Preschool Indoctrination

July 14th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


“Highly recommended.”

-National Center for the Study of Children’s Literature

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55 Responses

  1. jon courage

    her email address. let her know what you think.

  2. Frozen Tex

    What a great, stinking pile.

  3. Dan

    Once again people…this is your Fairness Doctrine at work. Now what if that book were titled: Why Mommy is a Christian”. Think it would get any good play in the la-la MSM? Oh hell no.

    To me this is as fucked up as what Hamas and the PLO teach to their kids about Jews and Christians. Same kind of hate-filled propaganda packaged in nice sweet wrappings so that gullable little children will swallow it.

    This bitch has been studying Nazi Hitler Youth doctrine.

    Somebody ought to ask her if when she sucked the devil’s dick did she spit or swallow?

  4. A. S. Wise- VA

    …Because mommy is a liberal kook, who forgot to abort her pregnancy? :lol:

  5. Guy S.

    Why mommy is a Democrat? … Because after she kicked your daddy out of the house in favor of “Aunt Lizzy”, she had to be true to her feelings, and it takes a village … and men are evil … and …and…

    Sheesh, I just can not do the liberal rant. It hurts what little brain cells I have too much. What is sad is there will be a major amount of pre-school and kindergarten classrooms with at least one or more copies of this book. And to think freedom of speech would not apply if we came out with a book called “Daddy is a Republican” or “Big Brother Joined the Armed Forces”.

    And on a side note, great site you have here. Added you to my list of must reads.

  6. Justadigger

    Because Mommy has the political smarts of a 4 year old.

    Seriously though, this outstanding childrens literature will sit well on the kiddie book shelf next to such classics as:

    “Why Osama Bin Laden likes Democrats” and
    “Why Democrats believe child propaganda is appropriate in pre school”.

    My favourite is of course is “Why Daddy decked the Democrat teacher”.

  7. jon courage

    Every time I hear a democrat speak, i think of….


    Joseph Goebbels, Nazi (Democrat) Propaganda Pamphlet 1930

  8. Bashman

    This is just part of the series this woman wrote, other titles include:

    “Why Mommy is Uneducated.”

    “Why Mommy works for Minimum Wage.”

    “Why Mommy is a Crack Ho.”

    “Why Mommy Visits Uncle Charlie on Tuesday Afternoons.”

    and the flagship book:

    “Why Mommy Will Never Amount to Anything and Pass the Loser Gene on to Me.”

  9. jaybear

    look at that ridiculous cow….

    are you sure she ain’t a muppet? Gawd….she must terrify kids with that grinning leer of hers.

  10. jon courage

    As well as….

    The people of the countries in the socialist camp should unite, the people of the countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America should unite, all peace-loving countries should unite, and all countries subjected to U.S. aggression, control, intervention or bullying should unite, and so form the broadest united front to oppose the U.S. imperialist policies of aggression and war and to defend world peace.

    Mao Zedong, Little Red Book - Chapter 18, Patriotism and Internationalism

  11. drillanwr

    Cripes! I must be one bad mother. My kids read Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, books on Churchill, Stephen Ambrose, and Ayan Rand.

  12. Seth Kegley

    I think there are Conservative Children’s books out there too… I thought I saw one that was titled… “Help, Mom! There are Liberals under my bed!” or something like that….

  13. pjspjs
    Pat, your digg buttons are not working properly

  14. Andrew

    Because mommy is a rodent.

  15. jon courage


  16. Gump

    Direct from the authors website - “I received a B.A. from Oberlin
    College and a Ph.D. from Ohio State University. I currently live
    in Madison, Wisconsin, with my partner Julia, her daughter
    Isabella (age eight), and our cat Zachary — all lifelong Democrats.

    Soooo, this life-long student (read PHD) who can’t commit to his “partner, has been strolling the hallowed halls of higher learning for eons has the worldly insight to “teach” us about politics - funny. I personally don’t think he has the credibility to argue jack. So typical. If you take a second to check out his site he even has a picture of “higher education” depicted with a price tag of $160,000…what’s his point? Hypocritical coming from a “PHD” don’t you think?

  17. John Cunningham

    My mommy isn’t a democrat because she isn’t a squirrel. To be honest, in her younger days, she’s 76 now, there was this slight resemblance to Elizabeth Taylor. We got the pictures to prove it.

  18. Steve in NC

    jesus h christ in a handbasket!

  19. Steve in NC

    ignorant bitch

  20. Doc Holliday

    The author is a dude.

  21. cathy

    Just a note guys, the author is a man-Jeremy Zilber

  22. Buerg

    Be sure to buy my wife’s new book when it comes out..

    “Why mommy kicked the shit out of a lefty with her old combat boots”

    It’s a heartwarming story about why my kids go to private school for indoctrination in:

    Raising and Lowering the U.S. Flag
    Pledge of Allegience
    School Prayer
    Accelerated Reading
    Advanced Writing
    National Pride

  23. Bob USMC

    Indoctrinate them at as young an age as possible, the libs always say.

  24. Michael A. Davis

    Wow. No wonder these morons support all those terrorist organizations- they use the same tactics!

    Get’em young with cute little cuddly creatures while demonizing anyone who thinks differently.

    Democrats claim they are tolerant. BULLSHIT! This book proves it.
    -THEY are the ones who bring up race.
    -THEY are the ones who plays social class warfare games.
    -THEY are the ones who practice intolerance.
    -THEY are the ones who screwed up the military.
    -THEY are the ones who want to destroy marriage.
    -THEY are the ones who preach hate.

    I am a heterosexual white Christian conservative male, and I am tired of being told by these asses that I am the problem!!! What’s wrong with me?
    1) I am white
    2) I am Christian
    3) I am conservative
    4) I am male

    The whole Democratic party can kiss my ass. I have had many a relative fight for this country, and some of them died for this country. How dare they dis me, my ancestry and the flag.

    I say that if they love the radical muslims so much, lets ship these maggots to Iran with a big red bow on their heads!

  25. jaybear

    are you saying that cow in the picture is a dude?

    Jeeeezus, I shoulda guessed. No wonder he/she/it looks like a circus clown

  26. M Shatto

    A note to Republicans, Libertarians, and other disgruntled conservatives…I hear from quite a few of you every day, so please understand that I can’t always respond. As a general rule, if your message contains references to Socialism, Communism, abortion, gay marriage, Nazis, terrorists, Bill or Hillary Clinton, or “lazy” poorpeople “stealing” your money, then you probably won’t hear back from me. I’m perfectly willing to respond to serious inquiries about the book, but I don’t have time to respond to name-calling or argue politics all day.

    Update: Many of you seem to be misunderstanding the previous note. To be clear, I’m not “scared” to debate political issues with conservatives, nor do I wish to deny your rights to free speech. I simply don’t have an infinite amount of time to explain why I disagree
    with your ideology and/or why I don’t think sharing is a communist concept. If you have nothing better to do with your time than arguing politics with a stranger, then feel free to send your comment — just don’t expect to hear back from me.

    I think the author forgot to quote Harry Reid here.

  27. mindy abraham

    While I do not share the anger of some on this site, I think that schools should not teach politics-left or right. I think the book is silly, and teaches a viewpoint not all agree with.

  28. Grumpy

    That is right up there with:

    “Dady’s New ‘Roommate’ and why I like to cut myself.”

  29. Chad

    haha. what a crock of bullshit.

    Then why do they work to ban the guns that self-respecting families need to protect themselves?

  30. Clyde Conneer

    Schools should let children know how fortunate they are to live in the USA, that they owe to their forebearers a debt they may be able to repay and to their country allegiance and respect. Learning to love one’s country comes with experience and an understanding of history.

    M Shitto; Don’t flatter yourself punk. We do not want a response. We want you to eat your propaganda.

  31. LftBhndAgn

    Thats it! HOME SCHOOL For my kids!

  32. lrltx

    And so Junior is now also convinced he is a squirrel and so is mommy. The tooth fairy and Santa Clause are real and saving Willy is the most noble act one can pursue. Once grown, watch the baby squirrel turn on those who fed him such biased information leaving him unprepared for free thought and a grasp of reality. After of course he leaves the liberal college taught by full grown male squirrels and enters the world of reality where the truth could set him free!

  33. C-Low

    The Public School system is what the LLL’s have used to indoctrinate US. To try to change the system back would take decades of work that will be fought tooth and nail all the way. The current system is a horrific education sytem that is literally destroying our culture with ignorance of history and multicultural watering of whatever history is actually taught.

    Knowing this to me the only way to fix it is via Vouchers. At first of course things may even get worse with the current crop of parents sending their children to the pansies school of their choice. However in the long run multicultural/utopian’s/Liberal BS is NO substitute for real world old school Education. Vouchers overtime will naturally slant the board towards the Education based schools that teach history, Math, Science , English, not some LLL perceptions of reality.

  34. Bill

    Someone beat me to mentioning it, but this is precisly why my wife and I decided to home school our kids. Whats remarkable is how many of my friends and family who are teachers are so supportive and completely understand. Instead of learning to add and subtract they are presented this crap.

    There are probably 20 other reasons but this example sums it all up.

  35. Kevin M

    Once upon a time, “Education” meant learning how to use your brain so you could think independently (and “independent” meant not requiring somebody else to support you, think for you, etc.; basically, to be an adult). Now education is the systematic grooming of one’s entire belief system.

    If I had kids, I would home school, if for only two reasons:

    1. I don’t want my children being raised by strangers, and
    2. What better way to reaffirm your role in your child’s life?

    You’d think a six-year old would be spared the garbage adults have to endure. Liberals apparently think otherwise.

  36. Greg M

    Sort of reminds me of both Mein Kampf and the communist manifesto. Only in the jr version! Way to go Dems. You losers.

  37. Dan

    Clyde Conneer:

    Hear! Hear! My brother.

  38. drillanwr

    Yunz -

    The picture Chad put up (and I’m assuming it’s from the book itself) shows the momma rodent sheilding her little rodents from the big bad GOP elephant charging down the road in the direction of what looks to be a shit-stained wino who just got up off the park bench he had been pissing on all night (up, because he saw the kids and probably wanted to flash, molest, or kidnap … or all of the above … them…). Mamma rodent was probably taking said kid rodents to see the wino and be nice to him while telling him how they “Feel his pain”.

    Meanwhile, Momma rodent has to push the little critters back from the mean old Halliburton GOP pachyderm before he stomps all over them … but the poor, defenseless wino will be crushed to death.

    I know my summary of one picture might get a chuckle out of you, but as a mother who has given more than two fucks about raising my kids, and being VERY aware of the influences out there, I SEE VERY CLEARLY the subliminal being waved under a child’s nose.

    Normally, a kid would see a picture of an elephant and think: nature … or, a big animal you should be careful around because he can’t help but take up his share of space. However, being the book is about democrats, as a kid grows the obvious jack ass mascot for the dem party will be explained to said kid … and the kid will associate the GOP elephant as the big mean bastard that nearly trampled poor, innocent, democrat Mommy rodent and her rodent babies … and was aiming straight for the poor shit-stained wino in order to crush him down into the ground mercilessly …

    How’d I do?

    As for the writer NOT wanting to debate politics … Fuck him. HE IS the one who made the damn book political. But what do you expect. That’s the lib/fascist/dhimmicRAT way … Don’t debate, just posture.

  39. TJ

    I assume this will required reading in public schools? if so, republicans should protest :shock:

  40. Greg M

    I agree TJ

  41. Tuna1

    If this book makes it into our schools in any manner, we should all be ashamed of ourselves. We scream out when we see terrorist or Palestinians indoctrinating their children in Hatred and Murder! Yet, the Losercrats will do the same thing in the effort to control our minds and very lives.

  42. Dan

    Demo-rats depicted as rodents. Hmmm…nice thought.

    And drillanwr….you go girl. That was a spectacular commentary.

  43. drillanwr

    Dan -

    Just a parent who actually looked through and read their kids’ school books. :wink:

  44. John Cunningham

    drillanwr, “subliminal being waved”. I’ll bet you’re correct. I did not see that. Not that it makes a difference, I’ve thought you were a guy. Apparently Dan thinks you’re a girl.

  45. Brian H

    No, Jay, the woman in the picture is the local indoctrinatress indoctrinating the wee ones. And explaining why their mommies are very earnest airheads. Kids wanna know, y’know!

  46. TJ

    This book is written by a man no less who says that he lives with his partner and her daughter. Ah yes democrat family values.

    Lets face it, preschoolers or those of such a mentality are the democrats main constituency!

    “Democrats protect children by passing out condoms and confiscating bibles just like mommy does.” :lol:

  47. drillanwr

    John Cunningham -

    Yeah, I’m a dame … But I have been told, on more than one occasion, that I “have a set”. :wink:

    When you think of me … Think Lt. Ripley. :beer:

  48. Dan


    drillanwr is a “pip” ain’t she? If she were in my old platoon, she would have fit right in. Not sure how she might have reacted to our “star cluster wars” though?

    Who the hell is Lt Ripley? Is that some TV character? Can you tell I don’t do TV anymore?

  49. drillanwr

    COME ON, DAN!!!

    Lt. Ripley … the bad-ass woman in all the “Alien” movies.

  50. Dan


    I don’t do movies either. I refuse to give my money to support Hollywood.

    Never heard of that character.


  51. LadyAngler

    Dan: “Alien” is was an icon… modern day classic. Sigorney Weaver was the heroine. Admiting to never having seen it is kinda like saying you’ve never had apple pie.

  52. Dan

    Nah. When hollywood and TV become worth watching again, I’ll watch. Until then, I’ll keep my money in my wallet. And my mind clear of their feedble propaganda.

  53. drillanwr

    She’s Terminator (Aaaah-nold) without the accent and with different hormones.

    Lt. Ripley operates with acute and uninterrupted PMS.

  54. drillanwr

    Dan -

    ps … If you stoop to renting DVDs go for “ALIEN”(1) and “ALIENS(2)” (Marines in the second movie!). “A-3 & 4″ sort of sucked.

    Lady -

    Read a couple rumors yesterday that an “A 5″ might be in the works with Sig. Weaver, James Cameron (A-2), and Ridley Scott (A-1) all on board. They want to sort of fix the decline of the series the last two movies created, especially with the Ripley character.

  55. Korndawg

    I think the next book is coming out and it’s called
    “My mommy got beheaded because she didn’t wear her burqua”

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