“I’m Invincible! I’m Invincible!”

July 16th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Superman, with video.

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11 Responses

  1. Bryan Simmons

    I JUST finished reading that one.

    It read like an episode of “Over There”. Amazing.

  2. Evestay

    wow pat thanks for the link. incredible story

  3. Lamplighter

    OK, what a great Michael Yon piece. Here is one of his from two years ago (maybe everyone has already seen it)–I believe it’s the best piece of journalism I’ve ever read.


  4. Dan

    Another excellent report from our other Ernie Pyle. The Stryker is turning out to be a damn fine machine. I was a big-time skeptic when it first arrived in the inventory, but have since been proven wrong. It sure saved the lives of this crew. Not once but twice. That is totally outfreakingstanding.

  5. TJ

    every time these muzzies say allahu akbar, its before and after they commit murder, is it not conceivable, you lawyers out there can help me with this, to consider these words encitement when heard in public, like when the Muslim thinkers(oxymoron) society stages public protests in New york city and shouts this. It is a threat of intimidation but also every video I have seen from jihadis are shouting this before and after they commit an atrocity. Is this not “hate speech”?

  6. danielle

    Wow, another amazing piece from Michael Yon. Thanks for linking it!
    He seriously ought to win a Pulitzer Prize or something.

  7. bd

    Surrenator Reid is making another call for surrender…

    The Demo-Commucrats are banding together to make another push to surrender and lose the war…


    Americans, make your voices heard!

  8. John Cunningham

    Forgot to mention what happened to the Chesney CD.

  9. Grumpy

    Mr. Yon is the best war corespondent that we have ever had.

  10. PNAC

    i really feel good that our boys walked away from such a big boom.

    sidenote: we’ve all seen that aq loves to film ied attacks. i was wondering if there is a radar type technology that could scan the horizon after an ied explodes, to pick up a video camera device. i am not sure what kind of EM signature video cameras give off, but how sweet would it be to find them right after when they are screaming allah akbar and shred them to pieces.

  11. D_Mac

    Dam what a great article. If there was a television show that showed re-dramatizations of stuff like this we would have no problem winning the war. We need the American public to read stuff like this.

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