Next Haditha Marine’s Hearing On Monday Will Be Key To Determining Where Entire Case Goes From Here

July 14th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Lance Cpl. Stephen B. Tatum

If Ware says Tatum’s case should’t proceed as charged, then it’s likely the whole Haditha case will have unravelled before our eyes. If he strongly recommends it should proceed as charged, then it’s almost certain that the remaining cases will go on to full court-martial. Monday heralds a key moment.

Related: Defend Our Marines Website

John A. Williams
The Edmond Sun

EDMOND — The military hearing officer who recommended murder charges be dropped against one of three Marines charged in the 2005 slaying of Iraqi civilians in Haditha also will preside over the hearing for an Edmond Marine.

The Article 32 Investigation hearing for Lance Cpl. Stephen B. Tatum is scheduled for Monday at Camp Pendleton. Tatum is charged with unpremeditated murder, negligent homicide and assault.

Last week the Investigating Officer Lt. Col. Paul J. Ware recommended murder charges against Lance Cpl. Justin L. Sharratt be dropped.

In the report, released by Sharratt’s defense attorneys, Ware wrote, “To believe the government version of facts is to disregard clear and convincing evidence to the contrary, and sets a dangerous precedent that, in my opinion, may encourage others to bear false witness against Marines as a tactic to erode public support of the Marine Corps and mission in Iraq,”

It is the second time an investigating officer has recommended charges not continue to trial. In the case of Marine lawyer Capt. Randy W. Stone, the investigating officer recommended his dereliction of duty charge be dealt with administratively, according to Associated Press reports.

Tatum is one of four enlisted Marines charged with violations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice for their alleged involvement in the deaths of Iraqi civilians following an improvised explosive device that killed a fellow Marine and small arms attack on the convoy Nov. 19, 2005, in Haditha, Iraq. The Marines contend their actions were in keeping with the rules of engagement.

Ware also is scheduled to preside over the hearing for Staff Sgt. Frank Wuterich, the man who led the assault in Haditha.

Wuterich faces 13 counts of unpremeditated murder and two counts of soliciting another to commit an offense.

Charges against one Marine were later withdrawn. The proceedings for Tatum could take five to 10 days.

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14 Responses

  1. danielle

    I’m still upset over how they were immediately portrayed by the media as guilty murderers. It’s totally unfair. :(

  2. Buerg

    Ware wrote, “To believe the government version of facts is to disregard clear and convincing evidence to the contrary, and sets a dangerous precedent that, in my opinion, may encourage others to bear false witness against Marines as a tactic to erode public support of the Marine Corps and mission in Iraq,”

    LTC Ware couldn’t be closer to the truth. We train and equip our military to defend our constitution. ROE is used as a guideline to protect both parties involved in a conflict. I wouldn’t put it past the Conscientious Objectors to begin a leftist compaign of crying wolf if these cases go forward.

    The lying left would love nothing more than to see these cases go forward. I hope that LTC Ware’s judgement sets a precedent for future cases of this nature. To prosecute a Marine, Soldier, Sailor, or Airman for their actions during the heat of battle undermines the cohesive fabric of our fighting forces.

    The biased media’s demonizing of America’s youth is reprehensible.

  3. A. S. Wise- VA

    :beer: Here’s to a full acquittal! :beer:

  4. MarineDoc

    This treads on troublesome waters. Since when did we begin second guessing a Marine’s action during COMBAT. This whole spin had been bullshot spun up by the leftist! I wish they could be in that situation during that time when that split second action is decided upon in the heat of battle. Hopefully LTCol Ware makes the appropriate decision and shuts this leftist tactic down.
    We really need to get the politics out of war. Of course you this!!!
    We train Marines to KILL in war….and we get our money’s worth with them!!!

  5. PNAC

    i say reserve judgement until the case is over.

    shit happens. sometime you look for shit, other times it looks for you. in nam there were many times i heard and saw mates kill civs on purpose. once i saw a mate rape a woman. it is sick, but when you live in sickness, its all you know. i turned a blind eye. back home, i wouldn’t turn a blind eye, i’d turn my mate into hamburger meat. we are products of our environments aren’t we.

  6. John Cunningham

    When it’s all taken care of murtha and his henchmen are going to be Nifonged.

  7. Dan

    “Nifonged”. Good word J.C. That’s exactly what this case is. War sucks. War is a bitch. How many of these kind of show trials would have been held if this were WWII all over again?

    Did anyone Nifong Gen Sherman? No. How about the troops in Normandy? No? Why not? That’s cause people had more common sense in WWII.

    Once you set loose the dogs of war, you let them alone, until the job is finished. You don’t try cases in the public sector and Nifong young Marines.

    I’m for acquittal. Semper Fi to them and their families.
    Screw the MSM and their metrosexual candidates, judges and their paid liers.

    Anyone got a comb? Can of Breck maybe?

  8. John Cunningham

    Dan, wish I could claim it. Nifonged comes from one of those evil talk show hosts. Listen to so many of them I can’t remember who said it. Gee, I guess that makes me an evil listener.

  9. Kurt

    Hoping for a full acquittal :beer: and then all those peckerheads on the left need to publically apologize to them

  10. Dan

    J.C. It was either Rush or Hannity that coined the phrase I think. It is now part of the urban dictionary.

    Nifong is a man that will live in infamy. Good. Another paid liar gets to swim in his own filth. Couldn’t happen to a nicer asshole.

    I’m with you on the evil listener stuff. That makes two of us. Two beers….. :beer: :beer:

  11. Buerg

    Nifong, isn’t that the asshole lawyer who tried to make those Lacrosse players out to be racial rapists. 3 white kids and a black stripper. Turns out she was full of shit and Nifong tried to make a political name for self by tainting the evidence to falsely prosecute.

    yep, looks like the Marines were almost nifonged.

  12. Steve in NC

    Buerg -

    yes it was, actually was great how the state AG called him out at the press conference when they announced that they were dropping charges on the boys and let it be known they were turning to nifong.

    The follow up speeches by the students were impressive. One made the point that it was fortunate that they had the financial resources to defend themselves, and how many others have been railroaded by crooked or inept prosecutors for their own gain?

    I am in full defense of those who defend us from the criminals in our society, but in that trust they are held up to a higher standard, and when they conspire to destroy the innocent for their own gain I can only hope that their punishment exceeds their crime.

    BTY I was in MI recently and a leftist friend had assumed they let some white boys get away with raping that poor black girl, she did not know the facts of the case, but being a liberal white person she assumes that the white people are guilty. Just another life lesson in that those who identify themselves as liberals and d’rats are the most closed minded racists I ever encounter.

  13. Dan


    Yep that’s the scum all right.

  14. Brian H

    How many nifongings can the left absorb and still keep the pretense of infallible virtue? IMO, the “consensus” against the military war in Iraq is a mile wide and an inch deep. It won’t float much more than a lightweight raft, and even those are starting to bottom out.

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