General Edwards: 50,000 Troops Should Leave Iraq Immedately

July 15th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


I wonder what military experts, intimately familiar with the AO’s, sit reps, and logistics in Iraq, he consulted with in order to reach his conclusion. No serious Presidential candidate would make such a definitive statement without exercising his requisite due diligence.

And, Edwards says he hasn’t decided whether community service should be mandated by the State.

MAQUOKETA, Iowa (AP) - Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards said Saturday the U.S. needs help from Syria and Iran in stabilizing Iraq and he called the Iraqi prime minister a weak leader.

Edwards again said that if he were president today, he would immediately draw reduce the number of U.S. troops in Iraq by about 50,000.

“The Iraqis are going to have to take responsibility, and they haven’t,” he told about 200 people at a town hall-style meeting in eastern Iowa.

The prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki, says his country’s army and police are capable of keeping security and that American troops can leave “any time they want.”

Edwards, a former North Carolina senator, told reporters that the U.S. “should be making our own evaluation about the circumstances in Iraq” and that al-Maliki has not proved effective in stopping violence.

“The Sunni leadership is very fragmented, al-Maliki is a weak leader, and there’s been very little progress made to reach a fundamental political comprise, which is the whole issue,” he said. “If that were to occur, there would be a much higher chance of stability in Iraq.”

Other countries in the region, including U.S. foes Iran and Syria, must become involved in Iraq’s future, Edwards said. “We need to engage them directly into helping to stabilize Iraq,” he said.

Later Saturday, Edwards joined Democratic rivals Joe Biden and Barack Obama at a workshop in Peosta. He told the hundreds of Democrats there that he thinks everyone in the United States should take part in volunteer work.

“The power in America, the capacity to change this country is out here,” he said pointing to the crowd, “It’s not just in the Oval Office.”

Edwards said he has not decided whether such service should be volunteer or mandatory. “I think all of us are going to have to take ownership and responsibility for what needs to be done in this country,” he said.

Edwards is on a three-day campaign swing through Iowa that began Thursday.

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25 Responses

  1. Egfrow

    Get this ambulance chasing socialist metro sexual two bid con artist hypocrite out the race.

    Hillary and her other Communist crony The Silky Pony are collaborating on a to shut out all the other candidates from from further debates.

    Suppression of all opposing ideas is in vogue for the immoral ‘anything goes’ path of power for the left.

    Our guy should talk.

  2. Bashman

    This fucking guy is about as sharp as a fucking bowling ball.

    QUOTE: “We need to engage them (Iran & Syria) directly into helping to stabilize Iraq,” he said.

    Yeah, we need to engage them to help stabilize Iraq alright. But not in the way this boner’s talking about.

  3. Dan

    Ah, yes the Breck girl is at it again. But why should we do anything about Iraq? After all, it is only a bumper sticker campaign.

    Did he make his statement before or after getting a haircut?

    Edwards ought to stick to channeling spirits and ambulence chasing, he’s really good at that. Rob from the rich and poor and build a nice mansion across from the trailer park. Oops…he already did that….my bad.

  4. Robb

    I can’t imagine he really wants to be President, all that stress makes you lose your hair. Then what would he campaign on, his credentials?

  5. Baroness Wyszynski

    Edwards is only repeating history in which we sat down to tea with Hitler and Tojo and saved all those lives and money we would have used to be victorious.

    I remember it well: the laughter, the scones, the hugs and kisses. It was swell.

    But hey! who cares. The dems have two nubile, useful idiot, video-twits having a pillow fight over who is sexier:(ignored half white-half-) ‘black’ Barak Hussein Obama or Hillary The Dyke.(I call it the Muslim ticket)

    Sure. There goes the morons’ youth vote.(Those who follow the drooling Matthews and his clone Shuster.)

    The smart youth are patriots and we owe them more than we can repay.

  6. One-Shot

    This assmunch can never be allowed to sit in the oval office. He is a posterchild for the party of surrender.

  7. Bill

    Its understandable that he said it when you remember what his former day job was. He was a paid liar. He’s an a attorney. Need I say more?

  8. Dr D Semper FI

    Can’t chase ambulances while in the white house.

  9. TJ

    I say to the pretty boy as my T.I. used to tell me in basic training: “Shut up, dip shit!” :lol:

  10. drillanwr

    ” …God damn it, Edwards! You’re a god damn genius! This is the most outstanding answer I have ever heard. You must have a goddamn I.Q. of 160. You are goddamn gifted, Private Edwards. Listen up, people… Have you found Jesus yet, Edwards? … Edwarrrrrds! Why did you put that weapon together so quickly, Edwards? Jesus H. Christ! … This is a new company record! If it wouldn’t be such a waste of a damn-fine enlisted man I’d recommend you for OCS! You are gonna be a general someday, Edwards, now disassemble your weapon and continue! …”

    Edwards, you fucking ignorant cunt! Your brilliance is only outshined by your fucking electric bill! Why don’t you just make it even easier? Give the fucking “bomb” to the terrorists and AQI and let [them] remove our troops.

    You were/are a trial lawyer??!!?? Shit! You don’t have the logic, reasoning, or intelligence to mow a fucking lawn!

  11. Mike Swann

    The very though of that guy fills my heart with darkness.

    Were he President, the hip shooting, swaggering would run the country like he manipulates a jury in NC.

    Does anyone really have an idea what kind of sewage lurks is depth of this guy’s mind?

    Does he care the matter at hand has broad implications or who it ultimaly effects? Only the power of the celebrity/office matters.

    Ussually, I can think clearly; but with Edwards, it is like waving the cape in front of the bull.

    Does anyone see a Edward/Clinton ticket at the next general election?

  12. alex

    this moron should have been excecuted at birth :roll: he truly is a posterchild for abortion

  13. LadyAngler

    Few things about “Johnny Angel”….

    #1 I’m disgusted by a man that will leave his sick wife at home alone to persue personal advancement, while she stares her mortality in the face. We see how important family is to him. I am only hoping Liz will hang on throughout the race, so he doesn’t get sympathy votes. :cry:

    #2 Any trial lawyer is scum. They are incredible speakers but have empty souls. :evil:

    #3 He will socialize our health care and thinks he has an inside track from bankrupting doctors. I hope everyone likes to wait in line…. for hours… and hours… :shock:

    #4 I used to have a rule in dating…. never date a man who thinks he is prettier than me. I have decided to apply this to President. :lol:

  14. Buerg

    Mandatory Volunteerism???? WTF is that all about. Sounds sort of like what the Commies had in mind when they assigned housing areas, jobs, and travel restrictions within their domain. So if I choose not to participate as a mandatory volunteer for the DNC, handing out copies of WHY MOMMIE IS A COMMIE on the street corner, as a public service, do I not get any free government cheese at the 1st of the month?

    I’m a taxpayer, I already mandatorily volunteer 28% of my income to the lazy fucks sitting at home. Funny he should have said that drivel in Peosta Iowa. I attended Northeast Iowa Community College in 1991. I worked 2nd shift in Ertl toy factory to pay my way through the Diesel Mechanics course and my taxes went to give some 38 year old fat fuck on welfare a free ride. Don’t even get me going on social programs in America. It’s a kick in the fucking face when a Private in the Army qualifies for WIC and government cheese cuz fucktards like these want to slash Defense spending. Thanks for pissing me off, Pat. But double thank you for giving me a place to vent. Keep up the good posts.

  15. Bashman

    drillanwr, you said:

    “Edwards, you fucking ignorant cunt! Your brilliance is only outshined by your fucking electric bill!”

    I always love a good belly laugh in the morning. Thank you! Can I use that soemday?


  16. Bryce

    “Be respectful of others and their opinions. Inflammatory remarks and inane leftist drivel will be deleted. It ain’t about free speech, remember you’re in a private domain. My website, my prerogative.”

    Do some of you read?

    And also, what is so wrong with asking people to perform community service? You all wonder what is wrong with the country - look in the mirror.

  17. danielle

    He’s just the most annoying person on this planet, ever. Does he even know what’s really going on in Iraq? The Iraqis- at least the soldiers -ARE trying to take responsibility for their country. They suffer heavy casualties each month but many still sign up anyway. As for the politicians, well maybe he should listen to Bush’s speech because the President explained his strategy very well. I’m sure political progress will soon follow.

    And John Edwards is so not pretty!

  18. LadyAngler

    The only community service that can be mandated is that of a legal consequence. Like when some years ago a few unnamed sorority pledges spray-painted on a frat house and had to pick up highway trash for a weekend. :oops:

    Mandatory volunteering is an oxymoron. However… I think some mandatory community service to get your welfare check is a brilliant idea. :idea:

  19. drillanwr

    Bashman -

    Be my guest … It’s also one-size-fits-all with Algore and the Global Warming Cult members. :beer:

  20. drillanwr

    Bryce -

    Your “sensitivity” to our colorful tone aside ….

    You said: “And also, what is so wrong with asking people to perform community service? You all wonder what is wrong with the country - look in the mirror.”

    Our military men and women provide a hell of a community service to this country (and the world) as a whole. They “volunteer”. And you will find MANY who post on this site are just these people, or have been at one time. They can and should look proudly into their mirrors.

    “Community service” is a calling to those who do it … They too “volunteer”.

    Yes, you can *ask* people to perform community service, and many will willingly come out and do so. But you DO NOT make it mandatory … The USSR and China did that. (And usually a judge does that as a punishment of forced reflection for someone who has committed a crime and needs to be humbled.)

    Contrary to what some insinuate, Americans are the most generous people in the world, with their time as well as their money.

    The government already takes and takes from my paycheck for their social programs. They have no right demanding of my time if I don’t have it to give, or don’t feel the need to give it.

    It’s called CHOICE … A word NOT just meant for aborting unborn babies.

  21. Korndawg

    Hey John, I have a bumper sticker for you…”You don’t like my country, call 1-800-GO-FUCK-YOURSELF”

  22. Brian H

    I suggest if you’re going to borrow it, change “outshined” to “outshone”. The first has to do with polishing shoes or brass doorknobs, the second with light sources.

    JE is, in any case, permanently dazzled by himself. Makes it hard to see very far.

  23. Buerg


    I’m not saying there is anything wrong with volunteering your time/efforts to the whole of society. The MANDATORY remark is what I am referring to.

    America has enough freeloaders sitting on their ass drawing taxpayer’s dollars. My wife works for the Texas Workforce Center. I can give you a long list of welfare, disability, and free cheese receipients if you would like. Contrary to popular belief, there are PLENTY of employers looking for a workforce. The problem is we have created a society that says, ”it’s ok to sit on your ass and let the rest of us take care of you.” There are 3rd generation leeches born into this world everyday.

    My wife manages 3 different programs in a tri-county area. RIO (Re-integration Of Offenders) WIC/Welfare, and Unemployed due to company downsizing which resulted from NAFTA and cheap 3rd world labor. An ex-convict once walked 17 miles to arrive at his appointment. The same week, 7 people on WIC/Welfare missed their appointments and they all lived within the city limits where public transportatoin was available. All 7 used the same excuse, ”my car would’t start/I didnt’ have a ride.” The difference between the Ex-con and the freeloaders is that the RIO client would have gone back to prison for missing the appointment. The welfare receipient would simply be rescheduled for the next month and no penalty is levied.

    There are good volunteer/community serice programs out there. Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Churches. However, MSM and the leftist has demonized these organizations as being oppressive to the minorities in the country. Boy scouts can’t discrimminate against Homosexuals because they too deserve a place of equality. Churches are bad because they teach that same sex marriages, child predators, adultry, and other individuals who undermine morals are bad. We can look at the sexual misconduct in the Catholic church and say they are hypocrits. However, the basic principles taught are solid. The 10 commandments and the golden rule are all guidelines in which a society should structure itself oi hen.

    If you look Rall’s website that pushes his book, “Why mommy is a democrat” the whole site exclaims that family values and social responsibility are the pillars in which the democratic party is built upon.

    I question the structural integrity of their foundation.

    1. They support welfare programs to create some sort of equality in the standard of living for all citizens. (democrats make others share, just like mommy)

    2. Supposedly they support family values and morals. But which family values? That it’s ok to have two mommies or two daddies?

    3. Educational opportunities should be made available for all. Not a bad concept. However, because Jose comes from someplace that doesn’t speak English, we will now dumb the curriculum down so that ALL of you are equally uneducated. Throw in a few cross-dressing teachers to brainwash the youth into thinking that it’s perfectly ok to be immoral.

    4. Equality of All regardless of race, gender, beliefs. Another good idea. Everyone should have the same opportunity to achieve their goals in life. This is why I can not figure out WHY the Dems are not spearheading the Anti-Islamic movement. America is the least oppressive nation in the world. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, and parts of the UAE have strict laws about the position of a woman in society. The Religious Police in Saudi carry a stick and will beat a woman whos hair is sticking out of her scarf. Let her step off the sidewalk and bare her ankle, if only for a brief moment. She’ll be beaten for her wrong-doing. I do not see N.O.W., ACLU, NAACP, or other equality organizations screaming about this. Instead they say we should embrace the misunderstood Muslims and show our support for their regimes.

  24. drillanwr

    Brian H

    I suggest if you’re going to borrow it, change “outshined” to “outshone”. The first has to do with polishing shoes or brass doorknobs, the second with light sources.]

    I stand corrected on my grammer … But as you have pointed out, the choice is a toss-up … I WOULD consider Edwards a knob …

    [JE is, in any case, permanently dazzled by himself. Makes it hard to see very far.]

    That, Brian, is a “brilliant” observation, sir. :wink:

  25. karl anglin

    I am not sure how a man who gets a $400 haircut
    understands poverty.

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