Ban Keith Moon Warns Congress To Be Cautious: “Any Abrupt Withdrawal ( From Iraq ) May lead To A Further Deterioration.”

July 17th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


U.N. Chief reminds us that Daily Kos,, Code Pink, and The Democrat Party are all populated by idiots.

NEW YORK — U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urged U.S. policy-makers yesterday to exercise “great caution” in considering any rapid withdrawal of U.S. military forces from Iraq.

“It is not my place to inject myself into this discussion taking place between the American people, government and Congress,” said Mr. Ban, who was expected to repeat the message during meetings on Capitol Hill today.

“But I’d like to tell you that a great caution should be taken for the sake of the Iraqi people,” he said at a U.N. press conference. “Any abrupt withdrawal or decision may lead to a further deterioration.”

Mr. Ban’s visit to Washington comes as Congress debates a number of measures aimed at forcing the Bush administration to begin winding down its troop involvement in Iraq.

Senate Democratic leaders said yesterday they are close to securing enough Republican support to pass a measure calling for a troop withdrawal to begin by the end of the year.

Other international critics of the war are also warning that a premature U.S. departure from Iraq could have devastating consequences.

“I hated the Iraq war, [but] a hasty withdrawal would be dangerous for Iraq, for the region and for U.S. interests,” International Crisis Group analyst Joost Hiltermann said in Washington yesterday. He argued in favor of a regional approach to Iraq’s problems.

Several Arab diplomats and leaders of relief agencies also have warned that Iraq would devolve into chaos with massive casualties if the American troops left too soon.

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11 Responses

  1. Vanessa

    I am constantly amazed by the audacity of people.

    They spit fire and hell and damnation upon GWB and demand that we leave Iraq.

    But when they think that push might come to shove and that the demodimwits might actually be able to force a drawdown of our troops every cockroach who has been saying bad things about us comes out and cautions us about leaving.

    Talk about doublespeak.
    Who do they fool?

  2. Dan

    Ok. Here’s what we do. Bring this guy and the Arab “leaders” to washington and let them tell Congress to their ugly faces, what they just said.

    Then Congress can go back to playing with their toys.
    But maybe the demedia will cover the testimony. Might be a good pacifier for them to suck on for awhile.

  3. jam

    How can the surrender monkeys square this circle? The chief of the U.N. even understands the need for the U.S. to prevail in Iraq.

    He must be on Halliburton’s payroll.

  4. jam

    This is the same stupid fucker that came out blaming the butchery in Darfur on global warming, but on Iraq he has more sense than Reid the bitch. Go figure.

  5. MarineDoc

    Dan I agree. Maybe there should be hearings with these other leaders. Thier testimony covered by the media might help. However we are talking about the MSM and they would probably not cover it because they would dictate that it is not important for the blind masses to hear/see. Part of the master’s (Soro’s) plan to de-Americanize this nation.

  6. Dan


    Agreed. It would be nice to watch Hairy and his mistress Peloski squirming in their chairs while being forced to listen to their “World Leaders” sound off about mindless Demo-crum surrender plans.

  7. Raw Dawg

    Keith Moon. LOL. New nickname.

  8. John Cunningham

    11.10am, Philadelphia. Glenn Beck just said this, “There’s the anti-war and the pro-reality”.

  9. Buerg

    I work for an Iraqi-owned company employing over 200 personnel. I’m 1 of 4 Expats. The rest are LN and TCN. When the 25+ LN families living inside the BIAP compound can safely go home to their houses in Baghdad, we can all go home. Until then, the only option we have is to stay the course outlined by the Bush Administration and our military commanders. Research the USACE Coalition Munitions Clearance Program. That’s what my company currently supports. Our job is to destroy all of Saddam’s ordnance laying around the country before it ends up as shrapnel in some soldier’s chest. We leave now, AQ will have fields full of IED material ripe for harvest. I have yet to see a U.S. Congressman tour one of these remote sites. Perhaps a little tour of the site would change their minds a bit. We rely on U.S. funding to keep the program going. Last time congress played this funding game, the operation was slashed 60%. Thanks dummacrats.

  10. lwssdd

    WOW!! What are the white flagers going to do now? They love the UN.

  11. PNAC

    got surge?

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