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41 Responses

  1. Dan

    Hey its Moe Larry and Wimpy? All I can say is BWAHHAHAHAHAHAHA…dipshits. And just the other day John (I’ve been to Vietnam) Kerry was saying that they had the 60 votes to pass this bill. I say again: BWAHHAHAHAHAHAHA

  2. D. Cooper

    I don’t know why these assholes have that “just pumped the neighbor’s cat ” look on their faces….they lost!

  3. dad,,3/7

    what a bunch of jerks,,, both sides,,, if they want to “work” all nite send them to ramadi and be in my sons plt. for the same nite premium pay… and no roll away cots either,,,and no catered in meals,,,unless it is brought in by a duece and a half and is cold boxed eggs…

  4. Mike F

    Larry, Moe, and Curry!

  5. Future0311

    Pussies kept everybody up all night for nothing. Bunch of idiots.

  6. Marc

    The do nothing Senate did nothing but keeps the lights on in the capital all night, increasing their carbon foot prints and over loading the news envirobulbs in the buildings! Bastards!

  7. Marc

    “Hey Left Nut”

    “What Right Nut?”

    “Who’s the dick in the middle?”

  8. Buerg

    So all that’s been accomplished is we now know Reid doesn’t like pizza. One more interesting fact..Congress has a lower approval rating than the President. I don’t see the MSM flaunting that little nugget every 3 minutes.

    What a farce. Now they’ll hold the payraise hostage until they get what they want. They could have spent the money and time wasted last night on something more constructive…like funding VA Health Care, free ATT Cards for deployed troops, building another Fischer House.

  9. jam

    When my daughter was a teen, she and her friends would have “pajama parties”.

    An equal amount of statesmanship was accomplished back then as last night. Giggle, giggle…oh, Harry please don’t tickle me.

  10. BuckMeHoff

    Those bastards are doing nothing but playing games to rally the their base , they’ve turned the entire war on terror into one big political game of got ya . Body counts and doom and gloom is the only thing they care about , I honestly cant think of one suggestion these douche bags have made other than retreat .

  11. Dan

    Here’s what one liberal pollster says about Congress. I’d be worried if I were a lib:

  12. Lamplighter

    What a bunch of losers. These are the people presiding over the lurch of the US back to the socialist agenda it was on before Reagan was elected…

  13. Jennie Taliaferro

    I am disgusted that these people are Americans–I couldn’t believe the whining and bitching supposedly on behalf of our troops.
    How many more of these damn votes on the war are we going to have to endure? because this war isn’t won by a long shot.
    I find myself wishing every day that I’d been a member of my parents’ generation (the Greatest) so that if my country were at war, at least everyone would be behind the war effort as they were in WWII.
    I don’t know how much more of this treachery and whining I can take…ARGH!!!

  14. Jennie Taliaferro

    Did I mention that I stayed up and listened to their crap?!?
    LOL :cry:

  15. MarineDoc

    What a waste and misuse of taxpayer dollars. This is a complete shambles and is a mockery of what statesmenship should be.
    It is obvious that this is again another theatrical staging by the Dems and I can not believe thet the Repubs are being so docile with the whole matter. Why the hell is everyone up there acting like it’s a romperroom. Bunch of freakin morons. Do they all assume we the public are that stupid? How insulting this is to our nation.
    Time to shoot something again.

  16. Dan

    And our “Slumber Party” Congress is suppose to take up legislation today to grant themselves a raise? Are ya pissed off yet?

  17. Dr D Semper FI

    Hey, the left the lights on last night , causing global warming, where’s Al Hore, oh that’s right , he’s in his large mansion telling us how to live

  18. Lamplighter

    There sure is a difference between the “greatest generation” and this crop of losers. I was reading about D-Day landing yesterday and couldn’t believe the difference in the character of the people who lived (and died) through it, and these jackasses we call “leaders” today.

  19. jam

    They’re going to need a raise to pay the carbon tax when they vote that in. Break out the pitchforks and torches.

  20. MarineDoc

    I would not even whisper the thought of these losers in any context with those of the “greatest generation”. They are even below the human waste of those true leaders we had in those days.

  21. Jennie Taliaferro

    jam, I’m ready (and don’t forget the hot tar and feathers!)

  22. JackM

    I think you folks will stop laughing when Dems take more seats in 2008 along with WhiteHouse. Seriously, the GOP had Congress and the WhiteHouse for 6 years and what did they accomplish?

  23. jam


    How much time you got?

  24. Jennie Taliaferro

    JackM, we accomplished plenty!
    No matter what the Enemedia says, we’re winning this war and we’re taking out AQ everywhere with minimal casualties and at a minimum cost.
    And then there’s the fabulous economy! (thanks to the Bush tax cuts)
    Even Clinton didn’t get the stock market up to 14,000.
    And we have the Dept. of Homeland Security, Camp Gitmo, the Patriot Act, the Partial Birth Abortion Ban, operative Missile Defense and a whole lot more.

  25. dad,,3/7

    no attacks on U.S. soil ,,,,, the attack on 9-11 started during the clinton farce along with the destruction of our mil. and intel. it will take 10 more years of rebuilding to off set the backward motion.. and now we are respedted around the world again as a protector of the free and not a push over of the unwilling(france,germany,russia) who wanted the cheap oil at the expense of the kurds and shites..

  26. Dr D Semper FI

    To Jack M, tax cuts asshole, no Attack on US soil

  27. Dr D Semper FI

    PS confirmed conservative judges

  28. steadfast

    It’s amazing that the only Democrat with a set of balls is Joe Lieberman. God Bless him.

  29. Dr D Semper FI

    If you think about, the only thing congress has passed is the wage increase, I think gridlock is a good thing

  30. dad,,3/7

    and now commie ried has pulled the defense bill off the table,, he’ll show em.. and with it goes body armour, new improved vehicles, pay, homeland security,,,, my kids will be thrilled when they hear that,, go get em harry,,u’ll get even with them freedom fighters,,,

  31. Lamplighter

    Jack M: redeeming feature–tax cut caused booming economy and two seats on the Supreme Court to help preserve sanity there for at least a decade or two. I can’t believe people don’t throw rotten tomatoes when Reid speaks–does anyone actually listen to what he says–it’s utter political partisan pandering at the expense of our soliders in harm’s way. Disgusting!

  32. John in PA

    The bill was pulled. Harry dipstick voted no only so that he could bring the bill back in the future. Apparently if he voted yes like he wants everyone else to he would not have been able to bring it back. So it is not the last time we will see this PJ party.

    By the way, the whole purpose of this was to develop the blame game. Dems could bow to the radical leftists from moveOn and show them that it is the republicans that block the effort. It was a desperate attempt to get their approval rating back up from 17%.

    They are all asswipes. Libs Dems MoveOn, MediaMatters, George Soros, The list is endless.

  33. MarineDoc

    Man is that a shit eatin grin on Reid’s face or what? AS a member of the military that Cheshire cat grin on Reid’s face seems to say to me “I did not get what I want so now I am going to screw the boys (and gals for you closet libs out their) fighting for the good US of A by pulling your funding”. Great move jerk weed. Punish the miltary in your tantrum. What an asshole.

  34. A. S. Wise- VA

    Our tax dollars are paying for WHAT?!

  35. danielle

    That was so useless. They can’t even pull a convincing publicity stunt. They really acted like kids on this one.

  36. Clyde Conneer

    Give me 10 minutes in a cage with all three at once.
    There, people are the enemy. For power they have abandoned their minds, morality and their country.
    Ha ha Harry you rotter you will pay for your treason.

  37. Clyde Conneer

    Jack M;
    Murtha, zat you?
    The dims will take seats if they steal them from the building like Hill & Bill did,absconding with the furniture from the White House. The Dims will sustain historical losses in 08 because they surrendered.

    You, Mr. Murtha had better get what you think will last, cuz you are fadin’ fast.

  38. jam

    Sweet irony: In 08, Reid/Pelosi/Murtha and the rest of the traitors all choke to death on the same surrender dildo they have been trying to shove up the USA’s ass.

  39. Dan

    So they have tabled the Defense Appropriations bill, all because Hairy Weed didn’t get his way. Mighty childish.

    And who gets hurt? Medical benefits for the wounded, new MRAP vehicle purchases, and military pay raises.

    Nice huh. All this is being done while Peloski is discussing approving Congressional pay raises?

    Pay raise? For doing what? You all should be fired for incompitence, abuse of power, and that stupid ass slumber party of yours.

    Peloski drained the swamp all right. And after they drained it, they found themselves at the bottom.

  40. jack douglas

    What they are doing to our troops is treasonous. As stated earlier, anyone that in any way undermines our soldiers deserves, at the very least, our contempt.

    Shout it from the mountain tops….F#*kem.

  41. Brad W

    I keep asking here at work (which is gonna get me fired one day) and out on the street if the facist dems are crying th esurge isn’t working and all the other vitriol they spew, wehn are we going to be able to yell the current congress has failed, even worse than the surge (in their opinion, not mine, I know it is working!)

    Let’s hold recall votes, votes of no confidence, call for early elections. I spend more time at home after working on the house, and putting the kid to bed emailing the elected officials (or is that spelled offal?) and the state Republican party about my stance and the views of my neighbors than I can afford to spend here at work.

    this is a great site, thanks to Pat, and we all get to vent and rant as needed, and at times with a little tongue in cheek prodding, are able to get other Patriots to link valid facts, after they have vented. What we need to ensure is that all of us Patriots, whether Marines, Soldiers, Sailers, or flyboys :smile: along with our wonderful civilian support staff spend as much time or more email calling and writing our elected offals. They may get the biased poll information, which is misleading, but they also need to hear from their constituants. We are the voters, let them hear it!

    Besides the occasional lunacy posted by the likes of JackM (Murtha?) I have seen a lot of great postings over the past couple of months, besides the awesome coverage given us by Pat. Let’s keep the effort growing.

    Semper Fi

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