attack and be martyred, then attack again and be martyred, then attack again and be martyred.’

“So this whole broad life is summarized by him who was inspired by God, the Lord of the heavens and earth, praised and exalted is he. This glorious prophet who was inspired by God summarized this entire life by these words. He wished upon himself this status. Happy is the one who was chosen by God as a martyr.”

The video was branded by As-Sahab Media, the company that traditionally handles al Qaeda communications to the public.

The environment shown is similar to that on releases made before the September 11, 2001, terror attacks, in which bin Laden is seen in the company of some of the hijackers, Nasr said.

Some of the backdrops also resemble those shown in videos when the U.S. attacks against the Taliban in Afghanistan began not long after the 9/11 attacks, she added.

The last time a recording of bin Laden was made public it was an audiotape, with an Arabic transcript, released on June 30, 2006.

For several weeks, radical Islamist Web sites have been announcing that there would be “good news soon from Sheikh Osama bin Laden.”

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18 Responses

  1. mdetlh

    so whats OBLs excuse for not wanting to be martyred?
    religion of peace hhuh? NOT
    WWJD to OBL on the day of Judgement?

  2. Dan

    Yep. OBL is too fat and happy to die in martyrdom. He’s got plenty of dumbass minions to do that for him. I’m sure there is a nice warm place for him somewhere in damnation, just waiting for his time.

    They’ll cover him in pigskin and roast him over an open…shall we say….eternal flame. Hmmm…smells like sulphur and burnt pork…..

  3. GBU43

    This clip is old. I bet it was filmed over 3 years ago. He’s addressing a group of followers. Knowing his speeches he probably talked on for over 2 hours.

    This means these losers can pull little segments from it for the next 10 years each time saying.. SEE hes still alive.

    I bet hes dead. The fact that Ayman al-Zawahiri is the only guy showing up on film is telling.

    If Osama is dead this makes sense.. If Osama isn’t dead then he looks like a coward and al-Zawahiri gains stature.

  4. kathy ozanne

    Don’t know if OBL is dead or alive myself, but the increased number of tapes is a definite ramp up….

    Reading available transcripts from this and AlZ’s last tape, significance is given to the repetition of certain statements 3 times. Could be the go signal.

    Stay alert.

  5. Raw Dawg

    The tape doesn’t have to be new, nor does Osama even have to be alive, for his words to be used as a signal.

  6. drillanwr

    Sheikh Osama bin Laden:

    “I tell you, not enough of you are dying for the cause … I need more martyrs! Give me more martyrs! You think I’m sitting in this shit-hole of a fucking cave in Pakistan all these years for this! Eating fucking goat and drinking water that tastes worse than my own piss?! Allah damn it!! … Somebody get me a fucking Starbuck’s Mocha Frappuccino … and not that bottled shit! I want a fresh one … and frozen … or heads will roll! … I hate my fucking life! I was rich, you know! I didn’t have to do this. No, I could be sitting on some golden toilet with ten wives to wipe my ass … But nooooo! I gave all that up to lead you dumb fucks … Forget the Starbucks and get me a fucking gin and tonic … make it a double …”

  7. One-Shot

    UBL is dead…personal opinion mind you. George never has Dick speaking for him constantly. UBL wouldn’t have his 2nd in command do it either.

  8. John Cunningham

    From asshat media, you say? A lot of symbolism in the opening scene. Into the darkened cave then and over a deeper part of the cave to a koranimal koloring book lighted by one lantern opening to the page that says kill all the Jews and then kill all the others that won’t hit the prayer rug. I did catch one word, ‘loon’. It will be interesting to see all of the tape because the written report mentioned that he’s addressing some of the hijackers. Perhaps it was co-procuded with the troophers. But, there is cause for concern, this is the second tape, the other from the one with the mark of the beast on his forehead that does that three repitition thing. Fasten your seatbelts.

  9. Dan

    It is entirely possible that OBL is dead. That would explain, why the clip is so old, and that we only hear from his fellow low-life the Egyptian.

    It is also possible that Herr OBL is scared shitless of our Predators, that he’s in hiding somewhere.

    However, dead or alive, OBL remains an icon to the Jihadis in Jihadistan. It really doen’t matter whther he is alive or dead.

    I noticed he repeated a phrase three times. Bet it is a signal. Are we going to see three cells attack the West?
    Hopefully, it will be another Thelma and Louise operation. But you never know.

    Lets see if all the chatter is more bluster than fact. Remember part of their tactical manual involves intimidation by threat. So, it could be a bluff.

    We’ll see. Maybe Mushaff will cash in that 50 Mil reward for OBL and we can take him somwhere where we can all have a liitle talk. Like say to a Paki military jail.

    It’s warm in Pakistan this time of the year. Maybe OBL would enjoy a little waterboarding?

  10. Faith of Judas

    he’s been dead for years, probably buried under a hundred tons of rock created by our bombs filling in the cave he was hiding in.

  11. Clyde Conneer

    If is not dead why won’t he come out to fight. He’s brave? He’s bad? Nah nah_-nahnahna Chickenshit.

  12. Ranger

    He’s dead. Buried under rock or atomized w/o us knowing it. And naturally the jihadis wouldn’t admit that. But in a few more years with no fresh word from him, people will start to wonder.

  13. C-Low

    Gateway Pundit I think has pegged this video down to 2002.

    I still believe Bin Laden was either killed or died shortley therafter Tora Bora. It is sad to say but it is not to our benefit to admit such (the LLL’s already call the GWOT a bumper sticker can you imagine if Bin Laden was confirmed KIA 02′) and AQ has no benefit of letting people know because it would give a victory to the Infedels and I imagine allot of Suadi Royals undercover give to AQ becuase of Bin Laden being blood (covering both senerios).

  14. Dan

    Imagine if one of OBL’s goons were to defect? And he/she/it brought word back that we killed OBL in a Predator raid? Wouldn’t that be a bitch-slap to the Demoratz bumper sticker campaign?

  15. TJ

    Usama died of a.i.d.s. just like his butt-buddy yasser arafat. :mrgreen:

  16. Kurt

    I personally think OBL is dead, i have thought that for a while..OBL is a media whore and would have been putting more tapes out for his people to see him and to taunt us. But instead his life partner(Al Zawihiri) does all the talking for him..doesnt make sense and wouldnt happen if he was alive. He’s hanging out in hell being force fed pork rhinds and watching reruns of the Rosie O’donell show

  17. LadyAngler

    I am excited to see so many of you have some of the same thoughts I have had for some time. If I were to wager, I’d throw my chips down on “beyond a rotten corpse.” Years ago he was on daily dialysis… then a friggin miracle directly from Allah… he is living in a cave with no electric… blah blah blah. I agree with Kurt that if he was living… he would be releasing tapes every few days discussing his satifaction with whatever market/mosque/pig farm was blown up this week. There are no current events in any of the newly released tapes. And the rock background… they started covering the background with a sheet, what…. five years ago… to keep geologists from pinpointing his location. The tapes are bogus.

    Now… I also agree with those of you who said there could be symbolic meaning to the lastest “new release.” Or it could just be an attempt to bellow a fading flame.

  18. Michael A. Davis

    Personally, I really care less about OBL anymore. At one time, I constantly prayed that I would see his head on the end of a long pole.

    Nowadays, I really don’t care. Granted, if he did get caught, it would force the left politicians to change their mumblings.

    The one thing I do fear, though, is the increase in the amount of static from the fanatics. I feel that within a month from now, something is going up in flames in either the United States, Great Britian, or both.

    I wish I was wrong, but I feel that it is going to happen. Our borders are too porous. We need a wall between us and Mexico and shut the flow. Only when this happens will I once again have faith in Bush. And if we ARE hit, the politicians will have to shut the borders down. They will have no choice.

    Also, it will allow the U.S. to wage war on Syria, Iran, and any other moron who opens his mouth. It will also cause a huge amount of flak in the Left. What will Jim Webb do then?

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