Roggio: Omar Al-Baghdadi, The Head Of Al Qaeda In Iraq, Is Actually A Fictitious Character Played By An Actor Named Abu Abdullah Al Naima

July 18th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Kaiser Bin Sosay

Islamic State of Iraq – an al Qaeda front

U.S. Special Operations Forces scored a major victory against al Qaeda in Iraq’s senior leadership and gained valuable insight on the al Qaeda creation known as the Islamic State of Iraq. On July 4, Coalition forces captured Khalid Abdul Fatah Da’ud Mahmud Al Mashadani, a senior al Qaeda in Iraq and Islamic State of Iraq leader and close associate of Abu Ayyub al Masri, al Qaeda’s commander. Mashadani, also known as Abu Shahed, was captured in Mosul and is thought by the U.S. military to be the most senior Iraqi-born leader in al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI). During Mashadani’s interrogation, the U.S. confirmed the Islamic State of Iraq is an al Qaeda front and that its leader does not really exist.


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9 Responses

  1. D_Mac

    ain’t that somethin. The whole idea is to make it look like a civil war. If it’s a civil war we will pull out, and the iraqis will take direction from one of their own. But now we see the truth, foriegn based AQI posing as a grass roots iraqi organization to gain the support of the iraqi’s who are against the US and gain the support of the dems, who are against the US.

    But the longer this thing goes on the more it’s clear to everyone but the dems that this war is a foriegn invasion of iraq, the sunnis are waking up, the military knows it. Leiberman knows it. But the dems don’t. I want Leiberman to run, after hearing how he is for strikes against Iran I believe the man is genuine, I’d vote for him, Guiliani-Leiberman. Or better yet Romney-Leiberman, that would be quite a pair.

  2. drillanwr

    D_Mac -

    The damn dems are probably funding them … :evil:

  3. danielle

    So al-Q in Iraq IS al-Q! Another link that will be ignored, no doubt.

  4. Dan

    CNN ran a story on AQ in Iraa, implying that Bush was wrong in his intial assesment of AQI at the beginning of the war,,,and now he justifies staying in Iraq, using the same justification. Of course, no mention was ever made of the previous administration’s rhetoric on the subject. Even though it was the SAME intel?

    So, even good news is spun to meet their demorat lackey views. Gee, who’d a thunk?

  5. Texas Gal

    Aint’ that a hoot?? I sure hope this gets wide spread play in the MSM… well, one can hope can’t one???

    I guess that’s kind of like when a salsa made in New York City! puts an emblem of TEXAS on it’s lable so TEXANS will be fooled into buying it!

  6. Clyde Conneer


  7. Buerg

    What’s next… you guys are going to tell me that Santa, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, and Democrats aren’t real? lmaoooooooooooooo.

    I hope they have extracted some good intel from this guy before we ship him to club gitmo for r/r.

  8. Brian H

    Romney-Lieberman? The Mormon-Jewish Axis? Every Muslim here and abroad would pop an artery or two and bleed out on the spot! Hmmm …

  9. Trapper

    can this be the reason we’re finally talking about hitting in pakistan. maybe we got enough info to pinpoint obl. i think before the end of summer we’ll have this asshole and his butt buddy

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