Hitpieces Hit Their Publishers: L.A. Times And Editor & Publisher Make Bush’s Case

July 16th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


The leftist media has been tripping over itself to minimize the notion of a genuine Al Qaeda presence in Iraq. And it would love nothing more than to minimize or deny Iran’s literal war on America.

The L.A. Times thought they could easily achieve both goals today in a Sunday frontpage hitpiece on the Administration’s Iraq claims. They lay it all out in the opening paragraph:

“Although Bush administration officials have frequently lashed out at Syria and Iran, accusing it of helping insurgents and militias here, the largest number of foreign fighters and suicide bombers in Iraq come from a third neighbor, Saudi Arabia, according to a senior U.S. military officer and Iraqi lawmakers.”

And yesterday, Editor & Publishertried to enjoin the L.A. Times hit.

E&P: “Did Military and Media Mislead Us?”

An excerpt from the Editor & Publisher report this morning:

New York - For years, polls have shown that very large numbers of Americans continue to falsely believe that some of the 9/11 hijackers came from Iraq. In reality, the overwhelming number hailed from the land of a U.S. ally, Saudi Arabia.
Now it turns out that Saudi Arabia is also home to the largest number of so-called “foreign fighters” in Iraq, despite administration efforts — aided by many in the media — to paint Iran and Syria as the main outside culprits there.

Unfortunately for both the L.A. Times and Editor & Publisher, there is no stand-alone Saudi terrorist organization in Iraq. There is however, a stand-alone Iranian terrorist organization in Iraq. And there is however, a very extensive Al Qaeda terrorist network in Iraq. It is this organization that the young Saudi jihadis who enter Iraq work for. Al Qaeda, a Sunni organization founded by a Saudi, has always made an easy fit for young Saudi jihadis, as Saudi Arabia is a Sunni nation.

And for years, the Syrian government has been both the main waystation and training base for Al Qaeda’s fresh meat. Syria has worked with Al Qaeda in this capacity extensively. It’s common knowledge on the ground in Iraq. The Times even acknowledges that the vast majority of Saudis go to be suicide bombers. Uhm, suicide bombers are Al Qaeda’s weapon of choice. And since these kids aren’t toting their own homemade belts in their suitcases, it’s clear who they’re hooking up with. It ain’t the local Iraqi Sunni tribal insurgents - they hurl indirect fire, launch rpg’s, lay ied’s and spray with the occasional AK. They’re not a suicide bomb-type operation. It is clear that the Saudi jihadis entering Iraq are doing so as part of Al Qaeda’s international terror machine. If 50% or more of the terrorists in Iraq are Saudis, then the Times has just confirmed that most of the so-called insurgnecy is really just Al Qaeda terrorism. So based on the figures reported by the Times, George Bush and Petraues are correct: Al Qaeda is public enemy #1 in Iraq, followed by Iran and Syria. I’m not sure what news they thought they were breaking here.

The Times does acknowledge some connection on the part of the Saudis to Al Qaeda. But, in the now-cliched leftist attempt to say Saudi Arabia is responible for 9-11 and we should have invaded Saudi Arabia, if anybody ( which is stupid simply because the fact that the 9-11 bombers were mostly Saudis only means that Bin Laden wanted to employ Sunnis from Saudi Arabia to make a point, and because as a Saudi he attracts Saudis, and indeed must often rely on Sunni suicide bombers ), they try to make some vaguely similar case about Iraq. So they give us the conspiracy theory that the Saudi govenment is pumping these kids into Iraq. They present some facile logic and conjecture to make the case, but no, uh, evidence. None. They provide no analysis of what the Saudi government is or isn’t doing, they merely offer negative conjecture. And even if they had evidence, they can’t get around the fact that without the Osama-supported Al Qaeda in Iraq, the Saudi jihadis would have no organization to get them into, and operating in, Iraq. So the article puts us right back to square one: Bush is right when he says the #1 problem in Iraq is Al Qaeda, followed by Iran and Syria. I’m sure he appreciates the support of the editorial boards of the Los Angeles Times and Editor & Publisher. It was very nice of them to volunteer their services.

Here’s the article.

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17 Responses

  1. Buerg

    up until 2 days ago, MSM claims that Syria and Iran are not part of the problem. Now they run a piece saying that the outide fighters come through these countries. They say there is no GWOT. However, they name 4 countries who support AQ in one form or another. Just how gullable do they think John Q Citizen is? Oh, I forgot who there target audience is…mindless sheep being led to slaughter.

    AQ has been the White House enemy #1 since the beginning. The media supported that thought until September 13, 2001. Then President Bush became enemy #1. I see we have come full circle. The thing that troubles me most about MSM is there is no burden of proof. All facts, quotes, and statements are made by ”the source wishes to have his/her identity remain confidential because they are not authorized to release information” This half-hearted journalism creates a problem for those reading the article. How are we supposed to verify the facts? The source could be some crackhead who’s babbling on about how ”the man” is holding him down. Hell, it could be 1 of 5 alter-personalities of the journalist.

  2. Steve in NC

    I have always found humor in pathological liars talking in circles as they try not to step in their own bullshit.

  3. MikeP

    The MSM is filled with lying,manipulating assholes who know that many people will read their bullshit and believe it because it is in print. I remain hopeful that most who read that crap are intelligent enough to see all the inconsitencies in almost every story they print, and this one is just one more. They step all over themselves trying to make a point that they completely contrdict throughout. Absolute leftist crap.
    And they wonder why they can’t support a leftist radio program. It’s no wonder to me.

  4. TJ

    actually its the saudis and the pakis that are rsponsible for alot of alqaida problems, the difference is their is no evidecne that the government is outright sponsoring it, plus these governments are helping us track down militants, its possible the sdaudis are lying to us, even likely given the wahhabi minset, however, we wouldnt want to invade with out evidence now would we? The liberals seem to forget that they think our intelligence ois faulty and that Bush must have lied or manipulated intelligence to invade iraq. would the liberals suggest invading saudi? if they think muslims are pissed now, wait till they see if we attack mecca! :evil:

  5. Dan

    Now why would an intelligent person, read the LA Slime, NY Slime or Wash Compost anyways? If we learned anything from the VN war, it is that these newspapers of record are led by leftist editors more interested in marxist agitprop than in telling the truth about the world.

    Unless you like cutting coupons, about the only thing that these papers are good for is linning the bottoms of bird cages.

  6. jam

    I smell panic on the left. The thing they fear the most, that President Bush is right about Iraq, is starting to creep them.

    Never mind that we have been kept safe at home since 9/11. Never mind that America has launched a grand strategy for the middle east that might just work.

    It’s all personal for the assholes on the left: Hate Bush, hate Bush, hate Bush.

  7. Kurt

    Damn good article Pat! I try my best not to read the L.A times or the New York Times because these writers are so biased that it should be called the jihadi times. But you as always, made a very good point. It makes me sick that the left in this country is trying to win an election and are willing to absolutely willing to piss on our brave troops to reach their objectives. shameful and thats why their approval rating is so damn low..Americans arent against this war, most are just against the thought of losing this war. Americans are winners

  8. Robert

    Re: the Saudis - saw a pretty good (for msm) report back shortly after 9/11 about the bin Ladens and Saudi Arabia in general. They’ve got reformers in government, and in the royal family, but of course everyone wants to maintain their power, so…reforms are slow. And the bin Laden family doctor commented that Osama was about the only rotten one in the bunch - the rest of ‘em, as soon as the jet’s wheels-up, it’s off with the dish-dashes and on with the suits and mini-skirts.

    And I’ll tell ya one of the most dangerous places in the world to be :) and that’s between a bunch of Saudi businessmen fresh off the plane at Muscat International and the hotel bar. “Thundering herd of party animals” is the best description I can come up with. Nearly put this sailor to shame in the booze consumption department.

  9. John Cunningham

    Actually I don’t care where they’re from. If they go to Iraq to kill Americans they’re the enemy and they have to be killed. An enemy by any name is an enemy.


    the msm also believes that if they say something often enough, it becomes fact

    to bad most question the government, but not the msm(what are the trying to sell us)

  11. Bashman

    The liberal bias in the mainstream media is the first topic for a Bashman Vid not borne of the Rabid Muse that sits in the rusted metal cage in my psyche, rattling his pitted tin cup against the bars in the futility of knowing that 90% of these MSM maggots suck on the left tit.

    It was borne of another rabid individual named Pat.

    The crap that the MSM pukes out onto the unsuspecting masses on a daily basis, truly needs to be countered.

  12. POD1

    One bullit through George Soros’s skull would solve alot of this country’s problems.

  13. Brian H

    After the core Big Lie (”Bush Lied”), the other Mighty Selective Media and lib-lies come easier. But there’s a French adage, “No one is intelligent enough to be a really good liar.” Because avoiding, covering, and spinning facts or counter-evidence becomes too difficult, not to mention tracking all the different versions spun to different parties, and making sure they don’t compare notes, etc., etc. Eventually, Reality Bites.

    To the LAT: “Chomp!”
    You’re welcome.
    Pat Dollard.

    :twisted: :smile: :cool: :beer:

  14. MarineDoc

    Great article Pat.

    I agree with all that there definetly is not enough questioning of the MSM. The ignorant masses are blindly following.
    Critical thinking has become a thing of the past and is no longer taught in the public school system ( mechanism of the left that ensures there continued existence).

  15. Lamplighter

    In LA, I never buy the paper. I did an experiment–I bought an LA Times two Sundays ago–there was not one article worth reading. This Sunday I bought its chief competitor, there was one article/interview with Maliki that I deemed informative/worth reading. The front page is always filled with negative bad news drivel. The economy is roaring. If Clinton was still president, the front page would be “Economy in its 4th year of expansion and deficit cut in half” and other good news type stuff. Instead, this is never reported, maybe a small column inside the business section. The MSM is being used by its left wing employees to drive public opinion.

  16. Korndawg

    FYI newspapers are also good at cleaning windows.

  17. Mark Eichenlaub

    Their articles and comments wouldn’t be so outrageous if they finally just admitted that they were leftists and and oppose most things conservative related (and often U.S. related). The disgusting dishonesty about not having an axe to grind is what sickens me and many other people.

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